The wvavimnl Ilvlml Ilu dam wha my bu ylnnnm Io mu Cuba him the Tubma hnlldnyl lhul Inch vlsll nllh an pumflly vnllvlnlnl Mu lnllllnn at lho 113 rm mnlm law named mlluu nhnlmu um nvr bdrm rncouruvd la vlnh nlm ml sud lrlp mum mnka Ihm qu la nu ur hrlmn mlmm Ihlfl Hwy gr hark Illfl DH MNlï¬lllO MiA lluulllxm nlrllnrr all 07 per mm nlmnl wu lrlmlrd mu gnu May In llgc Awlld lnlrnnr mu Amnmn The Jury rendered it verdict Iller deliberating an hnummd 25 minutes at he conclusion Igufdny trial Defencie wduel Raymond dAuusl announced he will up peaIlhecony er his addresl tn the jury hated um the charge was laid under Article 191 of Hie Criminal Code which states in part lbs person is guilty oi criminal ncglizEnce whn shows wanton disregard for the Jive or suieky ui other perfoan The jurist sald negligence need not be intention in order loga 9qu to be recorded TORONTO KINTho throne speech debala In he Ontario legislature became the occasion Thursday or government had cnchcr to crillcizc On arias murgnrine lnws and or In npposilion mcmbcr to call or mgammion of he pmvhmn mgnlclpnl nd knliann ev Lawns PCYork Hum ber lcrmcd Ontarios ban on mlnrcd margarine an insult in our intelligence Bullcr nlu am not In danger ol dropping Ihe hnn were Uflcd HULL Que CPLA Court lueena Bench Jury Thursday ound Dr Conrad Simnrd49 umy ct crlmlnal negligence in he death 01 hreedayo1d and Ins Feb 25 He Iald Ihe jury that it mm decide whether the accused made conxiderale use 01 oh cops Plano 103 Dr II Lumukn 67 of Wollvillc NS hm lm MN lrd vlcnrhnlrmnn Hum CIIC board Hrmm One two Mnrfllmcrl ml Hm board he Md prosHem ol lhe Dom lnlon Command Hm llnynl Cunndinn Ilginn fl Wim phulu Need Paséports CBC Post memm lmpcmying st hdlcopler burningflln background runs through waisthm grassvnear village Ca Manda the southern llp South Viet Nam 11 CAPSULE NEWS Insulting Ban wugummufl gm le Fbund Guilty In Baby Death ml ll LUMS ESCAPES PROMCRASHED COPTER munnm Cl lecrlrk lnwccll an Owrn 5ound dlnlrld lmmcr bean Irlnl on 1m 1mm nl Mn lanky Inlll mm In hm wrlllrn lwn kllm In lIuo Qumn mklnx her hip In ninan lxll Nlruu mm mm bnspllnl In Ihlth ha hm hm conï¬ned Inr thl 1m manth muncll Thursday nlghl rclcrrcd suggestion lhal slan hour be regulated by Icvyhu um um In the Chamber at Cam mcrce no suggestion calls or city hyan slnllng regular bus um hour 1ng In by mn Jorily dam Slorc awnm upcrnunx more lhnn lhu pro icribcd number ol houn would pay tax Increasan with lho number extra opcrnlln hann WAWA CP Irlme Mllv Islu Dldcnbnkcr Ix ullo Islicd wllh hLI new nwxhocl and said In Iho Commons nmra dny ha docsul need mnnlmz 1231 In qu Iho oppoxlllnna nm mow pmscnl ed la hlm Wednesday by the Conscrvnllvc fly mum to mull lhu lxl Innlvmnry hi rlmion nnllonnl leader ma PromMl Cunmvn Um In court ha Imd dlm mm In lullm lo IIII lelnr ml were Mlll lo Ihn Queen 2mm nunwl Wlhnn mid Hm hum mer Qumrn prlvnlu mMnryl olllu nnd hull hm ml la mvrmormn ml Vanlrr 1011mm cm5mm flo mun Camila bl mm 0n lfllln fly that An Irm Nahum lrylnl In lulr Ilwpuuh ll wwm Im In In under llnm Hm Immune Mm will 59d uynrflg nhooly 11 vim mm while upmflu dmmnlmeat nver he on pf Leif Annullcm counlifvlm lo Catlwlh to LONDON APiAn oificiai lirilish hisiary oi in Scmnd World War ludny reviewed Field Marshal Viscount Mont gomerys hislaric conflict oi opinion wiih his iciiow generals on slralcty in ihu Normandy campaign and decided um guy was rith Monllumcrys opposillun In splitting me allied ndvnnm uuough France lntn lwo prong plan advocalcd by US Gen Dwight Eisenhower we mmplclely jusllï¬ed It Sal Tax 0n Hours Likes Snowshoes Writes Queen Monty Right helicopter and mother crash ed during governmutl raid on ma Cunmlmist We Cong Myst area Th1 and other Try To Be Fair VISCOUNI MONTGOMERY WQPILMK act creEmg escaped yum quest fur dam in ha 01 taxlo sepme school system said Thumb Ike Anglican have left the 001 open fur use lnl mtebdennndnallonal nudy issues WASHINGTON AP mm ï¬ner Wound package measuring device and rndju equipment blushes past Venn 801 pm today mere 20 000 miles or so mm he pluncL Suinuns on bath US coasts have prepared to eavesdrop on Mariners 42 mlnufls of spetiul negVang rgmles coded sxnals as celvcd by the Jel Propulsion Laboratorys Goldslone Cnlil trading station will be layed by lolophone and Bmpll Passes Venus fund other hdimpicrs 31ng fund to other helm ters and lawn out The gr odrheli vcupxénwe desimyud tn keep them mm mum enemy brads AP Wire 1f E33 WINNIPBGJCP Manitoba volers todaythm 55 mm Mn hit legislature from list at lSLcandidatu named ï¬nally by mum major var 95 The ruling ngmssiva Con servndvcs and the Ubernls each hnva named candidates ln all as avan at stake Them IN New Democratic Party candb led over puth Vaddnu syl 3etn at puss mienem OTTAWA CmPrime Min Islet magnum sald Thum dny In an Common that no Westem nation has suggested lo Canndu um when sold In Communigg Chlnu new Westem nation has suggested lo Canndu um when sold In Communist Chlnumem reachu Chincse people He was replying to Germ Chapduaim sc Sherbmh who said Dankldiplomatlc olï¬cer had been quolzdn hub in the Alme Mr Dleleubaker said he un derstand that subsequently the ofï¬cer denial hnvinu laid um 7mm CF divorce blllI up for second reading in the Common Tnursday was sent bad in mmmfllea allu New Democrch Pam mam New Democrch Pam mam hen said th case would not have passed lhmugh any com pelent mm In Cnnadm Arnold Peters lNDPTlmisk tuning said it was shockinalf here me rcmqvcd the one re maining eye of Iimonthwld Margaret McKeown and tenta livcly exmed the minute op oration success The Mlle Scottish girl surfer ing from Mllnnhlnsloma can car the eyes was flown here or Ihe operation pcrlnrmed by Dr Algernon Reese at Co lumhia Presbyterian Medical Centre Bill RetumeJ Not Hniving Eye Removed Polls T625 Pick 551Me1nbers NEW YORK APgrmrgeous ï¬nilélfng If the hvgilnorihem tidings chm has datum mm Jan The weather omen predicted slightly milder weather over mm or thn pmvinoe today Temperatures were cmmd to mach 15 deluged abovezem Polllng hour were mm mm to p11 dale and named by the So diw PP Twneiu be last legislaturo wM dL lved lhu iluidinz was Con ae sum beyn lo 1587661an 7M1 vacant Total 57 SEEKS vmomr Pmmler Dun Robun seeking In lend the Conservatives vlc wry fur thin time was run ning mime Winn eg rldlng Wolseleyq Ills opponent G11 Molznï¬was the mural cam NDP Lender Paulley was running Immdisson on nurtheaslern edge of greater WInaneEwhlIe Social 012d MamL ran In the soulheasmn ridan of Rhine All the pany leaden except Mr Fmesc who won seal for merly held by Liberal seemed sage hagfngnfel An esllmntzd 479911 Valera were eligible take part In the declqu In the last general elcclinn H507 mrp eligible lo Fu quamé nun sum und mack work at remn ahl prim cull SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR Frie Estlmnlel PA 60966 Pmpav nlcklng Iha livsl slop In mnvlna ll lakes an expert Hill lha Mom has law trained packers wha xpeclalixa In making your more muralshm Wu use mamlals and cnnlalnavl specially daslunad lo nsum minimum promlian WMn wavu maved you In yum nlw home we unpack averylhlnn And lean na unlldinass Sala sure dependahla movlnu coals no man when you use Eastum Canada Ialuosl mavnr Pllnnlnu mo Dnnl mat muva wilhnul Hill ha Mover Duallodnor am anywhere In Canada and he Uniled Slales mm Mannamm FRJDAYDECEMBER 14 Call PA sssoa Anni 5M ID In III Mu lulu VIII LIIu