room SONNYSBACK Acrron Heavyweight kingpiir Sonnytliistont inform the from rearran in urn ure yes or ay none that thllzreg might not be second fight with gloyd Patterson ltlseems Sonny isntso aiichoked up with he lness over the promotion of thelasttiasco main Because they wont handover the cash owing tohim tuaiiy the US gov meat with on the handsonit It was writtenhitheconlract that shouldFio lose the crown he would have the right to pick site and romolion tor the rematch Liston had no choice hul to agree and would have agreed to anything just to get crack at Patterson Naturally Floyd wants Championship orts In corporated to handle the festivities and won it prefer New York to host the bout Aside from having it in for the promoters Sonny isnt in too much of hurry to akeiromthe hicago lightendao one can get the go to New York let alone fight there The New York State Commission is the same group of leiiows who re fused to grant Liston licence in order for the iirst fight to be held It had something todo with Sonny supposed connections with the underwold ridicu ious suggestion eh what The champ iavours Baltimore as the site forthe rematch and only he knows why but still hasnt nam ed the promoters While Floyd has the right to call the shot he might do better leave it to Liston Otherwise there are good possibilities he wril find him self watchin from ringside as Listondefends against some other ailenger Thlatoo wouldnt be bad idea considering the outcome of the first PattersonListon hookup and the unexpected abrupt ending its hard to See the re suits any different the second time around but Floyd does have contract which holds Liston to return and Sonny has proven in the past he ducks no man they duck him Floyd came out of hiding recently to comment on return match and his chances of regaining the title became the first man to regain the heavyweight cham ionshl end think have good chance oi doing it again an Floyd dont know what ha pened to main the first ii ht but Im going into tr if can rectify atevcr it was The eni difference now is that Floyd wont be fighting an ngemar lohansson as he did when he re gained the throne for the first time Sonny Liston wont cower in corner like frightened animal unable to defend himself as did lngo There are many opinions as to wh Floyd lost to Sonny but its so simple its ridiculous attersons pre fight plans were to try and got under Sonnys murdern ous jab and work on his bod that way he would bring down Listons guard an soitcn him up for tho killxli this didnt work he would try to outspeed Sonny not too difficult task for man with Pattersons hand speed so he thought Well Floyd lrledto get under Listons jab and he did but unfortunately for him he ran into right up rcrcut When he tried to bombard Sonnys midsectlon was the same as hitting brick wall with yo He tried to outs eed the champ but once again is didnt materialize Sonny kept stalking him swatting away his iccbie punches unti he cornered him Once be pinned Pattersonon the ropes it was merely meter of time ll Floyd is smart the best thing ior him to do would be to hang up his gloves and retire to an easy life of counting is money rematch will only cm barrnss him further and possibly get him hurt lie doesnt have to worry about Listons iuturc the champ will have enough tokccp him bus ior at least year or two Thcrcs always an Eddie achen or Zora Follcy or Cassius Clay and who knows maybe tth can scrape Johansson together for another pay nig Lord knows Patterson had his share oi criticism now its Lisions turn Doubleheader In Bradford to see AMAsa4 out Thorium scoring lliclr Wnikcr ncilcd the lone Delivery goal Eagle Day Wins tooktime out llrnriinrd and Holland Londan played in 44 tie in the tint igmna hi Bradford and Dis lrict hllnor Hockey League rdnnhlrhrndcr at tho ilrndlord ltrmn Tlicadlly night ihli hinrill llrrd two goals and Lon Doyle and George llunl each thI singch to pace the ilrnrl lard attack in lielinr with two and Don Andrews and ion lre inlon win one each were Land lng markamcn in llic srronri illt Thornton bombed Dons Delivery in old ml by imlf Toni pcriormnnco irnm ilrn Sclm oy ilrnihcr John lSclxalcy got hnlIrirk and lion Shnnnon and John lilrul boill knnrknl In two nplcro in round Edmonton llward wrnnrnm tCIi Qunrlcr bark Ennis Dny oI Calgary Sinmpcdrra won nnmul lmlny us the most valuable player in his tcnm In the Western Foot hnil Conlcrrnco in torn and won Ilia icIi Nicklln Memorial Tro Fly The award with the exception oi loss liliil hwn In the hole mainly oi lnckio larkcr oi Eat mnnton Eskimos aincc lost It II presented In honor oi Irli Nicklln iormrr llllil linnibcr ainr who was killed In ncllon during the Second World renown sun carraror ills injured ieit leg held immobile in traction sprinter llsrry Jerome makes tho best Motor Club lially Goes To Orillia Mali 313m Lilies ergo Club re on on sy at the Dominion East End Plaza in Barrio The rally will take about three hours and is too mlch duration Briciing will be at moo pm and the iirst our will get go ing hail hour later The rally will be cut into two parts one ior the old pros and one ior the beginners little background on the chip will icll you It was iound cd in 1959 by lililt and Betty Wright now honorary members It was nilllinlcd with the Con edlan Automobile Sport Club Canadian Motorcycle Associa tion and inco rated under the lows oi Onto in low There are some all clubs ai iillatcd with tho Ontario region oi CASCin roar Motor dubo mnln aoiivitlosb are misting races and or rallies Tho Nln Lnkcs Motor Club has three ral lies and two driving skill tests as nonaspccd events and one mend event The club mccis on the first Thursday oi each month at the Great Gables Garage in Orlllio Kilmer Hurt In llccident SAN MATEO Cniil AP llnlibnck Bill Kllmcr oi San Francisco ioera suilcrcd irnc iurcd right leg Wednesday when he lost control oi his car and ll amoshcd into concrcic abutment it was not known whether the injury will ice nrdlro his career in the Nations Football Magus oi bad situation lie sulicred muscle tear at the British Empire Games and underwent an operation last Thursday Five Years Each To Cage Bribers RALEIGH NC AHPrison terms or live years each and ilnes totalling $30000 were handed out Wednesday to two men convicted oi bribing play ers to shave points in college basketball games Superior Court Judge llcmnn Clark ordered the prison terms ior Dave Goldberg 4s and Steve Lekomctros noboth oi St Louis bio They were re leased under bond pending an OSSii Will Hold Oiiicial Opening The Ontario Sportswrllcrl and Sportscdsirrs Association ll hold the oiiicini opening at the $200000 swimming pooitheyvn provided ior the now Ccntrc oi the Ontario Society ior Crippl cd Children on Monday Decem ber 10th Besides this current prolch the 085A hon built 254 main lodge ior crippled child ren at Port Goibome $0000 moinlodgonoar Pathnlll000 sleeping cabin ncar Kirkland Lake and storm ml mom nl Lnkcshorc Swimming Pool Now Toronto Last season the Association marked up 82158350 ior nwbnming pool at Kitdrmor iho iirst ll Celebrity Dinner oi the 055A Mimi 130317 John David Eaton will iorrn nily the pool on boimli ol the Ontario Society iar Cri pimi Children The arming ll get underwny at 100 pm at 350 llumsoy llood Toronto why not drink something youll really like Maroon the new light taste in rum those who wait and yesterday the barrio Bay Cily Falcons ol the Georgian Bay lntermcdiats Hockey Lesa gualmmcd to all into that category rim oil 11 that the Falcons received credit for wlmlnga gamethey actu ally Ios 7A piotest lodgedio the Ontario Bockey elation ever ea is played November zithwas upheld On that occa sion Barrie wound up on the short and rat 51 verdict gallant the ldidlsnd Flyerr The Falcons protestcdvlothe OHA that Midland wersusing too man lm arts and the case was loo ed nio By accident it was learned that the Fiyerl had iced three players who hadnt been signed Manager Jimmy lohnso expisnallon wnslumed down nd the two points were awarded to Barrie They are now tied ior second place inthe starlings along with Braoiord The second stroke of luck turned up at last nights prac ties In the form of two new de iencemen One oi the Falmm main problems In the past has been their defence and Coach Paul Meger has constantly been on the lookout ior two new blue iino boys The newcomers are Horace Smith at Camp Borden and Bruce McGuire irom Tomato Smith heard the Barrie loam was in badneed oi deiencemen and came down ior tryout McGuire answered an ad in the paper asking ior dcicncemen oi aerator calibre They both work ed out with the squad not mail but its still too early to tell how theyll tare The additions deiencemcn gave Mcger chance to shuttle Doctors say he must wait six um mum mm and he months or more before he will knowwhetber he can sprint again 21 Wirephotol appeal Goldberg under 0000 and Lekomctroa under $26000 Goldberg was iound guilty or is countsI rinilb kkomctrol iii it counso cry or consp or to bribe North Carolina State College players in eight basket ball games played between Dc lceariibu 1959 and January Judge Clark sentenced the two men to live years each on two of the counts the terms to run concurrently Then he gave Goldberg three years ior each oi the remaining 10 counts and suspended these sentences on payment at 111000 line Lckometros was given three yenrsnn each oi his remaining it counts suspended on pay ment oi $9000 iinc Each was directed to pay onehail the court costs The luryo vcrdlct inosday cndcd loday trial during which iivo other men who have pleadedicllhcr guilty or halo contenders no contest to ilx Inglchargel teatliled ior the IIMITII SILENT TRACTION Stricken Gridder Reported Better PITTSBURGH IAPtLino hockcr Rudy llayel Pittsburgh Siceler heart attack wo rrporicd In anilalactory condition and in proving Wednesday night linycs ouryear vclcran oi the National looibnll Magus luiicred lho attack Monday while hnnllng lOl Baytield St builders Both Falcons preasmen ore tied withcl points on our wins and thrc losses The Shipbuilderahnve 63 record for 12 markers The Falcons are on the mo let hoosltsln the right did commendable iobnnd iiMeger is ever lnnced oi lelt winger he doesnt bevelr to go fihe Falcons will practl once more thisweckiriday night lumpration tor the big week doubleheader against Brad iord Meis xprcss The boys travel toBradiord for game Saturday night and then come lilihiiï¬kulf WWW do 573w Two big winsior Barrie would put them rightu there in tint l5 piece with Co lngwoodgsbip i0 Moiorioio Four Mil front Bar rle on 27rNorlh is Dont be inconvenienced by breakdowns and costly repairs If you do not think your present car or truck will stand up to wint ers bitter test drop in or call any at loursalcsstaii its Cowan Chuck Byron Jack ayior George Lawlngten BAY cur noroasuo The Humour Quality Cars Trucks 45 BRADFORD 5T PA 87931 put Ken Robertson on lelt wing GET MORE GO in MUD and snow DUNLOP Touch the accelerator Silent Tree lions hundreds of angles and curv es bite in push and pull keep you onthe GO in snow slush mud without slip spln or skid And when the roads dry Silent Tract lons whisper tread never rumbl es whines or vibrates Its truly quiet 15 MY lilEE Tillill see us rooAv BATSTONES TIRE SERVICE PA 6549 an wwr INIII uzncmnu mam rauaa ww mu urncnaml mm The light smooth ilavour of Maraca Rum will tell you it Is one of the worlds finest rums Sunmellow distinctively dry EA Marada Is setting the fashion in rum drinks omdwamwflrym IllACAm Marni tuirumonl Exotic notcovered botllo oinuwrlylbn marks the liner light Ium BUILDING THORNL CASH AND CARRY lUMBER 149 STEEL 5T AT BLAKE 51 PA lWII