Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 4

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man MIIIIrl win at II dIrnmu In IM nod at Thu win4 mu Mm lb ho Ian nunnu mun AHIMIIIM warm null lodolflul mum on Md yumI ol vwllln In mun Immu m1 Mummy llnanl uuplnm unle mm rnmmr Mun lulu nunJ mum Inman mnqu mm awn vulqu IIIInn Ilulul nu murm mm mm 1mm Imam LIHIIIHAI HuMIlnllan buy my mm wally Ina Iv mm In 516 mu In Onlnln man 1m mnnlhl um mm mm Outm flu mm ourm LIMdI NO on vulvmu Yurnnlnl cumn Iml onunu nu 6091 mm mm vmw harm IN canm mm umm lInm Amanlm 111 lumdm mum numu Imlnwu Gnrvln on an or some lime print ml of I0 puth and mo dc school nl mulllock has bran ap pninlcd In lot at publlc admin uvutill Eu Barrie Northern Advance Dec 11102 Epworih Leagun SLlyncr rcpurlcd do Ins good work Hubert Brawley shot loopound bear and rub near Vascy lny Townxlnp Mnn hlrcll to kcrp Orlllln sldcwnlku clear lhln wlnlor or $100 Bradford Hockey Club organized Blrolld Sons of Temperance hohl met In oyslcr supper fhrlslmas business repoch brisk hy Stroml nwrchnnlx Luck rolnrns to Crown Hill to 0pc nle blacksmith shun Farmers are llllp 11m Innny Inl l0 HnglnmL ormgrlv lnrrle1 or 70 mm 400 AROUND HERE n4 TRAPPED FEMALES Fort Wllllam TimesJourth There are any number or men who would hesitalo to poke fun at women and the atylea they pursue But there is one woman writer in Readers Digest who doesnt hesitate to say that the average cman Iodny looks Ilka witch Hero 13 Eve Meninms lndlctmenl we uccu emu won the need for competent teachers to in struct the growing classes The lesser part of university is its physical lent the greater art is the body of ac oiar ship created the members oi its staff The number of fulltime teachers at ail Canadian universities must rise to 25000 by10707l from the present fig ure of less than 10000 this must occur it the universities are to provide educat ional opportunities tor the more than 300000 dents expected at that time Much has been said and written about the need or more universities and more room In existing universiliés to accom modate the increasln number of young people who seek hlg er education But rlbt nearly enough bas bgenlsald about Need For Able Teachers Still Pressing In Ontario The Barrie Examiner Walla pubusnér OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE THE BACKSEAT DRIVERS Published by Canadlan NEWSpapErs Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario ubflshar Brlan Slalght Genflgl Mégngér WEDNESDAY 13501 m2 win unuut uynwm and Son Mn Iha MMHNI walls of the lmllnr am cnglnn hmmo and he rrfusa humor ll WM Ilealmynd by Ira will loss 325000 part covcml by 80300 inmrnnrn lulynwum Dr Auu shunga new lnnno mu nl lhv anrl ll Allandalc Unnlal l1 flven nlmml llmt vlvlscrtlnu In mch or bone of zoology clan at Barrio mllcglatu yuan por un nunL Re mr Genrin hns remov cd from Aplo to Phuipslnn Mormw mlgnn an iiccnce ins actor for Ccniro Simeon Herring siting inns unaln licronm general in hay Butler iiciris ioumlry closed down for repairs There is an ominoux municipal sil ence and calm limirmy precede iho annual nomination rlorm Harrie iuh irili hard cunccrl Pelerborough 11 min num In Lnhn l1200 per an Fashion has turned Into relentless campaign to encom as avory female from tho cradlo to grave Home or mancnu or lots of two are asbscl lng item So are platinum hnlr rinses or mndma The old are made to look In nntllc and the young are high pressured into the cxnmeralaln mnrkct before they are out diapers wuauu lo nave the teachers it will need or the 107071 session we must Immediately undertake the task of training them In our countrys graduate Ichools The problem ts not peculiar to McGill Eves Canadian university aces it The fact that we do not have nearly enough welleducated people to supply the de mand for them by all the mstttutlons public and gfivate that want them and must havet em the country is to pros er Dr James is stating an obvious tmLh when he says th Hm mm AI The attraction and retention of scholars and scientists to Its teaching staff is the most urgent oi the problems that confront McGIl at the present time It will continue to be serious problem for many years since the supply oilellg lble candidates is smaller than the com bined demands of education government and business enterprise for men and wo mglo thlstype WI mmhgoLn durum lhu pmldrnl Ilu WBIMML my ncnnlnr 0r any mnmlnr ol lhl mm of nunmeniallvol mm mun Uulnn Ml II MNH inlmmlly pub Iir smlro In Mr unrllmnnl lunmhmul lull hmlmry ml plum unnnmlcinml Inn nu mllml Inmalod lrnflla In mm Wuhinqvlibn Pom Telegrams Catch On Fast NHW vmm CPI For 75 mm my perm An In rnnlln ruin Vnmd Slam run II my mlllltnn In Wuhlnulon uhnl Le llllnkl Mm Mr or In mull nr Inn nm which lnr lhll arm of 101quanan lohhylnl II Wnb rm Ilnlnnr pnlnlan mum The most Imhlllnul pmJed cull or upnndlnu um mnlor tutu Imlln Ivundlng an the wulh hack he tumrim lemm lnl hullllmx and provide lwn nmr glannllc mrullna mum It Mun IIHI Var exmullnx lho lmlMlnu narflmnnl buck IM firmmi Amey lmll In pm vldnn rvsluumnl nl lnlcmn Hunnl urnlune rmmior elula and bluuer humu or xllplmnnln ll unuhl mcnmmadlla rcpm unlnum mm I1 cunnlrlu 14 mm Actlnn Sum Gcntrll Than and aides ind ol makeshift arrmuemcnll or mccllngfinud or the lucdin Iho more lhnn L000 dclcn on during Gcnml Anemth Ica nlnnl plan In uk lhv Mum hly lo nulhorlfl huilding pro nrnm la cost an ullmnlcd Mam UNITED NATIONS MP Wilh 110 member now Ind naw cuunlrlca clnmarlnz or ndmls lion the linked NIHom lnctd with ma problnm sh pandlmz lnclllllu on New Vorgl East lljvcr without reflecting an the ox lrema usefulncu In older tests the newer one can meal very rm traces indeed not unuiull with syphllh or ommgh Io linger no test domd yet the trim um ba mull that the ancm no In and ease UN Building Must Expand mu another the TH trawlch lmmabmzaflnn lest which cnuld bu mnde and considered as lhe ultimate but It ll no Dullncb ant it max out nogtfdié you can pp you mind Thom newer lest In 1114L gens My decim nld not In worry but wonder hnuldnl hnvn treatment Should have apl nal lamEA Denr Dr Molnar Thlny years ago wal Melted or Iyphllil and supposedly cured Recently other um have been made and lhe VDRL test was weakly reacflve Kline as reac leg 15 acuva plus This is pninmilevinz cam binniion of aspirin caiicin and an anilhinaminei It in eiieciive in relieving curly simplexm oi raids and In other aches and pains am not aware it any in enacts imm prolnnged use bui in the can you cite wouldnt it be wise lo determine what in causing the ram Perhaps per manent relic is possibie Dnr Dr Molnar What Is Ihe effect or coricidin when taken over period of years by waman In her early 357 she doesnt Lake IL she aches In lhe arms and shouldersMrs ILM Denr Dr Molner Is It pal sible to have babies or events conceive he navel has been removed Does the mothers navel In any way help nourish daveloplnglfelunLll Yes you can have babies and no the mafirers navel he nth lng whatever to 15 with noun Ishinglhe mun The navel is ghe slump where the umbilical card wag lunched before blrlll Hence Ihc navel of the unborn baby is lmpnrlnnl not the mnlhers lay thin Imam mm people an likely to Jump to moneous canclnalan that treat ment In correct or canhal an ailment will used early also prnvcnl Ya or ll the nation the kidney In lmpllrad sometimes on cut with the condltlon may ba wine to reduce the Amount of prbteimvlhl dlmnxad Idd nay hm trouhlotumavmz n1 lrggen WM wuhb There may bu ipeclal In dance In which lame changoll helglul Thu doctor may um Ihn you out down on In be came amour the undo flrak on of Mill Food dbunn cause mu bland pressure Changing ynur diet wong pmanl oomcUt DemE Dr Malnm What food should be avoided by pemn Nan DoesntCauge High Blond Pressure Toyomjgoon HEALTH pmposnl not enllnly nIuru or an unwed ex uu mumu rendy number of mm In anlla of tha nature of the mun all blocks apartments pmpoaed These will range ram our alorey blocka to 51 Marcy mun overlookina the rlvar between Abby Wood and Eclvcdere alallona 11mm mlbd Leu The flaw Bomcrwlfi bu veritany houses on um lng some unusual mum of developmenl at Any sslbla Imuslng area One of pm osnls which Is now befora the ndon county Councils housing commutes In plan In mm 500 acres the Kent marshes around Erllh as slte or homes These home will be ac torymnde prefabricaliona and will be raised on platform hum 12 feet ubova the ground Three estate Erith are pm pond wflh shops and schnols to accommodate 25000 mp1 The land on which these home and other amenities will be built ls owned by he undo Cauth Council But the Erilh ca ch lgnnalreadx tak wn en part in preliminary discux Iinns with he Mndnn aniKen cnunhy councils Insists on the buld or the Wises on raised flood prevention measure LONDON TM gnawing xcarc lly of mm or thrbnlldlng homes In the Kent area wmun my reach of Mudau to take care me ovmplll of people om the cm causz awn l5 BAYFIELD ST an nan vo you or riddlnl flu body of mm How vn mu 41 wlwl mm bl dictum GUARANTEED doe notknclullly hive flu d1 em nor he inlacllonl Del Dr Molnen How can rid ol the mm In my Ln Pylel me la ell and SPORT FROM UK Momma noon Land VIojr DWellings Is Bécoming Scarce HYDRO RENTAL TANK ==Now Reduced FROM TO WM Barrie Public Utilities Commission ALL THEHOT WATER YOU NEED There no some novel lenlures lo the plant Bridges llnldnn 1h raised platform would pmvlde pedestrian reclnm on the or me The ensihllily of using wake heat from the new Bel more Power 5mm heinz hygmgnlefl Mlny other delalll have yet to be warked out but than will no be finalized until the haus Inl committee It propouls npprovcd by the London County Council me am One ui oblems will in in client on the rail urvices which arenlroady Ilrained lo the maximum This is likely in be dovetailed with Eriths own plans ior expansion Local industry it is sul Md might absorb some oi new com munity which is to be created NgVEL FEATURES uuulvnfl Up In lho pment no proper mlmmol the cost of the pro Jack has been made ll would howover mnlnlo several ml llans dollars Even If Lhe LCC accepts the provosala bob placed belure ll by ll housing committee the plans would sun have to be approved by the Er ilh Councll and by llle Kent caunly cauncll whlch la the plgnnln aqlharltx lar me areal TQ CQSIUMILLIONB other houses hava been but on rnlaed plltlarma mar the river These IN both 10de 110qu and pflvnttlyowned homu But the pmlecl of building block auxmenu ll Iloreyl hllh on platlomm over mush landJa one whlch likely to present llama Uckfllh engineorlnl wob EmS Dnc 1m Guzllolmo Marconi melved the um mullnu wlw len It 6L John Newfoundland 01 yam no todayIn ml 11w Inventor of wirelm lelalglphy flew box kite Ital 00 11 of copper win to tell flhon to pick up mm click loudlyunfilled 1mm 1000 mflu am the own Palm len nation In Cornwall Todly the inn on which hp nlood unan 81ml Hm 1m Dulch nnvlwox Abe Tannin dllcovm New Ztlllnd CANADIAN mks HM PLEASE CONIACIv mun EDITORS NOTEBOOK Even llcnvyuncr ramlllu can be mm of all Um no walor theyll ovur noml vllh um nrw tnslrvcuvnry olmrlc wnlrr healer Iwu Ihunnnslnllcallyconlmllcd clomrnla allur nalo aulumnllnnlly lo provhlo mnxlmum scrvlca at mlnlmum cnsl There we nml npaclly to uni our household nccdn Why nut enjoy lhln Iuwcnsl cunvvnfeucu WITH NET PER MONTH ll Plyl Io Know Your Full Co In Advance NO HIDDEN CHARGES and Installation Heater Service You an now Iuvn deo Fla Rllo Roma Wntor Hamr Including Every hmlly must answer the qmfim awe yau Ms day whom you will serve IMny God grant the courage and dunmlulnnuon Io serve the Al for me Ind my ham will um Lottslash 2415 llle poo 5115 can remnln open lame people may lay why no the floral Thu II good quenlon Some alorekee conceivably could be as In In the no dlmnl ulure This cnlumn has no inienlion of morniizing or Inkinu stand or or llaiuii Sunday mom we are matters ur the ori iluria columns Eu we can sea the possibility other demand helps made Am ii counciii in our book council which had envisioned bylaw covering canvcniianal spectator spam could be faced wiih runner din mands When dues council stop an say this is as tar as wn go WI unlalr of county to make fllh of wound fowl of another ond Ill people who run pool enloblllhmenls feel they would be dIchmlnaled ualnsl ll they war not permlllldlo remain open on Sundays BIBLE THOUGH Bu II the clly lnlhnn hnvo lumed 1n the put bylaw cnn mm mlny him lo d1 eren peoplg And lpartl can interpreled to omhrm much mare mancontlct 3mm Per sonally we cant see poolor Inooker sport Althoighv they certainly came under Mary at pnulme ELECTRICALLY It in null certain um nonl oi the Alderman considered pool when they pm the bylaw io nulharin mm on Sundm Mainly they Wm thinking oi iooiblll Ind bnebIll for lum mer and hockey for winter The mm in ni courle that hm Ipectnior mom or whlch In ldmluion ll usually churned cANr an ummn Not 411 there II Inylhlnl wrong with pooL Wu have glar ed ha game and an aye but nomehow Ian M111 pool lDOflin lhl um unto In human hockay or lootball 01x McPHEflSoN IIIIIIY came an rm to tha nverm cluzon Io urn thut tho name of pool but been denfinnm nmclally II Sunday mo P601 Is Sport Its New Official for limo the ELECTRICITY 26 Incidentally Alderman Newton mndo load luguexlion Hu uraed council to make up budget grant and lry to and la it Perhaps he could bu per suaded In no step iaflher and set deadline for nypllcalions or grams which would come before the adoption oi the budgclThis wnuld put cauncl on inner llnanclal round and stop drain on current raven uu lowrd Ihe and loa yenr The nidermen would he in hell position to uy no or lo deler isle requula hi allowing yeah Mr Herscy has point better to spend 1062 money than lo go Inlo dab in 106 um committing the council Io an expenditure beiore lhe budget in passcd Mr Murray icemm bl put out by lhla ncllon largely by reason 01 the lac um llll com mmoa expects to have llllpllllK 320000 The monay ls there no lo monk and why not spend ll whlla weve ll Then weru not Mr Harleyl worth HI put hls him In analhar way He nld lhu name and lime at lleney would nu ha amel aled wllh dellcll Wllh mono In lha kllly the cmmcll cou pny out dgnallons to your an plicallons whlch later would bu covered by cheque 1111 Wu tho 1m muting oI lho we conndl And wax In lemllnu Irom many mnd rolnu Flu hm war no nlte hoIIIIny mm In mo olr council the mound um um commlllao Authorized Inn qu11 Chmlmu dounllono Ior In home or the and undem ol nunan homo and wellarn rch Kenn Ald Horny tho rman TI Inn commmou wu In part cuIarly ex on nIIvo mood He wanted to pm out donnIIon of $1000 to the Slmcoa Count museum Ind M00 or ad verIIa nu In Goorulnn my mum map Council howevu deferred um Items to loos um could come Council at or lnla In future when It wu creed an matter fuirnm to Jun amendmenlllo In clu mu pool hum Magma Whit lurked out limited bylaw could lead to dcmlnd Mpsmydev

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