Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 5

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iii flTOCK MARKET FHTK le Ilotk uchnn In hnnnuhum 54mm ICIII gold mm mm In 75th hlrlhdny In Orlnhcr 1001 GREAT FALLS Manl MW 111 nm apmllonul Mlnuto mnn mlullu halt which were Irmrd wlUI nntlcnr wnr hand nnd randy Hm when he Cubnn Clllll broke IMo In her rum been officially Olllclnll nl Plnllnburz nlr one hm Mld nmdny lhey were Ill Irylng In delennlno when ho plane urnlhtd PLATTSBURG NY AP 1113 U5 Mr Farce bcllcvu K09 Innkcr plnnc lhnl vnn Ilhcd lnlo Iho darknm over central New Yark 5mm Monday night Imr It craw bailed out probnbly crnnhed wmcuhm nnnhwcll Goose Bay Mb ndor The woman Nalallc Weprlu was arrested at but homo Ind charged wlh Iclonlous nun Missiles Ready The driver Human lzrlzc 29 lullcrcd burnl lhul Hellevue datha descrlhcd NEW YORK AmA rejcclcd girl Iricnd threw lye min the ma bus driver Tuesday police salt but quick notion by lire chief who walhcd the vic lima Inc with holy wnicr irnm nearby church may have pre vented ptrmuncnl injury Plane Vanishes HILP KIN Throws Lye Frgdeflck Errol prezidcnl of tho British Board Trade yesterday mmer crilicizcd what he called old fashioned noIim In Canada Ha Inid they are damaging Angicrcan Idian Trade He made he criticixm In an address Io the Canadian Chamber oi Cammerce In Great Briiiun an association businessman with Canadian intercxla Criticized Trade KINSMEN Dr Cohn In speech to lhe founding convention the BIG Civil Liberties Association also told ol Jewish lirl in lhe us who wax taunied Christ kiilu niier Ahe asked to be excused mm singing Christmas cumis VANCOUVER CWJewish children enjoy wlde religious modem In Canadian schools my Jewlsh leaders hcre One of the best Christmas present for the Cuban was the predlctian that méru than 10 000000 palrl ouhaea boat and lneakeu would be manufac tured next year with everyans promised at least two palm year nun WM ihera will not be lhomal quunliiy we wish but here will enough or all interior Commerce Minister Munuel Lu zardaaqid in an interview with the newsman Revolpcion JIMANA AHCuban ware told Tuesday they will have to usern¢lon backs to the oodles that lradlllanally dec orate the Christmas table meta any candy Iewish Freedom Mummmaix Thurs yqqdiiB pm imULELNIiws Christmas FOOd maman ERROL no GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH omns JACKPOT 32000 $7500 Cunlolnllnn Pvlu ODD FELLOWS HALL Envy Thunday Night In Klnlmcn Bingo Night imaspgvjnac 12 Im ram we con crcnce Tuesday bclwccn U5 Dclcncn Secretary vacrt Mc Nnmnm and British of Mlnlalcr Polar Thorhcycmll Bald laugh blunt argument look place The Dally Skcch d5 mlbcs the mocllng as one 01 1h Ltormlm hclwecn mlnlslcn or lho my unvemmcmm WNDON MP Brllnin has made pinin ihnl iunkim oi the rmjccled Skybali missile cauid end in 11 mm mini 01 Hriiish dcicnce cam lmcnis inciuding ihu use oi Holy Loch in Scotland in 115 Poinrls WAWA CF Canadians working in mnnufacturlng in flush1e canned an average weekly wage $7755 In Sep lembcr compared with 87517 InAlugusL This was reported today by the Dominion Bureau of Statis tics which nim nnlcd in average hourly earnings in Sep ember were $188comparcd with $188 month earlierand ihe work week increased to 413 hours from 4L In Khan 100 Ind IrTc mmmmmzzam wmm nnumgn The United Sula and Belv Slum were snld have assured Than they would go far boycott of Katangaa rich cop pervan cobalt exports it he feels It necessary to bring Pres Ident Mom Tahombe ma line Stormy Meeting UNITED NATIONS CF Acting Secretary General Thant calls an the United Slum Britain and Belgium today to start applying an ecanumic squeele to The Congos break Kahunaa The girl was suing or $20000 damages alter being Injured In car lruck accident near Sharon on May 1958 Average $7755 Min McDougall was shot to death In her home Ktswick Ont about 20 miles north of Toronto June 15 1961 TORONTO CPlhe estate of Donna McDougnll murdered In 1951 was awarded 3650 dam ages nmsday arising mm tame accldent three years be lore her daah TORONTO CBNa diesel locommlyea were derailed level croulng in suburban North York mesday nlzht when an automahlle with no brakes swerved to avoid the Iraln and smashed intoa railway rack ijtgh Juhn Saflndcrs 22whase cars brakes failed was not In lured Start Squeeze In he vast plains country of 0011er1 Montana he first 20 Minutemen stand ready to blast at taugels up to 6300 miles away within is seconds If the president issues the order declared an active part of U5 defences Victim Awarded Diesels Derailed THIS IS WAR THIS IS FUN IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING HELP KIDDIES KENNXSEfiRDENS When the report oi the pur chase oi grad¢r was mentioned the figure given as tho price oi the grader was $11902 pins another 51100 ii the approval oi GMC diesel mniar was grnnlcd This cost is subject to 50 per cent subsidy and ni lhnuxh ihc costs are payable by the township the than he Pravinciai subsidy will be re iunded during the current year Complaints that the cleaning caretaker of the Township Oil Ice does the work on Sunday hnve reached the members of council Clerk Richard Groh was Instructed to write Mr Stark asking that this pxncilce be dis continued It could be that with the oifices empty Sunday is the day when most eilicicnt work could be accomplished 114m REIMBURSED question was ralsed hI Coun cil when the mum of the Wel lnra Department wns read and ll was and one amount had becncushed in glare in Allen dale The ruling ls lhal lhese vouchers are lo be cashed In local sures especially when the requlrcmenls are available from lownship merchants Gamma 0N spunn WELFARE FUNDS In the report November fires In the townshlpfllt was re vealed that in in arm Museum the 8th line had put up stubborn resistancetn be In extinguished Three calls or the crew were listed twa of them In the evening one at ter the Fire Chief had recalled thecrew somewhat as test or tbedpumper whlch had been re alre The account coverIn lbs lire war to the nmuunt 5120 with considerable time con tributed by theJlrelighlm total of six culls had been re pnrtcd or the month of Nov ember Never war to much owed by aumauyto so few was the remark made by member of Count when tha decision was made to lnvlle the firefighters to the employees banquet on Friday evening Gum of Dnrknm It 940 pm ko0MosnwnmsRoamsowusnce When the operator of the W5 son Construction kmpany was backlng thelr large float truck out heir garage gas flue broke and he motor caught fire The gas burned in the mow and the wiring ol havenglne added to the blaze call was made to he Flro Digartmeot but In lhemeantlme driver had by use of snow smothered the lire By the films the fire lmck ur rivedlha fire was under control Damage to the molar was com sldmble but repeatable THREE VCALLE Innlsfll will receive be mmsm NOTES IS DARKNESS 00 Mlnlmum Couplu Only DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKEOUT ORDERS Truck FiregPutVOiitf With snow Ht Héhd TODAY 6nd THURSDAY TONIGHT 000 pm Mldnixht NET DELIVERY By 308 EWmfi PA 60281 2ND BIG HIT WHEAT BIN BURSTB ELMONT Kan AP large metal grnln flange bin at Elmonl burst in rigid weather Tuesday spilling mp 000 bushlls when valued at 319250 Total damngu wan estimated at $400000 misslan to bundle their own Hydro that me It could have been done with real vaua cess and possibly considerphle prom Io thé municipalityjow flowevcr the authorities did llat take up Iheldea Hany has 1115 eleptpd Mayor of part payment at 51 was authorized to ihe contractor building the new bridge into Shore Acres subdivision By nnw the bridge will be ready or ap proaches to bo filled and will linen take the raffle which is limited during the winter Three other new bridge niche wait side the township are new ppm in traffic just been elected Mayor of Orangwille and best wishes so to him tram his many friends In this locallty BRIDGE ABOUT READY Many er resident will remember Harry Tideman who was rural superintendent the Hydro when customers were not so plentiful as may Harry nnoe suggested that Inntslil Tnwnahip setup Pnbuc Com mom AGAIN Monty sharing 01 Shering Garage was taken with an at tack oi appendicitis last Friday and rushed to Royal Victoria Hospital where an appendectomy was performed By Sunday he was back an his feet and vi iting Cumming Boyd an other garage man irom Painr wick whu is also patientiMon ty who isdriver oi the tire truck ir nn call whenevrr car is stuck or wnnt start day or night and is like wrist watch on service at ailham cqnamruurrons total rnadexpendltures in re fnndfmm the Department Highways some time mrly In the coming year This Is calculated on tn maklng the estimates Bridges and culverts are Mr sidlzed at no per cént of the cost This substdlzingisebtslned when all the tenders are av proved by the Depertmcnt Err gineers mm the completicm of the new madwfly into Minds Pelnt this years road projects are about wound up and with the snow plowini costlnr the balance of the year tn take care at the budget 15 being cars fully expended Any surplus can not be carried over to next year and must be adjusted tn the estlmstss mz munnu Rio Bravo 700 pm vIv 7s nkAnran ifkfir mmunummammmummumnmmnmmummmnm fin you mournmun on nounnun 1mm warm aliant 9633 NOBODY BEATS VALIANT FOR VALUE fismfiksa the jchoosiestohaice ever RENQILMQTORS WIIflDNSIGiwyvndmbcstofboflxmnkydawutownatylo and out town momincaa nnd toteability IWo bmwny specimens available bomwitM bis doonfln anlnnta VZOOnndVIOO urinal budgethappy v1oo series The family cars with smfisu economy loupging mom for six TorsionARE ride and childproofimcziorsl SEDAN Two and fourdoor beauties in both YZOO and the newluxgry Valiant youll ck Etdnuxel new style 3way adjuét ablo bucket scat comfort and what WOW on performance All Vallunlo curry mo now 5year or 500Q0mllo power1min warrnnlyl Ask your doalnr or details MUMPS The sporty SignctmOZDoon 00 V53 Bl El Brantlnewforvss thq ioofraisingest com pact convertible in the paréde in Valiants great Signet 200 scriesl Available at your Valiant dealerfs soon better place your order now thomostbrfllinnfly

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