Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 24

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335$ Russian After More Than Fish RCMP justifies its actions by saying it is tanking or people Ire quentty appearing in pence finovements it also said the CM uskx university profes mu question on political Ican tug of students seeking job wttyulhe gtvtlservtce Editor Frank Mamrl who wrote the Iditorlul would not Ilnboratc An RCMP spokesman in Rmznlu refused mmmnnL The edllonal said close scru liny was given members lull Lst nrganlzalions It quoled veryrollable source who said he unce was asked In identify phlcographs students TORONTO CPUThe Var tily Unlyersily oi Tammie un dergraduae newspaper said in editorial Monday the Royal Camdianhlountcd Felice have dossiers on sludenls at the uni4 versiiy who take part in paliii ual activities pared here during the Cuban crlsls and npphreutly the ex lemal alfuira department dropped its nebuzzlng request to the defence department at about the same time It anv naunced the RCAF would no longer supply courtesy crews or Communist planes flying ding the taking at closeup photographs had earlier been discontinued at the request of the external al fairs department nlier Russia hnd complained nbnut huzz ing ol it fishing vessels Buzzing in the armed inrcee term or Alevel lying Meanwhile was learned ra llably Ihal the RCAF Mari img Air Command resumed dunng the Cuban crisis in De tober the close scrutiny of flux slan fishing vessel of all kinds 1n the Western Mlantlu jugsgm COMPLAINED Two Soviet vessels were seen In the hay last month and Mlnlstp Diplcnbnker SIid in thc ComwnsNov 15 that they would be requested In leavu if they hadnt already done sownwy hurl Mr Dieleniaker aald Canada has always considered lhe Bay Fundy runadlnn 1cm Informant ald Mnndéy that Russia has agreed tn adhere to Ca an yishg in lids regard Says RCMP Keeps Student Dossiers 0mm CPr Russiall understood to have given 354 surances that It fishing vessels will In future stay out or the Bay 01 Fyndy Modem nlrlmx In In compnd comic with new Runner dmuh with Mduu lulu AM lwo mam lot Good quality mind chM Id ed harduvod NIH and yawn lenlm In 1th mm iwnlmh walnut mam NM WA dqfih IN 23 Ranger T110 Handloma VIKING $25935 EATON cam Eul they are more disturbed by lbs thousand of unhappy couple doomed ln spend long your tormnnflng each umer be cause their religion has brain While we want good mar rlages it maxHaze cannot be made gnod if It will glmply grlnd lwo peoplelnm the emo lional dust then they should nu stay married He iald his congregallon Sun day that Unitnrlans are dis luibgdnby the divorce rate TORONTO CPLRam John Morgan of the rim Unitarian Congregation says divorce is preferable lo unhappy mar riage Prefers Divozce To Bad Marriage The ain that their fishing vessels are alter ilsh periodi Canadian officials say they iish all right but can dnct extracurricular activities by fishing for military iniormnv an as weli anagia adheres toihis NATO policywith the exception that itsqmetimes announce in ad vance mall ioculnavni exer Rehéhlng the chancel the bridevhalted or moment mg looked up There waxwfial man again With book in hand the min isfer performed he cam mgny Then with blue bride read Io walk down the aisle the minister walked briskly to the organ and piuyed the wedding march avg Cagadq an mulg Io Cuba As he couple entered Ms chnrch me bride and groom saw the mlnister cleaning the chum carpet Calchlng sigh the wed ding cauple he whipped off his overalls and began dis tributing hymn and prayer book for thnscrvlce mwwmmw Mglanu AP nevnwmnd hulls confessed wifll underslanda hle pride today hat he Runw thing or two about wed dings HI amazing dexterity came to light when he doublehand edly and singleoddly mur ried couple earlier Jhis week Eu he wasnt thrown NOW YOU SEE HIM NOW YOU HEAR HIM Complain wloh Allulmlnlll 111l compad yin mum lypo clonner LOH Inmth on our 1min IIM mnvuuiml awhcl log pomMu mm luv motor and cnmplde nl nIlndunonu Including luslhlfl hrmh uphnlnlrry lml flour mul rug dram crcvlru ml lwo Iocklnl mud And Harm hm Model 1127 SAVE 700 VIKING VACUUMS Rig 6995 EATON III Prlu IEAMS BUS OVERTUBNS SPARTA Tenn AWFour teen members of Lha New Ha ven Blades hockey team were injurednone serlously whcn he team bus overturned six miles east here Monday the stale hlghwny palml said Wal ler Kullman as coach of the Eastern Hockey League town was driving me buy kink am runA nlng wedding service pro grnm or divorced Anglicans and thoiics whose priest will washed them into thinking Ihey cannot do anything other han accepl lhcir silualjo nnt perlarm the $56 for them he sald fir dongun nulcdthal the rate ol mmarriage among di vorc cfsan Ags plgh He dashed inlq he Vestry and opened um registry book dipped the pen in the inkand supervised the signing by hrida and 3mm The bride gave the minister minutes head start and Lhcn walked back up the aisle as the minisiLr was back at he organ playing lii Walk Beside You Finally His last notes of the organ echoed through lhe vi lane church By this time Mn Curtls was bus alxnmeihing ise umL As or the mglstry the clerk would normally lnok after that but lhltjobdnne by my wife and she was no exercise by the Canadian Allaan Fleet In Hie summer of 1961 dxytw about 12 interested lrawlon Their crews wavéd cxuberanfly lo any Canndlun naval ship or nine any who mulled them With each and he pulled bell mpe WiLh his righ 00 he operated contraption Ihat pulled another Later he explained Its no lhing lhat would haagcn very gum ganlst was alwvrk we have no vergcr who would ordinarily dislrib me he books he cleaner was on duty and of course having up verger we have no bell ll else with NI reauzationzthnl Russian vessels are scattered allover he WestemAtlanuc and probably will be em cmmtefed ggyway Dcprcciatlon should be taken on hulldings and machinery for all ar pnrlo Iho year de pending on when Ihc Hem wr erected or purchased Oldt machinery with low value not have to be dtpreclalcv When power machlnnry deprc dates dawn to $100 or nther mnchlnexy dawn to $50 Ihen these items need nut be depre ciqlcd any lnujeg amp nventor cs should be taken an or aboulflecember 315 of each year and Ike re sults transferred from Ending Inventory in the 1962 hook Beginning Invenlory In the 1993 no Farm Account Hook when apcumtclyxompleled Is an ex ccllcnt record are business transaction on the tum My talk 90day on the use at the Ontario Farm Account Book with few hlnls hat will help Farm Management mem bers In complete their 1962 books CJKEIHI CLAY Assnclala Agflcultnnl Rzpnltnlalive or Elmo North flamersVlylsirig AccountuBopks May Need Hints Onflecording by Favero Dunlap HI PA 55 lludqumeu ar Phala gnphlc am of nu types GIVE PORTRAIT am CERTIFICATE ENTER 60F LUCKY DRAW Photggraphy filflfing Mom Tun Than Sat 530 OPEN ALL DAV WEDNESDAY Frllhy 900 p111 0pm pm all nu wuk Elcopl Montiy Mnlun um Mum mlnu mm rm nm llnulllv mm Imlu mew run wmm Tumnnlu Man mum nu In up whm Ml In nATnN um Inn mm mm mum nnumsv nium 4mm STORE HOURS whrn W71 Helm To arrive at clearer picture oi the farm business or the year it is necessary to com plete the Livestock Section un der iuvcntoryl and list all ant mals born bought died said or used on the form Number of animals at the beginning at the year plus the number burn or bought should equal the total oi those that died were sold or used on the farm In load records In the Ontario Farm Accannt Book In Ihnt mem bers In our Farm Management AssocIaIIons may have IheIr books analysed at the Farm Ec onomIc Department 0210 GIuprh Io brIng loIIght any weak poInIa In the overall arm opuralion um 17 nu Ilu Im ml Idldor Imm plum umnu mm I438 l598 259 INNISFIL 51 SIMCOE DISTRICT wot In mm am hood tun rlulle um ram Mum rvlu ulh COOP IlAln lelilLl Wflh hul ulll IATUN nleA 11mm mu 0u up lqum haul in meal mu nlmlnl nu runHe mun muk mm hm wnn hul uulnn lrmn mm mm vlune ma ma man Mulle cont run When money Is borrowed help run he farm business the amount borrowed should no he entered under Receipts How even when lhls money used to purchase Items pertaining to tha lanu bushels than is en tered under Expenses 31 the time of purchase When this ban rowed money pald back WI respect to repair or re modeling ol buildings during the year items unsung $100 or more are consldared capital improvement nr expense and the cast of materials in entered in Ihe Expeme Section under tho Capltal Expense qumn 011 he other hand It Illa cost of re palr to bulldlng an less than $100 than lhlu amount en tered under the General Ex page column 1398 thalany machinery bough during the year should be 1151 ed under Ending Invcnlnry but magMnex that were old during the year should not be lined Endqu Inventory 995 Taulm Aulnmlllt rnv Mm Pub in lull lmllleu ll Loo Duck puq hind 1mm ml Hum dolnu modtl luluyln runh hnllnn rotuka nu mm mummy my cum mluh mun hood vinylwmu 1m In In uumln ulr7 nl rum A1102 hm 2495 luptlb PA 36511 999 each ENGLISH NAME Mbcflaa ca Ital gels Ila nun mm Raglan Edmonton near the birthplace of clerk who worked th9 Illa In lhe late 170M dim When land Iluld Hm money from such sum should ba 115 ed under Ihe Cnpflal Sales col umn in the Receipt Section and the equivalent amount deleted 1mm your Industry ahnpld not be listed under Ex pensdt huLlhe Interest on this mqney must come from lha farm and therclare Milled un der Expenses In the General Ex pense column Wages received mm off tha farm may bl enteredundcr Re ceipts but lcparate column shouldgbe used or Ihil account InfI Hound rndn Ara udullve with Enlanl In Cnnndn Mndn of M7 Vflumu ml 117 Wool Blend In rxrcllmt quality wllh lhlckly nnmml mrlm Flnmml ullh Md Cclnnm Acalnlu Halln Shuller Pen Pencil Birth shiver DlgmdRmu Bnlnu Witch JEWELLERY lmk Lllna mm Yellaw Bandalwood Wlm CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE N0 INTEREST CHARGESI 71an MM 72x90 laclion To Ema You Amuoxlmullly 71m If is my new State Farm olflcewhave can belle erve you with the but In auto lilq and five insurance Invite you to call or drop In anytime nu CHARLIE FEYWQm Mens Juwellary gym nan Costume Jewellery duhn Vfllll ME MI AIE llll hm mum Emmi mamn um om 95

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