By mm MARTIN mmsm nzgoms This time of year is busy pna or guide and brown groups with lnnism Dlstrlct nï¬lr Lhag it no qceymy Joint church parade In St James United Church Slroud was held with browning the ï¬rst lnnlslll pack led by Brown Owl Leela and the lireLAl can Beach pack led by Brown Owl 300th warahlmflnl along with wide the flu Innlxfll and um Alcana Beach com panic under the respective lead crahlp of Ca lulu Beumhh and CytahLMar all Boy Scout from the In Simud mthlarrle and ï¬rst Innlsfll troop Wm also In ul cndance at his coiuurlnl cere mony when the Rev Jack son dedicated new flag service In the ï¬rst Alconn chch Cgmppny The following evening mall er and dnughler banquet was held at St Paull Aï¬gllcnn Church Hall by the um lnnlsv Iilï¬ulï¬cg andubrownlcs pot luck dhncr wns served to 100 guests and speaker or flu even was Mrs Camr dcggtyqm commgsslancr lci co will presented wnrrnni and insignia in Mrs Booth Brown Owl or ï¬rst Aiconn Bench pack The evening conduded with tho girls entertaining their molhm with guide and hrawnio song and my News Of Kempenfelt DivisiOn Of The Girl Guides Of Canada WhatYuleHde party wouId be complete without Christ mns carol slugMng Mem bers nl um Senior Citizgna Club and hosts joined in hall hum slugsang at the an um Silll on the agenda or this nmhlliaus dlslrict ll lea Im mar and hakmle achcduiod for Dec ram pm at Lake inndl Hail Alconn Beach it it being lponsorcd by the Local A34 satiation in innisiii District Flu 13min ompzmy held XIII anrolmcnt mu recently with Commlulnncr Kllgour and Ranger Cnptnln Selwaod apo dnj Hugs CENTRAL DISTRICT Cupinin Selwood enrolled Llnulcnan nhodn Brass and nuldu Durban Boldly Karen Peacock and Sandy Woodcock ELEcTRIc SHAVER WITH nunmn LIGHT CAROL SWEETLY CAROL GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM KERNS At later ceremony Cnplaln Selwood enrolled Wendy Andcr son and Caplnln Emes presented service sum lo numbzr of girls Sharon Kelly and Margaret winger recelvcd threeyear stars Jam Perkin and Helen Bell pryear stars and Sandra Kllgaur and Diane Agnew were bolh awarded firstyear Ilml Gulders Council meellng held at the home of Mrs Gracey new leader was in troduced Mlu Janet Evans wlll be the bmwn owl or lecand Banle Brnwnl Pack The huslnm porHon of the meeting wascomposed mnlnly laplc announced and discuss ed at the dlvlslon execuï¬va meeting which has previously been Icpnned INTERNATIONAL mos succusiui first nli emptint an lnlernnlional unin ing was held Si Andrews Presbyicrian Church Hall from 930 Io pm on Nov 21 or the Guideu of Georgian Area Mrs Bell was in charge ol the blue session in the mom in wilh Commissioner Craig hend leading the brown group In the nilcrnnon it was com hinnd blue and brown effort The mnlor theme was Thinking Day the counin emphasized being Sweden very pa uinl Emitcl was dressing do in nth the national costume and tha uniform at tho couniry Ench pnlrol was given pro ch which would help broad en its knowledge of lho cuunlry under Iludy and everyone re iporled very rewardlnl and highly enjoyable day nnal Christmas dinner piarty held at the Loyal True Blua Hall The event was hosted by the Somptimkst Club mem bers Above are from Mt Miss KayYasumakn president of DIVIEXON EXECUTIVE mean men lho ex ocullvn council was called at tho ham am Martin on Dec or the purpose plnnnlng nn lnlcrpullnqnl cvcnlqg in January Miss Kathleen Vaddinstnn al lcnded 15 mm or Mm 11cm Th project Is he nu monsoer hr Kcmpcnlclt Dlvlllon In nn Inn to begin new and lo mm any girls who mlth MMM IIIIM ll Vully $23138 5H AVER Model as $2 SHAVEMASTER 11m clear waver with Ibo lmlllln light Far amr clon rr morn mm Icmimm amminm xrluslvnlmfldni Mimer Ihnvmu head mm Aldo Inr iomlommlo under mm momma um diner or close last leg grwmlng Per Inlno dosle In bonuulul Iclnl Xmk with while And gold In urL le lowly whlu ml EM lrlm rml am An only as $2795 00 World HAIR DRYER CONTROLLED HEAT at she xivhr new lng oi Essa Road Presbyterian Church Womens Auxiliary Mrs Eeii was in charge of the election Rev Bull conducted the Installation Thu lollawing ls thu 51a of ofï¬cers Hnnaxy Pre sident Mm Be Presl denb Mrs Robert Scmton First vlceprcsldent Mrs lam McFadden second vicepresid ent Mrs James McBride 599 ram and corresponding scum III Minimal Wtbb Trek lurer Mrl Robert Spring Social convenm are Mn Roi er Cquch and Mrs Clnmnce Ms index Wehl and Mrs 1102 er ring In charza oi Id veflhfna Vhm éiectlon was held follow ing dinner the auditoriwn of the ML qunllly or julun inlemnllonal cvcnu Th three guides who travelled tn Great Britain will show col or slides of heir laur ex lendinz helplnz hand so that olller may hava lb sums up pogunily The data ha been so or Monday January 14 at 815 pm at St Josephs Auditorium will silver collectlon to be taken There wlll also be homemade candy lm sale ll urged lhal overyono mnln dellnlu ab lamp to mend and nuls tha girls The allch are excellent nnd an lnlarmnllvo and lnlcml lug evcnlqg ppmlscd the Soroplimlst Club Grifï¬th president ol the Sen lnr Cillzcnl Club and Mm Alma Lee Samptlmist advis or to Ihe Seniur Citizens Examiner Pholn Mrs Scruton Heads Executive Com smutr may present ed warrants bath Commly sloner Crnluhcad cl Barrie North East District and Mn Mne kenzlc Smith Kcmpcnfeh DIV Ldon Secretary 555mm Mum comm Eleven zl nd Bnnlu company were lucccsslul In pman their first class homo nurse lest rcccnlly when iestcd by Mrs Grncoy They were Joan Eym Danna Puddcn De lln Mason Wendy Howell Edit Zemlfl Pally Strung Chur The election ofompen was 11mm why Sunbeam pull run blade In lhll zmnt MW shaver 10 glvu you clam luster mom comlodnbll than than my eledrla sham mid belm Handsome mascullm ï¬ling with new kntuml Trimmer MMkl Blade Hinged Comb or Enxy maul Suï¬sm Swfldl Available In Dcluu Mn Cu NOTHING SHAVES LIKE BLADE l65 WELLINGTON ST EAST BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA PA GIBIZ 00 Wuldy $1495 Modrl New wllh rxlrn lam mleme my IM mva urn nrrrrxdw MH rul l7xrlmivrly Icnlnnnl In xlwnxup lnslvr mum nvvn Jr 51mm dry lul nrllmu lrllle mung my to unto or carry Epoch mu drying nplnlul In hnw Hal vmnn mul lum mkl Irylnfl lvlmwrnhlvu qu in luvlrrn the Ammu ur 1an ml Du Ann lnndm What is tnbecoma American male it mme lghnshlou nuk decides we should all wear lnyndry bags am afpalledal the sheep Instinct the styleconsdaus woman Everyone wants to 1qu like the presldents wlfc Cam mun sense and iuggment ii Short squnlty women drowb 1n bulky lweeds The boot de vours ï¬ve inches al leg rum lheshqxtie who should try for the longer luoklne glrafle lype gels kernel up ln leopard spots and tiger stripes and looks elgm feet lallEveryune wnnLI Plaidllflh agd greenieyelidx Hand who came hem re cently rum Japansald How do American men tell their aparlI They allow Why this craze for same ness Are we becoming so neu mlic we wish to lose ourideno my Please explain OMNI BUS Dear Omnibus There innn explanation or the way women get themselves up and there never was In the 90 females suffered Influres in boned con am They were um of hair layers at undershirt and high buttoned shoes Siyesai IE the wnmans need to be in In what ex actly no one has been able to say STRANGE LETTER havealwnyl mpportcd the many How much easier it will In now with no liquor hills jnll line and allomuyl lees On Thanksgiving my had some thing In be Ulnnklul orFREE AT LAST Dear Free lwould be hard pressed to telect tho immacu mm Ivo evu received but ynurl Lu surely one Um Inns hemhrenklng How sad when lather die that there Ihnuld ho rehlclnz TV DISCIPLINE Den Ann hndem lup 1h Iolullan In my prob am has appeared In prim aomo place but Ive never seen Deu Ann mien read re cently that you have received more than 500000 lefleu lll bet this will be the ranges lewerol all am he happiest woman In the world Myhusband died last month He finally drank him to tjeulh The children no longer look at nu with and Eye and ask What In the matter wilh daddy that makes him so mean no longer haw InlpzJ myul and the little one In tho hed mom to protect us against their tatherl brutality and physical violence Can you laughs what It does to flycatoldboy to have to help undqu lather who has passed out and drag hhnnn tn bed ANN LANDEBS malm Cums Elizabeth Parry Molly Farquhnson kslie Gu uwnnd Ann Sflvcrthome The company 1w old ll linnl meetinl for lho year will Christmas party nn Dec Will 1116 nuldc Hrs Alconn Bench 2011pqu ul guuu Inslendrol gill lo another the pmlecl this year will bu collection or CARE MEMO Remember hp Chrlslmnl an and bani to in held Dec from la pm at Gear xnl Pnrlsh Hull fashion Followers Like vFlOck 0f Sheep headache which many mothers mus plum and ad mit dont know how locupa wilhlL can do get my nine and 11yearold children away from the TV set Their lessons go unï¬nished Banks recelved last Christmas never havebeen opened can hnllcr my head andin dues no gnod They with everything and anything Gellbigjhem to bed at night is chore know theyarn not gelling enmhsleen on schnnl nlglgtsn DenrJleap It the uff andon buttons on yuurset dont work yan canalwayp pullthc wnll plug TV viewing should be con trnlled hath lnjerms oihoï¬u spent and programs watched You wouldnt n1ow ynur young sters to eat garbage wnuld you Please glve me soma 138111 EEAP OTROUBLE greatlden laniicr children in the way nl educa tional fare but there is still plenty nf junk Parents who pm mli iheirkids to look at any thing and everything are pew lie in their requnsibilifles INVIRIUN 05 1M IIANINII All LT Awnlnxl Bathroom mummy Cedar Cloud Cmenl Work Peéwégne FREE Estimates 0N HOME MODERNIZATION Dunlap lAl Dal mum handh tho Ian job mm mm to link estimates akillcd workmm quamy mater su gummlccd work All mcludml in one fair price company mm spohsiliuny visu im Buildinï¬ ï¬nal131 mmwnoonï¬ MATERIAI PLANNING DE SIGNING FINANCING lABORaIl Indus AlllNONE CONTRACT All WORK GUARANIEED 5999 UP TO TEN YEARS TO PAY let Bull Modernizing Handle The Complete Job Two meetings wem held by members of the Danie Jayceues on Vgglncsdgy In emnan Mrs Lon Bristow war hostess ulna Jay cclle executive meeflngm her Peel Street residence Mrs Ter ry Council of Duckworlh Street opened her home for the general huginess manling lntbe evenlngr Foil guesu were present the ovcnlmz session Mrs James Rennie Mrs Allred Dick Mrs Iaycettes Plan Christmas Party Guru THE anan EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 1962 David Rowe nus Dnvid Shérl dun Final mangcmems were made for thc Chrmmas Pot Luck pmtywhich will he held at the home 01 Mrs Wanen hfimble OttawnyCresoLnl nn Dec 12The draw for the $50 bill will be made this event Thd bake sale reporhivm Piled by Mrs poug Rigor innisal Was pmacnfeéwby Mrs Dung cyck ixen Fraser chnimnnol the Jayceo seal hell campaign was 48 ANNE ST Gan mm Ilde FIMI Kllchenl hull Parthe Family Room FOR AS LITTLE 00 AS Par Mth BUILD REC ROOM Finish your basement as lovci recreation room ideal spot ior the children or us right 101 cnlcriaining Sco us now Ask nhoui your no room MODERNIZING SERVICES PA 60902 NO FAY YIL MAY Mrs Lou Brlslow was appolnb ed chairman the winter cam lval queen contest and tho lean queen contest Her crrchalrmnn Mrs Warren Trimhle ghe speaker 31 he evening meet When John CallownyWanton was Inaugurated Memo Oklahoma in 1923 he gave barbecue party or 1000me sons hum Addition mung Floor W1 Celllnl sum Rec Room GIANT BARBECUE BARRIE