SPORTS In lhp Anmknn Football hum nuInn Mm Inn in hnllunv Ind um MIMI lntrlnu In Ilm Hulrm Dlvlllnn Illh tvlumph over why loll Ind llakknwlxlll Ila hm downed flu Dina mum 1010 End mm In on um play mm unlmt Voik 11 ml Hum ll 01k lnnd DIIIIII Tum Illh Wovlom lenfon um tllnrhrrl hwkld of mm mm 1719 fllchlo lrulnnl Iolnrd nm with an Inlemplrd pm Iced nu lhlnxu lluu mm or Lon Annlrl llnml Ami 1mm Johnmn Hum llu touchdown mm or hm udlnull Ind unml mm in I120 mil Iv Hut Arum IMIIAI Cowlvoyn The llrnwm Ilclral couflflnrd wllh Pnllhurzh Slrrkvl 7517 dtflllnn mum Phlludclvhll Zulu pul II ï¬lmIr lnln Iht Nnyafl Ilnwl nl Mum Jan unlml In mnndplnu Mm It Wnlml Canlerrnu 11m Mldmrll Urhd lnur Ileld nlll mu Hlorllrl nnd an NFL lumn mum wllh ICE VlClOflV New York Glnnu who pr vloully hid clinchcd tho Eu ml Conltrcnu crown and Dec 30 um um wllh flu wmtm wlnner won their llthlh IlrlllhI by Ihldln Clcvtlnnd Brawn IN flnlph Guzlhlml III In conlrnll mm me My Ddrvll nmnlned AH by mm Advnnlnu Mlnnuou mlflnku In vldary over the Viking In order Hr he Llan would have lu Imul Chlulln erl nut Sun the Pnckm 1m to ho In pll Lou Anulu anv NEW YORK CF Gmn nay Packn tame mm behind lo hm Snn Frnnclua mn Sunday In Ind retaln on Luna lend aver Delmil Liana flu Wenlzm Ccnhnnu th anlonnl Football League Emu um ul me mm play Belated congratulation to Don and Joyce Coulson on Iho birth of No son Donald Roy Wednesday 146 brother or we listen Don ll secretary of Bay 10 lalnm City FalcVorrh Goalie must be bulll different lo the rest of us Falcons can be happy lhcyve gal Rich JUST NOTES Dale Mlle lell Sunday lo joln Her shei Bears in Bullalo He figure new cast on hls bro en wrist will allow hlm to loln the playing ranks in couple weeks Barrie District Hunter and Anglers Conservation Club meet at eight bell tonight at the Orange Hall Alinndlle Tia umu plmd Don wont than his chew gum during game either he should use It sometime during the action hell go without or the rest of the game Cu you Imagine how guy couldgo through 60 or 70 mlnutes 4050 shots dozen scrambles and two dozen dim and um hold on to his gum Be my that the clock or store board is to his back he wont turn around to check time left or the more listen or the time lrom the public address system he said Like the rest of superstiflous band he doesnt know why or the origin of his idlosyncmy normal game would cost Rich about four or five pounds Anyone who saw Saturdayl affalr knows full well this wasnt mutlne 70 minutes for the man be tween the pipes or anyone else Danhko admitted alter the game that he was member of the luperstltlous ranks Hls isnt in the dressing room before game Its on the ice He was called on to handle or ty to handle 47 shots very few of which were of the patsy variety In the third geriod Don attempted to get piece of 19 hunks of ard frozen rubber that were blasted his way This doesnt include the many shots that would have just missed and if not blocked or batted away would have made some juicy rebounds So what does goaltender do during such hectic evening He perspires and more than anyone else In the rink At least thats the way Rich sees it Don ldmlta he soaks easily but during game the perspir ation really poura The agile netmlnder who commute from Toronto to play for Bay City Falcons figures Saturdays game cost him about leven pounds pound goal in this case you travelled piece to get to the rink in fact yau looked at both performance objectively the liar would be Barrlg goalle Doll Rich Rlch had by far his buslest night of the season against what has to be the Georglan Bay Ioops out ndlng club rIf oï¬zï¬erely walked across the road to get to the Memo 31 Arena then Billy Forhan was the big gun The once tiny guy whou addedaboul 15 ounds of beef since he slaned as junior in Barrie di it all or Bradford in the third period scoring twice and making two more possible POUNDcAGOAL Depending on the Ilde of the once youre slttlng here were two to stars Saturdays intermediate hockey 155 0rd Detroit Packers Have One To Go pm um um mum namiz 10 My By STEVE JONEScu MONTEUEUD ldlll Ml Tnmmy JMMII of Film win All nod lul bag or II III and yur II 44 Family AM 20 total up Ilnnl Mln Imam uhoh tall Tm VlHnu nlm mind In an IumM wlml FA Hharmlmnn Irmwl lw llumn lmhhln Ind nu unit or unu rhwv mi itle Dmolil Alert defrnllvu unll Inlemmnl llvl Mlnnuall mm Ind nmvrrrd In VII n1 lumMu Th llnm rnpltnl lml an Ihm cl lha lumth Ind nm lnlertrpllan or lhnlr mu 7ch lbfflll Mumd om lumblo yard lnr ouch dawn and un II at Mount um All lnlem lln Fun Tnflunlonn pm lull Cam and All llryudflnmllmm Mm llum nilrr 1n Hrlxmldl ntan Iana onlill run mm mm Inr lnnllur mm Mm urovnlnl lummllu Kn Welhl Iumhll Plum IIAo hl Danny lull with Nynd umlnl pan and Hrhd 2211 IM an Tom Mocnl Iznrd ouch dawn run arlrhd lhe Green my ully mth tar lnul Hnrnunl Mm unkd lha bull only our men have Hum nrr lnlrrrtptlnn Ilnppml lhl 4er an be Parker to In lhc llnal qumur 11 Yukon lrnlled the 49 lIo It the hull and didnt lulu lhl lud unlll Jlm Taylor Imuhed over from two nun nurly two minute of thc fourth qunncr new mnnin moflan ollencc with John mod Innmrm qumcrbntk tooled lha Pntken In the Hm hall Bmdlrhn an gnu or IM ynrdl In lhu llul all wllh Jlm Johnson the key EPA PACK ALLY Salurday Baluman Coll but Wuhinxlan Hedxklm an In the NFL and mum Hllll vvglyped New Yark In lhn mum MONTEIIEHD My Ruin formuly wlh llllbm Ind Elm Funrluu Ind rJ mm Ihc MII Tor lllfl anI out wlm lho 5mm Jan mind number UK Ml IMAM will Join Thll ml 13 lM no pay llawwvrr Kmmm Innl him my chnnm wllh lhl nurlrm nl flu mu um um Ion lho world rhnmdmuhlp he hop In Addllannl Ilrvnllh la VIII my but mm Ewan lull ym vlcwuv llut lhp my rum unr qull llu Imer Jvllylnl unlp In Vnnrnlmr In muer lo hla hum In nunnnm Mu dawn mum ronluct Iaxl lo mfg 30000 Kromm um ho hu mad hll bld lhm venom MM Olinlad lormer Chlcua nlnrk Huh Ilanlrul Cann dlml And Tonmla ank Lem Ieflwlnur 01mm Iuded New York lunan lnr Tuvalu Ilplu lull lormmo lul Jum allrr him In In lhrlr fllnnlnyyup wlu 111501 fro MMIPJU ll would lllllnl cllmlx lo brllllnnl rnrm or him Kromm nlul In nn Inhan Ilunigyt Olmltud tremendnul lrnm play Ind wn MM hr 15 ylllyrplluhrluln an NHL Kromm much Tull ILC ï¬mnh Enterl nu mired Nullonnl Hockey Anne player nm Olmxmd on NI tum or Ihr Frhmnry chumplanlhlpl In Eloqlholm VANCOUVER CPLDebby Kmmm unln lo wln ha world nmnlmr hockey chumplamhlp wllh the he of mu who was one or mini protu 11 Ill In the Inn lmnrd equllled Fa man leall output Olhzr Bud ord counter wen by Gary wlmllu Don Colbum And Wle hm wu no dlllmuu on ht Acoreburd the dmzr arm on In In wu hl Bud Du Im Hun two minute later Chris Cllrke Gordie Gow llld Chuck Edward combined la knot the count or the In limo Edvard III the goaltxelter 91 Ex rm went Into lha ltnnza lrafl 113 51 By lh time he Int relulnllnn 20 mlnulen vm computed Fnrhnn had mud Iwo pretty goal and let up Iwa more goal In bclwecn by flan Cameron mad the taunt Olher 11mi coreu Que Clarke Oaw Lew Stoddan Howl Forbu and Ken Robert Hum were Ill red hot when the avertlme mllon began Ind It look but hm mlnulel and I7 lecnhdn or phyla with Bobby Hnnrd In yet th club nhud The nu Exprensmcn came wllhln an ace winning 53 urdnys game In renlallon time mu Billy Foxhen one llme Banl Flynn lur phyed the pm of autumn zanz In ha lhlrd period II was rule here Saturday night an club laugh Ia molralslng 77 draw after 10 minute of exlra pln In Georgina Bay Inlermed It lgnzue encounter The two club hive met but lece thin uuan and both mu extra play wan needed Bradlard won flu inltlal canlut ILBInle BRADFORD When Bradlard and mm lnlmnedlnle hockey clubs at tonlher In the ex ception not the mic when Ihl game doesnt Into overtime Olmstead Wanted By Amateur Coach nleu mlrncle dropllrum out cl be blue the Falcon olllc lull will be mod to In up other player Good goullu dont jun mud around walllng ll be lllfltd but the Bay City hrlu hav lwq panlmllr nel mlnderl may will try out EQNSMIONAL Ba Avoided and Reid the vi um pnlnlul arm lnlury and urely wont be in mm to plgyggalnu Inward ffeakm goalies Don Rlch In Brndlardl Blll Wm To add to Falcon coach Paul Elem1 mintm he uncovered Alter the lame lhat bl team would be without rezuhr mu Dan Rich rand lundhy John Peck Edd or Prldly limit vim lo Mallard Rich Im newneqt 19h It ir 1501mm Shipbuildm To add to Fm coach Paul Innend coming tom behlnd up the lune Ind me It lnlu overtime the Expuls men nalched three Boa In flu llnnl fume and nipped he Fal cons 42 The wlnvbrok the un opd pin9e deqdlpck Inng Geo ulan Bay Inlermuilam Hockey henna ï¬nding Ind mnyed 33131de tyo ol Yesterday hacker nme at the Barrie mna between Buy my Falconand Bradford Mela Exvreu wu Ilmm idenflcal In the 77 Ila plnyed In landlord Sammy nllhl except or II big My Falcons Bradford Are Tied Again Bradford Back To Win ut vInThird By STEVE JONESCU JERRY GLADMAN 1L Falcan Cameron Mc Efldt 1715 Penalllelz McBride tripping 51w Farhan kneelnz 15 ovmimm 11 Express flnuard 317 Falcon Edward va Clarke 5210 Penalty Farbu lmlunnducl 400 Shall an Gall Hy Em 12 as By nradfurd 1H 12 Expiéii Furhan Vucy 197M Exprel Coshurn Nichol asi 219 3Fllcon Gow 1Farbcs Stoddam 509 Falcon Robertson Clarke Mr 13725 Penaluu Cnxhum lIaxhlng 37 Armstrong highsllcklng 37 Hazletttripping 1130 Kwnsnllu tbqardlnx 1315 THIRD PERIOD Exprm Hanan Forhnn Kelly ML Express me Forhan 651 10 Express Forhan Hass Ird Fnlwna ClarkeA11 Rub erqu 1011 Falcon 51mm Forbes Amulrnng 11501 84 Fnlwnx Forbel 60w 16091 Expreu Kwalnllu Mb son Hanand 1157 Penumu Nichole lrlpplng 1417 McIntosh elbowlng Id 44 Meur Ihuflled his line hit yesterday sucking Russ Cunar on on with Garry McErlde and Moe File Another change MW Howie Forth abandon ha de Iemlve tarps Ind mov up wllh bl Gard cow and Law Slad lard mack Ind the zonltending Enrrles Don Rich The for mer Emmott mar flopped 40 oUI lhntl Barri had 16 blull at Bob Kenn Howie Forbes wan the bad boy for the hometeum picking up thm penunlu Including five minutes for Ilahing Stan Thornlnzton mun have taken load of ugly pull yesterday by lhe way he wax mmlanlly In trouble He lckad up high alicldnz can the am Ind an elbawlnl lrlpplng Ind 10 mlnuu misconduct in nu ucand Ho even Matte bump Al Smith after the buzzer had tons in the ï¬rst but Ignoredyhim Bath mm carried the same rough pace Ihrougimut lh ï¬rst two period the Falcon all pm in the Int gnd the Exv munIan took advmuge The mom penallleiwtr In dicallva the hlrd checkinl with Bradlord having Ilium edge nbihin less than lemuunai at the Irena yclterday Richie picked up whare he leit oil in Saturdayl pcrinrmnnu when he kickedwut 40 show Yelierday he will unedon to mak 39 save while or cloned the door on The scoring might have been as high ii not higher than the lint game had it not been or the heroic acrobatic Rich and Orr 73 Anna 28 Dunlop 59 19 Bradford Si l4 Collin 59 SCHlANDlENS FINA SERVICE TERRY HARRIS FINA SERVICE WM BARRY SHEll SERVICE HECOND immon BRENNANS ESSO SERVICE Inns fERlDD Pcnnltlcs nlomlnglon elbow Ing 120 Rcld llntedcrence Mnclnlnlh Hrlpplngt 11 Forbu elbowing 1530 flatl Inga bench penalty 1530 Thamlngkon nipplnz mlnuto misconduct mm Penalties Forbes Ilnshlnz 303 Davis spewing 638 Forbes uncaring ma Kwnzs nllu Interimonce 935 Thum Innlon hlxhsucking 1405 EECDNDIIERIOD Bradford llnssurd For ham 511 Falcon Fife Mc Bride Armslrnnn 825 11mm PERIOD Bradford Cmbumu 855 Bradford Iorhnn Gihxcn Banrt 1350 Bradlord Kwuznilu I91v my 15 Falcons lamfï¬lch dtlence Alr liasunzl mid Arminom Robertson Forwards Fates Cameron Clarke Smtlh Mo Bride Gow Flle Bowman Sloddm Express loal Orr defence Macintosh mule Kwnznltza Kelley Faun forwards Coy bumc Jacockv Hasmd Gib son Forhan Ynscy Tharnlnz om Dnvll Schwanda 0mm Al Promnln rmsr PERIOD Falcons Edwards Smith Reid3n It was laugh one Io lose or BanIa but Mule more husfle In the ï¬nal period and lhegame might have ended d1 erznlly an ed In and hub led lhepuck into the webbing wllh Rich rawled oulllde the doorstep Vin Bradlard the lead far the lrsl lime In the game Gary Kwaznlm took pan In the corner with 42 lec nndl to no and paned the puck acrou the goal mouth Again It hit Falcon player and wax deflected beMnd Huh to put the am out or reach mewlsnors fled lhggnme up on rllranga play aIIer men had flopped numerous that and loose puck Don Cosburne laced one at Rich and It deflected all Falcon player Into flu open 31 Ihe goal Bradlnrd made their move In the lhlrd controlllng play throughout and proud wh they are the laughul team UM league beaLV came back few mln ules later with blast Inlndn malleat waning In he Brad lord goal Gerry McBride cul laughl Brndlnrd defenceman or the puck and pulsed to Moe Bab Hmard xevenlnxvlrar his Vic lo that of bad 531 mark of the middleman Bob heal Rich with nifty Ibo rickan of an apenlnz In ï¬x an comer The ï¬rst score came an beautiful play by Chuck Ed wards with Barrie man Ihort Chuck look pass from Al Smllh used the Bradford air encaman screen and llred the rub unfouzh 051 gnu hL his usual fly 161ml of bad KW thengamggp qt this nex Hank Parlrldge wan elected mm the game after d15 pullng bench penalty award ed to the Fulcnnn by teleru Al Pmmaln Pmmnln did line Job calling be game and mulled out what probably would have been Ierloux flahu F1551 GOAL dart Within he first new minute Forbes had been to lha jug twice Howie and George Davis wch oil logeiher for in minuie spearing calls over Icuiiie between Forbex and Bob Bastard Burl Bmlo Barrio Bani Toronto Star cammnlu Jlm Pmudloal quotes Eléheverry as 1th that ullhough B4315 under option unlll 1963 do really me how Im lnlo war plans Etch my added 341 what might happen this Theyd try make trade or me My conlruct bl one and havent shown much this TORONTO CmSam EMI everry tanner uar quarterban with Montreal Aioueltes said his contract wilh the Nullonnl Football Leagues Lou Car dinals run out the and 1111 season which means lherel chance he could return lo Cnnndinrl football Etchevéiry Might Relum To Canada All set orpracllce unions are three ullvbloodcd Indlnns making up forward line on lhe hockey team mm the lit Battalion The ngcnl Own Seagrams Star Rated Best Plonunnt inï¬ umoothcr viii bettermuting Hï¬i mom lntlnlylng Huh gonumoly Hun whlnky populnr prlno him In taut nlcor test after mu ngnlnm tho throo lending brnndl In luv pnuo ulnms Cnnndlnnu llknd tho tnuo Bungmmu Elm bnut lhwo you tried thin grunt whinky yet If not do no Icon San you dont ngrun with tho vnrdlav thoulnndn of olhar Cnnmllnnn and mm It but mm umlnlhualllullllupuvlllon ulllndlnj rumm Dillnhlllon SEAGRAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN RYE WNIEKV 0N THE WARPBTH Falling In den me the Cards put ml an wnlvcrs No body takes me at the Ialary Im ï¬ling an become tea agent lensu who waqld want Checkmales blanked Dashing DarzdchsJo and Angel and Buy Beavers played In in Alllslan Glrls Hockey House League ucllon In Alllston on Sal uljdny night Ruth Fowler scored twn goo and Shirley Venablca one In back up Betsy Irwinl educ ular gnallendinz In dolcn us the Daredevil Shutout Sparks Alliston Action Rm playing out Scent Germany in Canadian Army Lealue From left they are Rifleman mu Paul Voger Mm let wing Lew Kubb of Ammth Man centre and Adello McMcc notched all our mp tanlu la glve Beaver the ll with the Angels Pally King Lynda mdlw Wilhelmina Wynlere and Barbara Small were the other Maren Rod Lalond Marcelln Sask right wing Dubbed 1h Indium Line they have helped their team to In place flu in the league CF erwhulq from NAUnnnl Dclenca Fur You Slyppon lhar will Monday Du er ono T6WNSHIP To The Elector of KENNETH GILCHRIST Thank You