14 IMYVIC Jewy CW MajorImam Jam lamulm Rober1 mnnnandrr We nnmllrm lum In Ibo Di mild In Ills Scr nml WMM WM mod Imluy nl MI Imnw In In mamon Inlnmlv an 7IL Hr lml lln Dirllnmusml Rorvlrc Urrlcr for INI pm in HM momu already had held the mm Cu lor Ilth lnlUNEI 1mm mml lllaulrrnl nmlm umI mmxmul nlmnll today nmvwl mm path Irdslnmu It by dmIJiwd Hmml revolt Ila nl Mnmw mmmnrvlol mman II um Hmhnng ma nrizï¬lmrlnl Nnrllwm ï¬nmwnk um rlnl Ilm tall mum mum lmnw Jtmlfr nl name MMmu leh VATICAN CITY CF rpnkcsman for Pope Johns per snnnl doctor lndny danled lhu Pope has cancer he Vspbkcsmnn asked nhou the rcpnrla concerning the P9175914 Ii he had cancer he wouiri nnl be gelling boiler Nule haw he is gradually resuming his nc Iiviticsi Also note Ihal although Dr Gasbarrlni has been in Home slum last night he has no plans In cxnmlnc ihc pontlii immediately He has not men iim Pope yet and does no cx My see him iodu llatlvc Vau sourcu Lays ha simply does it know whether ho Pope is ullnrlnz 1mm cancer Dr Alcunnd rinl deputy director at hean lcan newspaper LOsscrvnlaru Ilommm wm commentan on mum sums reports lhnl um HIycnrad ponlm ls auflcrlng 1mm cantor He ad mporlcn nlmply dn no knnw No one known Tho dflllnfl porhn may know uhclhcr vr nal In auflcrlnz WASHINGTON Cll Thu llnllrd 5mm Interior dcpmmcnl Niman 118 Imporu Cnnndlnn all will rlm by nlmul mm cm In tho Hm hall Hm compared with Jump about 17 yrr mu In the ï¬n hnll HILL The US xmrmmcu II rm Emmi today mm cnullnuod Canada to mlrnln unpmmu wllh Hm nllmulcd HM or law lhe pouihmly rovch In MmIIInn cxcmxullon ram American mmpulnory oll Import mmlnn Welensky Shocked By BightWing Win He made lho commqnl let lie Pope today rcsumcd lynx nns audivnccs wllh high Vau can prelalcs Mcnnwhflo tho ductur Prolnssor Anlonln Gns harrini arrivsd hen Sunday night lo sgc the ponligf MLISIIUHY mutual Blr Hay errnxky prime mlnllltr 0m nhodrdnn lculnnllum mu lmlny Hm vlclory lhu Rhoda Inn anl lnriy uumrlml um limked hlm ulrnlhy llrclinul lo nmmrnt whnl mm IE rimIon mull mmm lmvu on Hm nhrmlam hul lnlnnnnl nlurmrl Inld It might well man the ml of Ihc nlllelymmld lxuly WATIZHFOND MIL lCll ï¬llvrlrl annnyl mmla Ulllll lxmlmg Hundny nllvr lull llllflll Ml Camer nlmnll IlBVlInpcd nmmmlcnl lmuhle Tl tkl plane nllnxnrlnl lmllnl mxw lm mm lulu llm unman when our ul In Ikll lull Imrv not llavnnyl WM ml lmrl Ha lnmlml ml the arm lllfl 1va Mirhurl near lluln low In In mull llmnllunl Mr llmnuyl IiH ln nrmlry Wllmmlllo mama Ma andMn Glllcs pie the Salvation Army Cit adel on Collier Street and Char les Roach building superinten British Move In On Rebels Canadian Commander Diox US Warning 0n Oil Shipments Downs Plane 0n Brothers Farm 93 your No 295 Rome Not COnfirming Rumor Popes Cancer bliIKTéleï¬hones NEWS BRIEFS Fm summer Wam Ad Talo phane PA 821 The telephone number to tall or mamm or Editorial Dept 13 PA $6531 GIFTS FOR NEEDY IN THE AREA Over 30 Dead Reported In Europe In Wake Of Hurricane Winds Tho blues lall Wm acn 21 In tho Gcrmnn lrclxmcr Meanwhile It surely shnuld be brought to he allcnllon of everyone than the Pope looked well Sunday and was it enough to receive hand of slate tho King Burundh In omclnl nu dlcncc Thu Pope was also ano lo LONDON AmWeslcm Eu rope recovered today from grocigus whale 9mm rum xiplrcd Md IPIIUI of death nn dvslrucllan Mom llmn 30 wrxo dead In the wake of hurricanemental l1Ind lhnl lashed Eumpo Sun fly In evident lhnt the Pope Is sullcrlnc ram some chroan Thu Pope was also ano to up car at lhu wlndnw of vale nparimLnu la blul althï¬ul In Snlnt Pctcrn Analï¬cr anlcnn ofllclal said the Pope wha hm month was dent an very busyjhls week In preparing dozen of Christ mas presents or needy people lhroughoul the axon Mnncy or the present In derlved ram 1mm cancer but they are tho anlsjioyles rhymarm 173eatttittvr5 ourlh Hm llclxlnn nlmlu rndln nhlp Uylrnmle cl Wlll drlvcn nahoru and mod In wlnlm In mul aul dIlml culln lmlcml In mun pop ulnr mullr 11w Uylrnnplrwl hrundcmll mmlc and rmnnwrclnln mm oulnldo llrlnlun mllurlnl wa lrrl Indcllnncc he Helulnn nnmmncnlh rndln monopoly nm shin mnl lurmmnl lII Dulrll lmllmy and Hum encnprd nip um hy Hrlginn mulwvlum Al ml hm lrclthrIlhv nrmlllnn 411k llondum llw Norwmzllm nlnck Ennlo nml Um Alnorlmn Cuslll Woodmm driven numund nlanx Um con Ilncmpl conHIM nnnd winds lapped loo mllu Am hour In Drilnln Um In Scounnd H7 mlln nn hour gun was rcxlatrrcd Human lapplcd rm worn upmotod rand were blocked and lulu phonn nnd power lines were torn down an West Wrapmn counlrlu Mcnprd lhu hlnnl um 10 wlnd um dying over all lhc alarm hnllrrrd mnnlrlu deny nrll Mn wnn lnnncd by mlld light breeze In llrllnln can elghl cr mn wrrn killed mostly by n11 my lrrgs 9r bglldlnga Tho London Sundair rapor News at tho World say its main lront page story that delay gator returning mm the rat ucsslan of the Vatican ecumen Icnl council all conï¬rm rc parlr at tho Popol worsenan candltlonr Nautilus which wnnl down hr Dutch want French Ish crmuu wm wushul overboard In the Engllsh Chunncl repnrlcd nulferlng stomach trou blu and fairly intense nqcmla looked well nnd had flood calar at heumx The paper quoted Ihu ponlm as saying In his ï¬rst general audience nlnw November In year lhallupe will still be here ur maybe them will be another lhc Salvation Armys annual Christmas Keliie drive which has been receiving enthusiastic respanse irom dawn lawn Bar ria shoppers Examiner Phalo lbnrplll In fluhlmn ONLY Aunl And Inn um llmmy do In MA hmm uumlmllum Why1m éw hln Mu Irm havpmod helm the poor boy lan llul lhlnl Inlrllllm which mm to lake llw vln the nuw Illcnl lrlnlnr prrlnnnlnn wawly 1110 now IMFIHP duhhu plnnr XVI Ilml nlull Bu 1mm llm Walla Inlnml nlnllun Im anhlnn tunnullcs nml 15mm Mn lrnllvm 81w urnry on mm mclml nn urhlt In Imm an In 713 mllu rmlh and Muncer Mnlhm on ml AI wll gm Ihru ll wnnt Ile Inn NIH nw hundred Mrlh lmlny Illl llnnMflK mlnlnm wnnl mhll nl nadinn dclcgnlo LLGcn Burns said the Snvlcl Unlun dolcgnllon frequently naked for buslncsalikc discus alon but the Wm canxldurcd 1t unrcullsllc and unhusfnnasllku Io accept propaslllan before it knfw whatl Eccyllng NEW YORK RemunDean Acheson any Britains nuclear capability produced alter years strain amounted to only about two per cent ollhalatal United Slntcs nuclear striking pa avaflnhlp NATO ertlng in the January Issue the quarterly Fareign alre Acheson used this to sup Part dedarethn that it was nn illusion to believe that Eu rope can or wlll producn an in dependent ucle at deterrent wlthln any time relevant to mlllmry plannlng even given the necessary technolngleal ne1p Archesén formerEma seem Mary is gm adviser to Presldcnt Kennedyorl NATO aflalra Acheson delivered his reéent West Point NY speech In which he dcclnred Britain had about played nut In min as an Independent grant power SUEZ COLONIAL In It he also noted lhut Suez had been nfeolonlnl use which hnd been grnvely dum allng to the alliance and In Martin the beginnings of NATOI wholly nudequnle ableld or conventional lorce ho nld GENEVA neuter Can nda told the 17natiun dlsannn ment cantononce today the 50 mt Union wns Imposing Impas alble demand by lnslsllnz on agreement in principle before 0an Into detail on new prams ifs This was one the palms hev made In support of call or an agreed master ntrnwgic flan for NATO and In the urge to exgcule ll TWO DRIVERS HIT IT OFF canadién Deliegate Objecté To Unrealistic Red Demands Relay Satellite Partly Crippled Acheson iSqys fPlayed Out Role ï¬uml MM ho had bccn un SINGEN Wat Germany tncuhrn Twn molarlnu munHy armed nbnul dam nxo nflcr lhclr um collided ncnr hum exchnntcd crc dcnllnll and draw all la comdo ngnln nn hour later WASHINGTON Pallco said they were nellhtr drunk nor cnnmlu Thu momlsu ullmnlul dnmngo In Um um crnlh In about 00 no Imam llmo at about 9min OHIlflflCInIaMMOHdIY chbmbnr 196 HERES ONE Imo whim ln nrl rod mlch nbnve ny whllo Mnrlncr an ninnnls JP mllrx mm mm nmuml ll nun lhlnl Ialrlllln ill In llw rlhco if lrlnlnr wnml MII hlhhrd nlull Humlny Illnml VA anhlnnl Aw Allï¬llï¬lk nlllclnlu nrbil llrlnyl vury nlxxva lho Il Null lo new ml Mman In he untilHy nipplcd llelnyu quipmml Imklnfl influl and NASA om dala Id mum eHmtl wwlll Ir 90de Indetlnlltlyt Mnrlnnr ll uh mlnulo rlmmnlc Frhlny mu Illll pmuni ll Iun nruum mu Hull lllch luum lhrmlfh mam boum Irlnullm mnlncl wllll Vol Mannrr Meal wlan mlch qu Frhln Eun dny II was $0011 mun mmd ml 17mm mllrl mm earth It mu undan Imrk lnlnrmnllun 1m uumIc mm that rd parllc In polr Mama magnolia lleMI IUNIINHKI TO REPORT lo wlrr um 1m 4m dn mu mun rncognlzo lml nullhcr skin has my lnlmsln whkh would be hrncllllcd by he drslrucllnn by nuclmr weapon UN olhcr Ildc nr nny cnmldcrnbla pm at In proplu vr wealth uperlmrnll Eyre lngflullulncflngl Mill mumr XVI WM 10 Ind out mm nboul wlml Mclmmhln llny mild mnllrr Hm whl lhrnulh rpmlo In Hum vrhlclu and IDIIII celll ll consldcrcd by some Western diplomat to be palm llnlly the most prumllan move mndn by Ihu Savlct Unlan slum mo conferencu 0er last Mnrrh urn unld he number 01 minllcs fclulnnd would be mt uclcnl lo rntnln drumum nxufnu nurprlm nunck or both Alden other problems In 110 wnrknl on were 10 llmlng of rcducllnn ol nuclmr mmllu nml provixlnna or lho Inspec llon n1 hclxjrdemnllllun The proposal madlllcullon prcvlnu Sovch lnslslcnce on cllmlnnllnn cl all nuclcnr dellv cry vehlclu was made by nus sla Forclzn Mlnlsler Andrcl Gro ykn bclnru tho Unltcd Nu llans General Anemny Inst Seplcmhcr LOOKS IROMISING The British nuclear alien nvcr many years has strained nvallnble rename re ducEd conventional forces in minimum and produced nu clear cupability that may be perhaps iwo per cent of the nuclear striking power which the Uniied States could now bring 10 bear in iheflAlQureu ii wo assume that France is capable ol equalling that re unit and that the rest of NATO Europe could ndd us much again the total would not be aigniiicant addition to nuclear power contributed by the United Slates or wimt tho United states we b4 adding ihqg power durlng the same Mm able to ï¬nd In the record even one new fact about Russian pm snl for flu rclcnllnn of llm led number nuclear ml allcs until thn end of the sec ond stage Himstag div nrmnmunt progeny Britains meagre resaurccs had been divided bewcen an ullumplcd nuclenr force and gnrrlxan needs from Aden to Singapore leaving ï¬le or the Army of the Rhine DIscusslng the demands for an independent European nu clear deterrent he wrote In Foreign Affairs European mduced nuclear form would tragic mlsuse 01 resources essential in provide basic ele ments defence Together the European NATO allles spent on all defence only the same amuunlas the United State spent on nuclear wea pons and delivery systems $l000000000 year In said adding llm Inn 1119 115 unnu lllch Journeyml 109 In mm In ulva rm Irlnuum llwlr clonal wllh Vmul In in wlnr mhlI whlu will darn Md llnm Mound and wllhln rn nl unu Fflllflf Eun ifunlé Imk vi UI Illll ullhlully ll lumlnl lnlo ma Ami my la bu mrnl wot Venus uplan nw unembe was la nln an the rcwlullan nn nflcmaon mucllng The Unltcd Slum nrllnln nnd nvcn India and mm Illa upward pnrll of il 1qu even diplomat 111 um opposi HunnnXdAlm lhoughl he to Thu Unllcd anlanl Gcncrnl Asa mube headed lownrd ndopuon today ol nn AslnnMrlcnn olullon culling nr lime llml for ma end All cnlunlnlllm However most pomlcal nb urvm hem hnvo been dccldcly cool la the plans on the grounds lhnl lhcy overlook lhe bullc act or Chlncw nggrcsslon An Em Berlin bordvr tum will pull hon blown In In Derlln will by Hm homh Picrl iniLr till week will vial China to present he plans in Premier Chou Emmi Ccylanese Prime Minisicr Mn Slrimavo Enndamnniku him said aha will press both lenders to ncccpl lhn pence plan when she visila India and Chlnn incr this month India Ar has declined oh flclnl comment on ho prepay pendan recclpt pro clxa dctnllsl NEW DELHI Ramon Prlme mumm Nehru today to celved copy he were pro poall tar ending Indias harder dis ute wflh Conununkt Chlnn ch were agreed upon at Inst weeks MnrAslnn little sum mll meeting In Calomho Nehru was given the prnpoar 315 by Plerls Ceylaneso ambassadorlo Burma during wmlnule meeting sh Incl nliénal 1061 ha no Mn In the nucmbly HAMILTON CF Hamfltnn wholesaler have already jelc the pinch of last weeks frost daynagg Florhja no gm Agra Brnthers anldtoday 751m cent at the companys commitment had been canccfled Supplies are short nnd them will be any where lrom W75 per cent prlco Increase he said Far he um ilmvl grapefruit has been ordered from Mexico he said We are paying iwico as much or quality that is not as 300 He said Florida vegetables were wiped out and cucum bm that were ms or 24 last week were now $5 for the 3am carlan Peppers with in box were $375 last week and now theyre saw box he re ered UN May Put Limit TEE price 01 California oranges was raised twice Lust wepk 91ng said Another dealer Bald with Christmas sale its hard lo say whether panic buying has started 0n Colonialism Florida Fruit Feels Pinch From Freeze India No Comment on Border Plans UNITEDV NATIONS CF VIMxx AiJflMï¬llnfléiim HOLE BLOWN IN THE BERLIN WELL ml 1th Thrw mrn tho um Ihuy phle be Mm Imned lhemulm In Wlsl Berlin poll ll miqum hg Pallta krp mm 520 run lo 550 pm by Hum nccldcnu whlrh lullrxl In lmxpllnllznllan mu pm In lulu Xx hlghwny rnflc churns were lnld he sh that look thrw 11m Pravlncinl Pallcu mm Elmvalo whn lnvnsllgnlcd said the cur sklddnd oft um road and shrenrcd all the top or lama me about 18 inches In dlamocr Wreckage mm Iho crqsh was alrcwu or hundreds of not The crush is under Invcslixn on by Coast IL Short of Mom Bench and Consl Adams of he Elmvnlo dclnchmcnl flat hnd the high all of trunk alnmlvs or the munly aver llm wcckcnd Slx Cnnndlnn rnvlncu rcpnrlcd no nccldenl nlallllc durlng lha weekend but he drnlh mll Um olllwlr pmvlnlccswng nt lnqsll wllh Onlnrlnlcmflnx wlui 12 hlxhwny deaths llul pm vlncv 1Fnr dclnlln on Ontarlu and pngq 10 The dead man In Horst Max Kulnck 25 anvlew Beach Provincial Police at Slayner Mild Mrv Kulnck was luwlng mum that had two passengers when Iho two vchtclcs were in column with southbound car driven by Mrs Beryle napkin Onkvlcw Hench nascngars car being towed warn Dr and Mrs Will inm Murray both at Onkvicw Bench All three were taken to the General and Marine Hospit al at Calllnzwood im nurgcry bout mldnlght lluspllnl author ilic Enid lndny that they Were in inlriy serinus condition The accident is being lnvesiignicd by Consl McGillivrny oi the Sinyncr dclnchmcnl TAKES THREE LIVES One the heaviest accldent 0115 of 1962 was recorded over the weekend In Slmcoe County In nnolh Sunday night crash Ihree mile north of Sunnidnle Comer at Highway 28 on Oak view Beach mun inst his iile He was actually owing math or vehicle in northbound dir ccllnn when the two car were in headwan collision with south baund vehicie lt tnok Provinclnl Police from StaYner more than two hours to sort out the tnnzled wreck age to determlnn what happen ed The drlver at the tosz vehlcle was klllcd Instantly Lafe Sunday night on ngh way two miles south ol Mid land three persons were killed and lamU1 scrinusly injured when their car leu he road and crashed into tree Dead are Llnda Laban 16 Penetnnguishene Dnrcen Cax ton 15 Midland and Dan Call an 16 at For McNicoll Leo Beamolell 18 of Port Mchcoll was taken to hospual 1n Tumu lo with aerlaus injuries LDSES LIFE Twa separale car craxhcs claimed the lives of our county residents and ï¬lth persnn L1 In critical Iconditlon in anon to hospital nflqxcéflngc lo Menuwh cL Vflcgnrin llnrlxwur OtherVTraflic Adddents Send Four To HOspital No Mora Than per Cojayérllfl VPagII mmwvz 201 nga mï¬Ã©léio Local Weather for flu human to only mm 106k Iran mrlm Army the Charm MP Whle mnllnunllan at he poor weather Ll cxpcclcd with tho Tm mnln wcnlhcr nfllca pmllcllnz nnnw Ilunlu nml lrcozlnu driz qu In tho chrulnn flay mlon lhln nflvrnonn nml lonlxhl Provlnrinl Iollco mlvucnlml Ihn mnlnrlsln Ihuukl May at he roml 1n the nvcnl th wnnlnrr vwmnlng ma Morcau vehicle was lak en lo hospllnl wllh laceration on lhe forehand along with Mr Morcnu who suflcrcd lever Ingmllqn yr 13 luwcr 11p lallcunl Mllslon OIIIIII 0r nngnvlllu Innl5Hl lowmhlv Es In lowmhlp nnd nrndloni ro parlcd qqlcl Wackchs In nan the dlalrlct polite dclnchmcnu rcporlcd ul ct weekends many molar ll alnylnlz mo roads hotnun poor lrnvelllng candlllana An cxccpllun was Um Bradford whcrp cgndl Franc Mer 1ch brand chest um arm while two amounts In Ms cur Eugen Grant Moorev 56pm Clapper lun SL Barrie and Delinu Mm ore 4E snmo nddrcss were luk cnlo hospllnl Eugene Moore sullcrcd to right leg and Incurnuona lo lhe cre hcnd and Mm Mmrc sulfaed archeqd Imd Inglnl lnccmllans inmnghuhg orilcer iniPc Shumnn Logan Cruise 34 132 Hénnah SL Midland has been charm with caraiess driving and tail iï¬g In yield hall the road reo Saturday nrtcmoon at about 310 on Highway 12 few miles south oi Midland Mr Morenu has been charg ed with careless drlvlng hlllnz In nllow hall the mud tree and driving on tho left at tho cen tre ï¬ne James Walter Orr 54 RR Caldwater wns arrested Satur day around 530 pm shortly alter his car collided with thl one driven by Joan Archibaid 23 ShmIey AveI Mimlco on Goldwaters Maln Street ltlr Orr has been charged with driving while intoxicated careless drlvlng and stimulus allow half the road free Mr Orr was northbound and Miss Archibald was southbulmd on Main Street when lhe two cars met almost head on No inlurlus resulted lhlni nccldent investigated hythe Victoria liarlmur OPP happened around 550 pm an Highwafy 12 tourtenths of mile south new Highway which sent our person to the St Andrews Hospital in Midland where they still were nudesI treatment late Sunday night DAMAGE 2oo car driven by Fraud Eug en Moore 348 East Orlllin willded with 1h nonh buund cardrlven by Ferdlnnnd Mamau mu Pcrklnsfleld on Highway 12 Damage In both cars wan estimated at about $2300 flingin cnlllded with the scum baund vehicledriven by Law rence Lndouccur 23 41h Street Port MchcoIl Damage In both cars was estimated at about $900 and noyinjnries resulted