Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1962, p. 1

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if Yur eflo 2H THE CANADIAN rum Man North America wal In llw chill grip of an Art mnu today but Icllzl mm on bum cold Win In 1th 111 mm huuc nlr mm rev pansible or lullurn lrmpcrn um In many mum at Canada hal lhrmlnwd Inc Florida my Msth crop nnd urodurrd lmb llalnarllnz bllumdl In Hm mld wwqu mlng rd up by In lum wind my mm the 1m Lnku wnl hell dropped an mm In wmc part ol mulb vmltm nlarln while ollucr Meal mum ram Hm Inku fumed cloudku AH Fnlll 01 mu 1er la Ill In wm rrdldnl or mmmunluu In tho re Ink Hum and Gam Inn my lunmmum mum mm 5115M nbovo mo In mulhm mum to helm nl Graham On mm modern an to In 11de lo lull In In rm rlu lady and In Onlnrlo nmw my 11 wealhtrman um mid to milder name will Ian um day In Mlnfll and wrdrm Mxlnlxlqun ml maul hm IBM bum llw wlnlry nul hm hm UM murmmu not Uer Ira um mli Wind up In 90 mil an hour and film wmn mmlc Hm on my Imam our Mun lulu on normal plxlhaur mu mm Vummflh la liar llnlbor llllnl Maul two to law Ind wm lal day In lha up cm mvlml Mainline In win In mm mm mainland BIXTEENYEAMLD udda Robertson aypean mm pulled than WW that nLlaghlllonnnglbni Ede that drop oufi snow to bran low tn but several day to our Continent Is Gripped By Chilly Arctic Air flue ln 111310910 of lhe For Bummer Wanl Ads Tula gphmw PA WM Tho telephon Immbn to calllor llw Bums go We Dept PA um OurrTeleiJhones wme WINTER Evmywmann been planted wllh Jamal day at lug nut rnln and mu wlndl warn expocltd lo dlwcm he Iol ermul Ipol In Canada We day wnl Dull Harbor conr Innnlly on Hm nnrlhtm Up 01 Vnnwuver Inland Where Hm muer climbed to dnxrm WINDS WAY Ununwnifily cal walker and musty rnw winds hrld vlullku grip ml mm In Mle MHMMI HM Unllnl sum flwru umer llllll proan an 1mmullntr sinncral vank Um bone dull In wrnlhrr DUYYMD NM MURu Mall of mayhem In Inum Ind mm central NW Yam pmmdal by llnddvlvm KIW llarml ofl lynku Hm ml 0n lulo flood wlnml lodny lnr In wipiwy numlll nu lomnxl an or In MA dMImnl sin II Inrhrl mnw In he wulem mtllonl and rnullmullrm nl hllmnl llh rnn dillonu In ho Wnlorlown Am when mm hall pilld up Brand Wiml me most Muh 11 In Mr mm Jnd TM mu young lk we he me1 there should be awnth 1y eight inches of mm in Queens Puk Mm than cc in some Intel Heavy Kigali uc Inlonln mill ma mm grain with Penn Ivnnln border School lum loud or loveml Forecast Says More Snow In Stormy SnowBound Regions HERES ONE Record low temperature warn rcporlod In mm lho Ice bclt or lhu mend Ilrnlghl daylo day in advance the nmclnl mm oi the ulnlcr mmn In the mowcovered lemon 11 Du norlhcnll by plunnl for nanrlf week mon heavy mm It Weary Marv my crew Alrugglcd In keen lho mnln nrlcrlu open snow drpuu Influqu Mll In In mm of hnnllill nnrlllcnil 0M0 The main eon ol lho Arclla IIr unlrrd In lhn nnrth wnlrnl gum mink wIMI vowmxl Hw Iulflléro cold wulhwnrd In llu gull rum and Imlwnrd la the Awnlnrhum Engines 3399011th Illa haw mun do mm In My two dun Rimming mm Nrnmom uxuporulnm worn flpfdld for man Halo 11w Iyplcnlly lmpmlmmflu Ilnrm all Lulu lirlr dumped mml Um ll Inclwl vl anlnu dullan Inuw nlunu he lulu lmnl IIIIIHI Ilullnlo nmum Iml ll klllnl be My The Rule Thruway Nymllc IllElrll lmm Lnrhwnnnn in nu rnnlylunh mu Hna m1 rlouvl at llbour Mod he lm opening nwulny nmw r101 cm lmlllod In ml dill la Illurnln lam llrnmled mnuvlm Musl lllflmnyl mll wlda hind wow mo tuned ml nulnmubuu Ind lnlrkl er lIlulily Ixrmuzhl MI by anl HM wlllnl In lhu fluv mm mm In the am and III dcnfll In rose la II to un ol flw weather Mam snow hm becn prcdldcd or 1h In lonlghh AP Whepholo MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev declared today that Amerch pledguon cubs are not fulfilled we wlll be llpd to can Iuch actions as sllunllonrcqulm of unl The mman was made to the Sn mm Sovlet at the end at an enrol enkinl inJhe mm Kremlin hal dudnziwnich lhe pmmler lald the Sovlel Un lan llad damnnnlraled ll muld TORONTO CHHm An can bhhop Ontario to 3y opposed my move give the gram murals whoa get hmol co rlflon tam or to extend tax mppomd IYIlem to lmndnry uhoola Both measure were rt quested recent by tha prov ncal Ilomnn athnllc blah In brie wvmemherl 05m leglglalu HI Onhiio Cilnudn WIdMlaly Dpctmbui 162 Riétingli SStudentSf We wlll never leave revolu llonn Cub ln trouble Chev nnld W0 will delcnd the rlghl cl Tho Anglican blshnpl In memorandum presented to the legislauue today 3an grunting ho two request would cause whim dumptlon 01 lbs pub tlle and caudalgm iymm mdordennne dliévrvlcaw the comman whole Hawovcr 2300 word memamndum suppnrlcd rat quest by um Roman Catholic hlxhopl for lovcmmem uudlu ol the pmvincel eduullnnnl lyllem WOULD REVIEW ALMS The indie should under taken ha memorandum nld that realistic nvluw may mm CWMun men would be butter HWY wquld cry allllg boiler lbnn 001le to on Iorn back Women wllh mornlnl Ilcknm would have mmlnulu talk wlm thalr doclou unload of axing nncy lmnqulllllm Ana lirmodcm pfinmiiéi pm dum eonlrnccpllve plll nmy be Frunkennleln mon 11ml Idvlm wnl pruch the Scrum Tuesday night by larmcr Now Drunlwlck mlnlnm of hcnllh Sumlor PM Mb OLnnd anll Aldoclqr Too many people ml wonder dmu In cum minor nclm pnlnl mul mental mu he Inld Mnny pcnplu 1an they no III when my equale Iler mlnnr xllmrdorl wlth nymplnml nl nwllcnl cam on lolcvlnlan nhawl Arrmnou jmunUM upmml Um vlcw um um human body II prnparly mm lnr In nldlmhlmm my lhm hum tonon lor dull uupl n1 lemn no Ind on par Mn ol pnqu who mmllll phynl chm do no hnvo drflnlla phyr lral dlmm hut mmly com plnlnu In uld Khrushchev Sg VS Beds Will Defend Cubans Anglicans Opposé RC School Tax MEN SHOULD CRY MannMaui Doctor Prefers Old Remedies ONLY 10 the Cuban page to pursue their brightlulure in mid credit to 05 Presl den Kennedy as having In in teresl 1n preservan peace In the Clrlbbun Ind said both wen negotiatan 50 um plggeslmysl ho ke Khrushchev mum to what ha apparently meant by Kan nedys pledga uld the United Status had promised not to attack the re ubllc of Cuba and to restrain ls allle rgmfipmq But despite the implied ihrcn the Khrushchev speech np he made of the phllolophy and Aims of education in Ontario and the llmmdll lupport oi public education nndwiih the puma oi maintaining equality cl educational nppurtunlty giv ing adequate recognition in tha cachet callgges and second The memorandum wu aIgned hy Mast Rev Wright Archbishop at Alqu and Met rbwlllan of thcpccmlullcnl govinccnt ail lhc The lubmiuloll said the Air zllcnn church in the provincn sham wnrmiy the concern oi the Roman Catholic Churchin ihe deveivpmeni oi an ducn iionnl mum in which Iha Mine and leaching oi the Chrlslinn aim and lb wiwia Judawcinislian heritage are In Integral pm oi the entire Ichaai pmumm A17 win ni lha concern Ali Ici glans Iradiiiona and maintaining pence concord and goodwill amend the several re lgimm ioyalliu oi our vmv nea They are more Ilck 1n mind lhnn In body They have palm and nchu and mulch Ipnlml which cannot be cured by mrll cane They hnvu worrch which cannot be cured by udnllvo They are Ind not by work but by boredom which cannot be cumd by vllnmlnv Thu dcbnlu man an the av ernmcnll nmendmtnla In ha Fund mud DanI Act dcslunal In llflhlcn mcedum or llcuw Inn mw mul Scnulor McGrnnd lfllll nnllhlolkn vilnmlnl menu and wander druxl mnklm drug llrml nan prnrllunu phylclnm IM qurcu mgdknl ndvlco Ml would he bull Tu cry nd ulvn prhIlflDUflnl Iman mndmn pul own on hl hack and mnnnxod hll muwln mlm wllh vmrm Hal Iron Ila wolm up ml mum lnu lmllnu Munand ha mu unhom hll nntcm MOSan marten lrmflu Khnlmdwv today uHMlutl Communlnt Chlnn or mudm hmnlnl an Mm rllll lold In 511mm Bovm In In olwlml Nhlmn Inn 1mm who call Imycrlnllnm mm ugur mu mmmbvr ha pam lm lm nuolonr teeth TOIIOMYI Hon ohm Mlchcnu farmer Huh in mm Ovmrmnq hu hm tlerlal chairman KM n5 Ionn xemllm command Canmlinn lmmula with naumnl MM lhl hmllmn nnmumd May mud 1L ludmdm mu Wainme mummm lnr Imam 1m timed an honorary dmkmm WAIKINB OMEN NM Ml but mmbnd plum mammal b1 III at war Mnl New Ymk wo mud to fly on in mnmtly mama Man In IMmhr more llvnn um mllu my An mum at Hum1mm Mr PM nu um llul on Na ume um plinth mnhl KCfl air hm Mu Paper Tiger Han Nuclear Teeth Michoner Elected To New Post Pilotlons Plane Lands By Itself NEWS BRIEFS 11ml Inw not rcnl pened to have defensive Mnele remarked that there was no quesan 01 who won in the Cuban crllll wying that sanity and the caule of peace wgge thy yllnpera Khrushchuvs Waman came nMr he had dalmed the So viet Unlon hnd prevented at Jack on Cuba by aggressive cirdes the 115 to avert the direct glam memo nucienr world war The Soviet lender jarlarelzn ollcy Ipeech called in renun allan of wnr among states mean of senllng lntemallannl and hhelr solution through 113015 Khrushchev called solu llon of the Caribbean crlsls major vlmry to the policy peace but ha repeated at lacked the aggressive rcles of Imperlqliagn In an obvious Mar to he Chinese Communists who crit ldzed the Soviet buckduwn ln Clgbg Khrqsllchev gscmfi NEW DELHI AP Prime Mlnlslcr Nchnl said today dia has glvnnm guarantee it would continue to observa ho camIre proclaimed In lhu Hl mnlaya by he chines Cam mnnlslg Event have confirmed that the pence one an able In overcome the most dangemu International crisis In nub the fingeringlxgaggrcm ed his coil again ior peace coexistence between East and West with charm imperialist aggressor wem stirring up iniernaiinnni lensions with threat and warning hut he Soviet Unlan hqd rackets Io rnpiyio blow by pur enemies with iixhlninx amnshing hiow dupandl upon circum itnnccs Nehru lnld Purllm mom Mprmm Indln wnl nbt ugylpg ll mam UntiLReds Leave Says Nehru Nehru reiterated Indlnx dc mnnd Hm he Chlnem wllhdrnw ram their men mllllnry gnlm bclorc there can be any nee lllkl Peking hnn reject this demand Nchnl rcpamd lndlnn sol dlm wm killed In lghung again the Chinese mm the hcnlnnlnz of Ihdr Illou oflcn GITVA CF fiber rln In Canadian unemplo em up 511000 ram midOdo er la 30000 nl mldNovemhmr was repomd lodny In join Itnle men by bumu ul lllIUIUCI and lle lnbolrldcpnnmlq Tho Ilnlcmonl Inld Hm rho wnl about In llno wlm Iho mull machI hblm Mal wu 7000 Hum the mom unrmvloyed In No vvmhtr my Tho unemplnyment rnlc nd vnnccd In 51 per cent III labor tum omparul with Iver mu mnmh urllor nm rule WM pcrcml year nrllcr up on no can lwu yum Mrlkr Unemployment Up By 59000 In ma VMONTEEAL CF M6 Iran 100 University of Montreal Imam mile down the red ensign Tuesday night in die pinza ni Place Villa Maria llstorcy skyncraper in dawn lown Montreal tore ii in shreds and strung up flaming eiiigy oiCNR President Dunaid Gor dan in its place Trnlllc on elghblane DnF cheater Boulevard wax tled up lor twovhonrn Seven dunnn suntan wm arrested they lnnled nvershoez sticks and snowballs at some so policemen guarding ma Inn entrance slvo Ocl In last Monday The llghtlng slapped Nov with he CMnnse tenseIre proclam ulinn but two more Indian sol diet were kllkd Inter Nchm made xLncmenl lo lhu Upper House of Parliament that repealed his statement In the Lower House Monday He hon had rckcted the emu or lnxcc that HIV Chlnese had set In lhclr tense In mm wllh drawnl pmclnmmlnn because he snld lhay nflowad lhu CM nesc Io relnhl Ihe mull Ihelr aggression INSISTS 0N WITHDRAWN Noting snld Infilnx lqlkslullh tho Inns can grand were me mad by huh whhdrnwnl at the position be on In Sept when the Ch Msc lncurilolu Into Mrthcaxt Inga bylan Uuzn CNRI Head Say$ Megfing cleared Up Misundegsgandihgsf Tho Chlnuo hive ancd lhll llerly unacceptable CHEAPER BY THE 25 DOZEN NORWICH England AP was quiet day in Nor Mddl public library whm in walked Constant Reader an nounclng he bar name over due Uhrnry book to relum Cgflalnly III unllod Ike librarian How may hundred and In Cnnxlanl Render They won oumde In truck Constant Reader uld Inku bfinzhlg them back am hearing the bury gm granting up Infinns an Mpth policy Irrgsled mifdmnmmm yum du when they Mid In for lhdrhwny lnlo 0mm NM Ionnl mum bulkllnu In lqwnuumuqulo Ilnuon opTa who it books oulpTonxer than fig prescribed readng llme pm Mon Ihénh paifiofifl mu T57 fiizh wnfiFxéw 11 For In lummary um $0 page lwo L6cal Weather ma Queeix Elllahelfi Hole op pasiimPlaeeMlle Maria Meanwhile Mr Gordon my In hh mm on the lllhlloor the adlacent CNR Building meellng delegation 10 students who had come Iopro lest against stnlamnnu he madahemre the Cummcns nlh way committee inst month fink inn these mlsundenlmdhgs havo been cleared up lha CNR pmldent nld alter the math xpLAnys gunmanrs II had laid the runway com mittee In testimony Nuv 204 that there are nu Frenchspeak ing Canadlnnx nmonx the CNRI top 13 omclall banana luck at qualified applicants not beau alscrlnflnnuom new day after his lullmony hulssued statement lay FrenchCanadian occupy 13 par cent at the axemflve pul flon huh puchyowncd rall foa Mr Gordon said his old thc our alndenu lhal CNR pull on bilingualism lg lg provide flcen wha spenk hath Ian lggngeaflhere the puhucnndi em in said It was elemlo mm In thulnkmlew wllh the IM dmls that some his cat mony helm the runway cm mmce had been rammed quits Inaccurately hrnm yaglcn any on lavishly anfl tn Deleigale mm Mumfl ho wu very minim he inlervlcw Murals paldgvpoflm the INI dcnl damqnslrgflon had bocome unruly because other mum had 30qu Itand we couldnt comm Hum szmgmsm Evmm urnmum rnulnun Quebec lupinnun unllmtn was evident in soma lbs placard canind by demons an and In Ilickm Mastered wall Kn he CNR upllnn The flicker read Quebec Rebellion 1331 revalullon 1962 and Quebec country why noll 11w damamlrnlorl wen dl Eencd II about pm nllm mum pnllca In an nllempt uln access to ha cnn ulllcu bulldan and lhu hale Ono youthwho twunz ruccman wnl rapped on flu and wllh nlghmlck The Itndenll than Invndcd lh unUon mum commulm Io moral home at Canad ln French and ruinM to will burned an em ol the 9hlclnndwnv lgcnnlo In In Franc mlonlallxm and Down Gordon All um CNN lruldanl in aurfinnunlulpanu am an Mm ram In Width nun in mun pomm Climan mle Wlnphdot mo Wetl 91 mid wlth

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