Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1962, p. 2

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55 llllon audl 1mm Nauru lml vlnnl Irmrlw IM gmn Mb mal manor m1 intnm lnr pm endm Mama 19 than no nhou um um runAlan Hydmmhnn Iurumv lnr Ihe le mnnlhl and Keplrmmr Inmmlnl lo 1245075 or mu than mmuarrd wllh ncnme mum or mull 1w havo Inr he cormmmflnl parlor Inn yuan mumm hlnnm IM Nd durum um Funds Int the mm mnnllu mdrd Octniwr mun Mama at prr mm rnmmmi WIUI nrl lnmma n1 111181000 at wt sham tar cut mmlinu unlml In our lnlrrpmvlndnl llpa Lin Johnan Irnmenl Im nnunced ho ulwclu mm crude all throughput to be haul rrnl Mqu Hum mu mlllnn mm In mu Nri lummv wlll lncmm mmrlhlnl undrr thl per tent over In mm an per alum In ML Fur 1061 ha Imlrlonl mu lhrnluhpul um um In cm nm IM urn Inn Mn In Ilnc kllh lhl In Hflll llrILlAh Amulrnn Oil Co Ltd 1110 Company nnnnunced ll In mnde Inn Se lemhcr Io IQ qum ramman mm nay alllo on Ca hu hummn Mnd In on nnmh Amarlcnn Com mnn Ahnm nayHie drpml lrd ivy Dcumhor wlll qnnllly fur Hm dlvincnd payable on Jun unry Illa Alum Mlan Lit Han Hobart ll Wlnlm Pmldcnl announced lhnl lollowinx an russhns wllh chmo Du Yunnx Pmmenl nl All Steel Mml ltd had wen commend mul unlly dulrnhlo lo deter deliv ery of tho lormnl oflcr rum Nuvrmhcr amh In Dmmhu um um Dome Mlnu 1M 111 Com pany declared quarterly dlvl dun 20 coma Cnnadlnn Fund per mm payable on Jlnunry 50 to Ihnrcholderl ol rnmrd December ll Pravlausly Iho Oompnny mid 17V emu Junrterly Thlx lucrenm he in icnlcd annual dividend rm tom 70 ccnls per than to 80 can Nallnnnl Tm Co Lu Nel lncama lor llm fiscal year end ed OcloherJl 1962 nmounled lo $l001762 or 66 can per share al compared with not In come $711131 or On cent per shun or lhe ten mnnlhl cnd cd celabcr al 1961 Mal asset amounlcd to $1021 billlnn up 98 mllllon aver October 81 Ml Thu Company dcclnrnd quarterly dlvldcnd 11 cent per share pnylble on January la ahnrchaldm man Dec ember 11 The Company pnld can In the vrocedw qumm lnllowlng hwelomno slackl splll prlnr lo whlch ll pald 55 cenll quarlerly hind Food ltd Thu Com pany estimates nut income from nperauam for the yur ended Scpllmber 30 1962 will amount to $1103529 or 59 cnnu par shnre Mler capital loam 873794 total net Income In 95 mated ta he 11420755 or 56 cent pg share ke St Clair Lake Huron Gcargian Bay regions Windsor Inndonh North Bny Sudbury Cloudy and not so cold today ngh snow tapering of by to night to snowflurrlu Sunday partly cloudy and little colder Winds southerly 15 to day northweslcrly 15 Sunday Lake Erie Nlngara Lake 0n tarlo regions Hamilton Tor onto Variable cloudiness with scattered lnnwflurriel becom my across sent an and centra section of the prov ince Snnw will taper of to lumen early tonight and partly clnudy skies with cooler yeather my be expected Sun Synopsis weak storm cen ire moving sauihcasi imm Lake Superior this morning will cfiuso widespread but light ialil nun Pamnu ma mm 34 Common Mmmu as Mlnlnl TORONTO STOCK ExcHANfi The SimmeMuskuka Llle Uhderwntm AssdchUan yel térday Installed in 19613 seiuium lawn17 or wm mm m2 Aflllul YIELD WEATHER FORECAST MM DWIDP IT Ill BULLETIN BRIEF DISTRICT UNDERWRITERS NAME OFFICERS Iunl Muunllln Pipe Line Mine Mlnlllcr Klnrnnn Inld ha ulkcd Tnuu Mounlnln Oll llpn Llnu Cm lo reducn MINI on pmducrd crude all do Vrnd 1mm Knmloom In Vnn Faunr nun WWII Enrllrr vlnl under prmure mm ILC Gnvmnnmt to am mm Um in mm following be mlmnd mludkn Ilmr mrl lnr mxl May by Vrmm lnrlllc Imducll m0 rmla on llpmm which lead In In flu Tum Mmmllln lyllrm mm In Iha tron CommaM Mlnlntnndsmd llnl Co Canal Ltd Snlu 1001 yuu uprclcd to be modemely hlzhcr Ihnn lha xm¢oa1m In 1W1 Nut Incomo homer II eclnd In mm er Jim mmpnr ed with ILJI per Ihnn In ml whldl rcllecl rtduced mum mnrglm nrlnlnx mm lamr veruxn lend nnd xln prlm Mumlnlum lelled Th Mum lnum Company 01 Canada Ltd ha Innnunced plum or an 00 000000 pulp and vapor complex at Knimu In nnrlhern nrllllah Caluxnhln Thu complex would lncludo pulp mill wllh daily tapntlly mo lam of bleach td and Imbloadmd ha newan mlll with mm mpadw 0000 ton nnd lumber mill with Minnmud on mdly 359000 bold m1 Mann DmOLIII mid UN dunno kWh on he uminncu 1qu Ws bid Industrial Merylnun Carp le Soverelgn Life In letter LI rhnruholderl has muted that ha oflcrcd la pun chm up lo 9101 than Sovereign Life IL prch 01 $450 per shire All shim arcd ray December 19 may bl rejcclc If umr than per can are forlhcomlnx Director or Sovereign Mend to Accept the of or their own mum and In rucommandlnn other Ihnrehqldm do Ihe lnmcv the $1168976 or cent per 11an named In tho 1962 yaar Tun MountIn Plpe Co The Company reported crudc nil throughput during Navember veruged 167743 barrels per day down 47 per cent from 196396 barrel per day In October but up mm 1355 banall per day In Navembur 1961 Scheduled deliveriel lhmugh the swim In December are expactcd to nvvrago 210000 barre per day an Increase In per cent Irsz Mull November through pu Farce Tempeuluru Law tonight High Sund 15 Vlnghnm 10 St Calhari 15 Toronto 15 Klllnloo Muskuka North Bay Sudbury Earltan Knpusknslng White River my hymnNumuufiunu In cloudy with light mow by nopn today notso cold today Sunday partly cloudy and Iilklacoldeg Wludg wultleily 15 Eddy npflfiwestarly 16 Sundns by Favoro mm MI um lludqumn lnr lhnlu uphlo um Ill tum ecullva up the nobfinayms auxml Iromghe lea HunIx vlespretldenl Geo mm ruthnfir um mmmnu anibun LUCKY DRAW Phologrnphi Mtdonlo anmhlp Inn lurnrd Dnllnn Jmncy an new or analhar lerm dtlcnled llnrnca Vucy lMIM xlcpmy rrnvn hy on In 277 role In lhl Annual elmlnn or munlcl pal ulllca armor dcpuly um Jnmu Woudmw wnu em lcd In In pollllnn dctnllnl Eldnn Tlnnuy by 355 Inlrmn mm hundrd lhu mm vale with lollnwcd by Morley MI newtomer who 60 men Tulnl MM Wm lo numll flrnnmun wllh 31 Unionth undldnlu um Unw ml Duninp 171 Ind bInnloy Jamal m1 mn altWI councll will Mer lnr the nul wo yum The money In In turn given In their teacher William Jam esnnhwhose job It will In In lor ward the yummy go CARE Iermey ReeVe Medonte Again 2Year Term At the Credl Union olfloe thieves escaped with about $200 in cash At Thnmlea two ace group of Grade pupils mm Steel Street Public School are Iecdlng two blrds wlih one crust nf bread For five cvenlng this wuek the kiddie have been drunk Inn thruugh the city 1min Christmas carols Theyjie né and recelvlng monetary reward for their earlymvcning qnleytalnment Mr Jamlcsan who commands the chlldren or their ctlorta lhny started ha project on lhelr own luld that 35 we raised In Igllfit our qlghy Tha chHdren an Ihoollnz or $100 ho mid The charges were laid in con nection with recnnl breakinn and theils at St Muryl Credit Unlnn St Josaphl Auditor ium and the 1110qu Lum ber and Building Materials on Steel Street An area youIJI and Barrio juvenila have been charged with bunklng entering and then In connection with two recent them In the pity Chnrzéd are Ronaid Ration Howell 16 01 RR Thammn and Suvcnlls mm Barrie Sing Carols To Bid CARE rge Fry past president John MncKcnzle president Walk er Malhleson Maximum urer Harold Daren regional Lay More Charges Against Youths WORLD WM In no WEI CARTAOE STORAGE nmv Ar no ANNE 51 PA MIN DALTON JEIMIEY COOKE Ami talking oi mullc lam majority oi the men were mul icnlly minded One at tho but Imnwn muxlcinm wnl tho lat Lennox long limo bandmnb tar ol ivy band which wnl tam uu throughout Onlana ii piny nd In French horn at church servich nnd My other orcha lrl iminuncnt with cxiunl lkiii at Iii hind oi wclui unclionlt Itnd it laid ho would lay mn tunu whlin walking mm mm to phmv Uniil ho was ctni Irgquthiy 11 lo lol Ull my Ind Ilunod up help ll Dun Levnclu Tomnlo ll wu an exciting Irlp Io Manlrtul rldlnx In lhl tn lmso behind long lrnln pulp with hnwllng culllu In How Inml ha wmhod 00 calllm In harm Ind 900 Ihvep landed nlmml lho tleamnhln lm klml Iy Iklppur lnqulrrd whemer Mr Fletcher has one cl lhe olden mw bells so old that It was filled with lumbar map cawhlde from whlch the brown hnlr Ind not been mnvmi Eapcclyly In In early day ulllamcnl lumen had to lung hell on the neck of mu bans nr pet mm In or dnhla locale mnlr herd In lha bl Iwampl and bulhl Ila can jun remember mlnz cow calllng horn Whd Imm bled Ion horn fully our me long lllla enabled lhe tanner lo call llu can In from Ihl bmh whlll Ilnndlnx It in bnm vc lucéeinlxllly In nhl Hm Id lm man llku Shel hufqla Inglr he CNIC Al opposile ends Iho wlro pasta ed through the walk of lhu twd homes near wlndowx to fasten onlo two wooden bullnnx mount ed In lhn ccnm 01 what look ed Ilka two noel cymbals which In urn wernvmounled on he free endsa tvm Ushnprd springx bolted to lha wnlL our cow BELL With no batteries being used to power sound traveled long mm heavy tlnvc wlro drawn ll Izhl haw flux and mun freely lhmunh wire hop on lhe very telephone poles Iylena culling inrchu were 10 moved ram ill prgmlm The same palr also bu inz held in canlmciiari with breaking and entering late Timrsdny night at the homo oi Lucius Brazziei of Highway 27 Flo Township Probnhly about lhe Hm 119 phones And peth he only one In exlllence um part at Canada ware the two cub lnul twoparty nu lnxmled be tween the ham the Isle John Flute and Arthur Fla cher Ind George Davies and Henry Dnvln nelr Ivy accord hll John Fletch1 grand lon Mallland Fletcher III the In In Ihe In In rcflullnnl by mm JAM Fletch By BRIAN BAKER TM Fletcher Recalls The Early Telephones vlcepmldent Ray Topplux director Eon Chnntler Dir eccuri and Weslgata dinner Exgmlner Pholnl AMth Soul imam tar Rulnlm and Trim Din II PA Gm mm runny mind Nnmu ulromuy lav prim hm mm or In Inmlly AU ACCEMOMM AVAILABLE ROBINSONS HARDWARE CAR SETS ELECTRIC RACING QUALITY AND lot porridge with Ilve mod brown mm dum crack lm that were an ml mo wood and come with cram no rancid you could hnvo eully luvum to England In It FIRST CAR RIDE He tell Illtlmflllnl ax rlencu ho had Uu 11m Urns rod In car modal Ford when hlnfnelghbormda tho plungn and bought cm In 1911 Salesman In thou dnyl In to be Inuructora htlorl may could tell cm ha uyl Any way nller my hallhbor and the Instructor Irom llnrrlo had been rouxIn mind tho Ilcldl all day my ne nhbor lnvlled me lo come along whnn he look lhn lnnmc lur hack to town Comlnl back he gnlned canlldenu and dc clded lo la lvy lo buy lob acco 11y Ihl Ilmu ha ruched Ivy ha wn Ia II homo drlvlnl lhal he lam he wnnI drIv In harm Bu tho car wouldnt plop and ho yelled Wholl Whoa You aldI nun1y dlad Iauzhlna whom the Jumped lhe dllch And cmhed Into the lence lhalo Ilm can hit smooth Um no lhnl you on we gun or clay you mu Ihm Ind couldnt mm All tho cradle method ruplnl infill cAmu lhl mpu ram whch revolving pweepl pcrlodlcnlly Iwepl low In sweep lhn train all In hunrflu which were lhen Hod wllh Itrlw rape by lhu man Then um blndm known Um won dtrml tellmp ulndu Co Allhlnn cum in lho Illa mo lho mos lnlrl uulng blnder Ill tar Mr Flclcher wan concumad whlp lull bthlml the harm could bu npmled by much control by Um drlvcr rldlnu bchlnd binder By twlnllnx um conlrol lover ano way or In other 1h drlvlr WM xlvu any on lhu lmrm not pulllnn MI welxhl MUM REHWLON laxuo llnzllnl Xmunlon Ilchqu In men Dlndlr Ca cauld not obtain pawn on Itrlnl hlndlnl knollar unl nlhcr ynhnx Mr Fletcher lull wanled to go through with deal they appronched Que bzc 11 to Engllnd had lo ad acrou In tub he up ed Good Boy mu lha stu um um skipper You mould have seen um land he lays Bx2mm or ha cums nip mu rut lub 9f porridge wllh flvg pound Tho International bridle link lng Canadn and tho United sum Sun Mn In an overIll length of mm Mile rubbed In pricg from 75 to 85 cents Honey wll told at from 25 can to findingwui nth unlll inld mornlng he Farmer Mm knt today with em rcmllnlnl an the blg uller 16 55 cents per dozen The price mun wu memes 25 cents mall 35 madlnm 45 Inn 50 and cxlra lam 55 cent per dozen Good llama baklnu Induded cookie um Flu hrsd buns cakes Christmas cake Ind Chi ma adding Chrlslmu an Icles at were put up or 119 Included knmed baby sets Iwu mamas mitts prom Icy animals and tonnes Vegetable price wen ur mla three pounds for In cenu been 15cenu per qum par anlps 19 can package celery two or 10 caulmamr Ind squash so com or large Am brmuals sprouts ncenll lur nlps 10 la 15 can rlpo mntoes two pint or cents and me 10 mm nndup on Iann fivo can each and mob in onion old It tinu Wm tor mu Irm mnmaimimzn munnu mac 1m Yule Foods life Feat1ixe 01 Market and man Ir ngomulo Ilquld hump unlmml doar mm In rim mud pimw hm hm mud Hm Clum lollowu l0vmll noun lounllom llmmlu man br Mom In mm bu out dun Ind 0th hullAMI DEGUMTIBNS BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Opon All Ruldonla CIIy lhrrll LONG BRIDGE ulnmnflnul MA WIN PRIIES FOR Ill AVE mm IM Prollmlnuy Judging Du IMHO Flml Judglng Friday Du PRIZES IN EACH WARD 6th ANNUAL CONTEST Sponsord By FEEWEI LEAGUE MONTREAL CF 50ml II MI hockuy luml In entered In pctWM bankm Ind Juvcnllu lulu for Ike mini mm In he Monlml am TM Yl dvplflmnnl lurnhhu ml tnndlnl Aqulpmm 1nd rlnkl Ind ornnlm pinyin Ichodulu Sam at the mart dureble and allaetlva lcncu aver erected weer cedar rnll fences The lut roll once Mr Fletcher made was In ma Ho delcflbu how they cut cedar 10H twelve eel long tut Their method epllttlng ralll called or two axes Ono ax wu alammed In at one end and tho other just behlnd It Then the tint Ix wu removed nndalammad In hut hnhlnrl the second IX thue matr lnn check or epllt from end to end at the lozl It the lo we largo perhopa Al or elght rllls could be epllt out The next hlzhcr log datum any vldo lour rolls the next we and the lap at the tm mtht rovlda three orvloumaclu or meet Compulsory or mtulo labor or the township one termed In has been abollshed lame elxty yearn But when hlr Fletcher war llnt larmlng he wu maed live day year to hlul gravel tur hulldlnl up Eu Townahlp mode Some tarmerl were nueaaedljuat lhree dnyve rand boar Wlll chaaen from every concenlon between Ildl rem time one yard at time had to be haulad rpm the nelrut It by teem Ind wnzan All oedlnl Wlll done by hind Dumplny wu euy thmh becouu all the men had to do we remove the plank Ildee al the wnzon boxes and lhcn slide the bottom plank over on by one and tha gravel lell down onlo the road nut II Mr Fletcher re member ll Ihclr mad ban wharo Job we to dlrcct the dumplnl and level the flrnvel had only ehovel and Jr den rhho wlth whlch to carry out till part ol Ibo bnrznln CEDAR RMlfi qua win lylnz knouer Ind be Inllllled Unfortunately cult lngl erI frequently all In Juries Announcemznc th prlze winnerl mndo In nlsht Nancy Human and Ruth Moor won top rim In tho lwm dlvllalon Exam qolmf conlept puma In IA MM lay In Barrie Girls Win Top Prizes In Examiner Color ConteSt WINNERS of the Exlmlmr approvln look at their en Colorinl Comm mu am From the Mn Judge and died of lnleml In CALL FOR SAFETY VANCOUVER CF Toen llm youth mm confor ancc hm mauled aly coun cil or III Brllllh Columbi Prnvlnclnl Pallet lrnrn Elm vnla are null carrying am tan lullallon wlIh the crown Iuor my to determina when and when an lnquell will In held into tho death ConnHule Gaul l9 John 51 Du rie who died urly Friday mar nlnl from gumho woundl uhoalx The nhoollnz occurred It ha home Lucius Drama 60 who live Ilnna on Highway 21 be tween lho mm And lelh con ce Inn Flo mhlp Cheryl Cola 10 RR Ulopln won third the allowed by Ruth mm 13 so Brock meet And Carol Whlte 13 Mgplpaflcn raad Egg Mr Wumn laid he wu ex tremely plum win the hund red or emuIn and thrilled by mink mm the young Nmetccnycarold Min Hodz Ion won 10 prize for but entry In tho yzm Ind avar clmlllcnuon Her hams Addrcu Mlltlanvpnuol Winner of lbs 11 yearl and under clan Mlu Moor Grey lrm Ilqwmg finish In the olderaua group wnx 14yearold Danni lSulfgn Shnmy Bay prize undo Brown 11 Elm meei Anna was runnmx to Ruth Lh Nyvaunggr dIv ion and 0mtwinnerl were Nancy Brenneman Nelmn urea $1 and Margaret Moor 10 Grove meet by ludges Mrl Eileen Dixon womenn editor of the nawmn er and Harry Wilson Advert In manager Mn Dlxonuld ll wu dill cnll lo choc one entry over Another Consulting Crown About Inquest SHOPPING HOURS Flu Dollvevy BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA PLAZA DRUGS SUNDAY OPEN ll lm1a pm DEC T0 DEC 24 AM TO PA 85943 CHRISTMAS DAILY LIBRARY The flarrle Public Library ml Collier Ind Hulculltr Strut ll open Saturday mm 030 um tn ma pm Tue adult deput rnrn ll alto apeu ram lo pm Saturday my EXAMINER mm Abs mom mm Sthz MW the H4717 11mm My Mlllnnd in Eda Allan Pul The Premnluu Eun lnl and Janet Blnlr In Burn Witch Bum tho im urini Th Ben 01 Enemiu wit David Niven Ind 30rd in technicolor pi Rev ingglvl ifrnnkgnxieiyi Vi Patel Ouaan in color Adult ants ulnment MUBEUM display Ihowlnx the devel opment man mm 1000 EC to thl mien Includlnl the Moll III med through the am an display at almcce County Muh cum weak day mm to mo pm The mumm live mile 11lo n1 Emla on HIxhwny Adjacent Eprinzwalcr Park HOCKEY In Inlermcdlnu hackey Ihe Mentord Chev will plly 1h Barrie Falcon Barrio Arenn Sunday Game 11ml II 130 pm Mn Eileen Dixon Nancy Hod mn ID wlnnnol flu em year dfivlalan And lzoyelr 1210 Ruth Moor winner at an 12 yearn and under clau Ind Juan Hurry Wluon Ex ImIMr photo DIAMOND RI 151GB Dunlap llml In Wlfh WEAR SECURITY BOND WEEKEND EVENTS Our Ilepnlatlal Your Gulunlu THEATRE PA Pox Olflco

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