Iv Eu Hm hlnm ulxl Hwy wnuM rum knuckle umlrr In ll hludgmnlnz and warn Illvk In In their llmulu ml mm Inlmlsm almuhl wnur nn Illoul mule unlml Hus Unllevl NM rallw 1mm rnnHuhl In ll lndlcnIpd lluuln hrnl my 11m yhan IIIn Thu Chlnm ulmrk bark lllnrkl levrllrd In Illa muni nund Hulnnrlnn Cutlmllnvn Nummrlnn nml Hnllnn pally rnngmm um mlmilled lhnl lhrlr mm mm Imd lullml prrvufll Illa wmrnlnl ol mmlan Tllu vinlllnn Muxruw MM ICIHVI Invllnllan In 10 Bovlol pnrllnmrnl Walnu duy lhnl 50ml nml ugnslnv Mn nl View an all mm In lrmannnal qunlilrm tnlncltlo at Mo cl In Mh Mhor Ona most nnlnblo rc mm the election was that tho uherul Improved lhcr ten noun mlp In he VlnnlpcK mu ropollum urea nnlnlng sen rum each of the Progressive Conscrvallvo Ind New Demo In rmmnunianh Im Alrm nm Yugmlnvln run It lrhmlnl lenal Imrdor wnr unh lmlln Thhfllfhlmu Itntcmcnl heaped mun on Khnuhrhcvn new luund rlondnhlp la llml mm Khmhchuvl Ihnrp unlclun or Chlnn hclnm 0m lecl pur llnmcnl chlnwlny huwavtr Hcnwl lu lmllrnlo ml lhn door ln nwnclllnllon would lm lmrd lo Illicit Meoloxlcnl quaml llmll 1110 new landcrnhlp In In 0600wnrd olky slnlnmcnl ln lhn ulllcinr lcklnu lrnplol Dally mkud Hm suvlcl Unlnn Inr nn ullrrly aulrngwua nullChine campaign mu cnlcd Um had pm mod lnccllng or All Ihu woml Com munm pnruu Io lry In ml the hunch uvmmuuul Cl nld uy le with Moscow in warmlan and ne used Soviet Ircmlcr Khrush chev of flu new Mmlsl crlmu tnpflulallnnlsm Hm clvlng 1910 mg Unlujd Slum yang mmwvz Democratic Party inst strength dropping seat Friday in its North Winnipeg Itrnnghold and lhe only Soclnl Credit memhnr oi the last in islnture retained hi sent Pnrty standing Con 33 36 Conservative government back In power in Manitoba sworn elecflnn but the Liberal mndn Illght gain In both mm and lbapopnlar vote Accuses Soviet Union Of Capitulationism OHM Corpmunlsl Social Cred 110 beloved Total 57 The tie Ll In Klldonnn NDPCCF Liberals Make Gains Inlr Mamtoba young mmpm cg Primer mm Jolly old Santa Claus brought cheer and gills In allcnls In the Childrens War of Royal Vlcmrln Hospital today It was onenl Santas major stop 9am Year No 294 Far Examine Wan Ad lclo phone PA Mall The lelnphnna number mull for tho Bualnm or Editorial D291 PA 66537 Our Telephones IO The Rt xv In Mr May In managing ol llm llnwkcrï¬dvlrlvr lump Iml pmhlcnl My nan Almr llnlllnll mumm Va hum mn when no rallml Inlnnlepmdlmm In In In ho Inld Ilrlnrl lulllnl In the mum Imp nznln In on lg nnnur own Eur llay Dolmen radar of Illninl nlrcrnn rnnrarlnu mid In mm The Tlmrl lhnl lh lovrmmrnl uvmukl 1on Hm Unilml mm to pru vMu lulnm lulllnnrlnu mlullu npln men for mun LONDON lAlA rcspvrn ml lllllnlnn zlolmcn pol cy hllhorla llnkml la Hm Skymil mlnllownl nporlul In Ibo VH7th lmlny An Deanv MiniJar lmr memfl camllnl Us In Irnnnny and ylnnnrd In My lmme mm Hm Pull NAT minimum Wish nlrrrnfl chlrl warnml lhnl nny rrplnm mrnl tar Myholl mould bo IIvlllh llllllsh ililorrlnu lu Khrulhclmvl Cuban mlmlo relmfl the lime men mid ho had been zuilly udvrnlurlxm and cnplmln llonhm Wu nru mulululy oppmml to lho lmpcrlnllu policy or nuclonr Ruuln Yugoslavia um um uulcm European rod nr rnigncd unlnu Chlnn Albnnln and tom or Communlu pnrllu lulu UUILTY Contractor Tells UK Govt Not To Rely 0n US Missiles Mheml Gordan Johnslon won la Prairie nvcr Weller min or Jnhn Christinnson 0w only cnhlnel mlnlsm dcfcnlud Tm mnln lsauu 1n Ihul campaign was cnnlmvcrslul pr osud diversion of the Main bolna River Inn Lnlm Mnnlloba Tho ngrnssive Conserva um regained the lrndmonnlly Conservative mulhem Munllnhn mrnl sun 01 lurtlo Mounlnln ham lhu Liberals who won in byclccllan In now They Ink Sieve Patrick middle guard ior Winnipeg Blue Bumbmiha Cnnnninn ioolbnii championy mude successiul pniiiicnl de but by winning iho Winniplu suburban sea oi Assiniboia or iha Libcrnil irom he lnrmer member Prugrcssivo Conservu iivo Gentle Johnson Mark Smcrchanski won or he Lib ernla in he Nonh Winnipeg Burrnws when im deicaied vgicrnn minus John linwry cmllc Panic to add nlhe St Hummus seat they held before mm vu uuu knee Mmï¬amld Dean overs uilng the parade npon sored guy he Bun1e Plaza Kempenfdl Trumpet Band led woflgntl panda 931 Sam Aimnn um lmmlwrhnms In Ind llmlnr Alrrrnfl Hm unprr myl lhll wuuld In danimm mow b9 mmo ho mmmwmu nl IIILII lylllfll would hi my runmm Illilnln mu lmnu would mm to lnlnu In Well Hommny nml nlhcr lillmponu alllos Iu mam 1w lnmlen and Um pmudlullnn Wm Gan mnny wunld xur up 541le um plrlnn Grmmn mmuuhm llu Mnnthrmr lumllun In Vault be lnr Hrllnln ml mme nu lurlhrr wllh nurlur wrnwnl dunlnp mvnl 11ml will ml wmry lb wan mm or union IM Al Mu may Hm hc Skyball In Icrnldml and Hm Ununl Emu drmnmlu In canlrnl of mmmmr llrlnln wmnld be lrmpln In momma with lrnnrn In building Kurt mm nuclrnr Ilrlklnx mm nil Illlll II III m4 hm ml the Uand sum Nady nod hm had it 1mm of Mn mu lul aIIA um In Chinese dclcndcd Ihelr Um hnl lm rrlnlllm paper Hm whch Khrulhchuv mtullcnlly alluded Wednudny when Mid lha tho Ilzcr had nuclear mm l000mllu uuu Thdld Hull lho soc Hal counlrlu hnvu no need whnlwovcr Ina nuclanr weapon at gnmblinl counlor or lar lrlxhlrnlng nlh era To in Ihll wuuld menu lruly In cman ha error ad vrplnrllm 11m l7 poi 6an Ono factor In decldlng tho contest may ha ballatl cast by occupants hospitals nursing homes and home for tho nqu These Vole were to ho IBM to Iho chic cleclarnl onlcer and dlsmbulcd among lho homo r1 the voters Ilsa took the wire constituency of Fisher from he NDP When counting wnl com plcled in he suhurbnn wlnnl peg Hdlnflmolwxfldomn PM Ermivo Jansennun Jamel Mills and Reid lho ND candidate seeking melecdon were led with 3156 voles each The could be broken in sev eral way below lhu result ll olrlclnl Dec no But ll lhotle persisted would be up the returning olflccr to can the do cldlng vote nyq Am mm Rent Other children are from loll Theresa WIckslead 12 Christine Vhllhun and Sharon Agar Examiner Phnlnk Taxman mam Dun cumnu lmvlnclnl hmum Jam Minn old llm luxlnlnluro lho pmvlntlnl nnrmnrl 191ml lur lhu yur antlan March II 1m will he bird In nu ma wllhln day um lump Hon mllon early next year LWnnl warm louclmd lwohuur from by llm lecrnl nnd Now cmumllc panJrI nxnlml up pmvln Um £52000 wawa ol um pmvlndnl nudllnra HM or Inn nuxl llml yur TORONTO CPIA born mnmlmr Ibo lonlnlnluru Iald Frldny ll nlmolulnly absurd cl ho provincial nnvemmcnl lo Ink or voln an rxllmnlol for llm mm lhcnl yen whvn he opposition hm been Ivan no rcpqu 01le Thu Pro remvo Conserva llvcl and barnll run candl dnlu ln all 55 soul Huh volan In tho norlhcrn lull nl Churchill and llupcmland wlll nol luko plum unlll Jun Th NDP run 38 candldnlu nauw Ion but will dlsnppoinled by his mys showing It had hop to replnu ho Liberal flu ofllclnl opposlllon Tm nnly Soclnl Crbdlt candl dnlo elecled Wu Franc In lha rural Ullnelnnd rldlng Ino Iwan he sent In byolmlon 5159 leml Lender 111 Mount electcd In the rural riding 01 Ste Rose commented particu llrly on hll partys gaInMn the popular me and In the WlnnL pez urban area Pnullcy leader of lhu DP wn reflected In 0m Wln Eldlng undis Tells Government Look Ere Leaping Premler Roblln who said ha wan gratiï¬ed at he elemlun mull onsllryon ermnnl election In til Wnnipcg any ridan Vomleyho hm lop menzcd Ainco 1M9 lncmn run nojejndl airemmss at half candl dam to clad three per can kha lola vote his time i959 The NDPHrEped dm ugly to 15 per cent ram 22 per The Liberal md 35 pin cent compared wlguao per gang In mm time to ï¬rm tho min 151 said the RCMP naked lo check on whether prospecuve Job up Ileana am goodsecu rity ska before they are hind or tome government Job Mn Flemlng was replying to New Democratic Pany mem ber who said they have Infor mation mm number of sources that the lederul pallcu area has been lnlervluwlng people at universities on um political mlvllm of mcmnelm an 1215 mlleagges fun He said he has given no In xtmcuonx or the RCMP to Interrogaw either students or teacher and added that he has been told um the Mounties have not been Approaching em Ellyn campuses In an alert plann campusei In univefléh develop lumen of Mamma OIMWA CHJulius Min iuer Flemlnlnld in the Cumu non Friday that the RCMP in nu Interested in political ac livliy among university sluA d2 incqlly niemhm RCMP Avoid Schoql Politics ONLY Ontario Canada Suturdnyfbuomblrll 1961 may mm III not Mr Colnlm Ml wm mum lna er 1M Inc ol ham In Um Icvummml lor II In lulu ofllwa ullmnm pm urIy mum in Irmm dld mums at him so pm vï¬ntlnl nudllor umni flu mun Minimum and Inlalj In nvomnnl he nhmll In in mm 1h llaun mlwr mm In th mlllm at new minlmr mlnlmr when uunula NM Mr ml undenland how In con Iclence llu gnwmmcnt con all for In Vain nn lhc ullmnm vdwn lhu armlllon Ind no 11 an III rh lo It all chm Mhml mrmbm ruined In honuly and Inlurly Im vinrlnl Auditor may CoinnnL um um ll labia nut Iho rmvlntlal lrmuml uh III Hume wmle Ml 0mm all mnlel wen dyhplbd nxo mm ullmnm lot the nmlllorl ofï¬ce wm approved dowflo opsmullan malcm amt lhey md onn Ivan only hull he Inlonnnllon nundod tor ham and lnlellllpnl mu oi lho um Mr Allan Iald lhnf Although ha ravlncInI nudflor re III lhu eulllnlum lhrouah pm vlnclal lnmxurcr be In Indo ncmlcnl nnd have um um provinclll nudlm why his report lml nvnlllblo Al ll VESTIMATES were nbxcnt Tho molullon charged ho ggrgallum pg NATO coun Me for NATO delenco purpqu worn uscd by Portugal for Ihu rcprculon rebch In Angnln Mozambique and Fortunee 091nm 111610 wnu to with llnns Eluhl countflu II nppmvtd moluflan that earnestly rcqueuled all coun Irina lo prawn late and sup 1y of mm and mllllnry cqu man In Um Pammuesu loicrnmtnt UNITED NATIONS over tho bmcr mum at Par lugnl the UN Gcnml Amm bly today condemned lhnl coun try or In ndmlnlalrnlion of Al xlgn Imltnrlcs He Inld he fired at the left rear Ira and gasoline tank or Fawccua our when the amm Izggrcq sigma to halt Mr Justice Spmm laid lhrcn mm In lhe buck mt were Conn Ferguson nld he had parked his police cruiser arms road less than mile from ï¬gwcclll lnnewny Sam 18 Fawcefl was comnfltled to he Ontario hospital at Pene lanzulshene In October m1 nun bclnz remnndedon 5k criminal thanm Including saulllnl and pointing llrenrm It tujsseason Mr Jusllcn Spence trying the Issueo Fawceul unity and ï¬tness to remain at large anceu who farms auo acres armer Crown land wllh hll brothu Harald42 hn relused lpay property taxes nlnce IBS UN Condemns Portuguese Action Mr Juslice Stance told canst Ferguson Olheu zumy olfconduct no less reckless certainly no morn tackle have need criminal enema He said was miracle that one Ihrao Innocent men rhi Jng tn lha rear seat was not Injured when Constablew Ferguson Mentord ï¬red the cars rear Utes and than Ila gasoline tank In an elfort to arrest Fr ck Fawn 47 Gray Cnnmy tanner or whom warrant hnd haun Ia tucd TORONTO CHA palleer mans ncllon In Ixmg twn amt at car in an altar to arrest 11 drlver was described wildly reckless by Mr Jus cu Spence Friday SHOT HT CAR Justicé ghides Polidemans Act The mm at uth lo Ike mm mt mum lho only an no InnN mm 12 to an mm on min Am Polka laid lho bandlu np vented lo hnvn been Armed wllh ualxlnn FN nulamnllc mm lhu typo rcpuxlcd ltnlen Thu bundlll actually wllh 010000 hul most exclpl or Mowan nugaflnhle bonda Thu bundils Ktinwny car white 1000 hnrdiop canvmihin carrying Iiaicn license pinion wns ionnd iusi helm midnight nhnndoncd on II meet in 1an ni Mount Royal adjacent in St Laurent conlninad lilo Santa Clflxa null Santa Claus xhoullng prelu llles opened Ire allowed by his helpers Th constables dld not have chance to get out of th znr although one them man ged to In lew shots be lam nlumplnz aver dead couldnt helluva ll one glrl eynwltnes mld Thcra was Ihls Santa wllh glasses Ind ndlstlc lmklnz lust couldnt bellevu lt Ilrlrlcn Robert lllonlrul Kellen dlrtctor obviously upset lho deaths ordered hll men to shoot on Ill tnthzr than take chances Them men are nrchAcnemlcs ol zuclcty and we shall rent them such he mld Mgr nm cm The bandlls led by on wear Ina Santa Cnus It hurt mm the Canadian Imperial Bank of Cameron branch on Cote do Liam mad Juat Police cruiser pulled it curry Constable Dcull rnbnnt 31 and Claude Mnflneau to MONTREAL CWA Ink Santa Clnua and three hooded helpers armed with deadly automan weapons must we Eollcemen Friday In remind ank holdup in suburban St Laurent dual netted them about 32000 in cash Dr Michéei Nciliie director oi the Forensic impatient Clinic at Toronto Psychiatric Hospital laid he believed Fawceli was ceniiinbly muniaiiy iil aufler lng mm persistent unaiierabie delusion or iniuheileis said men had been sent out to arm Fawcelt on the comparatively mlnomharge of painting ï¬rearm and shock In at Ira lax usesorn ï¬tment Ahncrswhb had not In to do with the balne be tween the plainlm Puma and the township Phoney St Nick IS Bank Robber ucn fl ln non KFTER THE CRASH xua 1100 drtvm um mm to hospllll TM Mm nl lhln Mr lmph Mlllam mule II Milum vumm to ha MI Vidal lwlm mt movement was hunched In op sIllnn la Illa prnposed Menu on MalayIn whlch I1 planned to Includc Brunei Sarnwnk Nnrlh Romeo Mn nyn T7157 romnlnlnu MIA hnvu fled Ioulh lulu runzad llllls um Iourm lnld Thu Ich anld lhc DrIUxh encounlcrcd llllln rcsimncu from tho rebel northern Har neonLibcrqllqn Army Th mums auld the Drillsh aok lhn town late Friday night after reaching tho nm on march through dense mount nnau jungle urnBritish lroops were re ported today to hnvu caplurcd lhn Ins two rebel atmnuhold cl Scbutl and Nlah In North Surnwnk prmy sources said hm rul island in 1975 97 ycu The holdup was lho hlrd In volving killings this year In and near Montreal Nu band were killed last May Jnpnjk empled bank robbery arm Schalasflque so mile north Mantrenlr Including lho two death Fri dny 23 rollccmen have been In dgy qn Mon Police said there was pos ability mm band may hava been with the gang n3 driver of lheleuway car Blood In snow on ï¬eld through which flu hand car fled wildly Indi cated that on or them may hale heepwoundam Bbmeo Rebels Chased 0i difn Army 5103 In Quebec Egg month ago romVCana vy WWW The hlsloflcflybycame at pm EST after n109duy 152 000000m11e over gall Journey that bean at Cage Canaveral lnunchhlz Pt oday as ha spacecraft ex plored deeperan space selen lIsts dug Into lhemnss of data morolnlnnnallvnnboul the earths closeswlanelary neigh lt was an moredzbla aund smiï¬cvw smch WASIDNGNN AP Mar iner II miracle of space science has given man hIs ï¬rst close look at another planet For 42 minutes Friday It scanned Venus lashing hack 34000000 mllés the Information which may unravel the secret Vol the veiled lady at the uni verse US Scientists Réjoicej Call It Inciedible Feat NoLMnrThan bar Copy1J4 Pagn Cloudy Ionlghl lltlle coolér Sun dayWlnds lighl Low hnlgm Slunday 15 For all 01 other 1mm 0mm Mlddlclnm In Amy 0mm um lo lbs hm bupflal My on Pm mums PM nnlph mu 11 mm or Just think hvw Ham mug money would looky your wit km ymtgokiï¬ neat chnllcr came to earth loo ram 00m Instru mcnu dcsluncd to munsum not Held and other phen nménlL the temperature on Um summer Tho Inlrarcd radiomclcr do Ilgncd lo Icnsu hen mm the gland and Its nlmasphere will clp loll Iclenlhu whn VmIII luArenlIy ljkc 41m mph Incuan he genie clouds which lurmlmd Bf What NAM lbw phprg Ika none Im maz nvtlc Held and how he cloudsllmudcd envlmnment ab acted all by gluon solar winds lhal curry pm lclc lrom the sun at speed up 0454 mllgg scgondjl surrounded by danger op radinlinn hem man earth mums cramming 5m la prccnuuons In any momma mlang mm there local Weathéf will take days and possibly wcelu or ndcntlsla to analyze and evalupte Just what wax found out by the eleglronlc eyes the Mound gold nndsllvar plated space messen ger that rocketed lmm the earth Aug EXPECT CLUES Hut they hope and expect to get at least sonm clue to help hesalve sllch vital question la Venus vast arid dew ert lWEp by dun storms or mon water or gll an Itfnï¬ge teeming with some arm mama The space crafls ï¬nal denim aIIonw11 be an arm araund the sun each lap taking 400 days never cumin closer than 40 miles mm the earth Marlner ts expected to send pertodlc Information about Inter planetary space Irom as at out as 72000000 miles from the birth Thats twice the distance It was ram earth Friday after long Journey plagued by re quent troubles gun to probe the cloudcovered surface at 155 pm and were switched olf my 37 pm Than the ml was speeding toward the sun alter having come closer to lane than any other space we Ide At Its nearest approach In Venus the sauce laboraw was 21100 lea mm planet PROBE mlgpqaurcwun am HERES ONE Page