man lhls program urge all cnadians to suprm this work Iy communicalng with your bcal Branch the Canadian Ilenlnl Health Aswclalinn you an make llle hrjghlnr pnd hap pler for Ihe manlally ill by sharing ynur om gChrlslmas lay with them Bruce Owen chairman oi in Barrie Brunch the CMHA mid in commenting on um pre wni campaigni gift is uni verspi imggunge bringing iogplh Ir Ihe glverhnd ï¬e reéElier ln the Jay Irlendnhlp and Dw Ann Lnndem have icon readlng your column or lam lime and nalice um same people wrllc Just In let all slum This WM am dulnz Im an ardent club worker Ind Ipcnd grcnl deal at limo on the lalcphone simply cant land It whcn women eat thI Ihey are lnlkinz lhnl munchan ovzr lhc ulnphuno drlm ma rnzy The oihcr evcnlnz one woman Wm making so mud misc decided in it im know Ibo wan lnnoyinu ma asked Mr nu righi iiaw il lhz calm She repiind nunchuinnily im not eating celery iia poiaio chips Then she continued cmnchlng Iinolhcr wumnn who ilpnlc omi hii always has an Ice cube In her leIUI irmucnliy aha nyl Jun minuir have In Mir this Tnm Coiiimi Tim hm I0 Ii ki gul mm An open letter has bun icnt the member the Canadian dental Health rAmclalIon Ahy Mme Vanler Hon National Ihnlrman the Christmas cm rozram Conlents of he let are as follows Christina the season love Andhape time of happlnes and ny Yet more lhan 15000 pat ents In Canadian mental Impl als will ban no close contact vllh family or friends lhls Christ nt time the Canadian Méntal Health Assoc atlan organizes Christmas Program which designed to bring the friendliness and warmth nf lhls mason tn the vnï¬d these pg VARMIII 0F SEASON thl IA lhu mnlltr wnh new pic lhnl lhcy huvc In nnd ulrlnk MIND on Um phnnu 01 um xrlllnu linlrky In my old lgol RH HUDUIIT mar hm loople who mumh munch and gulp on llm phun nm ml and lhcy nughl la be old Prrmnnl mnlmluu hluuhingly mlan ln done mmml HMOKEY SMELL Dm Ann Lundm My Inns hum um nm In vur mfly 3m We mm hm hackluu mug of Ion lllnl Mile mnld mnrmhrr rxnrtly whrn our muzh Ilnrlnl Upon lcnrnlnx lhnl we wrm lan pnckmdny lnmlly our dudnr nlxmlrd wt ml dupqpqflgnrvl Vu drc Id ll would be taller cu oul ImnHHI completely lhun In rul down So we look Joint anlh and new mlr In with hqu the nde lllver Christmas Cheer FOI Mentally Ill ANN LANDERS The Crunch Munch Annoys The Listener PARSONS 353 FORMERLY BROWN SEED CO FREE DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR OUR MME VANIER remembrance Each parcel mm outside rppresenu visit with clnl Iricnd or the patient mm to make such vlslt or to celebrate Christmas at home LOSE CONTACT companled by dilliwlty in re lationships when patients 10 contact with lriends In the com munin they naturally became more dependent on the hospital and on the relationships avail able there They tend lo hmk more and more in the hospital or he sat lslaclinn needs normally pm vided by he community Their rehabilitation may he endang ered by ihls lnslllullcnallzazv iont Gills mm lrlends ln lhl communlly cnn carry mess age that he paiienl has lricndly communin outside ihe hospital and may rench his da lit to return In it Christmas boxes have been pinced at strategic locations round Barrie in which peopia can icav their gliu They ara Wrights Cleaners as Dunlap Siren East Plan Dmxsj 165 Weilinlzion Street West Allan daie Hardware 25 E55 Road and iiiRite Dru Store 301 Blake SireeL Three monlhs have pasted and have been 190 per cent hnnor able about the ngrccmunl he Hove my husband has kept hi word loo But whenever ho kisses mahnxwemshecan de tect cigaret odor and Ms bum me up Do you lhlnk he dun his needle me ar what What can do about nno SMOKE SCREEN SFECML BOXES Dm Nu Smoke Every hu man has his own dlxllnct 5an my bus that In the pun your husband nssocinlcd ynur soon with lubmxv and he um docs Thrrn he poniblllly loo lhnl your xkln nnd hair nhsarb nlhcr pcoplpl clgmcl smoke mnlinx you smell gullly MISSION COMPLETED Denr Ann Landau knnw you me nkninsl announccmcnll knuw laa you dont mlnk person who gm nu announce ment Ix obllml mu xlll Could lhls cm be llm cxtcpt Mon belong In In large Inmlly lnr nlmosl 40 yearn Ivv won arndlnu gudunllan xlfln wai dlng zlllu balyy mu Mnhduy and Thrislmnn gills In llnxrnl nml dozens rrlnllru My ymmucnt dauphin was engnurd lur lwo ycnu Hrr llmwu rnmn homo Inn mnmh lml they llur rlrdly dccklcd In mauled Them wax no limo nr wcdcllnu Invnnllnnl Icnl Announce mm In lely vluw rrlnllunl 11m yaum cuuple mr no am We wild not Mml nnnlnmrv mrnll wllh be him nlm would mcivn ulna usl wuan Icnplu In know thI do ou think 01 um mull Mum IllmT near llmtx you urn he nmnmrrmmu mmly In Id mar know lhen you ham no Mmllzhï¬l your mama 50 why ho hum Exhzlaratlnz asplcls will hr v3 from noon on and um nomewha dull mornlnhynu ishouldleelmemfly alert andi mm In judgment This will be thu time launch new projecll that require hltul gumpllan Fqn omqnnow Eon ms minnow ll amorrowJ your birthday you will discover lime nes orglljatnyou ggeln 33on which would be ndvluhll to launchconllrucllve plan to Id vnnca III wunhwhllo galls Flnv Inlluenceawlll govern new proj em for nvcrnl daysflw do not pxpecl Immedylm monelnry ro turns MldMnrchand 1qu 0° lobar wlllbflnu the Do all in youFpower how ever to follow through during intervening szrindt Donl 1e yuur efforts laz For those who are single any month within the next eight rhauid be excellent for mmanca and marriage and ior Ilihnex June and July will be exception nliy propitious when other per wnal relationship can cemed Cara Ihould be exercised dur lng the current month howaver lest lmpulsiveness and lack at emotional contra iend Ia rim with Hand 01 rlnmlly Same Hand business news should get you all to Hue nan Imma child born on thin day will be endowed with sense of hu mor and could be highly suc cesslul In any the arllsllc ï¬elds recent first by he Girl Guide Grand was lire re resharlcourse or the rain ers oi Ontario which was held at in Provincial Training con lre Doe Lake near Emsdaie Ont The purpose oi the training was mated an III eiiorl to raise he mmdard leadership training umgiwut Ontario and lo impm rash knuwlcdge and enihusinsm in Urn trainers organ zallnn wan headed by Thamm mumhcr of the Provin can Department Education Community Programs Branch Mn James McKinley Dcpuly Cnmmlasioncr lor lralninn and Cnmplnx or the pmvlnte of Onl arlo And Miss Shirley Cnmtron Chairman nl lha Diplnmnd Tnlneu Suanmmlllee THE POPES STATE More than 1000 person liva anicnnClty has RI ovin Hum munuz EXAMINER THURSDAY DECEMBER um railway Lalallan postnl facilillcs There are many Iirslneven In his world where they say that nolhlng is nuwunder the sun Forly rnlnm lhe Glrl Guldu Movement from all over 0mm sampled the Invilnlion vamripalo In this unusual vcckcnd refresher courle THE STARS SAY uEADs ORGANIZATan 1th slnll was ably nsslsled by the lollnwlnz Mia Mnry wlllcl mm May Echlln Ind Ml Mmy llomcullo all lamnlu Ml Anno Lowe and Mm Killy ODnnmll Quebec and llllls Jlll Campbell cl Grcul Uritnln mm Ilmny Mchn ml and ï¬lls Mnrgnrc lollcr nl Tamnlo were present to USA alsl wllh the crlllclzlng ll prestnlnllon at nulznmcnu The lmlnera wm dlvldrd In patrols um smaller mum cnch lucadod by 11 mm lendur The lomlm remand to orgnnlz Minn null or direction and In turn each lend rclumcd In her palm In uuldo Hum lhmuxh mo plnnnlmz and pmcnmlon Mr Msixnmcnll Ind tth lumen Mr Thumnl dlrccltd nn In lmsllnu MMlan nn How to Icnrh ndulln whkh hnncd lhn HEAVY NOVEL Iuhlhhml In ma lhn nnvel 11mm llnrlawo hy leual lllrhnrdsun Iinulnml In 9M 70 word long more Hum 200 000 Mnla Immvr llmn Hm lllhln Refreshér Course For Trainers Held At Provincial Centre mlr um on Mun IPI Fully huunlml IAHIH Winner MIMI NIH Mium Film Mn mm mmmd TRADE IN ï¬lllvhrnl nuuu mu Mt um Mrnl 75 DJ 11 Ill flv 20 IM lo rlunmo hum unlur llrll bu lurnl lmllu POOLE BROS 21 TIA IllillTON NT Esmum Upped llnl in MIMI NEW OUTFITS USED SKATES SKATES basis general discussion on the prlnciples oi leachlng FOOD FOR THOUGHT Miss Cameron gave an inspir ing talk on The Promise and Law which save those present great deal of food for thought The pntmls were required to present assignments bnsed on the technical knowledge and the skiiiu oi the Girl Guido Program and these were constructively criticized by the organization mi and the mun in general From the point at view at the majority the training was very successful on The accond aim at imparting trash know ledge and lnrarrnation to the trainers and renewing caihusl nxm wal definitely achieved as Ihe trainm returned home with aim at new knowicdzo and vitaiiy cathuacd about the im portant work Ihcy da with thp Girl Guide Movement And good beginning was mum ta ward the tint aim at 5an lho Itnndard ot leaching and icndcrlhlp training throughqu the province as he lrninm will use tho icssons learned It Doe Luke and apprux 100000 Guide and Brawnic throughout the province oi Ontario wiil dcriu the bandit An adventurous challenge laok plnre in the snva nulual doors when lho lralners were requlrcd to follow wnllcn ln strucllom Ihal Involved bulld lng mm hrldKes between trees llghllng tires cooking stalking nlmulnlcd enemy and re lrlcvlng slulcn plum Tum xlrla are Hm women lomurraw Ihu leader ul lnmor raw mud they cannot 1m zuldu Inc cnrclully In lhclr lmpdrlnnl rule In Mum clecnl the world Mlcndlnz llu mum Iom thin area were Mn lvnn Gnuy 50 Mn nnrrlc Ind Min Knlh can Vnddlnzlon 21 Mar Orlllln New mm for 111 El ummcr would he um In curly pquMu In Inlun pub llcnnon Rulh Hambnurg wlh of jazz promoter Clem llam For um um Ipfllfll Mer on your un llIl In mm um NIH Fm mu lnllln unlmme Ml MHI Ihr nl Mlhr llnurMNl Im hl llmkrl MI eye yinIn am um Irdln lnnu Inn Ilium or any arm NI Tllh HIHGHMS in qualbly hml hum ANCIllAS Fruit Market l1 LMIFNTUN VA 113 CREATES IMAGE VIP CUSTOMERS 3nd rundlo hour looks over some of her nu dam creations based on Amulalclans arï¬alsnwritcrg Lhelr Toronto calfoe house She has made doll n1 well known people Including Tor ontomnsic crldc Nathan Co hen symphony conductor Wal OIair WWIMII TIIE BETTER See us or all your Fainting need Wu emu lamaun Bur 18min Moors Palm campch scleclion of interior and ex lerlnr pamls Puninfmuc IE Anni um MOORE CALL THE THE Bukoa ï¬DIIBCI0Il wrapped or IrvinIon by Peck Freans llb package now lolns the lamous 01 Pack Froan Dlgosllvo In package Canadas lavauvilotho bust Digestive biscuit over baked now In new ONE POUND package er Sussklnd and Plum 51L inger President uedyI pres Iecrctaryl CF Phan We of CANCILLAS FRUIT MARKET can supl your group WWI ï¬rst quality fruit at wholesale rlces available in ulk quantity for your Christmas parï¬ei are oranges angler ines apples and grap es So take advanm of these wholesaï¬e prices and save on first grade lrull this Christmas Social Clubs and nganizations CANCILLAS Fruit Market Canadas Favourite Digestive ATTENTION l1 Cllwulon SI PA 5225 HOMEMADE cuocouma pkg Bakers unuvuetencd chocolate ol faraway tomher mm ban ger over hmwaler mcdfuxh ma pom lflihor cupshonenlnz cup butter cupl brawn mar cups noun In purpose well beaten em an Va up Ma qupchovvd pecln nun Dropped on gunned cookll yhui kg 12 in 15 mlnutu in madame Bvan TODAYS RECIPE STAR LLGHI STAR BRIGHT NEW YEA2s EVE 15 NOW IN SIGHT Ushar In 1963 looking yam Ioveflest In new gown created ram an origin design matched so and or Iavaly range of exquhng lemve shrch mm The Fabric hop 16 Colllnr Strut PECAN tunnel PEEK FREAN into evening elegance EVELYN aovca Van Wank WJ REMINDER FOR MALES Fut GIFT CERTIFICATE on Iho Irul IMll Imam buultl step SHOP gKRRIE New Irrlvdl or the holiday mum Ityled lo Iccenlum your party Kown Hllh nylcd Sunni Ind amm um Sequin Whlmuyl to put you in party mood Visit our Hat Bax mum Put potato hm It may mlsh very Inc ulna up 40 make 1M dough aboï¬l mum and inn with hand unlll smooth leklomld dd dlflmnl llavi olnxl nlw nut and cherrieb dlp In chocolake will tnarl Flaw on waer nap mm or urnlnlrywhim bind 550 KmyXenkh PERMANENTS SPECIAL In Annau pulnlmnl an 515 aves BEAUN snow PA 87712 Icomplato F25