Throughout Christendom prep nations are underway for the most holy of all religious test the hlrlh of the Christ This tho season 10 he hinY The Kay decoration joytul car ols and giftgiving are all part Illa celebration and that In it ahnuld be or what other event could give us cause or such waging It is Imperative however that the festivities themsalval do not ovenhnï¬pw lhg remap or them Kit we must remember that all our joy and anticipation is not nec essarily enjoyed by others and our thought must unulllshiy turn to the less fortunate among that they too may ex perimce the peace of the Christ mu Mann The tnlhcrlcss children and impoverished homes in the com munlly need our Interest and help Remember that Christ uld Innde at ya have done it unto the least at these my brethrenyo have done It unto mes We are not privil eged as were the Mngl ta hear our guts to the King jllmself but by performing kindly deed or other we may express our lava and adoration It In from these unsollcltcd nnd unrewnrd ed gestures that on dcrlvus the malts joy and the true Christmas splrlt Wu nppmanh Christmas day may we join together In this prayer by the toundcr org IgndcnPowcllg GllLs an gflven because it is the birthday at our lord but let ul no conï¬ne thin tangible expresslon at our love to tam fly and gland doqu or all we came bclnre Thea wflh mm irate ul and gladdcned by the many blwln Thou has granted an thanklul that our mow men hns prospered as nccepl Able In Thy IlghL In return my our hlrlhdny your h0f0€07wflml that you may lmvu lo cope will mm nnnclul prnblrml lurlnu Junu Auzull and November but he cnnilnurnflunx Imllralc Ile ll mrl wllh mxrnn mud judi mml Ind mIIAm Hwy cm be mlly uolvcm Advene upcda Indlcalo need or cnqun on the marrow nu canu In poraonnl remnan lhlpl and flu nomlnx to nnlngon Ilq clthcr frlrnd nr ms In bullnm mum cnnllnuu Hm rnrllm whlch ynu lums mm to ho Imxnd nml pnulcnl and do nnl perm yourer In hmsz dlxconmxcd hy rmw mry dclnyn or nhslnclu 111m any man IUmuannx lay cm In your way FOR THE DIRTIIDM F011 TOMORROW DESXGNED FOR ma cock tail hour and other important after Ive occasions Lu this diminuuvu pillbox 1w by Guide Columnist Outlines Highlights Of The Year Mnku llnmu Amfllmrn Shop ynur hrmlqumtm lnr mm In wednl pmpln uln that Imp ml 7mm nr war In tmnul mm In um ynur hr mnnl hum HEY CAN CANDLE TO US FOR OUAlITYV GIFTS WWW OFKKHHV LAM IMMOCKH rmmmnn THAN WW IIIUNR MI II KLTILEU MIM MAKFJIR VACUUM CLEANER FLOOR By MARIE MARTIN ll union ll llmla IA um Ml Tyva Furnllun nml Appllnmu WHAT THE STARS SAY HOME APPLIANCE SHOP OF BARRIE TD EBTRELUIA would lay on Thin Altar as nur humble Lhnnknlterlng such sacriï¬ce as we can make of so In service or others We ask that under Thy Div ine inspiration we may gain widened outlook clenrer vision of all that liesvopen hi are us and of our opportunity Thu may we then gn forth with strengthrned Inith to carry an ant mission or heightening the ideals and puwcra at man and at helping through closer under standing to bring about iny harpier rule of Peace and Good wi upon Earth Hear us Father Amen past year It obvlaus lhnt It was per haps the husIest In the hIstory Kempenlelt DIvisInn One reason or this war the fact that weru Involved In con centrated eIIort ta raIsa approx Imately $1600 In two short months Iar thn purpose oI Alsting the three qunIiIIod guldel nI tha dIvlsIon chosen tnku part In Iha lnIernntIonaI tour to Great Britain In his respect we were most gramlul Im the support given by the Rotary Club ha Klu netle Club and Canadlan Gen Ital Electlc DmIa Bunch Ncw dxsklct mmmxslsoncm have been warranted for 1min ll Barrie Central and Baxflu NarlhEan Districts and torn porarily closed pack and com pany reopened Mm Della became Kem pcnfclls Hm Inlcmauannl Ad vlzar and um Ranger cnmpn reapan under Cnptnln Sc wood There were number new leader whn julncd us dur ing lha ycnr us well many new glm In tho mach and com panles Mn Gmwy was up olnlcd new Dlvlslan Commiss onnr upon ho rellremcn Mn Carter who completed nlxycur lcrm In June nnr rlo was the scum or num ber at Ann Irnlnlnxs including 140wa111 GLANCE Bctwccn lulu June and early Oclnhcr lhcn slmnu pas nlbllity that you will meet numb am who may ha mm parlunm In your mum cllhcr romanltcnlly ur camp wlu 111cm ll nlsn lndlrmlnn cl IllmuInlInl Ioclnl ncllvmtn lmd Irnvcl during the Inmu 11mm Mnko lhn mos hmlnm npporlunltlu nvnilnhlo In 1M0 Mulch since surmsc lhul can be molnnml fur mm llmc rhllr ham on Ill dny wlll bu mblhmllcnl nnd tnlcrprlxlnz hul will be npl In lumbar utiov MW and mull lnr munuuv IS yecrn Do not Allow worry or ycssl mlsm lu Interfere with Iho lino headway you can mnku this backs IMPORTANT TING Mr Arnold The little hat made of mack and orange on 162 anthen and Is lrimmad wl 1an black silk gros first attempt at an internation ni training which proved most successful in addition to the various training and meetings attended in other dishinn by the guide of Kempcnieit highlight of the year was the visit oi Lady BadenPowell in April when few were lucky ennugh to be chosen meet the World Chief Aliondale district made and sold cook book for the some mid and various small teas cord parties etc contributed to the cause Several cam were held under ills wolchiu eye Division Camp Adviser Mn Gray and were Ihoroughly en joyedthy everyone even though one camp experienced drought and another day oi unrelenting rain Semd Barrie guide trav elled company to the prov Incial camp siio Doc Lnke or their summer outingi The annual cookie day was held as usunlns well as chocolate bar nle whlch was sh main eulenainmont und val The usual banquets were held by most groups wllh 1h dls lrlc local nssoclnllam monum lng lens and bazaars far ha annual aulumn project Dr Delaney was most welcome guest at the divlslan dinner when ha gave lnclura and demomlrnflon an momMo mouth artificial rcscusilnllm To all who gave nl lhelr Ilmo and lalcnl to further ho cause at guldlng we Ioln in most slnccru Lhnnk yan BELLE EWAIIT NEWS my Mum PACK 0n the evening at Dcc lha brownies ard Barrie nlnnx wilh Drown Owl Graccy and bar nuirlanln visited the IOOF hnma fur Ihu and and mien mined Um ruidcnil wilh norm and reciintiona In mium Mr Cownn plum hi1 accordion or ihn girls and the program was humusth enjoyed hy evcryona Iiciore leaving Ibo brownies pn lcnled lho mcmham oi lha hams wilh Chrislmnu In candy Recent prescnlniinns at third Harrie include llm your aim in Diane Rewick Ilrrinllno llol icr Jnnniicr Guniluo nnd Linda anl and second year Iinrl in Debbie Gihm Donnlo lmvigne Nnnry Mrï¬nwnn mud Dinnn Us lclmnn llnrnl iiiunder wrs nwnnicd mlnsircl budge and Jenniler Parry in house orderly Dlvlslon Commlssloner Grncey lravellcd la Bella Ewart on Dec whcrn she cnmllcd Caplaln Rama and Menu Dlplock Slnco lhls Ii 11 new company CommLsslonnr Gracey also lcslcd the patrol lander andksncond an be lcuduxlool Wm An enrolment mummy vlu held when lwunln Heather Illxnn and Glurtn Mnrlln mndu lhrlr prumlxo nl uw Inndxlml Imd rccrlml their plnn dumb Srain ribbon It Is worn far back on the head EIGHT this maznlflcenllydraped lur ban was insplred by the mys 69 Johnon sum OINSETTIAS FOR FLOWERS AND PLANTS CALL BEZZANTS THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 20 1961 Am general slitwrap sur vey 56 499 Wm seems be the problem when handling giftwrap paper even when ul measurements have been taken Expert any that twoinch tuckzat either end is ndequala making the pmper mllpr Secure the mller with pretty seals and such but nothing chosen hxphnznrdly The gen eral scheme of each package should he thought out and Id hered ML There are so many pretty cut outs of hniiday significance that it should be nasy to choose imm the Snntns nngais aim bells mange sleds nnd reindeer As or the mshing Iouchu Christmas omamcnu hella evergreen mmch plna COM and wrapped candles am all available in nbundanm Then course lhcm ll melach glib to and sequins salon Here again dont averdm FINISHING TOUCIIES CHRISTMAS WISH Tn n11 mndcrl 01 this column may we on helm at Ihu glrl uidcs and brownies ul Knmpulh gull Dlvlslon cxlcnd the wish that Iho joy and peace of the holy M1150 mmnln wllh you lhmughnul lhn coming ycnr Quinn east Fnshlaned In sea foam shades or blue and green tulle the ha reminiscent those warn by he mahnrnjahs India towers high and covers the hnlr completely ex eptttor day bit showing In ran lamtu documlcd pack age has color and bcnuly pmpriale the season he gm and tha IdelEnL Mun them as brownies 1n the own rlshl Special Touches Make The Parcel Piper cleaner and colored Imm Luum ammo uh commla luv unk For Flnu Furl McKINNON YUM LTD By ELEANOR ROSS lulnnlu Ill nnl Irnlu lhlflll 1er munu lllullnl Ill Youfl mn MIKINNIN run mm1 orun FA 60117 The Christmas meeting of the Womens Association of West minster Presbyterlan Church was held at the home at the Prealdent Mrs Burrtdze Napier Street The meeting opened with the singing of Christmas Carol with Mm MacPherson assist lng the Map 1115 devotion period we pre rlded by Mr Eathntr who read the Scripture wmr Mn Murray leading In Prayer marofleflngi was taken by Mrs JJewel and dedlcmd by Mrs EnrighL During the business Mn MacPherson the Nominatlon Cammlnee presented flux plate 11 ofï¬cers or the coming year Installation of the new executive wan conducted by Rev Summers lhi topic ï¬le Mother Mlld was chosen by the speaker Mn Summers Mrs Pun thanked the speaker Enemie Folluwlng the closing refresh ments were served by the host GETS DIVORCE FORT MUDERDALE Fla Chrlstlne McGulre of lhe san hug McGuIreSlslers gained divorce uncontested hy Jehn Teeter mesday on grounds of cruelty Westmirister WA Chï¬stmas Meeting plastic slrawa can be smartly used by bending and twisting them to form holiday greeting nr fanciful designs In far that llnnl touch to the am pnckage the bow um vaner at readymade selec tions at your lnvnrfla sum in many stores lhere are papers tugs docoralinns ribbons and bows In sea which maka gilt wrnpplng easy but these are rather esulnn lf one wants an orig unilacking package czuornANE TAPE That old slandhy mllvphnno tape come In vnrlcly of cab an and is llfcsaver In the gm packngu lineup Have pl of metallic guitar on hand and as you unwind ha push undervlhujlllter pl so that ha outside or lhu me Is coverexL Simmons Cb OTHERS FROM $350 $095 $150 $850 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS Alllnduo lax Inpolntmnnl Dunlap nu 1230 $1000 PA 511 THE COAT STORE Eu By IDA JEAN RAIN Sometimes think dont promise enough an the nutrition scorn We usedto think at hlallh in terms oi absence of disease With nutrition knowi edgs we think in terms or posi tive wholesome niubrioun mum to he genuinely lenjnyed Does this hold true or mine ing diam Certainly The pm tactlve toodl which iumilh the nutrition essentials are not the weight makers Yougcnn reduce any amount nIexcess at with ont drawing on vital tissue or draining your vitality The aim in to provide every essential but calorie zenemualyl In this pushbunon age Mm body count calories mane or less What ls lmportanl make those calories claim for pasluva health You get out dlet exactly what you put into lL Whlla reduclng the body re quire just as much high qual lly proleln mlnernln and vita min as when on lull are When you budget calurles whlch you must do in order to turn Ilored lat hack into energy make sun to spend your cal ories wisely Diet Doesnt Add Fat All ioodx lumlsh calories but name foods are rich source of the essential nutrients andior that reason they are termed protective The body in con Itnntly repairing and renewing ilsell The protective ioods make good ihe wear and tear oi daily living When they ionn iho backbone of your reducing diet you are on the best diet in the world KEEP INTHE TRIM Check see ll you Include the protective nods ln adequate amount dnlly 11an at Ildm mllk or hultermllk ln wup or an beverage lean meal llsh or fowl In ounces cooks wclght or vegelables dark green leafy or yellow fruit one cltrus lrull an egg or our 53 weekly plus whole gralns In cereal and brend with butler or margarine Ex changes It meat llmlled tn ounces Include hall cup at eoltage cheers to lnxura ade qufle pruleln When you regard the prom llve load In mm glawlng health and more jule de vlvre you want to make them the VFW ï¬lmmd 91991 THE BETTER See In or all your pnlnung needs WI ealura famous Ben 1mm Moore Pnlnu comnlnlo selection of Interior and ex terior pnlnh CALL Ill Plaulnimmfa IE 43 Anna 51 Mm MOORE PA 023 bankbane al your mcnus Or he protective plan egtlng you le1 he better poumhed Ith on your format fattening ways Aim to make this change In your food habits vermanent for when that 13 achieved your weight worries are over By applylna modern nulrltlon knowledge to dnlly meals we can extend the prlme alllle and stay young all through mlddleage whlch hy the way from 40 lo70lhat romlse exclglnz ag llnd ngutlle PARTY PUNCH FOR cup sugar cup wnm juice of 12 armAges julca 12 lemon can plneapplé chunks 10 chllled bottle at at spark Buiï¬ï¬‚n of ynqth In mldai Age Eoll sugar and waler togcllp er for mlnutes than chill When thoroughly chilled Add remalnlng lngredlenla and pour over ice in lunch bowl ling pop plnt grape juca In butter oz brown 01 sifted for mph EEK oz brown up vanlll tbsp flnu tsp bnldn TOFFEE NUT EARS Ingredients 10 bottom layer In butter oz brawn lugar 01 sifted flour for lapping egg tsp vanilla tbsp flnur tsp bakan powder tsp la oz wedded cocaanut 31 WWg 14 lx tamer and sug ar stir In flour Press and flatten with hand in war b0 TODAYS RECIPE step into evening elegance sugar Anzul CW Duniop Wu tom duneased oblong pan Bake ten mlnulea at 335 Mean while hen egg well xllr lnv sugar and vanilla Slll llourl baklng powder and salt togclhl er and stir lntomlxlurel Add mcunnul and walnuts Spread over bottom lmyer bake 23 minute more Coal slightly cu lnlo bars MARSHMALLOW COOKIES tin Eagle Brand milk Vrlb marshmallnws cm In cup Inc coconut cup cherrlc5cuz fine cup walnuts cut Inc small packngmcrnham walv erl railed Save small amount of th crumbn In mll mixture In Form Into mllx Katrina and nu as needed THESE PUMPS MAY BE DYIID l0 IEHFECILY MATCH YOUR ENSEMBLE FREE OF CHARGE For those extra special lrlendl on your gift list give present of fresh innit Freshfruit bringl welcome 1m and the Irnctively decorated has ke makes an eyephasing gill We can design fancy lnlll basket for any occasion THIS CHRISTMAS 2le quality funk mm Fruit Market curbznrox 61 PA was CANCIllAS MES MOSSIE BELL Allcnwoad Insllluh SATIN PUMPS FOR AFTERFIVE AND EVENING WEAR SL Peters feminine footwear Moreno with so