MW SASKANON CP Unl verflty ol Saskalchewnn pro fessor my Insecticides am not In clincqu Bzalnat grasshpp panmenl of hlology saxd ha has carried out tests which cvn ï¬rmed his suspicions mm significant numycr of gron pars qrenolAkIlledwl1cxg Nvmo nl rnnmlmm mm In llw lllhl with the llmnnhn my Ami anlclnIu Mm my Anmllnun Mm had nu runlul will me 4qu at flu mm In Mann xpréycd wniri mineï¬eld bin amply move out ha sprayed lulu to which they can munn Prol Edward add the lulu of spray Icsu In which flu number of live grasshopper In an am Is caUmalcd before And nfler spraying urn Inn9 llama He said more work has to be drum in determine the ulicctive um oi existing method of my in insecticides well us try in in HM impmvcd methods Prof Finds Sprays Easy 0n Hoppers Prol Edward agrees pres ulbdny insecticides are effec tive 1n killing grasshopper under laboratory candidana Hi ummml that when they an uud In lhc ï¬eld may are n01 nearly as dlccuvu dalmui dlnn nrmrd arm personnel mvlnu III lonchm and mm my lullruclarl In Ghana have mumde In my well clrnr Involvement In lhu Cnmmun wtnllh countryl lnlcrnnl mm ury mnflm ommu any Im nw Illunllan could be Irlcky one lwcuuna ha ibu nllnn nrmy hm hm used In men manlh In hunt down lurnrlxll wlm appnne flu re mu lrclldrnl Kwamu Nkmmnh Thu Cnnndluns In Glmnn handed hy Col mm mm damp 080 MC Mm com manded Hus 7nd hnunllan lfln cun lnmclnn Cnnmllnn Llnhl lnlnnlry nl ICdmnMnn 11 Il ycamld ulllcrr In nulslml Iny lwo nanmmnlmlnncd nmtm II Cnnmflau Mun mumm Ilnnun ï¬lmr In Mrrn lho cnplln Tm Imny alllrm um mllllnly lnslnlrluu nl Hm ml My nrmlrmy In Mun nml llw ll Ilu lrulnlmz Mllvml mm Inur ul duly IIIu Alnml hm ymu 11w lnnmlinm Ill usumul dull In Ghana In July Ml Cnnndn twu yrnrl nuo mt Ghannl mural fur Inmuclnrl In uld in mllIlIry ulnbllxll mrnl The Canndlnn anrn men Iplfmld Uml Ihm In IlNdDfl muxl not become In vovcd lII Ild ln lhe clrll punr Tm nnmllnn Anny dmlnm In Arcm Tm mtAF unl cm lnulnm nl lhv llylng lmln In 1m Ihrw 11m mlml Han Imrh nrnvlrmlc luhkrll nl llm Inllilmy Iuml rmy slde Christmas tree he ï¬m or 98 which will brigh ten Londons Oxlnrd Slum Canadians Abroad Stay Out Fix PM Ba ï¬dyvards lhodo OTMWA cm11w 25 Cu Pnrhaa lirae generally be CHRISTMAS COMES TO LONDON Southï¬mcn has opcï¬ed new Lawam game preserva in during Vthe festive Mason 15 hnlslod lnm position high ov er the roadway twenty NEW GAME PARK GIFTS GALORE to MEN Bovs OPEN DAILY TILL PM Warm and Wonderful Giï¬l SWEAIERS the Transvaal where visitors can study the animals mm horseback out trees each which Is capped by an oulslze star will be illuminated when they are all In poslllon NEW YORK AP Vorhum dual nl yam doctor hm Iumed lrom bedside to In of dmhl vlnIoIo la who war 90 can eathy Ihav um mum ml mun She Vï¬fwcnm Hui Imam or an 111m or the enema VIM uni In remark that flung lhn Bdthh lovemment Achesml whu an Idvlner to President Kanncdy saIdBrilaln has Inst an emplm and hasnt cum new role ln world allalrl IL was Achesonl View that Britain now wisely is at lempflnz refuta Europe mm which it was bnnlshed at the time the Plantagenet and he hlttla mm In hard tough were those at an ear Her day Rusk at ms conterence More depafl n1 for NATO But now REM and men3 mluhlonlnal uunninn mm ough over death transpianllng Some feel no In Bolton haven months Ito Wyenrold mm was dying 1mm MamaI dim Today he In still with kidney migan mm WASHINGTON RIP The United sum appem to be do Ilheramy ammpllnl to dawn mde Bxltalnln the eye of he worldperhnfl In tho Imps forcing Brltn to stay up her cntry In 1h Emvenn Com man Market While describini Erflaln mu big ï¬ower Slat Seem my Dean llk look no lsuua Monday wlth the remark by former mt secretary Dean Achcson that Brkains present rnlu In warld allain it about played out To Transplantf Organs The xenlla manner In which Rulk referred to the Acheson speech made helm the West Point Academy In week seemed lo indium some arm of tacit approval of what Ache wa kld Rusk Relays T9 Acheson speech In Mannér Indicating Approval lnwrecent nedlcpl hfliory la FRIDAY Tlll PM All wool mm In Md mm 04 mlou Also plain white Illk Ind mm nunu FAMOUS cum SCARVES An outstanding Ielccllon of colorful check and fancy patterns In war lcly of shades Alwayn an Ideal gm All 31m it our have bah dmulei kldiio have lhua been bob °WE relntlvu lo vlrml mm low kldnm hm mhinod for month to maven yann new camx mu But hemunlit begin nlnl toward uu manual cl transplanllnl many typos ohm mu henmlunn lean glands skhFw slay death in humans who are otherwise on p9 can hymn SPORT SHIRTS The basic propicm lean mg how to nlrcumvcnt or re peal one nnturen undamen taanm Naturo 5mm uI nlemillva do fence nyuem ngalnu germ Igd talks In Full Inld that ll had made that speech he would have lull out several lenient He dldnl any whlch Bu he uizested lhe mnln nlm Ac enanl remark was the need to ntrenxlhen Ihn North Allnnllc nlllance milllnrlly ecu nominally nnd pollucnlly Jus umn wis behind Achr Inns sudden Allan on Britain hasnt bean mnda clear by the over Kennedyl new ads pol ky planned on Emnln hm comm member the Elk mpcnn trade bloc Berna ela menl ol impatiencehnl been expressed here about lnrlher gnudlocks In Brilnn mum on Undnublcdly Presldcnl Ken nedy will he aakad ta mnk his views dear when he meell with Prime Mlnlaler Mlcmlflun Namu later this month Among olhcr polnls Husk sufleslcd that SovietAmman talks on olher lsauel my tnka place even there no llnul tidy settlement tbs Cuban problem Several thousands ol wellArmed Soviet Imp ara sun ln Cuhn and the Commun lsu havent agreed la Amerlcnn demands or onIlla lmpectlon to make sure nitenulva weapon have been completely ellmln sled mm In Caribbean islumt WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Flm rqunllly Brand dolh Nu Imn any to wish marital Iumllllr Ahort pom mllnr wo Iy cull Wanduhh Snlmlon moo VIN new mm m1 pallet lo um your mm wild VIIkion my WM Got gut problem Then then ltemsyPLUS many mqre for men Wonderful Valuc viruses Through It we cream antibodies to destroy or neutra llu the lnrelln materinL But most unem now be iinva we use the ume mach nnism to reject torcizntlv sues or or Inn even though mp Vivul mist depend upon lb cepunx trimplanted orlan Each human so lndlvidnul that he will tolerate only thin or tissue takenhorn an identical twln and raw oi ua hnvu iden ticni twins Nature doe permit the tem porary liiesuving trawler oi blood bones arteries and cor nensarwindm oi Iho hut these hahave bitdller Now modlcnl team an be comlng aptlgnlalllc pvenudted our pmzpccuo WWI nr tuml IIW azamu lramplnnuu camplax natural orlam When no quenllou hut Um lhlstblexn gain In In Ialv declare Dr Ivld llumn the Medical College mum In Richmond W©©MW©WWS DOWNTOWN BARRIE pgms IN Mygn There are solid Vromm for FEW °Pmi IndiaJon and certain dnm gpglarcnuy cunJupprgxg thg ge Iowan mcdwdsm least for limo In borrowed man accepted Better drugs and memqu expects Surmnl are lenmlng or have leamed the techniques In Lrnnsrer and hook up numerous harroyed many They are flu laarnlng how to keep organ allva lnr mnny hour nuulde the human lhl mtanl laeway nl llmc whlch avian could bu tram planlad In alck pemnau In an old dmm Dr Charles Gulhrla of lhl Unlted Slnlu was an arly plo neor ln transplanting Inlmnl on gang dldnt know why they failed lurvlva In lha new body hut he showed it was mechanically or mhnlcnlly pus alble In 1908 ha grafted an ex ug head bgdy In tho Sovlc Union Dr Vlad lmlr Dcmlchov has been giving do an extra head And lha hegdssurvllvn orlup go myth Em hlood unmlnalml MM muse he compatibility blood type war not knawn mun Transfusion now me thousand live each year 399 or 600 WILMIIGEElIETIEIMIIIE 98 Conveniently located In mm EXAMINERWBDNEEDAY Dunn mt He il they were loud enough or his mndlnlher Lhayro sand enuuuh tor Mm but um nllnr smallhllke omhls arandlalhvr Mt him in his will know ddpl used to oh not to Elm but am wu elare WI were marmd No man hlm ovnr lhm fla onecluslnl the Mn My lIbexIa Is no use ynur lnnklnu aruund for your hum ldar Elmer bunlad loday while you were work ANEW YORK Re murkl ncw Imoker ell tired of hearing an imp It all our lhI hou What am you iméklnlI mpul Please dont put out in the home Why not take out In the back yard and heat It to death th flick What In Illa smelll II Ihe plan burning down 0h hello there Elmer The mm umply cant 5qu Ix haw Ray 1991 In 91 ashtray um they llnlsh will Lham OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL UNTIL CHRISTMAS terriï¬c poledlon nl knifled glam mm lonthcr palm Ilnln IcMhrr wilh llcm or nllo llnlnz ammo now ONE PRICE YOUR CHOICE SCOTCH PINE 121 Bndlnrd st For Wlnlar Warmth THE LIGHT TOUCH 129 to 398 Cigar Smokers TGagged To Death Ml mm mm muted chock or Nil lMlkl qu ullnn MHII Ilmn Mln pwhll with an Mm calm Ind man nmlnr um mi all Mens All Wool TOP COATS By HAL BOYVLE Whalnr that one mad Elmerchm punk Id live nnythlnfl you lelched pervm It It wnl an opium ppm No dont call Ihje lira de nflment WI only Elmer lxhllnz up anomer one Doctor you absolutely nun there In no mljor dly em can tell him used by than rsychlurlsu my elm mak ng Is up of on Man lllllm They re lust bl qvor grown babiestrying in re turnln the crud am lculgfyou or the last lime mply will not tolerate having our llama lmell llke pool parlor dont know wh they hollldlasle runny Al did was dly flu and of them in porlumeso thcyd hnva plummet mm Yes you can play wllh daddyn cuan children Murmnyll alve you cent or each on you break HARRIS bury for CHRISTMAS GIVE Fm mum PA mono 1994 Flown LOVELY BOUQUET FROM