Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 3

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Barrie Public School Board has tarwnrded telegram to Fire mler John ilabarls siaiing As member board of the Pub lic School TrusteeV Association of Ontario incorporated we urge the government oi Ontario to maintain the pruvisinns lor miucation as sci forth in the British North America Act of BOARD MEMBERS The Doparlmcnt Education Ila given llo lentntlvo approval to the Barrio Publl School Board lo seek grant or he constructlon of new school The board ls plnnnln to build alx classroom and playroom It haxbccn csllmntod that the plnyroom wlll cost about $71 000 whlle thv cost will be In tho neighbourth of $120000 or Ibo slx classrooms board xlvlng cansldcr ntion In school sites In the Grove mm area when the ncw cxlcnsion contemplnlcd nnd sevcrnl onsllc lnspccllon have hum made PREITY LINDA Robertson dIdnl mind the heavy snow that an Barrie me past Public School Board Wants To Construct Six Classrooms count the Santa Claus mull hex rcxlshml awr 700 Iclgm postcdlq dnch you mlxs mlum want lo be nurse Dear Snnln would llku Chtu Tnlklng doll and majorouc doll nml skates and wmclhinu or Hm slck people nmnk you lnulelle lcnnl llle younncr ml 01 Iadny dont nsk or nnylhlnu the nmlumy them will Icnvn lunches lnr Snnlu nr lcnvo lhc door 0pmmnr Snnln hnvu been very nod ulrl qul am usklmt ynu la plenxn hllnl mu Illck ham would rmhur lmve ml one bul am Inn nnnll Io look nllcr 1L II Innl loo much would nlw like llm Cmy not FuuHcll mud numlmr Man wlll INN you mmcllulnx nlm In ml nml mmellxlnx or mxr nlndml too nm llvn ycnrl all lava finale lN Its Still Early But Santa Has 70 Letters From Area 10 ul klxln ma qulle mm rumd About nus nmulwr lay they nnk on Dear Santa am glad It In fluvialnuu llnm min mm rm gr mun mm It you ham rnuuuh lay or evrryunrl wlll yuu ulcnm lulnu um ny rnvlm walklnu mmn lull mu luny ItlIl wlll Nnur This telegram was sent as Ifmn you mm mm mum an llml rlullllrrn lulu mm for zrnnlml In lhlu madam dny and an hul Donr Rnnln Clam would luv my Immy yml luumihl ml mlilnc lely Simlnl Cur HP IIIIHN uwl Icl 0l unlmnlnI live Irm mu mum lhlnu In mt mmlu limrgn yuv Iuhnp ha mlillnc It In mupout Um nnlmn uml lml lenul Hwy wmnld 1M In 1110 AIME IIOHI m1 uhnl Illry and null ll hm mnrlL Hwy pluIVIIy rule In lknr Sanln 1am whh nII Inuit Mint walhluaz II thu kokh ymlo palm UIIII My Por want One Plan Far Education result report delivered at last nights meetlng by David McClymont truslee Mr Mc Clymont xcccnfly allendcd meeting the OPSA In Toronto to dlscusx the much publldzcd RomanCathnllc Bishops brie Inuregayg cducatlon Mr McClymonl said last nlghl lhat It was obvious mm me speeches that all those re presuming lhe pub schonl Inst nights mcnllng Nes hm nnd Dnvles architects sol lcilcd the bunrdx consideration or the Inn when the new school built couple of days She took the opportunny to go or stroll and look over the many Chrlsl in other buslncss at the meet lng the Bnrrle Chamber of km mcm sought lho up rt the heard for IL Buy 11 Barrio campaign The board wen lulu closed committee sosslon ln dolcrmlnn what would be done In regard to plum lnr Inc new school mccllng wllh the planning board nnd Cily Development Commlllw has been callcdl lume Llpsllck Tollcl walrr and Powder Dmm doll Clothes lllllc tlma elm trnln mm dress sweat and name lllln lnruo chalce You dont have In bring ma all ol Ihcw llre nl lnm llordun Onlnrla Cnnmln Vo Envcnl no lrcplncn and clllmncy wlll lcnvu the tram door unlocked Tth you how Mnurc Ono 0m most mnflsUc and businesslike childnn to lmv wrlllrn In so fur Dcnr Snnln would like Ann will lmclar and wagon nnd on Io plume II on hnvrnt lho 1p you cogld In mofoym lhlnx the lhlnk wnuld Ilka mmhim nml two harm nml mmch 11ml In all would Ilka hm rum Douglm 5min and Rufler FURNITURE RS DuuAlaI llvu on lnrm SMITH and RUTTER Gobble Up High Prices with FREE TURKEYS 137 Dunlap 5mm Em SEE TOMORROWS EXAMINER board in Ontario agreed that ii the people oi Ontario desired the best possibie education or all children Then this could anly be achieved by having one schooi xylem The Icicgrnm sent by he Bar rie Board was similar In that which was sent by public school bagrdglncrgu the province At the Tomnln meeting it was unanimously agreed that com mimc be formed to further studyb 1m Hangman Catholic 13151 apa rie an prc nrenrepy me am brrel lo the Pre mlcr and Legislative Assembly oI lhe pmvlncc num he mut lng the board gave 111 approval and won an record an heinK in am study bclnu mada to consider establishing in Bar do unlveraily to Imico tha Georgian Bay rcgiani mus tees for sale In the all Examlner Phom The Bunin Branch ai tho Oni nria Molar Dengue received Ihm cuiis for assistance mm ximnd ed motorists during lhe men mow Alarm and was flooded with cull inquiring about ram conditianL The office reported that he urnndnd motorist all had start er tumble The Harris emu is not yet equipped la report on road can dlllona vxccpl wllh lnlormnllan ling is nvnllnbln rum pm and MORE YOUNGSTEIB 1112 under smpulnllon Cmmdn Inclmm hy nearly 1000000 In 1h 105101 periodv Stranded Autos In Need 0f Help HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 BARRIE PA 60145 lha body arithu coofieratlon with he Chamber In the past He also thanked cauncfl or encouraging people In Ium out itllslrenglh or meetings of conn The chamber is more than leased wkh the cooperation mm the mayor and council In the put your nail Mr Cnld well Art Evans MPP announced that thn conslrutdnn clNa denim in the Township West Gwillimhury from the nth line north In Highway 99 din lance ol agpraxlmnly miles will campiclcd undér In Department Illghwnys dcylopglenl roadprqirnm Mr Evans underllnnda the Township proceeding with the fcnclng and tluI purchnlln of he necessary land In acllltnto the wtdenlng and construction When the nroperty Wrcham and enema have been complch ed the Department 01 Highway will call thc first contract in tha summer at 1963 Under the Department Highway devcl nprnent road program The con slmctinn cosh whlch wlt be 00000 In 250004 will be pnld 100 per cent by tho do pngtmgnt On June 11 1961 brie was submitted 11 Ihe bound ha Township Wu Gwllflmtmry supponmi brim mm the Ernflord mum Illch School DHO Expected Complete Road Board and the lawnshlp Milan area bonnL requesting that lhll rand be designated ill deval opgm ralad During lhaiycar 1062 ha pra cnglnccrlng work whlch also paid by DHO was completed Appoiht CiOQrdinator Buy In Barrie Program Appointment Mm John Vch Hicks caordlnnlar Ihe Buy In Barrie campalgn wan nnnnunccd today by the Chamber Commerce sponsor oi the drive Mu Hicks well known radio and TV personalityfwlll enllu financial support bunlnm and Induury to name mccen at the campaign She will also coar dlnate udvmlninz ol Ihu drive through The Barrie Examiner and rndlu acnllon CKBE She will cndcuvnr lo etlahllsh ckw or unison between consumer and business By now Mn Hicks lnld we hope Jhat Ihe people Banlo an me aware ol the campaign Ta make luc cm we must have flu su pm 21 cvcryons buyers nn an NOT ENOUGH To buy in Barrie II no enough One should look for ur llclu made In mu any and buy hm In prclemnccmolher provided standard are he Mrs Hicks laid it should be clearly undenth that no one In dlclnflnu to tho pubHc course people will mu enjoy dayl aullng out of town All we Mk II that buy buy in Dar panlbllc 7000 lnmlllu lpcn an ex tra $20 In Bun1e your um would mean an mm 0000 clrculnllng In Ihu clty she And Ihh In turn wauld menu mare mall more employment nrpommlty mm Induslrlnl em porium II good are bouzht wh th are made in llama mayo money Ior new hnmu and ram ovullons or lncrcnxcd building trade cmploymenl and more lax mam available or munly clpal pro ecu From ml 11 can be men that thin money going In hono great many pcopln or comlderabla limo Mn flick poinch out ll tpent out Barriq ll ll gone junIver at for an earned Bnrfle has toputnflonJor being progrenlve an lel each one of In help to make it even more progrmlva and do our selch am at the same llme Letl help build blazer beller Barrie Mrs Hickx maiden Ear rlu since me my III has err med in the campaign wllh en lhusimm wile cl medical doclar Ihe hug beenlncllyc In many cammunlly and nnllonal Ilium She Ilrbelt known as womenl editor CKVRTV mr volition entail being 1h bonus of the Womens Show gvery afternoon Monday to Fri ny In November 1056 lb mm ed branch 01 lbs Cnnadian Save The Chlldren Fund alter Interviewing the national pm BACON Breakfast LEAN SLICED Homestead LEAN TENDER SIRLOIN WING OR TBONE SALMON STEAKs 3790 Delicious APPLES FRESH BAKED CEE GRADE PINK SEAL FANCY PINK BREAD FOOD MARKET l6 DUNLOP EAST BUEHLERS lhll community Is ca THURSDAY SPECIALS 1113 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 121362 More than 125 Inch mow but man on Battle than Mm dngnmanunz City mow crew worked all day Monday and ballet gm of the mm to clear 105 inch All Tualday two inchn ol mm was reallend filreeu um momma wen almau all dented and sanded and the cm ara now finishing the ride ung The snowfall have been re gum Irom Barrie and unher north wllh 1015 Inchuval Drury County Form on Blah ween Crnlshum and No omdal upon ha been re cecelved mm BCAF smlian Ed gar bu meanuremcnu wilh yamflck also inde good 1445 lnchel Foot0i Snow Covers Barrie Northva at Midhum nation 93 Inch all was remrdedan Mmdayhnndafi Inches all on Tuesday Readfln Ihat vialan arg In condlllqn Very little mow 1m fallen wuth Bani since Salurday Anal Tm Seed Plant retard ed oniy 25 Inches total 11 morning The llne of heavy dent AI chairman of be local brunch ha in on he nailuml eucutlvn no und 5M trav eu ta venom urvlce clubs and other araanlullalu la weak bont Ihc work lhc lund M1154 JOHN HICKS OZ LOAVES 35 l3 CELLO BAG 29° 49 0L Tl N5 page xix Inchei Hill momlnz and the Cookljmvy DHO Pup Yard reported clear Hindi wflhoul single 11 aka lo the west and moving In In dhectlun Three plows two under 1116 ndnhavo bum working re arly shape Monday mm Jnnllfll Yard clearing lflnwayv 400 from Cookflownmmm 1mm 92 Melly and Hith um way to Barrie The mm av eraged men hour day and our to live ham duflnz the ulna The sanding tnwkx returned to theyerd this morning and termed the hidAway compla uy cleared Perhrmlng More large and awrcclatlve Audience who tum ed out Monday to the monthly meeting ol the Oakley Park Home and School Amclatlon d2 plle heavy norm earlier In the day Grade Tami pupils at Oakley Park Pubjlc Edgy prec male pnntomlne llmes Shepherd Boy Deming wllh the rellgloux Ill vcct cl Chrlumnl the program which Inan short bmlneu meeting saluted brilliant ling lng by choral group from the two gradel ably directed by Mn Holloway Grad teacher Studentg Perform At Oakley Park 191mm mg mo other sachet who played large part In the productlon were mu Claydenpc Lever and envoy Cgohwwg rcpqm kaeg Grade linden Ruth Fenh and David Crookprovided pecluvelyf fluu solo The malnrlly retail mm In Barrie with the nuptial of food outlets wlll be even hit afternoon until pm Reg We ham mnlarymnzger the Chqmbc Commerce mum Hid commie Ilshflnz Ordinarily Mall mm an closedWedge Dilemma Stores Open TH pm BARRIE WE 15

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