mm SEAHLE AP Watching him on he ica youd never guess hm Guylc Fielder ganing littleUrgd The Myaner Seattle To ems contra vfllAplay Ms 7001b Western Hockey Magma game here Friday mm ngninst Port land Eucknroos heï¬ddeu dont feel the Win In asslsu wilh 24 an entirely normal siluallon He was named outstanding rookie In the 195152 season and sinus then has wnn ï¬ve lbaguu scor Ingflchampianshlps III 95 assists in IRS sllll stand as nn allpm hockey roc ord He set league scoring remrd with poinu In 196651 and is nlmasl regular on Ihe lugues allsL1r team He holds two mer mean in points nownl 97d and assists WJ iavcnl lost any speed and can move when Im good Fielder Vsaid Gayle Fielder Growing Tired Robyn Anné Johnson of Ar lington V3 lï¬ycarold rec 1ch diampion topped the Amateur Athletic Union Wo mens AILAmcrican swim ming loam it was announ der curmqu leads nla nyulnwï¬ Innl lflvlu Dunlap FL Find num ImnlI my El lllll Ill JOHNSON C0 lIMITED Scenic dome rail lravcl AllinclusiveIamsuncluding meals bath and Ups Group dixcuunllam TansAtlanticslumshipservlco Gycallakcsand Alaskzcvuhcs Motelsnndmmlmmss Canada AirlinexcwicuacrossCanadaIinkingsnonlinan Winlmmincs lulho sunny Wcsl Indie Mcdnlcnancan and Glcck Isles l963uuiso TOPS WOMEN SWIMMEBS 0ANADIAN PAGIFIO AGENT mmmnvmnmmmmunnnmwhcmm wvmm um counm musmmuwn Imw mmu cllle Mr Innmm lmmntlou Ind nclulu TRAVELLING lnlomnllon and nmvalinn 1mm CINOMARS MIDHUQST TEL PA 608 See your NEW YORK AWSpring ï¬eld Indium No line of Bill Sweeney Bruce CHI and Wally Boyer hold he top three places in the American Hockey Leagues scoring racel VICIIY OFFICIAL DEAD PARIS tAPlAdmim Henri Blchnut 7n sccrctnry of state far the navy and calnnlcs in the wnrtime Vichy government dlcd nsl Saturday at his home The announcement hmsdny did not give lhc cause at death Blchaut was brought to trial after the war on charges of col inborntlnn with ha Nam but was acquitted Sweeney the lop scorer with 40 poinls on 11 goals and 29 nsslsls Cline and Hoyt are led or second with 33 Sweeney the lendnr in assists while Cline No In goals wilh 18 Quebec Accs Charlie Hodge the mast clfcclivc guano will 230 goalsngalnsc nvb rage cod yesterdayushe was sclnc The new mm Raceway led or three posiliunx on me Campbenvmev leam lhmugh noint system Wn hav 52 mghlsv umgh to rate the swimmers on the mung smmiMay basis nf champlunshlps won F4nl3h WU mm 51 and records broken during the past year AP Vlropholo The new Windsor Racewny Windsor hns been given 98 mghls surï¬ng Sept and cnd Indian Linemates 4390 241 Indian Linemates Hold Top Spots Deacan Allen veteran andler at boxers 1n Tom has beyenv Chuvalos manager or the last ï¬ve years Allen announced mesdny that he de savored his comedian wilh Chuvaln but the decislnn was ogof nyumnkinzf been in the air for the last year said Chuvalo It ï¬nally mm In head Nesday We parted on mullgal under standing and there are an hard Ieclings ware In good Iriendsf Allen said there were still In month to go on their liveyear conlracl but that George had nsked or his release as unevnf he Hes heavy weights Canada has ever had said the Deacon Has never TORONTO CmThe Ontario Racing Commission nlesdny approved 00 nights harness racing nex year at our tracks The new Mohawk Raceway meal at Cnmpbellvflle on will have 52 nights itsnigh meeting stnrlingMay1 and might mcellng starting Sept Londons Westh Fair will have 70 nlghls of racing 35 nigh metling starting May 20 and all meet Ikanlngv SepL Opening the season will be zfrnlghl meeting at Town 01 Woodbine starting July ORC Approved New Schedule FILL OUT YOUR LUCKY DRAW VOUCHERS MM gn mum match contract with Chuvalo which he hasnt honored an act tbs has resulted in CIeraux be lng suspended In Canada and In mosl ol the United States Cler oux meals Tom MuNeeIey at Hasgon Frlrhy nlghl Thehusky Tamntnnlan say he has heenlrnlnlng in Detroit or the last month travelling back and forth and has hooked up with trainer TheodoreMe Wetter dldnl want Ila take hem With things being Lheway they wexe said Chuvalo relcnlnl to 11 difference with the Dew can It wngnt question turning hem downI never lurped down ï¬ght In 11w liIeJ He has unsettled businch with Bob Cleranx of Montreal the man who stripped htm of hlsfanadinn tltlet 1ch do much dmu tight him again and that may come 1131 5003 Chuvaln said Then Im going to try Ear the nape Iigglerq Does Allen eel Chnvnlo is ca pnble being his own man nagfl ACTRESS ROBBED NEW YORK AWPolice re ported the loss at $21500 in Jewelry mm the hotel suite Mexican motion plctnre actress Dolores do Rio Ncsday the second mldtown hotel jewel Ihctt In two days Polite nova referred to the case as cel luloid burglaries because strlp callulold ls xllpped be tween the door Jamband the door to open snap lock hésiugcd mg answered matte mikmg the matches at In right PEKING Routers China has rehulll nlleasl one semen of lbs 2000yenrnld Great Wall and it helng dlsplayed to our lsls complete with beer an piped1m music 11m Stored sectlon contains thousands ol scribbled names and slogans lncludlng one in large whllepnlnled lellm say lng vlya Castro Only few spots along the Lemmelung wall stretching acmss northern China are ac mssible to lareign visitors was permitted tn drive In re stored section in the spectacu lariy beautilul Ends Mountain 40 miles northwest at Peking The greystone wnli longest of anytln the world was built in the Ming dynasty 12th and 13th centurlcst but incorporates the remains at lartres wall dating bag to an BC ALT STAMP ERRORS WASHINGTON APiA plan in use einclronics In prevenll misprian on postage slumps was discinsed Tuesday by the 115 pnsl ofï¬ce department The mave lo inslni an eicclrin eye on the printing press lead ing mechanism results mm 12 recent misprinting oi the our cenl Dag iinmmnrskjoid coml The smflon on viewls the tar thesk he foreigner can travel outside Peking without special permissionFnr at least half the drive the lnnd on bath sides the brand modern road ml or bound as well Great Wall Show WithPipefd Music azéims culmm