SE11 Or how nbou replica 01 minty flint pistol 4500 lboul $45 You can get parchmenl oomed Ice bucket with brass or around $7750 Fromm afly hh would best suit he ORE GADGETS Aha or the otï¬ca nun then an available timenull cle nna dinner that lime call In six minutes Iona open or with changeable caltndm and Light gmu uu mp CIKBX cutter of qud polished mg horn arr flexLing silver Thm aka mud walnut ubcuflvo yoyn mls gift will not maly lent the afflco mnnl Ind coordIMUon hm can and paperweight nvlu palm and nxb his ï¬ngers over The once L1 supposed to hl kmqullllzlng and this mu an null In Tumulo depart mm mm or Around 38 There are many what an dale mm which ho select Does hat hardworking execu ï¬va luv touchstone for Instance In small place at gun that F1311 cgm hold In lremy many womenrmay froe7 £351 Tifflfleih or en huihands brothers or uncle By PATRICIA RUBAK Whom cm1 the man in your life one 01 those lucky matures who have everything In 111 Ch shappjng OffBeat Christmas Gifts Include Solid Walnut YoYo hmther look use and pan ther Ildns mm by drummer first battalion of the Edin SIMMONS THE COAT STORE little girl and her younger THE COAT STOR EYEING THE KITTENS For more than 20 year Aha has commuted belween 011an and Iho Inmlly home at Mndoc mllc west of here nut now that Sonnwr While Speaker at Um per hausm tho expect to spcn mas at her lime in Otlnwn OTTAWA CmMn George Vhlte wile of the new Speaker of the Scnnle whllehnlred grandmother who like to knit in her ourugrandduldrcn How about an electric or batterypowered toothbrush or An electric shoe pollshefl Toronto jewelry store sell one of the Inner complete wilh two brushes for black or brown shoes at around $5 LOADED LINKS variation on the old sland urd an ol palr cMfllnkz Iliugluhu 51g iqflna For the calorie wntcher Tomnlnspecially shop leatur ï¬ng dodors scale plnlcd In 21 carat gold cnsling about $195 The weighbwalcher might also bu yawn or an 1mm gold p111 box to hold hll map substitute pills Speakers Wife Likés Knitting For Her our Grandchildren mnn whn drinks £va cham pagne going bn much an burghx royal realmenl before the battalion Ian Soumamp Ian England aboard mop ship or Malta The skin were xfllto the battalion 1mm Her husband nprescntcd tho Eastern Onlarlo riding at Hasl lngyanlenuc In lhu Home or Common mm mm until 1957 when he was tho ï¬rst Conserva llve senator nppolntcd by Prime Mlnlsicr chfcnbakor Ercnl from the qnlel lilo at Ma dac llcr husband mnmscntod Hm originally you gave hlrni mull and tome Inuit lea Town jewniry llblt gold Eur box mm Or And Vflio man in you We would EMMY marvel at ymu WI Em mo him Am um ynu ninlnnd nrl nlmlnl fur trlcmlly mllean wlll Ir mmmyuvln llpql llulld war on hnMAy limp luv lwmln mm Ind rurlnwmhllllu prude lrnul prr Inn flunuzh our luumlmls 1mm fur lho ultl will ml lllll your Inlmly and hlmdu Thu hunter In sure to appre ciate couple steak plates in oak or hickory and the skflcr might lovu have woollen mask or warmer The latter new In All colon WM 9159101511 the end Youll ï¬nd cvrrylhlng ynull nml In mnke Ivzrnn thought lul Chllslmnl ullln IIAI IMN1NG MILL We innn 1mm and nwrr my nuan lujlnw Ilnlll hm zrmlv nn ummly prlml mnmlnln Lnmn In Ihlx wok lnr Um Hem ynu Imvl and nrl nlmlnl Our trlcmlly ndvlmrn wlll am you Inllhwlnvlnl Hm WWW You could get brass egg umer with Lizard trim or that bachelor bronze who bu 2mm There are 5150 bottle opener with poker dice attached hu Inldora mvmd In horsehair leather dice cups decanter la bels In sterlingsilver or gnld and long 5kin bgthmbe Indian Prime Minister Jim harlul Nehru The drummers will wear them at all time when Illa Corps of Drum II on parade AP Photo Ha wtnt lo the Commaru nl LWK START NOW AND BEAT THE CHRISTMAS RUSH MANY EAM WAHI TU IA THE NEW flunk mm in Her Invent pnsllme Incï¬lda Imlning and noedlcwar Shu Any 5112 Im lndlthnnl an Mn Whlke hm help wllh he hausowork In their Mndoc hun gnlow but aha anion doing her own cooking and makes her own jam tynmulllnda qu plqklg coflege she became secretary to the superintendan at tho Schoo or the Deal and r9 malneï¬ there or 10 yenru She Wm 17 when aha mm work She met hm Mun husband when ha was law nudenL They wen married at Belle vfllc On In 1922 And luvs our children two boy Md two farmer nus McBride was born In Montreal and lived in Napaneo OnL be fore her Inmlly settled at Brock vlllo Ont MARRIED IN 1922 ï¬tter 111361 5911001 and bmlneu the same time Mr D1912 baker and Ihey have been 11ng Egg sln she laid family heirloom christening mbe over 100 years old was worn by tiny Wendy Jenn Dob bie Bricker aHIer christening in St Andrews Memorial Ang iicnn Church Kiidiener Sun day nflernoon Wendy in tha daughter of Mr and Mn Geo rge Bricker armer resident Miss Marion irvine Decem ber bridaclecl was entertained at miscellanious shower held at the home oi Mrs Fred Bmm RR Barrie The host ess was assisth by her daugh ter Miss Gnii Brawn Pink and while streamers and emulati iiiied balloons were placed ova demratedchair ior the guest of honor Assisting the hostess at the tea table were Mrs John son Miss Dorothy Johnson and Miss Louisa Brown Guests In cluded Mrs Archie Irvine Mrs Frank irvine Mrs ma John son Mrs Archie Graham Miss Marilyn Graham Mrs William Campbell Mm Cami Campbell Mrs Inna Porter Mrs Joan Woodward Miss Linda Sahel Mia Virginia Ortl Miss Elaine Bentley Miss Elaine itoiie Miss Dorothy Rodger and Miss Elam Rodgers WERNER BANQUET Among the guests at tho an pany held at the Continental inn Kitchener were Mr and Mrs Couison and Gary Crown oi Barrie Farmer city residents Mr and Mrs George Bricker also attended the party BAPliSM and Mn Fred Enny JL Barrie an en route to Flnridu accam unled byumeir daughter Miss ulso Brown Miss Gall Brown will jolnlhe family Migml hav elllng V111 EA Robert Irvlno has returned to to be any from the Laurentlan Highlands Quebec where he has beenlwarklnz on TV towers Egshva BANilyï¬T The annual Christmas hun qnel nLlhe Drawers Warehous lng Company Limlled was held at Bayview Terrace Saturday evening Music and Euchre lo lawcd the turkey dinner The event was convened by Ralph Kantian and Jae McGlnan or the Recrcallnn Association Em ployees of Dre two Barrie store and Ihe Elmvnle store attended the party anypnnrsnowngn Hymn vgpATIoN Ihnl lho ultln Ill PEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES WOIKWQ WI ANADIHII IV WA ll IINCI II had pinnecna 575 lion dona at Glasgow nan week cni Previously Mrs MtKeawn an ardent Roman Catholic held nu against mrzery despite the Ethics of her priest she mid 5h would pray for mlmcle All doclorl who umnlned Margaret agreed it was Impas 511115 In save both her night and her We and that an other eye must be removed ulckly possible Until may ta ed with Ranlgay ï¬le Mtme dxild lost the sight of one eye in fail Doctors any tumor is invading to therbrain from the her eye and it must be removedi Mu Maria Ramsay of Rena New who1 paid or Margarets examination trip la the us last monih inlked by ieiephona with ihe hinKeowns Sunday and pleaded that they go through with surgery Mrs Ramsay wife of retired financier oi iered again in pay all upensu Mullhew McKeawn the 2111 father told Mrs Ramsay that he and the familywile daugh let nnd Ihree bayswill fly to yew York within tho next hw Ayn GLASGOW amm parent ul 19mnnlhwld Margaret Mc Keown decided Sunday night In take her to the United States or an eye operation doctors say gillfldsave her We but leave her In Members of the Bnrrlu and District Square Dance Associa tion were guests of tho Sld Town Squares of Coulnzwaod at club dance held In Nultawn Community Hall Friday night Among Um dancers wereMr and Mrs Ernie BunIon Mr and Mrs Jack Conplnnd Mn Si Vincent Sheen Barrie Present for the baptismal rites were lhe babyl grandparema Maiar and Mrs bobble Victoria British Columbimund Mr and Mrs Eflckvr of Limwd The kicker Yamiiy nual Christmas banquet and dance of tile Retail Credit Com wlll wharin be moving OTo mio where Mr Bricker has been promoied and iramlcrred to the Toronto ofï¬ce ol Email Credit Comm squnE mm mm Harrie Hrnnvh HALIH FIMNlKLIN Mnnlner VEyé Operation To Save Life Emilwï¬msaflaa mm BANK or MONTREAL youro llcsltuling because of me Ilrnln it would put on your bunkroll WIN my you to call on tho Bank of Montreal With Iowroal IllaInauml ll of Family Flunnco Plan Loon you can pny cash or your purchase and rcpny In monthly inslnlmcnls lnHmcd to your budgtl Why not In In MY lhu people or your Inc 01M mm branch lodny Ia them somclhlng you know your lnmlly would enjoy lhh Chdflmul hlfl nuw cnr TV ul Mm mmmInï¬mum lbwmsr ummsmo mm Two ladle ram Camp Roldan onelrnm the Army and ane mm the Alr Force Curling Club men vary enloyabll afternoon curllng at Orlllla on Thursday This was nodal altemoan wlth slx vlsilln rlnlu from Dlsirlcielght and has rinks matching thelr klll an the Ice The vlpllorl pmerledwh nm wkh scan 5645 terwards the rinks were anten lalned at the 01min Arms Hotel where an alteration tea was held 205mm Mn Mae Pa 05 ll Hemlock Crescent was uncured recenr ly when friends gathered all be home of Mrs McLennon as Hemlock to resent her with gin and win her luck In her new ham In mun Columbla Mn Hanlion Elm St II also leaving us the and her lamlly leave next week lot Pon legelaPralrle Manllobm janes Thu am members Myer Motor and guuuwere enmv lalned Saturday evening the annual Christmas party held It Emmi Lodge Miners Pollux lfnllowlng an evening dancing bulletluppcr was lerved At midnight CBORDEIN NOTES Melcnlle Mm Jenn Walton Mr and Mn Carroll Mr and Mrs Fred nmnm Mr And Mtg Ralph Green Mr and Mn Fred Coulsan Ray Willlnmaon and Del DinlingY allyul Barrie pxgusmAs PARTY By arm gummpmcu BTATIONERY llmllod ll nunlop 8L PA H601 COLLIER 5T Iday nm pm Handy Tami1 mudy mu Mm gym0F CHRISTMAS mnumm It Coode av tawny 19335 PA M414 Wulnrldu mm lo mm COLLIER HT TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS lam MI nah hard3 uh CUMMIGHIIIREHNO 1m 00mm fl BY may am Innrm in mud soap $303 STORE HOURS Maudy Iuudny ThuMy Wrdundny la leh 1M pv Frlhy 000 mm ta IJII Islmu um mmhy It non am Oran Mylou gguvmompm MW ammunth arm um Wafm In nu hm $100 Hum up log DUNLOP IT my DUNWI iï¬Ã©ï¬