Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1962, p. 5

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MIDLAND CHAPLAIN IN HOLY LAND John Jesus om Cum Hamid Coleman of Midland Onl mm ball mile from Jordnn nlvcr tho plncn when wn mvmug Born In 190 at the family homestead went Strand where hi brother William still midst Gordon was educated in the Stroud school which his faiha was inslmmcnia in having can llrucied He went on lorthe Barrie High School before it had becamo part of the dillrlci area and began his career with the Siandard Bank of Canada at thastraud branch He was transferred from them while the Strand branch was all in or trauma One of lnnlsllla sons wfll be lald In rest In maslxlh Lino cemenry on Saturday monsoon when the remalnl Gordon sumsland will bu brought from hla home In Challmm Alter graveside ceremony he will be Inland ln he family plot W101 the new chapel almost finished therekllposdblelhatlhlx will be the first use made Shut edlflce and the weather ammum qup nny mallan were d15 nused which might benefit In nisfll Mr Cochrnne all Ilmt lnduslrlalmatlen took most of the nltenuon the meeflng but 19 that the Alsadatlan could bcneflt Innis If extend Id to We par of the bunny sqmawm pm usum mun Retvn Cochrnne and Clerk Illmchnrghmah aéiwndgd cor an apmcm Association In Mldland an Wodnesday night and accord lu lo theReeVn It was nbad vo home with mow on 400 north arming axngmheel deg mu ly ILGA Harp wllh the tempexalures ranzlnu zero we null have to endure ha wholo wlnler fury the atom which went mm Ontarln overnight Inlnncd nurrnreu and Where It struck they are finding the wind pfllh lughack the mom as as as they mm Chnlham from era funeral wlll head for lunlvfll today was among the places hard hlt Sonlh of boldet the sum khan cllled Canadian whlch the worn term that can be um liarwinter Wenlutomnndml mufi patrdls on cold mum lnl kelhll they are moral headed than anal then TURKEY BINGO MQNDAY DEC I7 pm ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIEIVI ST BOTTOM LINES IN IT NUMBERS CONSOLATION $1500 Pmudl To Humanillrlln Sonkn JACKPOT $16000 EDD FELLOWS Gut 001m mm chuplnln wllh the Unlled Em ergency Pam In Exypl WM taking our ll Hon hunt CF wm mm mm Nwml Delano George and Jean Hunter lb mu line are now residing in Cnfllonda where 6mg who has visa has taken job cumdlnn big college In letter received mm him he um In this weather overheating slow ll something every homeowner needs to watch Mako sure that the ham Sw fln it not Mt too high on re ng Mymx LIKE inmate On Thursday night frame home on Highway 00 in innisiii was destroyed and Inniaiii ire men attended with assistance from Ban1a The names were prevented irony destroying garage but ihil was badly scor ched Overheating nova wax thought to have been the source oi theriire RES IN lNNlEFlL 0n Thunday the big chicken burn an the iarmmf Luigi Spa tero the 4th line between Highway 27 and 400 Win dew troyed by fire Thin in in the Coohtawn Imiective area and that fire lghting unlt did all Wbie Howeve by the time they arrived the ham was sum ins and all that couhi he dun was in keep the flames mm mending to other build wlll ncoumpany Mn Sutherland l0 Chalhnm after the uneral to number there Gordon was member 01 the Masonic Order and the Independent Order MM One bandwWfl red deceased and three When and Hum um sun He beema amamzer while In WeslernCnnada and wat used an man to he Lwhne branch neededjtoub adjust ed He had been In Clmlham in name Mme until his rguresnent month an 1119st ency ment this showed lhal hla work had kept him mm H1 Inn 0mm public duty wu in Strand when he opened ma new Sunny Brae School 8911ch his widow he leave aim William Mm Meat in mm at Queen Uhlvmlzy and two daughlenlathleen and Lynn who are studenu at Chalhnm Hlgh c1309 Mn HangUennD Cdld Sfom DATE SET LONDON ANThe weddlnz of Pflncm Alexundrn and An gut llvy will be In Westmin Iter boy April the Royal Family announced Thursday night The prince 75 her lance Mycumld son of tho curl AllHe la financier own for parkmg MW Mayor Gordan Slronnch myl We no going all out to rank London In mu13 and ammuan centre and feel his wlll htly To ISSUE WARNINGS LONDON Ont CPLActing Police Chief lInlny Carroll Thursday night was Instructed by the London Pollce Comm aim to have member hi lam lssun comely warning ckell tn vialtqrg Irang put Th draw or five turkey do nated by local resident will alto be made an Saundno ember l5 alter reglllrallon ll closed and all oublandlng ticket med an bx Deceth 15 Saturday In tho deadline for mum at boyl hnckey at the Stroud Rink Bay up lo 17 years nga last August Isl are cllgflfla to register this Saturday morning or on of 50 cents Anyone winning in register for Iknflng privilege or the team at leeoiflmbnisoumedw com along on Saturday mom lng width In lha Inst day or registrqllnn ed 200000 all day and In Into the night He say It made Miami where the Hun lerl have lived In winter or yearn look like mall village 1111313me 9mm sum will use every pressure or charm to campel Ku my Io rejoin ha central zavv ammenbeven Katangn to math mwler ewe that they stayed near highway muhe autumn of Do Angela thcra flagMe highwnyupour BUSINEM MACHle mum at IA H024 Than told the ommmee Talmmbea letter appeared zn represent an encouraging Velopnlent but added that In View of our past experience with Mr Tahombe we are no Jumping to any hasty conch alonl Tshamba would attack UN forces Thnnt mm cloud meetingo the committee will defend omelves any and Mt back to Jim Ml r31 Coan lese government Iherrlch furL elgn cuan earnings Ka tang mine when Indicated he wan vary the olfar The conditions would guaran tee Katalin flannclel hue of at leall $60000000 of the $250 000000 in foreign currency the copper mine annually draw Invaalanzanrilaln Belgium and the United Stuteewauld he asked lo guarantee the arrnuger mtnl Bu mm dammined to achieve reunification at The Congo took flaps in put an ear nomlc Binnie on Kawnza And he told Ls mnaflon Congo ad gry cqrgmiuee the Unmd UNITED Hmonstm President vMoile Tlhombe of secessionist Katangu province notified UN SeminarGenera UThln hmmy my ii an Ofiefifimer Thant wary Md SM IO by An unforgettable motion plctum oxpntloncol From Mom to tho rownoctlon from tho turbulent protont to futura dastlny EMMANUEL BAPIIST CHURCH SATURDAY DECEMnER ms pm focal point of human binary and divine Intervention for 4000 yam In Imuliiul Enimon Color The Story of the Holy City ADMISSION FREE SILVER COLLECTION SPONSORED BY Tho Burl Chrhllln Yovlh Puliomhlp Chapman Plncher the newl papcrl defence component uya McNamara has Ilade Ml posmm In Us delence Incre ury on Ml recommendation to lcfllpSkybOIL Finch My Presldtnl Ken Wk womqu Mc NAM 6E rlmlksuefl we don want It you can haveit¢o£lamesm vs II the nixcolumn Iran page banner In The Daily Her 50 ITALONE Skybol Kennedy man put It blunuy In Thnmcycrafl ymmgdf nylflhy ungf hemdlln clnl eflect stance and mm any British Independent nuclear damem whldl or the um two years ha been keyed M17 lha Skybolt nlblaundled mix 1119 Why Hugo would linden newspapersle variety of predictions on British regpoule mum American an Authoritative sources in Paris said Thursday night us be fence Secretary Robert Mc Namnra told me British they could go it alone on development oi Iha costly missile or take delivery Polaris lubmarine missiles or hound dog medium raygegniuiiea instead wu mu boli missile debm lakes lop 1131 iii naushW again ayw 35 011 reparla mm Purl that the United sun had oflmd in let Britain inks over development oi the missile Elana nhlrledby iinns impeflni aimpr in primin ml mm mm 43 two wgeiu ago andadded fivepercent cash discount Thursday inysuda hury Ernest Bunka operator of Lbs Regen Fina mvice nation in Sudbury hangedidsimpe rial opponent in eiiizy along with sign nunauncing aim liar new low price PRICE VARY While most areas wm mk ing part in the ninlxgla the H63 range varied wuiderabiy ughth the province in Sam the two imperial Th wnrvwhlchlbe an Sept 11 when Imperial Limited movedmzalm mun nunchm dim and privatebrand duhlb IIIan such as Canadian fln Corporation ha brqugh abou clung at rapidyacet ogrqpmn rinsa The gasollu gflcé war11 0n tazio has rprea to every major pglaflan caner tn the prov noe with law 01295 cent allan reached or resulan 5153 lnBrantIord British Papers To Predict Outcome 0i Sk9bolt Mair ADMISSION 75 PER PERSON Na mm or Jun Imnllted numb me 1L GaSLWGIiSPkréfiflS Aéfdss ProvinCe Every Friday Saturday Night FRIDAY NIGHT THE RAVENS DANCING IOOF HAll COlllER ST SATURDAY NIGHT GIB WILEY Emiroccurred it depth 9769 tel it cause was no SIX MINE KILLED HEESSEN Germnny AP ceilan coflapsed Thursday within flu depths of Wes Ger manys deepen coal mInoVLhe SaxonyMum le miner and Ierloualy injuring Ive Another five working the lame lhm capcd unscathed Officials xnld the cave1n at the Saxonyone ot the Ruhrsr hatter known The Dally ermr cautious in an edlloml Dont think the Am are being hem to Eurllain about lhll Skyboll mlr The paper my Britain took gamble in deciding la rely on Skybolta being nvaflabloand Izmw looks the gamble may not come 01L Ho says the Skybold cancella tion was political and tie dares the us has been working flar eight years In deprive Bril aln the Independem deterrent through pallLIcnI pressure Imperial manor Mglmpnl man Tarantuzynfled rum M9 to 339 In move against Ca nadian fire City Parking le lied Flash Petroleum Limited land numberql other Inde pendent brand 1outlets other mgjar companies In 111 mu ol fered price from 822 0439 rsome niferinl lopahcent cow Taxaoo Fine and Supermt nullm In Branqu reaiaterod the Ontarlolaw 299mm 12 Imperial oulleujdveruung price at Elsatwo wIlh five penocnt coupon offered on In dependentvhrnnd stafldn attend onecent stamp with me can gallan ml In London major all campa nle mad at 34 Imperial dmpped ugh locatlgna 341 plus five per pen or on sale and Canadian Tire had nit prlcg oi321 One private outlet registered law ntsujcnnu gaunn of nmdmgmllne station améhed Ivapenal discount at each sales on their 31mm price Anolhgr Im auuel and private dls hula were at 331 anrjflngadlm Tim was an In Wynecu coupon 130 m3 Dec 15 sum at pm Four Mlln Irom Bar rlu on 27 Norm lo Vlrcool on Snow Valley Rand Thnn lollow Ilgm Modern Dunclu BARRIE CHALLENGERS Rdmhmtnl Boolh MIXED DANCING mmlDEIGMWZHR Where the Mountains ot Mourne swap down to the sea peaks may be seen in 10 bylbmfle area Hcalh Ian London by air Alter the debate for Bmssek to patr uclpake mum Isles stage the Commnn Market talks whlgh have been Ipeeded up with more frequent mlnlutednl meetings in an mm to batten British entry emmen had new given can to maintain imeniry or Cammonwenilh goodau 113 piedga is that we will team Iho special iniereau ni ii Commanweaim he xhouled Opposition Leader Hugh Gnllakeli and Labors for ign policy spokesman Harold Healhs denial nmldcheeu mm Consewauve hackbench era ended Liamhour debate on ma Common Man1m gum which Healthmrepgfled final plasma ruse 94 by recent mlpbteflal med Eusiau me mad moo mmzn urnrunn vuuV day Lord vy Seal Edward Heath In them 15 nolnne amp truth In opposition charges that Brilaln had dishonorad her pledges to the Commonwealth about the Eumpeanflommon Market amuns pchlel marka gld up Brith gav 51 Kim Héaihl Défiies Idea OI British LONDON cman analay mm scope REVENGE or FRANKENSTEIN THIS Is WAR HIS IS FUN ln Colm Mnll Enlcflnlnmznc NOW SHOWING IMPERIAL Seagrams Star Rated Best Plenum Hahn umoothcr MH honormating th morn antlatylng Mk gonulnuly flno whlnky uh popular prloo MH In con nnor tout nner toat Agninat the throo lending brands in price alums Onnndtnnl llkod mo unto of Eongrnml Sm hm Ilnvc you trlod 1qu gram whloky yet It not do Io Icon Boo yoq dont ngroe with the verdict at thousands of other Canadian gm rate it but mudummmommuumnIloaonmun MM mummm BEAGRAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN va wmnkv iiirkkfi gown AT 700 Ind 1000 TODAY Saturday 32 Anuu inmmlul SHOWN AT 83031in

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