a39dSnéwf¢117 Misses Barrie1 II on mow mmlln IWPPl Aml In lhn norlIwunl almny weary Imm mam um Mel Im In In wInlry lIlIIIflIII 1119 nnow bell cavmd arm In IIIo Indlonn Iuwtr MltIIIKnn nmI wulvm IchIonI of New Vnrk sun nml Ianmylvnnln Snow AIM Iell In wnlnm MuryInM In mml pm III New England In FIorlIln Imrml hum Irll the whim kIIlï¬I KHAN Innm mmcd InIn In rI Inn In In allumpl In maqu aoanIuInl Irnm Iwnr me The hull mm pIM ml quIck hflnll uI mm III cIImI In man In mm In re mlnu lompmlum Mum In Innn ImlL Tho meru pmwlnler wnnlhrr nlm llnl lakcn heavy loll In WHIUMMEI wm up 150 human in Waverly Ihmuxhaul lhn dormco wnl wind to tun Inm ho mllllnnl lol In ELT Moll NOW Tnmpcrnlum Again 110 rd below Iroulna In norlhcrn nr Ida and mm flu Jon Mr Ioulh Mlnml llowuvcr In rendln was hlxhu Hum Thur Iy when Ihu mercury dmppod Inln lhc Item mnvk lnx lha Ilnlnl wan Irma Ilnrn um ywmnxcu Hun ununsonnbly cold and wow weather In tho eastern hnll Illa Unltcd 5mm np pcnmd modcrnflng In most Iron tmlny nul Ilmorrnnlly cold weather mnlslm In FluxMn which hi on Ml by tho cnldcxl wnnUmr In morn llmn 7n yearn tau1n million nl dollar damage in ml and remnblo cmpt Florldnl rich all And nann nlly warm Iunshlne tan pm duco nnolher vegetablo crap In about all ween Florida Cllrus Mutual hlz growers Nopcrnllvc uflmnled that damn unudza 11m Ind Governor Fan Brynn told Bocn Halon meeting of travel agent Thursday nluhl look Ill the vegetable crap wiped out or new sma Agricullun Cummin lioner Conner laid 1c had formed In 75 to 100 per cent cllrun In Flafldn uccpk Fort Pierce Slum And the lower east cum r5051 nmfl cnors At Least 15 Deaths Blamed 0n Severely Cold Weather nmlr hwpc lay In unck harvesl of 50m 01 the orange and unwind to mnvm to juice balm relaxation at ha cold wavo deteriorated um mun run Temperalurc were expected to go as law In 17 demo day with warman Kareem lordth W219th LAWND Flu AF Harvest hands khandnned wln er kllled Florida vanish nuns and streamed lnlo Iha cl lrul roves today In franllc effort to tglvua something from tho mtawn luau since 1389 Wlnnip and Edmundston NB were expected Lbs the cold spots The omens law Winnipeg was 10 below mo and at Edmundswn DUI below Al the west coagl tempegntnres of Io 48 degrees were the arder the day The wind way major mm The Weather oflice upecled hm warm wnalhcr In stay In Ila Ipday In Alberta under Ontario had new wiii1 the mid Three in five inches 911 wide sections or the pravinco but the siorm curiously missed tile popuiaus area near Toronto Hamilton Landon Barrie and Osimwn Attempt To Save ICed Fruit Crop The weather amen 1n Torontn said itl all because of hug high pressure system with northerly winds on its easlem edge mm southerly flow to the west Only along the Paciï¬c Coast and in Southsrn Album when warm Chlnouk wlnd shot lemperalures In the so we were warming trend flxe be Med much of Indianrsummer sum the mercury la 5a at Cal eagz on THE CANADIAN miss Biiinz cold grip ed Central And Easizrn Cannga dds in conflnunlianoi wintry last um gmad zero mndiiions 1mm Arctic to tha v5 lagihinnd NIH Yohr No i9 hv him In nonhum Far Examlner Want Ads Na vhono PAMu The telephone number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept PA 537 Oux TelephOnéé Wu hm min 1th hnppmod at UM Inst Sm nlc lnvulllnllnl Mulon Mln bi man who In In quot Iona look Ml um and lal down he mnirmnn lnqulnd line you llwyvr mm declaruVI Na III detldod loll he INIJI wm hnmpcrcd in clonrln high wn human ho buwlnl drl In Inaw Fm nnllnnll Rumd unlu were Icnt Into Wellcrn Michigan In wk Itormhnllmd commun NM TM mm mm the In dlnnn border lhc Lulu erh mm Alum la mm Clly wnl bflflld under morn mowlnll umv wun mu canllnulng mmum up lo lnrhu In lho Aflutnbull urcn Highway crew wm Ianer in clearing high wn human ho buwlnl drl In Inaw em Ohio Hole claimed lhty werent loslnl luuu bccnuxn cold map Arriving lrnvellcn um nlruna mu lo Mlnml mm mm Many thawed up at their lob In mothan Ingram out flKIIu overcoat cap and gloves ch they Imuth wulh with ham and hadnt used time lhgkyrlvnl The average Mlnmlan game maulh on warm bod lound going In work an un mmlunablo and human ax peflmcy uy December rec henuu mu Juckwnvi 0rd strained we at hamex COLD BURBTH PIPES Tamra wnler Elm bum In anumnshcd my motel Builder It would cost 360000 to car out walk and ma In order lo reach Ind regllace the pip The cold snap sent tho lem penlurn down to 10 degree It Tnlluhnucc 11 at Ocall 12 at Jacksonville and an alHJme Tam Inhlhurgday nthor drum ta um tho dim mm which Is central Floridal nonomlc mlinslay mm mm wnl mun than In 1057 This year 30000000 ham wen 1mm 30000 tree vented lug 1mm evacuating lwa men on the conlhenst Iho amuse nil Pvlnl Pelee stranded were Kenneth Wilson at Wheatley and Jack McLeod of Essex They have sulï¬de and and fuel Another attempt la them will be made laday The sonflleuflhour north wpsl wlnd In must of he prov lnce Thurpdny made the 10 lo lsdweo temperatures even more bitter Huwover lhe weather allch was predlctlnz 1eg mummyhour wlnd lo The Mnrlllmea also were lul Ierlng from lhe cold The weather alllce um the cold spell drlvlni anmm the west would be allowed by up three lnchel of snow today nlllax wu expecllnl law ghoul HERES Snuwllunlts were lamest at most ommo arena today Quite few places are going to anolher heavy load the master lnld The Ontario storm mend an area from Windsor in the lanth last to North Bay in the mum and In Kingston In the east In Ontario arming the heavy muwIall into pllu Same when In gha leanAmman MM were ordered planed at noon nlursdny bech of drill lug roads Pulley warned motor In flay olllhl hlshwnyl ONLY 11n mml alum 1mm cl Inllnflan my my would be um and unnmwunml mm an In Ihu numlm and ulna of UN Mme mnlruda kl In nnmla Thll huxlneu will 1mm to name immune lor nadlnn HM WI yur 11w Any 111m urn Imllcnllum In Wnlllllllillm Hui 15 pallmcu an IM mu In II lmflnnlni Ir raw lhln rmd llml name arm ulnllnllnn Alnl Canada can he rmluldrmlv llnly II rm dnrlnlun Innt Mumer by lnwu loan OKTAWA CmA Mn Cnnn lHnn pmlucllon nhnra at In nrw Unllrd blnlrl Jrl Inhlrr pro lrmn mny Irpflld nn ounwnn willlnunm In nmfl Amman nuchar wnrlmndn ha man mluilu and Voodoo lnlvr crplm HHMI Iourm lvm lay hm mi flunk Thu exntl pnlll airlerlny wll be known nllrr carduhlmly cmelry dnln wma llmu Thm IIOUXI nlttr llllnll nu Belay completed Ill flul clrcln Um aloha Ipokumnn lnr he NnHonnl Amnnullu nnd 511m Admlnlslmllvn nu nounccd Tho mm look at lrtmcly clm lo nominal WWW CFAP new cammunitn llons Inlelllla with Cnnndlnn designed mlcclmnlc hem named lhruukll Apnea lcdny nwnlllnz call Ilml wnuld pm lo work as wrmnlu llnk nmnns coun lricl of the Wutcrn world Thor Della rocket 11rd ho Inpuund cummunlcnllunl mama namtd Inlay lulu lho hcnvcn Ilmrldny nlzm vmu the Ian Ilramm Iuccmlul mlr Ilnn Inr ThorDunn US Impatient On Nuclear Issue Relay Satellite Up Triumph For Canada back by Iho heat he blnzc L1 slllmictlcd ugnlnst Iha bum QANAVERAL Fla Iondy Inmun med Murmur c1 MM Ihon mum nlm be ndudlon In ll rurva dolenm pmmdkmdw lnL lnulflulnl by he tamdlnn Ind momma NIH Million Arm mm Wor pmxuln Hui armml nay Canada rnul expect In plot lhll pro mm mum II In wllllnn In falv Ihruuah on um mam tmnll 1m mmmlmw la la Hmntv nurlvmyenzgrm FIRE DESTROYS HOME ON HIGHWAY 90 tom ml llovlkrplmnl pm mun In nnndlnn rompum Mlflf IHZCITII NUCLEAR may wok In urï¬crnl Dy Mmkl ll malrunz Ioducflml inmm Ollurley he Ink In hm nl may Ir umrgnl Dy mm mnunrl hm born Awarded the UN dmnu dmnmnem la ncneml Dynnmlrn Corwru llnn ol Ncw ank whirl Cmv mlnlr lJmlml Ilnnlrrul In ll Inlmldlnry The Canadian mm mu led by nmro Manlmmle hm ol in framework of ham on Highway 90 about 300 yard mm he Bar Restaurant hat reported to ma Bgrrlt Onurlo qu Frldly Dmmbgr 14312 llnh thlld muted mm he lllmlnl home by meur Illrd In Mun Ianr mm burn am pr ml MI hodn All rm rm mm he mm Inmllyanl at Mr Aboul II All IM found In mm In mum AM umwrd up among Ihe lunllomm Thurmy mnrnln lo arm ma dam lmm out DOAKmWN NJ CHA I7 cur0M babyulnar ml out ch Mm Iha IIch In mam dled Tluuudny In Ham Ihnl do llraynl lonely houu In nearby Nahum Ilny mu mu Now llnmwkk mummily wllhwl flrl pmtullnn lO COOL CATS TRY HOT JAZZ mi km MIN my In all ml lho um ha but emu on ml luchnlclam car Irbuled hm companenll Ia me Inlcllnox The rmlvrr lmnb mltlcr the beacon and the 51 all mmnlalor Canadian en lnm also did many at he avrmll mzlnmlnl Iludln and nnnlym um hired to due mlnc lfw lenhn cll require mmll leTIlAN MarMPLA Douhm mile hum Hmmy arm mini lav um and Inrn on lhc Imnsmum nl Ilnllon wow 0w mmpanyl technical dlvblun and lame Brock the pro eclmnï¬aggr BabySitter Four Children In Family Bumed To Death started In tho ndblnlnz an ripped lhmuzh um home Mr and Mn Leslie Gray or lwo hm hm nlzhl The ï¬lm meal MI PHI MM 35 Nnv Bumkl puma Imkv 13m ext91 mum Wm from the Man Iml In MILHNMMAL MIG uh no In to Man 113de hm lwlkvrd M11 Hmwood Wnym Palm ll Caml Anne may Mu nnd haul lnulu Im burned In nau nlovu San dra mlr uvm yrar 014 lm 11mm helluod In and by lonarold Larry did lulu In hoapflal Al NaraIo nbuul mm mm when my Imam tr war carlnl or llx Inc 3th hiker childrm lhlh Ihdr lnlher mu work And their math wu Al ï¬lm In Frrdrflrron She did when rdumnl la 01 Running Irwin wooden Inm Mm In Ml wetnqu man 011 and 1m 31va IIrktr nnd bnbyvulllrr nn um ohm ywluqm from Mnnï¬u aboard flrntllnn airliner whlch tmt down In In wild Amazon Shale early today survived nu broadcast 51M lama In Mum but um lhm were nu deaths Pallet he nmmptr lowml nu 11m qualcd miliury Mum In mus upllal Amazmn nyln na 11m lilo muld be dtledtd Ilwn the wreckage ol the Pnnalr Do Hm MIRHIIHMI mm In Junzln Inning ll mild RIO DE JANEHIO Emil UPIJournal Do Brad radio ported ï¬nal raglan pgqom 50 Aboard lee 1111 Survive Crash yau him Wdheluagom mo dd car were dmmycd Von II Gun lsklhdklm mid In Imbade by party In mm In rm that but Um mun nkrlm Ichrnh 1mm grainy7r In Ihc overnan unlm ter 31thsz mpg gnvemmenl In manning In bdnz In Immrn W11ny mm wmwut 11qu Minutes and far It handling ol the Columbh mm 11211 Spokumm mm 11 km pomlm pnrflfl hInlad ha may withhold lulure mammary ou nitrim amply mutant TlIRZATKNl WEI111ml rpakumzn lur lhe 80th Crrdil party which In my pantd flu msz on mnfldmre motion laid pm willy pram prnmuu under heavy in two up Iraie mu Thursday In lb Comm but Prim Kidder Dmenbakzr me city mun inflation be mm In wtauwr the sum The prime minis told rev Ema 351 mu no basis In ad He and no beam my not on Theta rm UH Indlaflam however that owmluon panic mlunl tighten the rain as their haclicd fl he Elmvale Farmer Tells Police 30 BreakIn At His Home Deadvis Corpelius Van Gaal 19 of 102 John Street gnui2 He was the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Van aal The shooungoccurred at thahame Ludux Bru ziel 80 who lives alone on Highway 27 betweenth9 mm and sixth contusion of Flo Townshi The eld erly farmer said he had also been plagued intrude in thepast ABanie youth died lnan 21mm doctors omce early this morning from gunshot wounds he received at the home or an sayeawld Elmvale area man around midniam 5cm or mMnoormG No McFa Ihm per copy1 macaw murmude motion Day the Inflatan of Item 11ml we lam1m my Liz ll um he Coluan River that look the Mitt lot he umnd nraim day Illh midi lNDPm my Wm leading be way ATTACK TREATY The Vmcnl truly re mit 91 mplde lack nl planning and lad nl lmkdu Inch be damned Ind he on In my that when Prim Illnldrt DIelmbahr ID haunted the limit lb lml II did 0nd 312 what an Fleming reply today to of alleged RCMP Inn llonl lulu Hie poliuul karma unkenhx mam an 1mm Interim mpply mum Vilma the all mimic And he New Democratic Party leader Douglas my zfxfzd um mi the nlgMl um um Justice 11mm WI mournmam lunch anuablelnlhcmddlamy amidbelhelmtomdn IIImummeua mud mu 95 WW 19 mm Em £3me mm WWW mm mmwmmmmmmm WWW mmw Wm wwmmmqmww mm mm mm gummmm mm nmm Local Weather