Business Men Predictf Better Things 1111963 PIOQIGSSiveIStepé in mmimm mm ML 11th II old Ull bulle dun ul lhc modallnnl rmul whmlulm In llaynl nmmlnlun on Ilnnklnu and ï¬nance The pvlnclvll enm nwmlullnn at lm hrlrl mu lhnl lvmuder hm nl mmqu luml mm nrlvnl mumx Ihnuld In ostnhlixhrd la mu nla wanker nolul lhnl Ml Aloxnmlnru mmnillu wlll walk don1y wilh lhl FNINII Downl mrnl nl Labour In rmylnu oul In wlnlu walk Do ll Now prouum plld penlcr mmnuul In tho Incl lhnl NIHIA hu ulcdcd ma ll awn amp ml Alexander ln rhnlr peclll mmmllleo on homo ImA mvomonll nlll mmmlum nu ma mmmm lo Mp our mamlm municipal more ad Ivtly In the nnnvlllon lluld In IhII mnullon plum undrruy In proml warhqu on the nubch ll our mum ommllnn Jnn mo Lam lhll wmhhnv wul he mm vnllnhlo It All NIIHA Intuit flm cxpannlan meant in homo Improvrmmll Indlcnud rhnnulnu and briuhlcr nullook Inr Cnnmllnn housan mum 19 Mr Smllh nld NHnA ullmnlu lhe loul lenunl vnluo of how an Ind rcnovnllonl Al blllun nnnunlly mm mm nbou momma yrnr ha polnlrd oul Nhuln wn paid Ernest Al exnndcr loci hulldcr and and vimmcsldcnl lho NmIon II Hausa Hulldcn Axmdnllon Mun John Cuulllcld Smllh cx ccullvu vlcopmldcnl nr Lha lnl Icr nrunnlmllon nddmscd lhl Darrlu nundm Imoclnllnn hm Samn husineu malysu hm Men nnylnu Iha Canldlnn eco nomy has ruched the peak modest cxpunslnn They prcHIcllnz lhal huxlnes ncllv John hlilthlnwn planl mun Ixer Clnadlaa General Elccl He The Canadian General El eclrlc Company but Small Ar pllanca Department In Banla cumplcllnx year which wlll tale the but yenr slnco 1956 and um second hlghcsl In history In numbm null hulll 13d number people employ Present work lore em up ludhm temporary help good Increast in ules aihmst levda of business ach mum Another lmporllnl inclnr Barths economic growth in ma could be he mun pub lic nmptanca ol the Importance ol xpendlnx more dollars hm than are pnscnuy being speak outside the Am WAS TOPS Ihlnk um ll II Impoflm that confidence xenenled whh ml buying public 1h mumniw L1 going In map the maximum beneï¬t am wildcat lhac this up sum basins will continua Into 19m makln It your 01 yuï¬pwflcu or flu Clly Ernest Alexander To Chair Home Improvement Meeting the 2an doubt this increase will be sulï¬dent bring volums 1p la the IlevsL However 113i Sarjennt Ecsldcnl lh Chamber at Commute The II ler gqarlcr ol show 553316 be NEW at Business unspent in an Ear rle amn look brixhler or 196 In the opinion of several local business men The Examiner polled several pmnunenl bushes men or lhclr nphflons Following Is 1111 the answers REAL PROGRESS Md Hersey sald lhagmlesl Immplishment of any ï¬nance committee in any munlclpallly In In be able In keep the any and Its people living wilth their means The comnlmee has good rea ton or prolecflng lhe pmscnl lax structure because It mm yum and by chain II we will be abla wnlch ourgpnrsa strings saXd thu alderman flm llnance commlnee 15 com posed Md Hersey Ald Hub ray Mills vlcedulrmnn and Md mmmlng mamber Md Harm man that wllh the Introduction the program lho cily and the laxpnyers wll Em pmluctcd aninst ovar spend ng We have slmplyhocn ablo to bring our boards and commis slon tngelher mm the pm lecled spendln ln comlq Onu or the most progressivn Ilcps taken by lhe ï¬nance com mmce nl Barrie City Council In 1962 was the lnlmducflon the Clly lirskflveycar cap ital works program hi review Ike opmtlunx of he commute or the year Md Humy chairman commented This was the Item the wo were most prgud eff Norman Shelswcll real estate denim lhlnk the outlook Ll lalrly good do 1ch lhough that we should have more Industry hero and think wovo Men Clarke gcnurnl manag cr or Clarke and Clarke Len lhm lhlnk Its going to be good year Just today we du cldcd to expand Wo pull nu In nnolhcr wn null and My wlll ho win In July DENT Sidney Kndlsh past president of Barrie Shopping Plna lhlnk Hs galng to be mat 1961 We had good year In 1951 and lhorex only one way or us 1h up am looklnz forward In 196 10 EXPAND We are preparing to meet this oblocllvo by planned program that will aur parllcular needs As he pmflmm lake shapu In he weeks ahead every employee wlll be nbln lo conlrlbrm 1n positive way through lngcnully good workmanship rellabllily and courtesy LOOKS GREAT Des Ha ha chronic excess capncly condlllon the nice Hrlcal manufacturing Industry we have Improved our share of lha avaflnble market In 1962 vn number of product lines we are to caullnuo lhls job building grawlh we must lracl more cusmmera The way to do Ihls to aim our cu omcrs more value or me money Khan our compelltnrs In the future In huzv lardoua but we In the Small Ap pllunce Department are looking urwnrd to conllnncd growth In We lhlnk this growth may come not so much ram eta numlc expanslon but rather 1mm Incmsnd custamers nc ceplance pf our producls and 1mm making more of our com ponents In Barrie YIUIINH MACHINE Dunlap IA um lly may be at reduced rate lnr 1m Thus Bnnles debt 20 per cent lower than the pmvlndul average nacrcent lower than the average all cllles and 116 per cent lower than Mel ropolllnn lvmnlo cities it 3258 polllsn Toronto lhe lure debt SBJB rle not per capital dug is 5mm lhesmna mdiiahia muni in can he carried over in slal istc in connection with Bap ries per ca iin net debentura debt For municipalities in mvnceit $7950ua Barrlu 5ch Is eight per cent lower Khan the pvanclnl aver age 17 per cent lower than the average of all flies and Elper cepj hwer than Tumuln The per cnplln tax levy as is sued by the Department Mun lclpal Mom on 1991 show that all munlclpnlmcs In the province have $10609 average 311 en 195 are $11721 Metropolitan Toronto Is 31 40 am Barrie Jm GODD TAX LEVY parcs much mum favorably with the cammunllles and am an an Incenllvu lo mule or Indus try that would kc to come In ln Barrlle EIINMT ummum SiMCOE Una or Metm net debtn whlle Bar debenlum uucr prim Cnnmln in undo Onmla andmhla 5151 non Icndcrnhla nm In mm lrndlnx wtmm ms nomlnnfl Counlry denim In quolrd by he ltdoml dopnrlmcnl nl nurkullurn an Cunndn urndo cm dellvered Toronto In llhro mm lam 41 medium no mmll 11 And lrmlu no mnrkcl an mmkct npunud tlrndy rml Idcquulo or my dcmnn gn1uuiï¬iumifli mnomo CPD Churnlnx mum and bull prlm wm reï¬ned unchlnufq lodly ttImum Alvin so mpriclar Robinson Hurdwnrn ml hut nut year we Ihould hold our own dont see anything In ln dlcnln bl jumlr but thnk ll everyone works nrd wu Ihauld 1d our onw Th1 year hm been load your and mm pctiflvo yNI OPTIMIBTIC Dan Sloelca IllRite Drugs Ive only been hen week but mm Mm Ive been so In think buan Md Inaom In mo Ron McNie chairman oi ula newly iormcd Downlown Mer manu Association and mana er Pied Piper Show bid think ii loo only to make my predictions haw been in business in Barrio about monlhs and have had only nne iuil year in business htrc And dont hnvu lhe records hand the lust flvo ycan no lhai am no In position in mnka any pmdluian yd LD 911 OWN Chuming Prices Stay The Same RESERVED LQOKS mu Tull Emery Engineer ng and Conlmflng Company Ltd would guess Iha the 963 yolufm of god tunshue tMtnSImu Harold Nulter manager of the Bank of Nova Scam Barrie think things look good dun see any signs thing droppan on at all 118M ho abwl the samnflns I961 depending somth on the federal and Pruvinclal 0111 than um lhlnk the outlook good GREATER LEVEL wmm Kinzie prupridm of Lakévlew Dalry think Ihe out look ln that huslnesx will he llllle zmaler level 01 activity Illan in 1961 Based on the act lvily nl gelling Canadlan par ple out to sell both at home and abroad think ll will mm more jobs and greater activity an all love at buslness Look goon marking time or the Inst year and hall but wu do need to Aegipmq in this regard Lha committee stand in imum that the land was being turned over so in be advantageous in line ma The people who own the pm pony will use It in such way lo have recurring benefits In everyone in Jim city who would like to use the faullfllol lald the alderman IIWH um ANYWHERE Ilututttuwm IIIIIIMIW Anogiwr moled undertaken by the ï¬nance committee was the newlukinns wlthlhe WICA and thus Parks Boardm the sale of land In the Grove street area or construction site in comment about the com mittee Aid Hersey asserted till he was pleased with his cum miiice because The membm reinseri to he stumpeded into trying in We Nacmladim Nniianai Ralimy before ii was dedared mm by he CNR Hn said that the way In which it was carried on mm um cliyrnegatialinz position in connection will the prospom By projecflngwhn in In spent in ma Iulure we can num ourselves at living within our Income said Ald Hersey lB mass It also pleas ORDER TODAY CHRISTMAS 74 DELIVERED FLOWERS FENDLEYS FLOWERS Bhlu Smfl PA 975 Dml errbmuxh nnllva Stuyner where he was od cualcd and started In banking Hu canr Io Barrio In 1m from lha nrnmlnrd branch where he was accountant He II mnrrlcd In three chlldmn and the lam lly reside on Marlon Crescent la membcr of St Giles Ang chn Cnumh and tho 140m Club Harrie To Be Manager Grimshy Bank Mr nisebrauzh will bu suc ctedcd credit aiiiccr early next monih byWiiiinrn Lynn wila came imm Sarnin Mr Lynn is married with Iwa child ren The family will be moving la Baxfie in lha new year Orval Risebrough mdll liner for Darrin branch 01 the TorontoDominion It has been pmmotcd to manager at Grlmby It was ed today by Edmundl man ager hem to the ward mum Ilmuuref establishing two polllnz dlvlslons In each ward with exception of Ward Four Thlsloa will be taken ane at when pmjected land development program In Ea ward mntorlallze ed with my mom In chum ORVAL mannomm lAflM APPOINTMENT OTTAWA CF Paul Emlle Sylvmre An expert on live flock has been ppclnlcd lup crinkcndcnt ol the lcderal ex pcrlmcnlnl arm at Lennnx ville Que Ha Iuccccds Dr Mason who resigned la Ito pm at Iavnl Univer lily Tho Canadian National Rail way Penulonm Association In ludutha whole dimrlc north of Toronto And includes Barrie North Bay Cnprwl Parry Salad and Qrqunhlg Inillnl mcellng In the ONE Bowling Club Room on Essa Road In BanIo The allowin nfflcm Wm palnled prcs dent Ken in vlcevvresident Edi mend vlcapmldent Oscar Travers mercury Dix nagzllmnsump Qiay Future mcclnx wul be hold month on ma Second Tuesday of we month at the CNN bowling club room at pm railway pensiuners club covering man than no pension era wan 0mm recently Mr Campbell was referring to story whlch nppearcd cently In The Examiner whldl quoted hlm as saying Grad ual centrallzatlan ol Ora schools will be accompllshed wllhln toggle elm we hopg The plan In exdslenoe at the centralization West 0m Township and provides for 591100 be bull In the Dal There no plan or centraliz ation ol the remainder of 0m Adm at present aald 0m Schaol Board chairman Haw arg Cargpbel slon area RailroadersForm Pensioners Club mm Major Mid We have had very good response for my lhlx year and we expect Ihal people will come and call at my alike and receive gifts or the children lree of charge Man at the toy are brand AH 01 money is spent over the Christmas parlod and Huang ma remaining man or welfare work In Barrie and lurroundlng Area We got 12 names thl mom Ing In Add In nu Hat and it Appean that the need will he usually ygq 1331 Ma Glllesplrsald 1n the our day we mu have In raise $155290 In reach last years total hm Emma EXAMINERl FHDAYDECEMBER This years donattnns athm than kettle ptjocceds have mounled to $7502 Last years Christmas donation apart rem ketlles totalled 37 Make No Plan To Centralize Schools In Oro The Salvallon Army ken drive In down lime from dill date last year although the need considerably greater Maj Jlm GIIIesvle of the Salvation AxLny today Th3 kellle appaal so tar hgs netted $950857 La years Hnal keltJe lolal was $4177 KettleDrive Falls Be11ind The best letter we have r9 celved wormflme wrlllen by the chlldrm lhemlelvel uld Mr Chick lhlz ll the lhlrd year th1 project has been completed Durlng the ï¬rst year we coll ected only 600 Idlers Last year wa collected 1000 LETTERS Here pro tome of the 1mm Dear Santa Claus Please my hello In the Ilck children tar me Id like doll smaller or Christmas please II the new kind Please make it rcd lhlnh youre nice and jolly My baby Cindy Lou mu glvtn me thank you very much The Santa Mall Box was clos ed yesterday but Past Dulce ofï¬cials who receive outaHown letter forward them lolhp box anygnyr Committee chairman at the Junior Chamber of Cvmmerce project Doug Chick said yes terday We are pleased with the response Uninrtunateiy the last batch or letters those we will undoubtedly receive this weekend wiii not bennswered because at the time involved Almost mm letters have been dmppcd into Sanlas Mail Box since it was put up In Memor In Square over month ago Barrie And District Children Write LZOOLetters To Santa Publlc School have ralsed mare Ihan $100 or CARE through their evening carol REG PRICE 597 REG PRICE 497 no PRICE 1297 lVIl nrvwn and 11an Rather fully lllml lmdan luardi lo IAWWVM complete wllh nldy imam m1 at blade HOCKEY SKATES HOCKEY SKATES REG PRICE 697 Sonlor Mml chull Gradelpuvnsolmsl Pan In Nlrihltu hauler mum In ma lo my mm mm um shin unit Md W©flLW©RW°S Monn Dnluxo 0mm SHIN PADS WINN WELL FIGURE SKATES Wlnn WI Vuth Pro Luflu Bum SHIN PADS Lound On Blyflcld SI In luv Dear Sama hope you are going to gel around on Chrhtr mas For Christmas would Ilka Jmflflagy Learn to Draw 21 and few survrIne gills hope you and your 2111 are not warm too hard My mother every day and am good xirl When to school In Sunnybrac School am In grade and am nine years old Keller go now Goodbye Ymrr lrIend Cindy P5 hope you and H11 Santa Claus wllllhave Merry WWI3 ar San My brolhcr Shane want lap and doll home Imagine buy our wan inz that My baby ulster Sylvia or that Thanh for the lovely clothes 00 thlnk the ts belr ttr than any chatty Cathy nr Chntly Baby or Thumbelina Wt hyme With thanks and love and klsm Hts Lesllc Dear Santav Chrtstmas l1 only 18 day away 50 am wrlting to wish ynn pttar cant voyage have had the mculn but am going to haul today rwould like flu baby doll and pony ll you hnvmt got any would like anything you uve me Set you Chrlstmal Eve Sandra Dear Santa love ynu Please bring me choochoo Italy We Tim CAROLS FOR CARE Ilnglng 2mm Sam the youngslm did Hair linglng Inside home last night Kneeling arc Linda Baldock SPECML SPECIAL SPECIAL 097 397 SPECIAL 499 397 897cq SPECIAL gunk lllpll uh Keg wnnzs mam DearSamClausThkkn Mtcr from Nancy and Harry 1again Then still not much Inaw But we have you It um come around this yam was good girl the whole year and am in glade two Now my uhool 54 Paul And love my teacher We ban you hoping Iur dink toys and bl ruck And for want MHOOMK doll flier are any criwlcd children or nicr Acs will ya Hut lhm hope ynu um have good lrip Mm you writ In abut the lime you will come my mom and dad will keep flu door en night you can walk 1h In Thank you v31 much Nana Harry and Johnny am lwo yam nld Dear Santa Clam This is what would like or car car HolyPoly dolly or dolly 2i bxixmonlhlnwmwmduah axeatlormecaermflAlike 1me Protester pm Maybe you could Mint lunch boxuragamelooleonhave mom am yuan old We at gain to leave warming ant youga eaL Your mod boy 54am mm let an Evin Knight Anne savmnmh Dale Brown and gang when Exam Ind Debbi Iona Standing mm left are jun Knight MENS HOCKEY GLOVES BOYS HOCKEY GLOVES ï¬re SPINAL 796 lllflAL 487