55$ 5i AROUND iivELMVALE chznmzn Im nof munmy Th Llwm II lPufll Wllhlt NW bu To HI mumn Dunnnah Ludu mu ml CTV CVTO 5W Numch Mum Nfll Ind Wuum Plkm Bnen new In DLCIMIIII Mnlllll vlchofl Ilnu Klddn unnum Domino Mow Chrittmnl concerts held Fri day night Andrewl Prey hyterlan Church and at SL Johnl United Church Snlurday nJIht wan well attended In terested warm and Hand en joyzd tho splendid variety pm grarnl Santa Claus was most welcome guest la prcsent the chlldnn busy Kregkl in 00 mm mm 111 HM DAY Mm um nu Clnlxum lel Wulhu spam The Dellndifl Phydne unxaucmxu cnc 1v Nun give1th Spam New av Wlwloo Rand TBIBA ntcmun Tell Plllun Good Mflrnlfll Studio Pm New Rum Room 1000 errv9 2233 853 Mum Mum Worm human Frlendly Glut Lonln You mm Scum Hm The citizenship Ind education meeting olsaurln Wmnenn 1n Itllul was Held at ha home Mrs Freeman Bumslead The mom way chnrncler in what ou Irawh you mink no one lhleglnl 110111511 llyuu had to lose your citizenship wha countrvaonld yuu an to Indwhy1 Mrs Ingleth rend message written by Pad Yqunz Maid related to c1 en ship very good report at the Area convention was given hy Mn Dickinson The 4H club lender reported an thc latest inning and said that seven girl completed this project Mn Graham W31 appointed branch cnrnlar inr Needsmuir history book committee wnl appointed to pack Christmas boxes or thexxderiy and shut ins in the community Mrs Campbeii homo economist i91 Nnflh Simeon was introduced by Mn stralh She spoke past and mum home making clubs pnd lions The convener Mrs Gem Graham read an interest ing paper an citizenship also an educational one Famous Christmas day or Canada She also read Chrisima cake recipe wiLh kindnen friendship dimfly germsin and humor for th ingredients Several Christmas cam worn run to make the December meetinz campieu dxgusrm cimcnm 22 11 ll mufï¬n mm gum Mr Indlm Ivan Russel nut nnlu hu Ml mlvrd nu pluu phon THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND YRUCKS And Copy Wlll II Drllnnd To but am CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU blind VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 1009 In pm In Nclwnxk Inn Mum No And II nmu nman Hour IAwnnAY DIED Prohnorl Clrloon Fm Pruni luvnlury um Mvonturn Bu Ill Ina Km Chlmvlom Twin nlll Thu mum null Nn Um wrmunl IllTum wuon Tuln 1030 1100 1115 ll puma mum ma wmhu cm Chlmplonshm am we 0Lympxu Bowllnl Kmmhu can nun Bunny nun nnu lel Ir mm Knhln um Ta Tell 11 Trulll um Gun Wm mm mu Hoaxy mum Sport unlunlua cnc rv Nu waum Hm span mm To Each In Own Mrs George Butt returned Monday mm SL Josephs Hoa pllal Taronlo when she had been patient or two wepkx The United Church wna well filled Sunday morning when tin Sunday School children jolned the mngregailon or the service conducted by Rev ng haml Tim children presented lllelr white slit and Barbara Campbell and Cathy Whitï¬eld sang duet Elaine lauglleed Iald ihe Christmas 51011 ANDREW Autumn Andrew Chcslney Archlbald died Saturday Dec in Stev enson Memorial Hospital Alliy pn It brig illngss Mr Archibald was born June 23 1894 lhe younlest of elghl sun In Robert Archibald and Man ha madman Can anh runny aurnngwn apént um weekend with thallium1 Pareuuubn and Mrs In lust weeks news was re ported Mr and Mrs Bum ilead had lefl on Monday or Florida Well they are nm In Elmvale Mr and Mrs Earl Trace have gone to spend 9110 winter In ElmIda Mr nnd Mn Petropaulgs Ind son Paul of Toronto spent the weekend with he mum5 parentsMr 1nd Mn Tlpvlnzv Mr and Mrs GranlPyhurn Jan and Blake n1 hllnnon spent hemeekend with the la tcrfs parenls Mr and Mrs Beardsall Mr Judy wen mtchin ML indMrs Redford Bill and chlldnen of Thambury were Sun day guefls ol Mm Wallape Bell no HIE WORLD MOVES l0 DO WE CARTAOE STORAGE Now ANNE TOTTENHAM By ETHEL WICE Id In My In val ann mm Munrinl Bun 3mm Movi Dirk Good Humour Min flu Leann Iu Yau In Enamel Ufl Pmmmrn Imam Punch Ind Johnny Show Jlm Caltmln NIII Wulhlr 590m mel Cnunny my ï¬lm undid Lorn Your mm 1mm rmuory Nm we Spam or Rum Country Hwedcwn Tful Tommy Amhrnu 512pm Heinz awn TORONTO and MrsMurray lehfa and Tommy at mum Saturday with Mrs COOKE PA 64563 mun Spam VINO gunman mu Sunday afternoon the Polish Alliance held nondenamlnat lonnl Chlldren mlalmu party In the halll Mrs Frank Blphick and Mr and Mrs Ron Campull wera ln Auden for two day and glad to report tho lime grand daughlcr out of hospllal nuln im iir Openinu leadJack lpndel 111i hand occurred In the mmh bemoan Indin and Chllu during he World Olymplnd pInycd In 1min In mm am not lure undmllnd mm of tho bldl hul ma no doubt that the nu comm rearhcd was good one 11M Indian 50th hm hm Hume lo nku and could mnku ho Alum If any one lhru card wnl wclI rlncrd Unlanunntciy nll lhreu nunu had they been llltmplcd would have killed The coop family fowl suppar and Ohflskna party in Ihe Gwynnan Hall Samryday VA vewlarge crowd Tlended Zero Weather slowed down the Euchre players Thursday night just players for tevcn tables and the foflawini were prize winners Glenn Nalson Maurice Baldwick McBride Irene blemnn Iï¬ldeHalmey mu swam Mrs AHhur Dohson attended Ihe Christmas any at the IOOF Home In Allan ale Friday nllht Muranfl Mfg AMchnn vismme Hen McCaan at Delhi last week as 13 grandchildren andeisht greatgrandchildren He was member or the United Church and at the tlme of hi death was an the board at Stewards The funeral war held muday Dec II from lhe Anderson Funeral Home or service in the United ChurchilA ionner pastnr Rev James Darriun Hagew viiic conducted tho service Many ilorai tribute Irom church lriends and nuighbars were tri huiesvru kind friend inter ment was made at King City with Fred Laird in charge King Township 1111916 In man ried Annie Pnuan Tonal viile They midn on 102 Can West Gwililmbury later maving to their present home Lot Con zTeL11rnseh In lBZA Mn Archibald died leav ing anr children Viola My Yarn Drurylyï¬aberl Stanley and Slnwart All of Wondhrldge In 1928 marrled Florence Freeman who Iurvives wllh nix children June Mrs Frank Prolhern Jean Mn Rm Mabeel AElale Mrs John Greer Evelyn Mrs Juhn Mn snn nl Tollenham Lloyd at Nashville and Lorne at Wood hrld also one bralher Dnvlrl Ar lbald umber lawn DAILY CROSSWORD dun l1 mm Ill namrm nmn wheel Ipur mm mmva map RX NHIIG ulnl helm Chrhlm II In mum knlvu 151EKwhllu 31 Exhlullld is mm mmqu Mild 29 lrmdal mum IOv hmllo XV Thmx Vlulnu 11le funny 31 rink of ll Enllrl lam MAudIlar Myth ornn hawker Egon mirmt chlcr Dolnl nubr MM loan 37 nonlh North ï¬cnlcr Both sldel vulnerahlt mam mu vAm 13 +qna 11f All Mumpll My window °° cliw 11 Your By MRS ALLEN MILLER flour Linton audam lmmedh 31 mi UTOPIA CONTRACT BRIDGE MIMI ylugnu wan Anelonl Umk counlr Towlrd mva 09 on By JAY BECKER 21 bnï¬ ll Duct lnmmcny It um bird Wu look lhu spade wllh lho len but than hnvlu only din monds 111 was crud to lead Into decla r1 gull Wes led spade and declar er look It wilh he Ice Ind nu nix club lrlckl When ho then cashed Iha quaan nude lhll b29115 um pom Wm WM mum Intm un Ba but South mldl lhn cunlrlel Iqxhow Declmr now led flu Jack hemp and Wu Ihowcd out dilcarding dlamond 1111 ml momentarlly dlsconcmlnl South since ll was land had ellher lhu kln ur queen ol hum welllh trick would have become certain But It did no lake South Inn to ace lha the tantrch wu Ill lure lo make regardlm at when lhe king dllmondl was located He went un wllh lhe an hum calltdlht klnx cl Ipndu dimrdln hurl and played Ihe leven ol lpldel dllcndlnx kl 1m hem Wul mlxhl hnvu dcmled lht contract ha Ind kept hurt mind Ike car dllmnndl Declnrcr mllM lhen hm flamed he lack bum In whirl me he would have om dawn um South mm lhn oppancm urdl cormtly he cannot be delulcd by my MM dnlcnlc Tamaride Chooqu1 flu or enlu lend Th Iinal eunhre umll Jin uary wal hcld wllh elxh llblel of playm The mien winner of Iurkeyl were Anzul Dove und Mn Hutchinson Strand other winners wen Jlm Penny Mn Penny Mn Ind Mrs MBII le Hutchinson Ind clks Mn Durkee Ind Mn Barb 11 Point Yltilarnï¬n the weekend with Mr and My chk McCInn were Mr and Mrs Ray Mm or Trenton Mr and Mn Mill also vllhed Mr and Mn Frank hick and Mn nndMn Am ol Muir Saturday Mu Borden Neabm llu ra mmed to her home in Saskatch ewan me month VII with rher molher and ulster and am Hy Mn llubhm Mr and Mn Marquis Mrl Dahlia Ffllick has re turned to Royal Vidona Hos plgl any shor slay qtflhogne Mr and Mn Lou Tmaxylx Led Kulth Trunx In Toronto weelp ago Mu Lou Truax and Mr and vnuom vmnMr and Mn Rosa Bmwnley wore WO gall or 132mg nn satqrgny Basil andï¬oq Brown Mn Jack lenns and daugh er Joanna spent mmy Ind Wtdntsdny with Mr and Mrl Jack ElllL uwplfoammunny 02m an 211an By MM mum Richard Grcen wan lb 10 came home from Royal Vlctarla aspltql with casg on leg mwiooabau miss him 35d whh hlm well one cum on Sunday and Mr In Mu Harold lruu ol Hamil wn for the weekend Slmcoe mum my ï¬eld we Mimi 9W at and dauihlen ol Trenton spaI7 Friday with Mr and Mn Anal Muirde qtber relatlves Mr ind Mn Bruce Mfller en terlnlncd number oflrlendl Saturdayravenlng very Marry Christh an jinppy Ngw Yenr to Mary am Mn ï¬gymgnd Mill MM VWM GOLLOP ST PAULS Malawi Land muum II Tu mun It Eolcmn mall 00 rn mg mmummm UM 601 II WII v3 mm MM now to MP 13le EXAMINER THUMDAY DEC I1 nihioTNrnTbocmn ran nu war 7W TJIIP non Aum DaNAmo mam moml