Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1962, p. 4

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1751 Mm mxumlv mum 1152 on durum 110 NH OI mqumkwmnmum 11 II will All film 134 Tu III MMI Dilly Nwmw Pub lIl Cllllll Im III mumu ll lv will lo dlmmm In In Aulhulu um um um rum emu munan OI AM In mm nl non Dan Inna Md llllullfl Illa lelm Iulu nu IIIIAI DU ll unmuou ll Iu uuu NAIL MI lull Inn mun In ID noun lmllfln It Iuhirupllol ma by univ In Iy If yin 10 hr II 000 on mom Mn mum ml an um cum mmu um man mum mmmcu Iguc mo 01 bmmJum v53 WMVSL Paull Church thicch Imuhed way lnlo the hulldng and helped hom Iclm lo 575 mm collmlon plain Christmas trees were erected In thl Huh uare by the lawn hall Ind decor ated lh thlcd bulbs Tho very Int night he rm wcrn In place nlnclcrn of the bulbs were plllcred Sncc lhtn downs of buIbI have been filchtd rum mIdrnuM dhtricu Juu look inlrlfieiiicbrrrti Vlérflthc pm week or so DRILLIA CRIME RATE Orfllla Packet and Times Had an thing Italen lately Any Or 11 resident who can my no to flu qugsfloq II Inckyhlor in Iuown Elicirunoblruatve way his lorwilwili ieIrlmldcp an my big my ln my land 058 for Field Comforts Emenvc Dru Crown Hill Liberal candidate or onh Slmcoc announced that If cleco battalion and was badly wounded at Lens Gunner Thomas Alfred Re In ald locker 20 Barrie who was an III at Yprcn on Oct 20 wllh trench fever dled ln hospital in England Dec Warlch In Eagle anddlmlcl alucd $5 Barrie Examiner Dec 13 1917 Dom inion Election cam algn warming 11 with Al Boys Barrie and Mitchell oi Alliston as candidates in South Slmcoe Harry Gariner knock ed out by gas in France Ptei Douglas McDougall arrived home after being twice wounded and buried or more than two hours in trench Frank Burge lnnlstll farm laborer killed in actton Ptcl George Cheer arrived home He went over with the 76th county battalion and was wounded in the lighting at loos te Ito Cole also 76th arrived home alter eln wounded It lens LC Frank alklnsaw of An us rive home He went over with 157 WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Wolves do eat deer of course panic ulaxly during the winter months But ac gordmg tomeresgarchrandn offing Department of Lands and Forests which is conducting continuing study of the relatlonship of wolves and deer the th of that predation on the survival at the deer p0 ulatlon as whole is still to be accurate determined It known however that where deer have been overprotected In thrUnited that the bounty system Is largely waste of money but that does not prevent many hunters from demandlng bigger bounties on wolves when deer appear to be scarce Deer hunters had la greater success this fall in Ontaria and as result there has been less talk about the need for more vigorous campaign alnst wolves hag been demonsmted me and again Under theMunlnipal Act the council is not permitted to budget for surplus Theoretically at least budgeted reven ues should cover expenditures4nd no more But in business the size carried on the council unexpected financial prob ems arise from time to time They Actuallythcre is no such accountIn the strch sense of the weld The Cit Council occasionally authorizes expen ltures such asgrant or which 119 prov ision has been made in the regular hudo getu These expenditures can be taken care of at the end of the year if the city enjoys surplus or they can be camed lorward lnflthe ollowiugryear as db flcit This year because the city expect to have su Iue grams made over and above the bu get could he handled nice lywith unexpected funds Ald FrankHerSey has been nib ecledv go bolhcriflglsq 913d goodAxlwtlxre josh tag as atesun oi déiiézédime suspensi amount of civic finance committee of which his chairman FOod And Deer PopulatiOn Alderman Sirfiplv Cdrrying Out WishesTIOf The CounCil Willaglwflsmr gldl Frqugfleréel has met stibjetbledv could 96m in the form of request or The Barrie Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Pubflshed by Canadian Newspapers Unmed 16 Hayfield Street Eagle Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Enblllsbér Swghn6gnéfl Manager mum nzcmgsk nu LPm ml um mumr peo nmI glvlng lapel In In mum or mnlrlbullonl There ll nulhlng M1nt or smut Ilmul IL The ralllln tam Ind aloganl umnlly seem morn reigned in Annoy than crralo an aura of gcnamally However wonhwhlle the calm sack lnu charity In Ihl way only man may Above In on Ihc slum and pl Ilve can you mate dime for cup of coffee CAN YOU SPARE DIME Vlnrouver lrovlnco 111a dlsappohltml rmlvcncr of tlmily fund drm tayl Hut tagging nu becomc out art lnrhupl he lmporlant qumlan hora Wu lagufing ever an am It Inc nyllcm whereby voluumr colleclorl cav Ih mm dqu can undrr mo few dad beiore Park St Collegiate was eniere and mm oi money stolen iii Orilll District Coile inle lrl leit her new expensive dress la er room when Ihe changed to gdymnuium elothlng She returned to in ihat the drm had vnnLvhedi the Iame Ichool electric cord with special jaclu dillp cared from the popular Bandhox Ind rom radio umi during Playiare Three are but low random example of how the own ll ruiiering It lhe hand of growing segment of amoral light ilngered gentry with no rupee tor the rmrerly at other eople no principch at he own yen or wanton lextrucilon and nutty aneulin Imblilon io mnlro living at aomeono eI perm iremendous ex iosionoi munitions shi in Hall liar Dec morning kii ed 1226 persons with thousands more Injured and halt the cit in ruins Curlers and Ikaten ha their tint ice Saturday Mr Justice Duitr iirsi judgment as Central Ap eal Judge for Canada make it quite cear that farm workers are entitled to exem tion tmm military eervico on the gmun that pm ductian food product must be main tlined Kempenielt in role over on Dec 11 earliest xince cc 1880 Very had new storm on weekend And temperature went to 10 below ted he would support the Union Govern men and enforcement oi the Military Service Act Coroners jury returned verdict that Robert Stanleys death at Vine Gilt station in lnnisill was ac cldental Prospezta bright or last junior hockey team in Barrie Simon Dy ment reelected president of the club with Clarence ment as secrelary Barrie Union nvtheWar league elect ed John Little president Albert Sarjeant vicepnresid Archie Gpodali secretgry degree which is relatively unknown Dis ease 15 common among all wild animals Contrary to popular wildule fiction not all wild animals are healthy ha and strongll Many are weak and ed to cripp diseases seriously aepleted Vdefiarrtrzfijentrieport says It In generallyconceded that one of the most impoflant controlling factor in wildlma population is food su ply Wild am 3399150 3494991 we states they have literally eaten them selves out of house and home with the result that the entire population callaps ed Biologists says that when deer dam age their mnge to this extent recovery the range and of the herd dependent on it Is matter at decades but recovery of the deer pagination can occur in matterof veagxilthe rgnge in not been Perhaps suspense account is not the rlght description Probably unforeseei would be more up llcable But this after all Is detail of ch the council should not be too exercised Furthermore as council was elected for Mo gears and has another year to serve it permitted under the Municip Act to spend money this year for which it must budget in 1963 bouncil votes the moneytthev finance committee puts the item in the sus ense ac¢9mt mgiacqunt couldpe ed contingency fund or any other names but the final resull would be the same The city would be spending money for which it had not budgéted norm spch expenditures are justifi able Its not always possible to provide or unforeseens even in small house imid And when it comes to city house keeping the problem can be magnified grant II In an an undcrmnd touchIn cmcrgcnq nm In baby It born qulrlly ml nqu brulhlnL 11w prlnclpxl mm In hully roman 21 the plnunll If ll cbrd In lhu mum Al In bunmun Ianl mm be mm loan by mum of hbor Whnl mm Mn Ilully mlfllmhll Imam In m1 of condition unlmt which doclor In pcrpdunlly on mud mmflnx Illu mm monlh mummy II aymplnm lauded llowu nun the phl tem don lha lrlple urvlre ol mrhhlnt lhc mul removing nun Ind prolccllu Im barll child Onto the baby 15 born In curlom Action of hormonal plul Iho calIndian mo menu locum the placenta and than pell ll Th known Mm he plactntl puma loo man than the Inltlufl drmln Ion lnmdunua dllmplnl Ind lhu bnbyl III II rndnn end Deanne be reh nxyun In lhc hood mu nlL II In an ynu can undmtlnd Another rvel ol nnlunl 1le ll lhal mall dluam and olher dnntcram element are unnblo In an lhll pInrcnlnl barrier an axtcmlom German mmlu being on levml dlunm Inlsom Ind lame dnm also can It Umcl pull lhl bnyrltr The clul oi mum cannot hruihe ar tn load it mull oh mm in nourishment from the motherl blood it mun In the lame way gel rid oi lhc waste which nccumululu in the mood Such exchange Luim pinto in ihe vi luau Thin Ivmway irnmler occurs through lhe lip nun even though the live Mood mum da no quill touch mucus um PAS 111 called placenta prevla If you keep In mind the pur pau lb placenta the dan ur nndlly undemood The plant II padAlLke or gan nomean Ike large pan qke perhsz an Inch lhlck and olzhl In acron thLh arm on the wall of lhe ulcnu lnyregnangy flood Imam drculalu through ll 50 due out ol the em or baby Thu two slrcnma do nol actually touch but they run very clon tauer thraufh man 01 he 12an By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Mnhm Please plaln the cause and what dan ger exists un baby at birth the placenla start to come intMR8 ILLR TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH The Unhom Child Is Well Prdtected W9 Mr Fulton Your Action Can Only Be Constmed Es Indicgting An Unwanantédlack Confidence munMM as To dmley muchdistrusted lrgnmenl we do no knaw um smaklng mum hull cancer We do know hmever that da artl Inwkeu are hr marl likely to Eel it man nammok and the more making mo higher In rink PlpeImoklnl on In other hand ha been blgmed In lomq cancer of the lip and longue The nmwer believc that any form smoking can1c tom But It could use mean that Inmpnrt men look Inn for weaknum In ho Sap lutchcwnn expel1mm Io pro vlda Immunlllnn Inlml Ncw Dcnwcrnllc VPmIy Ind uberal dunInd or lavummenl pm mm nun Department tampon om dnll reportedly hlw been In Sukalchewnn mm the pm gram hm under whlth hm ll mmpulwry Inxumnce with the xavtmment mnnlni ha pmunm Th muld mun Illa xnvrm men hen lnltnd to bring down prolrnm ToflonAm we zulnz In hnv guvnmmenl nulomobfla humanon when bur Dr Mnhm Do all mn ol making cause Iunl uncefl If not which form munMM QUEENS PARK Government Studying Automobile Insurance mm All Inn Furl n0 Cu Mem llnn Blvkl Nu Hall lmlfll Amplwfl fum Barrio Ind District Raul Elmo Board Coop CONSULT ANV MEMBER OF THE BARRIE and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD DON OHEARN EFFECTIVE JANUARY Is Will Be Changed To Th lebrnll My ll bl mom 0m 50000000 And you can turn lha lav rnmcnt wlll lap hit BXCMMTE CITY Namrxlnn and Dnnlnh Mltlon ol thwloglm ll 31 uvnlln myumld Mm ln KuniL 30 In tho NDY II In he VIII hnvlnl come out wllh prcclu detail 01 how would be nnnccdprtmluml 01 00 tonll week per family lhm pcr can mrpornllan lax nnd six per cent pmopnl Inmm In mailwa bo mwm an amcmml hamvcr on what lh av coslylll hm in ND numnm m1 019000 THE CANADIAN PRES mum vv Norwegian aplmr Rodd Amundun became the Int man to reach the South Polo ll yun ago MayIn 1911 He beat Capt Robert Fal wn Scan In race for thy Polo alter comparativer uly Journey Amundm Icored Inolher Im live yearn earller when he be came the first mm to nav lnta the North West Pup laae Winn Virginia In Thanm Munryk Dmhjent ol Czechnxluvgiia 1m Jenin Wnahlnmn home In Mount um um IM mam Killnn Mutth lunar MIlIn GunIll TODHW msmmr 1931M 3315031 Judy Lanh the Liberal MP wu men And wamn oi Jinnah Iry ability and prom mu whn are vitally lamented In the he of the mnierence and who aw very great deal about that lubjeci Second they em um experience in thzir dale iion by appointing maman or period oi aim or our yam thus ensuring that in novice will be bvlaiuud bya tummy verans among 00m countrlu hm In nurly Ill cam oflawad two courm In naming their delega flou mm they 11wa plql Eight yam ngo Canada took the initial In the crutlnn ol the nnuunl mnlerence or dale gate repmentlnl pull menu at the membernation ol the Nnnh Atlantic Treaty Or gnnlzntlon Appointment to Hut delegation brought ha wlndlnll ol nn nll expenses win two weeks kin to Paris to there wnl quite rush among MP1 and Sennton to join the cum dtnn NATO Pnrltamentaflnnn Auncinuan The Innunl mem hmhlp to at 35 was regarded modelt Rake In Million to tha 14000 prlu once nlarluu In Plfll But ma In ml wrluan In this column nu 2nd Jun 1953 with tenets rel mnce to II Canadian delega tion and with neck tolerance to one Ihtn Sual nnmtd But newtpaper heldflnel and parlia mentary pmceedlnll In recent day show clearly that the III uauon bu not changed 11le pm GAMBLE That paragraph evidently mlght havo been truly written about the headlined Canadian lexn ha mat malar flatly Rel parienuedjrfllnh dohalen and imminent Annex1cm lennorl ave mlly stolen flu muslin from Cnnadlm who had been mam loo merryloo ma In dnglgualnlzhl uon Too can our leadln purul menum hm will cm the home mm to be of exclualva Importance all expensemld lflpl In mile laminar place have him handed mun up to back encherl nndvmd ap Iq poten nmcx menouou 0mm rum caflbrp Ind mum enmflmlflan of Cln adal repmewuon ll Interna ilhnfl eminence flu rem ably become an Incarnation ion In Unlled Nation and North Atlantic nul cm In other caunlres1 ve tound that out but friends wont 411 Ill whatthey think cmdal dalunuona Top quenlour leading purul KENNYS GARDEfis To Hold uorloun cnngcsllan ll our Slam nnd mo dlnppolnlmunl In our delivery mvlm during this peak mm pcrlml we mpucllully sllggnl llml our customer onlor or purchm their require ments In early poulble BREWERS WAREHOUSING COMPANY 10 In the holiday season nppmncilns Adverse wu iilor condition namellmon pincu maximum bur dm on our niaii Io maintain our hlgil law oi vicu In our rcinii Mom and home delivery cuslnm Siege from The Canadians ANQUIT ACCDHHDDATION 10R Opiuva BI non allII Ilw eaulder thlne hurl ilul II mu chuteneth In lard thy God damn themMl us Our lavinn huvenly mm hu helvlmzremedm me In mind wlnm LI dim 1110 ther aeemed that malarlty oi Canadea delo nation it had never been there before and in tact in many panel had never been out alde our wuniry heiare end on my could make little contrib uiian to diacuaainne or which they were untrained and badly briefed and In contrast tn other deiezntiona thoroughly inade quately backed by experienced advlaan HoweverMire LaMarah doe not alreevwlth the criticiam thet our detention on the whole regarded the conlerenee aa free trip to be oyed in the Pilalle piaygraun oi Purim One newayaper cemented that mm of our delegate no eooner Jump oil the plane than they cry Pizalla here come and leek out the poplinno daubt groaa libel on at lent the majority at our delualul It eommiitee oi Parliament will now atudy the charm the recent NATO Parliamentar ienl conitrence iniaril Sin oinied out in me that to high the Itendnrd oi delegate from other countriel ihei iar nlmpie in Vicim Gum had leave In the mid die to return hame beenu he had ruddenij been Ippnlllled mlniAter oi eience The Dutch have virtually permanent deiv egntion while the British had experienced veimnl oi Ihree previous conlerencu and the American lit eueh weii known politician eI Senator invite CANADIA mm £1an THOUW THE MANS SHOP ZS DUNLOP ST WEST PA Mm BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS UNUSUAL uuLm

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