RENNYEEAMS glwo Bylaws Passed ppm Allow Borrowmg In addition Mr and Mrs Vnrley and their son Tom have been invited to nllnw the mm ship to nmren their apprecia tinn or the heroic part played by Tom in the rescue three men mm the Bay lnst llnlloweA en night Also present will he Barry Kelmer who ralscd the alarm and his parents The pnr gram outlined will begin with lhe Toast lo the Queen followed hy grace Liter which the din4 ncr will be cnloycdt lhc vnr hm loasLs and rcmnrks will be next in order with members at the Council assigned to handle these duties Mler the present ation oi the nwnrd the guests will move in he upper floor The arrangements covering the lirst annual banquet to township empinyecs were in niized at special meeting last Friday The list at guests has becn prepared and the mini ex pecth at the dinner will be about 13 with 125 at these be ing guuts of Township Council Invitations will be in the mail early in the week and list at township employees will appear on table menu which will make iovciy souvenir tor thnse in attendance There me 13 township in mcn win with their wives will make big table Eight mem bern the Township Police dc panment has eight members lhe Roads Department have eleven employees lhePnrks De partment have air the Planning Board has six members and there are the caretaker and Dog Contml department each with mtmbcr Iv NILE in ctlcr that the general fund at townshipmight he reliev or carrying lands to enable manning oi the new Area One schoolunlll the debenture funds are available bylaw was pass ed to allow the township in bor row sulileient to carry on with any nayments needed in the meantime Also htcluded in the amount authorized was sulile lent to cover the outobnocket expenditures at drains until these have been dehenlured and changed heck to the ratepayers assased or their payment One not these is the South innislil Ditch nhlch has been completed since 1951 and the hard have beer rnrriedin the tawnships Kentrat account instead ot de benlun account nhichwould be chargeable to the property own4 us Assessments have been made and charged to these tax payers but the account was townshipVom instead de benture payable by these pmper ly owners It had been arrangJ ed thatmany at these would be paying on their indebtedness in trim sum at the time at the dmln bcingcompleled imwevcr snbslantia mom the ac noun bglng paid annually The total covered in um by laws passed it Ihe special meet ing last Friday was $131768 Hi this only whatever portion re quired need be borrowed and will be niiset when the de bentnres are repuid The bank rate six percent will be charg ed tn the account or which the lands were borrowed fmn drains passed by the Court at Appeal recently will be covered by separate bylaw and it not paid nil in cash debenture will he made in cover Ihn loan EnIrLovnnsmeEn waist4m NOTES Auk your pnumrr nu Kenqu pxmdusn uma at am nIAnAIAcv cum Hm CUSDENS 00 Minimum Coule nly DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKEOUT ORDERS IANQUH ACCONMODATION II WHY Fromm coullloul mm um pr nu dorlnr now our nll Ilmc hI prmdpuon TONIGHT 800 pm Mldniuhl DUNID IT WES FAST DELIVEIIV PA 60281 ind He lsnl qmle sure why he has succccded when other failedl Just plant hem and lc lhcm Sweet potatoes which me Iiule longer to grow than ordin ary spuds an plunlcd In the arm slips taken from whole pummel NORWICH om cmMany an Ontario vegetable grower seeking to try something diner enl has wnsled months or forl and money In ullempling to grow sweet potalocs or peanuts or both What lhcy have lried lo d0 commercially Douglas McKay has accomplished slrlclly as sideline an holyby on us mar In this area 25 miles southwest Eranuord Mr McKay 61 has been gmwlngswcel potatoes successfully In his garden or thgee years Last spring he decldcd In take crack at peanuts ngaln wilh grnlilying return He now has stored in his basement bushel peanut and two bushels of awgcl potulncs One peculiar incident ha pen ed during thermakinglo the mad Wauana bulldozer was hitched to the small building which hadv been mounted on skids to draw it at to the adjoins in lot east at tha property a9 quired by the township for the mad As tho machine pullod the building across the mat part of the huge dour dropped into hole which turned out to be cave built of railway ties In depth of about eight eat and covered with at least two act at dirt reason for tha cave or whotohstrnctcfii Is not known by any at the local residents who were quite un aware of its existence One can wink of many reasons why it may have been constructed It has been theralor some time and looking into it did not re veal any contenls here movie nnd danklug will he cnjnycd 115va ON mew now the new Mmfls Poml entranco road on Salurday nucmoan Tho town ship radar and he Watson hull dozcrweru still glvlng lhu Ins mucth the road which Vturn ed nut tn be gravel pit with tho very best road material av auable right on tho slIe It Is now npentor mm and no Inni cr can the xcsldenls complaln about being nnnble to negotiate the curvcdhul on the old road when new and Ice cover it mmwmémmzzam Sows Peanuts Not Wild Oats Eu Show 100 Ind no THIS IS WAR THIS IS FUN NOW SHOWING IMPERIAL Girleilled Brother Held BOSTON AP Babyfaced year nld Than Cndlgnn whos never been problem to his family or pollen washeld Sunday or the slrangulullon laying Vicarold Miss Cadlgnns death was the eighth slrnngulnuon of ale In Mater Boston In tho Ins slx months The other seven are still unsolved Wu 1pm Thomas snld he and hls sislcr were home alone about pm Friday and he hit her during an argument over putting on lhe radio In mm of the bed rooms Slain Pollce CapL Michael Culllnnna said the boy signed statement saying he kmed his ulnar Margaret Cadigan in it lemper over nwhclhern radla In their home should he on or 01L Theprcuy drum mnjnrelte and drill team captain nr Roman Cnlhulicyoulh organiza tion unit was found dead In her third nonbcdmnm ol the am lly home 111 nearby Winthrop Fryay plght The gm nnck had been cut with 12th kudicn knllu and her head wns Immersed In paruymled pressure cooker hue medical examiner Michael Luongn said dcnthm caused by pairwqf pyjama pants lightly drawn around her throat Young Cndigans admission came nI slalu police headquar Icravafter he ailod valuntar lie detector lest Why don ynï¬ an lllls anul lhlng of your chesn Culllnnna 35952 All fight the bay wns lulled as replying What pmntl Aclunlly $000000000 In thnniw mund mm of money tlmt tho peoplu Ontario could mvo themmlvcn wary ycnr 000000000 vital dollar to mrcnlala and help male on many do 00000 new jobs Ilow um we no nhout thlsl Tho nnnwor hon In our dnywdny nhupping dochlonn Some things have to ho hnpmkad but wova become the warldn hlgmt Npcndcra on imported manufactured goodn We each npcml 1m nvcrngo of $236 your on goods made in other countricsl 11y iwclt $2115 my not look like much However when we look at the equivalent ï¬gure for few other nations Brltnhl $75 E923 00m22m20u 024m0 £Um omcmom Shopping for $600000000 Christmas present WEDNESDAY Jackpot $270 IN 28 NUMHEHS 15 REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE HEALTH DOOR PRIZE BINGO nuncmm CADXGAN LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST lEGION EVERY CALL PETROLEUM LIMITED SAFE QUALITV rue WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CLEAN PEACOCK PA 85226 DEPENDABLE BRUCE Start with Chrinlmxu Ilwpvinz each one of In Look rim to ruluco our Ipondlng on hnpomd good by $100 and diverted mt money to Canadianmade product an mull would be dmmllc the endlo your Wed have our $000000000 and all the job and oppmtunlflm It wwld mate What Christan pm West Germany 860 the 0mm 8mm only 36 par paromniv ovldcnt weve been on an import upm Thu 11mph way to remedy this dander 1M buy Jam knmrded manufactured goods Sunday there wan evldcnce Grilhknhnd bccn but he could mtvlmnglne how at when CANADIAN WINS AWARD LE MANS France Realm Claim France Quebec City au thor wan awarded the 500 Iranc PM do lAcadcmlo du Main Sunday for her novel Aupren do To Tristan CANADIAN SHIP HINDU ROTTEEDAM The Nether Innds MulerIIThe Canadian vcml Willlnm Hancock be In tawcd mm Quebec Clly lo the ininutg gyouwant 1t BENEFICIAL Benaflclall Mlnula Money Plan glves you cash at for vacailan cash as to than up mover bills mh an wherever you wllh Ben eflclaln lnlsmaflonnl cred Card Phone loryour loan bl vary mlnmnl rmmc co or Emil BARNE 15911ï¬ld$lPA 35931 ORILLM 32 Mlsslsxm m1327353 Loan uplo $3000 and HID fllE BARBIE EKMHNERVMONDAY DECEMBER l0 flitI Gonna Italy or dcmalfllon tank Saturday alter Dulch tug had lo cu In low cables In heavy kale There were no can ualtm TORONTO LOSES AGAIN NEW YORKMW Barry Kramer and Neil 0112 In nyunlolpmnu 0mm M90011 mmdm non arronmm New York Univmily ahead to day Saturday night In an easy 1M7 triumph ever he auxin Univmily of Toronto balkctlyall cam It was the mirth on In as many Irch or Toronto at lhcv currcnl US lour iparkcd an early bun that put