It was hard to ml where what and harbor met on lhe Sam John NB waleflmnl WITH THE ACCENT ON IVAhull hm mincl mm mat Only the 1903 lllmnnlnilc could conu np with erll nu Lxclllng cnmlrlnullnn lll HlKll nn oyuuppcnlinu pmkngvl Slwk unpllinlimlctl nlylinu nnd Ilnahinu unlnnll pvrlunnnntv Kn lmml in lmml lo give the new lrls mrw nmmlrunlnlnlurc in the line cur llllll Crisp lung line invilc you 3va inside nnd discover the lunnly nl lldnmnlyilnl richly mlnlliulml inlurinrn with mutll nlilnnlnling luxury ilclm us llvlvpilc lvrumllnumlwl flownlmnxlsnmo lmiw nl lnhrimllvvp funnwlmlliumtl wshnuml mfdypmldul imlmlncnl panel Add to lhcsu slumlnnl Kahluau on THE LONG LOOK OF STORM TIDE STRIKES SAINT IOHN 233 BRADFORD ST Monday tldc 115 lcel blown up by winds gusting lo 70 mles an hour produced Ihis plcum of vehicles and DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMITED OLDSMOBILE963 momma vesseis practically slda by side Actuauy he wharf ends just behind he truck CF Vlrephotu YourChovmloI Oldlmobilo Cudlllac Envoy and Chuvrolal Truck Dual Ways Underwgï¬avlr Over OrUnder OTAAWA 10 Thu govern ment supplled lho Common with hackgraund acts Monday relating tn surplusscs aimin lnry stores reported Inst month by the Glassco royal commis zlon on government argunizn an The most nubllclzcd cask thelnavys 1000 year supply at one slm ol underwearwas based on 1961 Issues lotslllng only la stuck mar Detall were tabled on behall at the defencedepnrlmcul In answer to qucsuon by An Smith PCCalgary South whn naked when the stocks were purchased how large lhey were when the Glassco commflsslnn examined them and what ha conmdsxlons basis was or compnllnglhe Hques The tabled answer showed he underwear examined by the canmflsslnn were leflover mm stock at 33000 pur chased by the navy in 195152 It said that in 1959 the previous lssua of three sum per man was discanï¬nucd and tho un derwear mst given only In ï¬rm serving In Northern loca ans funsize Mg pohnlxpowcr of ï¬ory Rmkcl engine mlvnuml Mange llydrnMulic Drch lnmmnimirm with in uulhorilnlivu passing urnr un impruvul VihrnImwtl Ho or whinpcmluiut highwny cruising Aml heal of all Ulllsnmhilc for mm in Mill not no prmul ll be thrifty New fur mun ynull ï¬nd Iluwc vyulomwing fvnlllna new mlfmljlmlin brukuuncw cxlcmlnHifu oxhuunl Mynlcln nml new hnllorymving Dclcnlmn gcncrnlnrl Luxury ncion plun lhrilly wringun unhvnlnMc cumbiunljuu So we UmlwwOldsmuhilclor1003mm MONTREAL CHThe ngh Rev RMulchmnr moder ator the United Church at Canada says Canada should share her bountiful harvest with thelmngry Ilium Thnse chflamn lnCMna are hungry and they Should be fed he gold lhgCagaflgay Club The leader 3500000 church members quntcd If thine am my hunger feed hlm from the scriptures In advocating gills of wheatto Communist China MutehmoriDeiends Wheat To Chinese Dr Mumhmqr said He wprld would havu to live with the threat nuclear wax SM 1963 all bombs were destroyed as re sult of an lntemaflanal agree mnnt nt Genevn he said the lumwledgo of maklng them would rcmginf The church advocated more care for children whoselmothv or not From me to tlme wehava commenmd on the dlanges In mm In recent years stress Ing the dIIIIculty that most Inrv meta him In adjusting In In rapIdIy changing candllIon un der thch they must Opelam We have mentlnned on man man one occaslnn Iha Itend Io ward Icwervand larger farms Icwer Iann warkernbuk more production per worker and the tremendous Increase In mpIIal now required to operate farm The Cliahging Ontario Farm LargeAmount Meney Needed ers are forced to balance the bldg shnnld letamelves be taxed mom to provide this ne 95an car ixy smwun mm Agriculgq rguntnllve PHONEPA 66521 WEDNESDAY nzcj 121952 r11 TheresSomething it about owning an Olds ï¬HNflflNL HUM WWII aleMullle LUxUnY SEDAN The Census of 1961 now avail able gives us the data to may ust how startling thesechnnge ave been In the last twenty years or since the 11m Gems The comparison new givnare or the Ontario arms but the changes noted are very Almflgr fm allCimadn number Ontnrhz arm has dropped 1mm 153700 to 127492 decreagoo £8 Ite mm whll at the same time she farm has increased from 131 part average in 149 acre or up nearly9 per canl During Lhu same parlod the new age per arm worker Increased from 1099 acreg up per cent while at the same time producklon per man more Ruin doubled The greatest chqmge however and the am that Caused farmer the M459 mubje way lie mans mean 11 mg men to npérate farm By capital rcqulremenl we mean he mnney necessary In mpply flu land bulldlngl implements ma chlnery and livestock In mm mln the axcgage jail min alolalot mm In 1941 capital requlremenl per um 919th 1328517100 ï¬n 961 or 320043wa arm worker an Increase 328 per cent per arm or 353 per cent per worker In alhcr words the cale quirement for each lamm today is more than Mr times stealer Aha Um vent 3m In interpreting this caged re quirement wcshould in mind that these are warm requlremenls and lnnluda great mnny arm that am not too successml and many more that are operated on parttime bash only wauid estimate that our mote pmspemul arm have capital outlay of from $10000 to WMDM and up This question of capital re quirement is tha main stumb ling black most laxmm Iv day and Is the reason why to many young men ï¬nd It Is du lculéif not Impossible to get started arming at the present time Gone are the day when Ram 01 horses ww selling hen plow and ham and mm seed grain were Just about enangh or young man mum on rented farm prov vlded he coile and wife who could tumlshlhe home with the necessary home furnishing of ten second hand In none the worse or hat It was also qulle hglp lhq ï¬t was good gardener and did not object to milking law town or looking alter the hem and even the pin on occasion The all of this Increasing problem Innn floanclng ll much casler than India Inc Iolullon and or today do not propose to discuss the problem except to suggestion it is ru onlly much easlor to borrow tho money needed Io finance in arm than pay the own Interest and olhcr ï¬nancla cmr gen is also my omnlon that financing form In loudly fob and ma expedenu In keep oz ann account In goln to be one of the jabs arm women may need to be lamillar wllh on many our arms in In ncx cw decades Another uecd ol the Mum ap pear lo be more oooperallvu use or union use the mom wally 31m equipm especially mch madflnu as are only needed and can only be used on ml farm for lemma flWuk at no each year Hm awn um In need or some pend walk in ï¬gure out whelher or not each lyeclnllzcd machine will fly Ibo lntcrest depreclallnn an air lhal negcsaarfly gu on Onc us we can be an tar arming Inuu Mun we are going to more need Lo use the pencil Khan the llngla plow and we do not like la use pencil would be who move to have gamma 1n Ihn lnmlly who can NEW YORK AP Al In nctnr Anmnny Quinn II an out gplcr myscll ha Iayl the tanr Mnnmm nwmmn MIMI and dlvcm mm that hnvu him on non nap nu mm uhcdulc Quinn la laud critical them curmnlly an Broadway In TchlnTchn oppauln dramnl elegant llxreu Mmml wanton More lhal ha teamed with nrkalnl acknow ledged ncr slr Laurame Ollv lrr Ills nut mm is with Ingrid Newman another Itylhh per tanner Baa project Mr lulu II In opportuan In climb hil clam aftno punk ppkqtlonL Tim burly iï¬lnn Muldm hunch laulhtr and the dark gyrl mlmrw In cxplalm lur Quinn Climbs Toward Peak Perfection hnvu never lhauxul my latn mom mu Ifmw ml lucccu Iha slnr carry mrntrd mull dont km why not Jun do that magic ll yr an lhcm umlmcu wlll min up la the ml www Ally Inn lay dunl knot th uml II nu lum vhlun 7a comhlnnllan but and Tthlnflthln Ihkh he wlfl perlnrm ll Plymouth until II mum mum the plum run work rum mulling mlvlllu b0 tween flu mm ml dunII The only am bk mm bu Ill mnklnt hum of Nubia mm Quinn 1an not ln rem nutMm m1 nmulm mt but Iiiu pgc Alma my kind at