Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1962, p. 12

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an Nlmmql held Ihrlr Achlcv vanl Day lnr The Sumwr lily lnxl Saturday In 11mm ll nrnnnu Ilnll Thu hxhllvlu uml Homonurnflnm rocvlud av nuraMr tnumwnu dld lluIr rrcunl Iwmlu and Im hlmllln All Um glrll nml lemhu Mg In he nmurnlnlnlnl upon my Hm Ilmwlnl lhalr Milk flew The nnmln llnlslrln mmlm Annrnllun mnllnx held In Him muar llnll IMI Friday nllh Thnmlnn annnu lnlll utr mlnln lnr llm mmn lumlp can 11nrnun mums hmllule Dnemhrr Intrle wlll ha held vmk rnrllnr llmn unml 1M Ilnln Man Thursday mrnlnx Dun 11 with Mm Xrnrur all 1mm Hull tall Cllrlfl mm lrmlMon ynnr mm ImmHnml lvrlnu Jam ur lmnmmulc enzny vr unimnm rhm hum Mn Ilmirr mm Immnulmm Mn Tml lluwmn mo prrpmluz lhu mumm uhllc Hm muan Ilvllrlll Mu Mmlmnnl Lrnmu Sh lluumn Mr and Ii Flnkhrlllrr Mluru Irv annyI Mclcnmr Thaw ha Mlomhd Sumno Culxnly Vnmvux Insluulo Arm Comcullun lflmvnlc lusl wuk Mrc Mmlamu Spamer KcHh Ilvauy Mn Dix on Emma Hnlt Elwnud Hons and Wm immune Time was nllgln Ina50 In nurmlnnco Ih yrnr mrr 11ml mu mm lrnnou nl ur Ilnna cd Church in unmy Dan 11 ID nm This wlll be 11 11mm rhildrcnn urvlce All cxlldrcn nrc cardlully invllcd nllend Vhllu gm ulll he In lho arm money dnnmlan Dont unday School cancer Snlurdny Dec oclnck Assisllna the dub drcn will ha ha Edonvnlu Quar cl and Gerry Goss Santa Claus will arrive as usual Ev eryone In nskcd la coma nnd rl Um Sundny School The Gig 559ja In he Univ NASH Sorry to rcporrt Mn Smllh Mrl IL SmHh Mrl Story and Perry cm are all gallon in the Royal mm ospllnl UISITED FIIUHCH EVENTS In NEW YORK AP R9 marks newspaper man got lfig0 hearingL And furtherman Im just not an ordinary indlgnam reader My husband cou tin of flu mnynr thought all newnpapcr men wcm around with big pencil flunk behind he car uprrsp nEADING Hey Pm Cyzlnocid Wales In on tho phone Ho any we Ipclled hll nnmo many exciting feature Sets Canadian value Service ii aver re readily gvnilapie 15 nciivc irl design with standard quircd il It In Eackcd bylthnmbu Eaton gummfleo Goods 9011 mopey Amlundcdffl Wllh Viking you have awldh nholce plus what the manu aclurer beneves to he thefihnst value In home entertainment In struments ards or qunmy usmg only tested you can print that lhe record dont telling yuy that uud to mad bug 11321 regu Every Wang rTV radia and BLIP bull to qxncling stand 1a Tim Mum EXAMINER mim upcémuzn just phoned to give you an item nbout my daughters wedding Youll be sure and put it on Iho 1mm age wont you Thalll rcnly Imprw ourngnelghbnra Manuhcluren at Vikinghlghg lldellly radloslerwphanlc com binalluns feel their praduc is ha slates bu becayse Why is It newspapers al ways seem la be full of noth lng but bad news 1h wqgg reply lhaluwlu7 nu allows must get lot of Information you cant put lish Tell me the truth now What Khrushchev really up to 77Could you write story about 077 jus lb dog Hi milst lie newépipcr mun Nobody else would went like that ClaimIhe Viking Isfsafefst 5BuY3x THORNTON SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS MIDHURST llllA mm THE LIGHT TOUCH Reporter Outgyown Trenchcoat Image Mr mu Mr Jrnnou luau Ihm dnughlm Jnnn Mu Min 15 Mcflrnn icrmuly Dnmln nml me nl Iwmn mm unndwn Mlchurl In lcrmnny Hui John nm Mu mum and erlmrl wnrn unaqu In lcml III lhry worn on mum In rrmnny 1hnly1hrco nllcudrd lhr dinnnr whlrh wnn urml hulva ml wlilu wnhlmx cull mud rnmnu Iurmlmz the nu Mm 11w whlln Ivhh linen nitlrclnlll wax all nun 1m Inml In Um hrlllrl nmulrr 15 ycnu nun llrlnllvrn ntlrmllnx wow umkml mm 1mm Mn Yrmull Hugh liIIII Gren IBI Ml Mrbn lehllry Mr IIIl Mu llnrnld Jnmrll Mr nml Mu leln Ml Mn And 1m Paul MN Hrrmnn Jrn anl mu Mr um Mu ll lillll Charla ml Illlmla mum Mr and Mn anm up lIrnmplnu Mn and Mn 11 Human Emir And Ilmmhl ml llnlnhy Hiram My nml Mn lolrr Hulher lvlnr Jr Jonah Sun1n null 3M1 Allhlnm Unyd JUMP PM mum MII Mr nml Mu Hor lml Tnylnr Ilmlwn nml Anne llyurflnul Mr nnd Mn Jenncll crlrhrntcd hair nllm wnldlnu unnlmmry Nov with lnmlly dlnnrr lhclr lmmo In nmmmn Vernon Dnvhl Jrnnrn mn he lnlu Mr nnd Mn lmld Jrnnrlt Ivy and Elxln Ellis daughter of Crawford lb inmch mu Into Mn Em wrm mnmnl by llcv Mn lnln Ivy nl 51mm pnmmnuu Nav II 1917 Thrlr nllrmlnnln urra Mnruurrilo Wnfle Mm Mm InylnrY llrnlllnrd mall Hm hridh and Harold Jenndl Hur rlr lnnlhrr lhn nmnm Ilucnl VIsHors with Mr nnlu wcre Mr and Mn Cnrmnn Huwmnn mu Mnrilyn nnd Mu Emily Cnlllnanod and Mr mid Mu Wilmd Gillrn Dnr rlc Mr and Mrs Ken Cnldwell Hamilton wllh lhclr lnmlly pcnl part last wuktml wilh Mm Gran Mld Mu Luck Mr Gma wns also hnmn 1mm Tor unlo Im lllrco dnyl Inn wank lhornlon Branch ho Inna dlnn lllble Saclcty nre hoping lor xenmu resfionse lo lhcir nnnunl cnnvnss lch laklng place at hl lme By HAL BOYLE Mr and MM 6251 Hall were Sunday guests of ML and Mn Walla Andrews Bradford en girl received Provincial hon ourl whllu Cuumy honour wen awarded to eleven girls Local glrl mm Thornton Clubs rc celvinx cuunly hnnuurs wura Misscl Sandra Eccles Frnncel Ann MW and Nancy Sqnlrcs 2104 This in Mr Cyzlnowlwclu want to giva you an item about my wits bcimz elected president of garden club Yes its like In ccnllpcde like In yesterday like 11 imamcimicepwouruleu uy Viking wide angle ieioviiion with new presel fine tuning hm tinco briiJiani chassesi The Uiimuic is Vfldngu finest lelevision chalsia Engineered nnd designed to give therbu possible viewing even under wi vmacanditiona The Nomi new iramfi grid cascade turner presei lino tuning Viking Ranger is new draw nisrdesign within inch picture tube and power lrallsiormcr cir cuit hbrcnkcr and urgelimiting lhermiaior man know work such crazy hours Why dont you speak up In yam mnnsglng cdllor Au you amid of him Peta theres 1an out at Lhe reception desk who lays hol Invented perpet ual motion machine that nally works Better out and listen to him Ha may bl prlbc mid mazvvedm Eadl cm 51 hmongth mud to as fm Wtqflnwu Auihu cromblned wnh the latest most desirable engineer vaglarxsy make VIIgag You dnn mean they pay you In write lhlngs like thatl Why want only two years hlgh school but Ill be yogi could ugéd In 139 In the news paper game myselfand than £0 5mm Gee being reporter sound awlully exciting You get to meet such interesting people iHcres cigar son Lell just forget the whole Ihlng shall we wrung agnln He wants know if he channg It Smith wauld it help you so rlghtf dont want In Thischristmasf Briflgyééfsibf listening pleasure to your home FlrllNlTUIIH NIVIJZD AMNlint lil rlunlva xlonlmu sklllully mm In hm unml wanr nml Iann In NH lwnuly lo Alur lmmc nMnrh mo lmmllmhlml lur drrp rlrh 1mm and lrnlum Uvn umlnl urnIMAM loullnhow Hullh II My mlul walrhu and mum STORE HOURS Mom Tuu VIKING portable phonographsfor home or takealong pleasure NIPm Smmly Myhxl lumnna In ll jusl one lcnluro lll monnurnl park He record player Mpml mo and volume mnlmll lumover mmth PM monkrr will may mm cloml Hunt nnll gum hluu mu my Width HI height Mi 10001 13W $2995 iddidfsiéiebhhnhiil cgmbinafions Wieh fiiaeflh Thurm Sal 915 am HIEAKHII Ehllflhlil Sprain rn rlrmm M0 ulnnllllcnlly dumml wllh wqu wood wright ml mm 11 mm Iv um um um power mm IM nmulfllnr mul twain la M151 mmn 1m lnunl 1mm PAP5 Dcluxn Mylo Weekender nlnrmphonic nulnmnlic padnhln man player With romnvnmu lean Hub nm pllncr Gnnnnl tweed changer mn lmlu or milk bnu lurl ml bnlnnc npmkrrl lwo rm nnd lwo 3W enclosure removnhle or nrrnler Aquar Mlm dollml finally chantd m1 rrmlnnl Inlnh In rbony colour wim Aluminum lrlm Vldlh hrlxht W11 two In $12I56 530 pm Wadnuduyx 9115 530 pm Fllday 9J5 mm 900 42 mwan custom chassll with push button mnlmls Recqrdlng and playback ape rmrd er cohnbctionl Pcrmn Deep finish In wal nut mahogany and old rulkwnod veneer Width Mf height 19 depth 18 Styling In lhé modern manner distinguishes Ihil AMFM High Fidelity combination equlpv pod or limo radio reception lvspeed Garmd type changer diamand LP Memo stylul Slx meaken two 10 and our New law modem ityllng ll featured ln this console AMFM mmphanlo high fidelity radiophonograph FM slereo radio may be added Illwall output Garrml Muslim changer diamond LP stereo ilylus speak two 10 woolen lwo tweeters Wal nul mahogany Swedish walngnl or old lruil wood vunem WM 53 helghl 26deplll 16 Sketch illustrates ROS572 thowlng al llmallvo Ityllng 534995 RC 5579M The smart compact modern styling lr evident ln this stemphonlc radiorecord player oom hlmitlon Garrard changer weaken two and two 8V1 mute good wlda range sound reproduction choose mm beautifully Ilnlsllcd walnut mahogany Swedishynlnut veneerr with blindrubbed PormaDeep linlshea Width 40 height 218 depth 161118 RCS573 RC5569 $54995 23995 RECON TIMNHRIM Ml lndloldmno mph rulnhlnnllonl Mm well flown Harlan Tmnurl Im will wrlublnl Iumlnmn ml Irvhuimml Ilylr lumo nrnn Mum mmlrh lmo kmllmllnl liammhl ulylm or Ikpfiklnhll wlmmnuu on LI Mull IMm Portulon nulomnllc mannurnl record plnyrr with olumo ml Inna or Iurh mm modrl SI uvml CIflllfl PM wanker Iqmr nln Iono and volume nmunll nuxnmn llc shulolr an amplifier Chasm mm nul MM gvld dmrmnl And grey whim ma Mum an few 17 $4995 Speaker crossover network to provlde proper repmduc Hon bmlhmid ranm nnd trebl requeqdes Mulllple speaks In nmusflcally engineered enclosure for rqallsUc one Mmducflon Ivaer translorrner operation with circuit breakor Ind surge11mm mcmlstor to proud tubn and componenu Tape mm and cu jack on all 20 and owatt model for plnybback lhmu the phonograph amplifier or recording directly from radio or meordl Canton type level control to provide nulomatlcilly balV Argued has and mm response at low lluenlnx IeveIl Remote speaker Jacks or use of speaker fin other park of house and or wider acyarahon of 1993an if deslrod Reliable Garrard 4+le changérl uml in all combin nllons Wlll play new or regular records Adjuuabll stylus prcsguro to help prolecf your records FM Slureo radio on deluxe model or live brilllan parlormanna on radio as well records All other model Ara equipped for addition of Vlklnt FM IQereo radio Maple Push button an many models for quick easy ulecfion or Allin PM item remolc weaken and other operatinl lunc om ALL COMBINATIONS WITH GARRARD CHANGERS AND AMFM RADIO Now werfnl chassll with 40 community wa pm In lam Check These FEATURES ONEYEAR WARRANTY ON ALL VIKING RADIO flADlOPllONDGflAI AND PAM lllll IllTHIN CONIHOU Quld ultr Hun at UM Iourh mm In pmvhlnl on our 20 ml Mull wkll mmlrnl IaHI nlmkm or 0mm Iovm AM FM mum mum wake Aru MM amullnl lmdlnnl yundull film deluxe slum flulomnllc town player hpml Omani dunn er llllll mm widerang um IM upcnkm lnMo Imu level and balanc ronlmln MM and rlmny mlaur mm hlrucllon Widlh ll helm 1M depth 13 qnwltxlpg new in $9995 portal

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