Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 12

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Saskaumn Quakersol the Saskatchewan Senior ankcy League ell Saskatoon nles day morning for ugama series in Sweden szoslova WORSLEY TO PLAY NEW YORK AP Goalie Lorne Gump Woraiey oi New York Rangers who missed three gamex with mare main at the ieii shoulder will reium in National Hackey League competition tonight against ihc Black iiuwk in Jhicnga Warsley worked nut with the Rangers Tuesday and was pro haunted ii inr duly uilcr xpendjng week in hospital re covering mm the injury which had pnlhifi iln trmlion Marcel Paula who had re pluccharsch we returned tn Baltimore Clippers of the Algerian Lengqe Womey was hurt in goal mnuLh scmmble in Chicago Dec While he was sldelined the club led twice and lost once SIGNED BY ALS MONTREAL CF Iawa Slnlo lineman Dick Walton draft choice team In both mjnr United States wlbnll leagues has heen signed by Montreal Nanette ol the Ensl cm Football Cnnlercnce was announced Tuesday Wullon 11 sixfoollhrca and 235 pounds plnyed guard lncklc dclcmiva glad and linebacker with Iowa ale Jack Davis to has Angolan An al ma American Langun Thesdny far catcher Eur Aver 111 It was Ilmlghl player deal Davis 24 played In games with tho Nullnnnl Angus Phil last season and had 11 balling average Avcrfll 31 played with nus Ange lwo you Ha appeared tn sum By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS San Antonio Tu Davey Moore 1304 Colmnbus Ohlo nulpolnlcd Fill Nnvu 128 Mcxicq Guy 10 Nonulle landon Dnvc Churnlcy 13m umdnn slnppnd Jamel 5111 13692 Trenton ML YORK Englnnd AmDank anl Cllcl Unllcd Slnlu nnnclcr nnd ratchnrlc owner luld Drlllsh rnclng nHIcInlI Tuesday nlglul my mum re vlm name or thnlr Men In ud vnncn lhu cnuw cl lnlmmllonnl mlng mvlcw lulumallnnnl racing lo duh rcvrnll lhnl hm hm horn nn ml unity or real umlcmnmilnz Inld lho Armor qm lImmnl VIL Vnn CHrI pa II Glmcrnck llnnvr lwhl rnrh yrnr in mnnccllnn wllh ha ycnrrnld ilmcrnck Sink 11m Amulrnn won HI ymrl Iluku wilh Crudwl Vnn Cllul lohl fillllll My Ilmuld mink again about unlng ulnrllnl 1mm Nu unlu um um on Vlrll1xh lrnrku Vnn Cllcl nalxl lhnl nllcr wnlchlnu low mm on Ilrllllh trnrkn ha hccmm mljufilcd tn um mam perfnrmnncv mne whnl mrmhllnu cnvnlry chnmn cammnmlml Ivy Mnan ncruonnu whldl II lnnwn he llrlldl Ilml nu fllr rpr vlrd Imus bmdrru lnr nxpnrllnl too much hair but 1le In lnrrlln ghuln lnchdln Armr Iran Oflicials Asked To Revise Ideas FIGHT RESULTS sam 10 mum PHILApmHm AP II Only 101 10 COFFEE CUP fill IIIMIIM IHE BEST scmsonnn SPORT In Blrrll in 1962 mostly pinch hitter With 119 nvaragqi EOUALl GOAL RECORD QUEBEC CPLRene Dmlet i7yearold cenim for Quebec Citadel oi the provincial inninr hockey league equalled Own dinn junior hockey iecord SunA day when he scored clghi goals in game againsi Moninal Nerd Canadian Citadel won 132 The record alelglli goals in single game was set by Michael Lobndlc also Cita dela in game against 5L CaLharincs Tcepees in 1952 La badic now is wiih Quebec Aces oi the American Hockey League PLAN TITLE BOUT QUEBEC CF The Cana dian mecssionnl Boxmg Fa cmtion cleared the way Mon day for title fight between Canadian wellcmlghl chum pIon Peter Schmidt and Dan Ross the Na mnumder 8th are from Tnmnlo National Commissioner Gene Minumenu Quebeyqitx saldn Argus Ida and Switzerland Flrsl game will be In Stockholm tomorrow Travelling with the players were club president Hm Patrick scmnd mm or lhu match imm Roxl hand lers will in approved thorny NM RECOGNIZED NKYO APiTho interna tional Swimming Federation an nounced Monday it will not ognize in swimming evcnla Hi the Asian game mid inst mm mcr in inkartn Tokyo now papm rcported Tcruinm Abe honorary seeminry oi the swim ming indexMinn mid ihe dcci sion msuiicd mm indoncsial allure lo pennli nihieiu mm Isrnei and Emma lo partici pnio in the 1mm NAME TOP HORSES COLUMBUS Ohio AP linmhieioniun winnr ACl Viking and Leiiigh ilnnovnr winner oi the Little Brown Jug iwm named ha op lhrcoyenr oid harness harm oi the 1902 season Monday rcsuiln ol poll llama ilnclng Writ and nmudcnslum were an nounmi by the us imuinl Amdallon CAme CF Calgary Slumpcdm cum from bchlnd lo hold Vnncuuvcr Cnnuck la nvnrtlmo lIn In Wuch Haka League lame hmdny anIL OFF TO EUROPE Vxficouvcr ML 31 and nfler me first nnd mend pc nods The sluicmnlo touched mile Ipcclnmlnr 51mm pa Iormnncu by ranltla gonna Glllu VIIImnum Vnnmuvur Ien Cnlunry undclenlod In hm unmcn running nnd mom lho meva wllluln polnl lha lhlnIplnco Cdmanun Flym In anlllt Dlvl 13m MrDonnld Mllnn Min noun nnd nu Jnnkowdl Icmd loL Cnlnnryt MInnmuvcru markm came Irnm Dane Duh ob Md kcr and Jlm llainl Calgary Comes From Behind VEIIY PT TI mm mm mm Ham NIUMHIII Mvnllml Our lrlu $2995 Whon You Think llmr founun lndlu mmunm mun DUNLM IT WMI IA Mill EQUIPMENT TRY GARNERS upon lrqul ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS Ron Bull Is Top NFL Rookie NEW YORK AP Ronnie Bull Chlcago Hem3 no run ning halfback was named rookla oi tho year in the Na llonal Fnumall League today by an Associated Press commlltec of sports wrilcr and brundcnsl erg Iran lhg jeyuevciue ears It choice year ago after lendlng Baylor In running and pass receiving for three sunlight aca xons started his pro career working an defence After succession of injuries cripphd the Bears ha moved to nuance and Mayor Sid Buchwald sixth from left who was travelling as he asskslam figs 919 president ere bhblo PA 82429 COLOURFUL APPEALING urnmum nuw Mm llmln lnklnx Hm rnunlry by nlnvm Ileaulllul lnrao rudxlly MumII Inr dug ml have lmncmlnug nnlmllnnmu nmwnl nlryre lmlnc Iur mu Imnuw mm am no ulmlng umlul ur uUwr dam ln Imrm ymw rhlhl Thryll landed mm mllrll hnuu ol ylay Ith ol Um lnmplrl Innmllly 11w roll lmly In any xllmllun al In Illahlrsl mulnu nl Um llnlnl lnl hrrnule uw vlo rm full nwlvrl uhwln Enrh ulml ls In nml Ilwvr jun like hm uml In no le9 Ilunly lumlhm Hull Hull rldt xlnq In bqu mum on Inch bmrlumnl which 11 mmplrlrly rndmrd wfilhln III In Theyre llfllnl mm In nuppor In wvlghl mlull bul Imlll close In lhe nrmnul muwlm My nml rummml fur lho Ilull one Omnll Illa Inthrl Inuu ll Inclwl hlul Fl TIIR IM IOU mar ANI MVP AT Mlllll HUGH Mn Onion II Ollllll polnlc north ulll In hudlrd II yon1M HM Immfllllll lo IHM llupnlfllmmt PA rideashaggy dog SIMCOE PLATA new and wonderful for Christmas remember available only at IllRITE DRUGS gul yours todayl nvallnblo only BlRIIE DRUGS Hs new and diHoronl for childrcnl 2130534911 On AP AllStar Team By JACK Am NEW YORK AP Green Bay Packers laminated the Au soclaled Pres allstar learn the Nntlanal Football Magus wllhn Inlal at ol the nplay an selected on the ollcnslve and rlefentlve unm Paul Hornung lhe player of 2119 year In 1961 did not mako he tum selected bx commitl Ice sport writers and broad casters rem the league dues Green Bays star hall back missed abouthali the na son hecause of injury Nflbadr Jim Taylor fllht end Ron Kramer Isolde Furmt Gregg guard Jerry Kramer and centre Jlm Enigma the chendlng champion Packers were named to the in offen rlvo team Defensive end Willie AP Windsor om 6128 Chalhnm 12 93 6225 Woodstock 12 nsem GB 56 7413 Kitchener 710 69 7315 Sarnla 13 59133 Thilndlyl Gnmo Windsor ak Kitchener Montreal Petcrboro Nlagarn Fall Hamilton St Catharian Guelph nlmlayl Rnnlt Niagara Falls SL Catharine Frldlyl Gum SI Catharine at Niagara Falls Pelerburnugh Guelph Amerlmn League Enllem Dllelnn API Quebec 71 7131 Sprlnglield ll 10 1108 we 799 By THE CANADIAN PRES STURDY DIALPA 62429 SENSATIONAL GOLD ORGREY JOHNSON 57 AND HIGHWAY Ii nummnua Awuuun Fawnnum Arslcssz rL24117n mwaaasas Fall Jarinc Imn HOCKEY RECORD Dav5 tackle Henry Jordan linebackers DanZCunla and Elli Forester und corner hack Herb Adderley the Pucker made dug defeglgiye New York Glhnu Publonr men on lheiwo team including Tittle their 36yearold quarmbad and Del Sholmr Ids Iavorite target at am End Tadde Roosevelt Brown also made he alienslve cam for the Glam nnd Inlcly Jimmy Pal lan made it an chAnce EARNSJ PLACES Detroit Unmhmmdous dc came up eamed our place wllh Joe Schmidt the hardy pmnnlnl at centre linebacker 299poundl Brpwn at tackle and Dick Night hain Lane and Yale Laryln the Ice ondnry J1mPnker Balllmaru valdencs Hershey naklmora Western Dlvhlon Butan 15 74 92 30 Rochester 10 90 3125 Cleveland 817 7611111 Plltxburgh 516 58 771 Tuewdnyl new Quebec Baltimore Vnmouvex olMJnnlar Niagara Falls St 051115111191 MeLIv Innbr Toronto bopfi Whitby Norm séilai Kapusknslnz South Porcuva Me PA 81429 Iqu shared thexunrd assign ment with Kramer whatlook 0Vva Honmnga pluce chins chom The Colltnlso placed flyenwldleno Mnrchetu at delgnslvz and The finding backfield an 01 Ience Included TiMe quarter Taylor atlullbnck Bobby Mitchell or Washington Red skins at flanker and Don Perk lns of Dallas n1 halfback For the In llme since he Julned the league nix masons Iago Clevelandl Jimmy Brawn did My make LII em Two player whq formerly performed or Canndian club were named as allemales Piluburghl John Henry John lan oneflme back with Cal gary Stampede In West ern Factan Conlemce was runnerup an the allenflve team and Clevelands veteran Bob Gain who once marred wllh Iawn Rough Rider the East em CanIerence came close as delcnslve tackle Nntkmal Amdnllon Lo Angela 24 Cincinnati 111 Boston 57 New York 95 Syracuse in San Francisco 136 By THE ASSOCIATED muss BASKETBALL Pullovm Clrdlganl Convuflblo Tar Neck Slewums Curllug Swulon Dr Swulm Cummmldc Swulonl nonlép St Gunrnnlmi la mmplrmrnl um molt dimimlnnllnn wardrobe Vu luwo um llnul mum in Slmcoc Counlyl Tnllum Ly dArlhur Fred trlck Km and mm Marcllo of landnn BRASS 61 GLENN YOUR OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT DISTRIBUTOR BRASS GLENN LTD MENS SWEATERS ELEGANT TIES MENS BOYS and STUDENIS WEAR 91 Jim 51010 Wide thMn EXCHANGES or REFUNDS CHEERFULLY GIVEN mm flannth 3mm 12 ma Mama EXIAMNER wzxmssmg Tiesvand games timer be the suing concern right now In the Eradlord and mum Minor Hockey As soclaudn Four gnmes ended up in deadlock and three were separated by one pain the Bradford ArenaSatmday nlghL Syracuse edged Kingst 4s in the um game at an EPHL Tyke serial doubleheader War refl Lundy patted two and Dong Manhman and Walter Jahnsan nne each account or Klug stanx goals Bob Trotter with two and Brian Vdovjck will on scored or the Imam mill0th ndSudbury play ed lo standstill In tbs wcondhall of flle blll Dave McLean and My Devlin flawed In two aplece for HulLOluwa whlle Tom Bannermnn Ell Colllngs Ed Jamie and Les Kovacs shared the goal product lon or Sudbury In the first gamma he Jr Squirluet it was Guelph 52 over Hamilton Dave Walker and Don Steven had two well and Dave Steven one or the win ners Dave Partridge and Peter Barn connud lnr Hamilton Tiesi1Close Games At BrctdfOrd Arena Murlborai and Peterbaro Lied in the second gm Ted Vasey and John Pool tired YEAR GUARANTEE Ydu cannot wear hole in these sox gift to bajcmemberedjot years and years All sizes and col MENSANTRON STRETCH SOX Neal And rnmhvnnlvle or thou In lnlmnl mullnnl Fuuhlnnnl Ivy nurh lnmmn npnm murulnna Tank and Vm rum Ski limo In hero agalnl At Brass and Glenn we are ready to hi the slopes Fashion crafted Ski Jackets and lovely matching ski shcks Como nnd get eml $995 90 $1695 BRAND NAME SPORT SHIRTS SKI HEADQUARTERS 100 1500 Burl 495 3995 WW doubles spark Marne and Davis Mason Gary Baynea ahdAllan Barnés scared or Petalhora Therewcrc two games In the NHL Bantam set and both ended In 11 tie Dung Kell and Jay Bowlhy both scored goals or Detroit and Canadians mm Ivtly while in the other 111 It was Bob small or Leaf and Richard Masml Iar Bosmn Pot Hymyk 21 and Jim Cox and Wayne Calling wml one each enabled Rochester Cu shade Baum In the AHL Peewce series Bill Knrys netted lwo and Ken Swatch one to pace lhe Bulfuln nuack Vancouver nlppcd Ednmnlon In ha WEI MldgctJuyenlle ser leslargely through the effort oi Ricky Tan Henry Heck ling and Bob Wood Jlm Waters knocked in two and Tom Marsh and Daver Blackwell one each to spark Edmonkon Wally Hun wan wild In Ihl second game nanhing live Koala to lead Calgary la 105 win over Portland Joe Kamp and Ed Mylnychuk account ed for the alhersl Dave Gard ner led Portland with three backed up by Dan Lee and Fred atom wllh one apiece 298 1595 150 each DEC PA MN 15

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