pope John Celebrates Mass VATICAN CITY mm Oh Imnler Ind nutmin rhnmL Amaranth ll wan Um Nmrnlnu HIM day LONDON llloulml Myqu flnml Mum bodmunh and jmlnnmplmrl Mwn mnvlu slan limbdll Tnylor and khan hum arrival hen Inlay Imm lnrln Iu Mlu Tuylor 1m tho mmva lull bl Vltlorln Hum mum and walked lo wall ma canWmnm mmw mm In lnkc pldum mum lmlyguqnls med In hmxklnu any mnenu and phhddlmx llm Mhpu mm llw nmnmm 11qu mlmlu er Mlu Tarhw Ml tummy Human oamu Ian dnwn Ill roarh In WEST POINT NV ICIVM Dem Admon pmldrnt Km mdyn Mm an NIH nilIr My mum mum ml In mm mm lI about Naynl out hul um her mpmml Imm hmhip In Hm Eumnrun mmmm Mum erlxlu Illmlnl 1mm mum me pumkal aimllon Eumpl Achmn luld nludenl mulewncn nn US mm 1th mnilry umkmy hem Ihll Ibo IIplrmy at nun lm mntem NAHHVIIJJI Tenn Mr pistol pclMl llrcd at JMM Mom In mu lry tanner mnlnl pnllonl have lnjrdul mw nml uneweclml rlemml Into lho labor lsndrrl mnsplmcy mm In lnnym clnlmul the muck MIch uw the mum Imunco harmlme all MI body qmml lb Tumxtm Unlnn vlrnldrnt mnldnl Inlr rill In um um Ind at all MmMay mm lllalnnco nl luv 1M hy man mman Ill mvn Hwnnm Wndnlnxlon Mom duckï¬l lhm lunml man lmocklnl hlm th floor rm hanl rlgm In Ibo Taylor And Burton In London Thch no doubt now In Ihcru the Turin stand on lhls 155w ho wld Thelrpollcy clcnr lll wrong but In tlrnr Imy hnro acule com erlly lho demand ha ha rrhnlo In comp nu crnl any has proposed that it will nlm dune government sponsored mcdlcnl cum Insurance plan Mr MacDonald suld Ihnlr an Indicates clearly Ihnl It can nol be accepted as Inn prom be but merely an election ximmidt whim to charm niHmul nollce NDP nuc Iho only constructlvu allcrnnllvn In tho Tories Mr MacDonald lold Iha legislature 15 qnoy GIMMICK Mr MacDonald invoked most 01 his reply Wednegday lo the lovemment prepared ed 1mm the hrnneln crlldsm Liberal valley hInlnl puliticnl opporlunism and the government or its delib bc lqnca on issue print ah aim no alignm6 if confusion of which added Hofla Fired At In Court Concomod Over Britains Role mm uuyuc Ilun mr wages on government contracts and $200000000 20 ymr parka development pro arm examples of belated aclion 59 ed by political ex pcgim He sand he poopla had lost confidence the Progressive Conscrvnllvcs de fple lech He cited throne speech pm vpsals or lulmdudng provin nul lo 15an on meal Inspect An un uuuv crane Party Leader Donald MacDonald Iccuses thu uh eral and Prqyesslva Consent live partial In Ontario cllmlr In on the medical can Inm anca bundwaganf In the 01 mounllng public demand mrs musnï¬fm while directing mine flag in the W511 NDP Head Blasts Medicare Scheme mngmp genNng Demo 9i vYSnr No 170 polioemap NEWS BRIEFS i10ur TéwiIeTSi For Examiner Want Ads Tele phom PA 82214 The telephuno number call mama Bushes or Maria mpg in PA 55531 crldrrnleil mm lodnyln lulu prlvla tho llm time he Ind Jam mm lince Jolm mnvulenglnnqum nom luuull knnwn here whflhcr Chin hm been Inked lo chm Ila comulntu In Cul cunn lfld Bomlmy but dlplm mnlic nhmvcrn comldcr lhll almost mmln In vlow llm reciprocity an Inch mailers it good enough be causo the role Ira loo Mg An NDP siudy revealed that iheï¬naucini cost for medl coi care insurance nchame sink liar to lhul introduced in Sum knlchcwnn would cost Ontario resident an estimated mm per zoom year exclusive oi fdmkdskniion cosls Axlor the rest the popu mm wa It all to be Inn to the tendcr merdn he pr vnlg carriers nles and ma medical assocla llon Euenllally these demands IN that he government should pmvldecovernge paid or from he public yum for all than who cmnol pay Thu will lu volva bumillnllng extension nl the category at lndlzenl to In clude hose ln he marginal Elma India Closing Consulates ous yeliéw mm to hem and made them at people late or WW blanket gulpqu ï¬nnw MI nmnlnhl mm who ml Ht lnchu holnro mnvy 0qu 01 min kmlny mnml mm In lllllll lnur Incluu mm fell on Hm Slrnlfnnl dlmlrL 11 mm hurried nll mum In Ina whlv wulhcm Unlnrlu rrzlon hm In mml Illnlrlm Mrly Innwlnlll wm wmlml may by min Ken Counl also luflcrod heavily Hundred mldcnla we wlllwut eleclrlrlly In he wnkn ol lhu nnwnl Hm lnnWlnrm Onlnrlu Hydro 0mm unld knit Iervlcrl Wm uu nut 01 order II run In and lnnw mmhinld with high wind tiled hydra pal mvlng lhl nru than Inn nunu Chum by man winds Innw Iwml north II mllu south Own Sound and mnw Had up to our Inch nl Dnr Im 21 mllu 50th Owen Sound 114m mm Uncth lnday WEN mlnh ink lclccommunlcnllan clrtulll which collapsed In same mm mm Hm Ilorml Hm lhotk wave To lhv ensv me alarm dumpcd AMW ovcr Michixnn and began moving toward Toronto and east to Quebec heavy downpour needed snow at Windsor nnln hecnmo colder lnmtd In and hen snow which tonllnucd plllng up lhrouxhoul the area By THE CANADIAN PRESS Snow drivlnz rain and flung Ini temperatures swept through Southern Ontario during the night mm the eastern United stoic uud continued today to an out wast to Lukn Huron and east across Lake Ontario Wlndsar received my mos cunconlrnlcd corn of lhe alarm cnnlred between Windsor and Landon Sde OiEFMiéhigan Moves Into Ontario Tums To Rain Sources reported Wednesday night that the Russians are 1111png their bomber out 01 Cuba at rule Indicating all of the alters will be out well in advance the Dec 20 dead Ilna promised by Soviet Pm mlcr Khmhchev 11 lmmzn Inwrmmr dl This would set the stage or new and uncertain phase in EastWest relations The Unllcd Stales expected lo talk with the Russians on number cod war Issues lniarmnnts said the Russian have taken hard stand in New York negotiations against for ing Cuhnn Premier Castro to accept International inspection which President Kennedy leeks to mnku certain Cuba my free of atomic weapons With no inspection larcement in prospect Iiie U5 appeared prepared to continue aerial rur vciiiancc as naiogunrd and let the diplomatic contest melt inin iha hnckgrounciperhnp with riatemcnt by each aids ax pialning its position to tha UN Segurity Connclii nï¬zpeirea my um the USSavlct diplomallc wrangle oven Cuba will fade with the WASHINGTON AmRussia is removing let bomber rum Cuba at pace that could have all the planes all the Is Iand wllhln days informed WHICH reporg Bombers Leaving At Speedy Rate Smog Claimsemve Expect ONLY 15 TM armml sunmnn mlvnnml Imlylnl mum mth Imml Hm In until hulk IDlY hm M1 5i ruehmuu Inan 11 hunk unpluyru lmkrtl NI llIIIlINI my ul v1 gunmen mum hum Aallvr lsllrr uullmu 6310 Inla nirhnl Hm Iltlll mung lulu ur llnn jumred HIP lmmlll wllll Ilm hm um mm In nun mm hlm rim mum WP chm llml Alml and um ml mr douhlcd up clukllln pl hll IInmnrh I1fflrOlll U5 Mr Farm vrlmm Ind Juxl lemma lhu muney Wnlnrulny uhm lwn mde mlvbcrl rimml Ilm Buy my hunch Nallunnl mm llnnk nl MM ELIZABETH lml Iliuchlrr II Iun lmnk ll wllh hln llrm Paxlcc Mann much ynun mnn wlm Annoyed nelthr Mu MumHa an nnlnkbulkn an balm hclaru Mlu Clnlkl body wnl lound Shidmrlhed llm man lyr Iml nlmul llvnlmtulnn mm ml and Mm Inneycnlnrnd Dr nlchnrd Ford SnfluXk County medical unmlnrr uuldx Obvlounly Ilm wn mually tucked ml dcnlh crr lnlnly Ilmllnr la some ma olhcrn The body of Mls Saphlo Clark II student nnd med knl lechnlclnn wn aund Into Wednudny Illk Mocking nnd paulconl Imullcd around her ntck The body was unclothed nxcrpl or hrnsslcru when Wu luund In Mlsl Clnrkl InurUInonr npnrlmcnl loss than block mm wlmc lhn rut vicllm 1ch 11 munlhl no Dr nlchnrd Ford Snflulk fears For Deposit Foils Bank Theft BOSTON APlAn Inlcnslve rollca hunt or man wllh maycolored hair was under way lnduy in Hue wake of flu Icvcnlh atrnnuulallun murder woman In the xrcalcr Bolton are lincu midJumu perud hnlulcd pntchea on which around most nuns Weathermen are unnbie Io accurately determine in course of tha mm but laid it will Iusluin through might and reach iiiuskoim and Narlh Buy Friday mlr us an gunmen giving larger number than U3 In leiligence estimales was re garded in Wuhinglan as addi tional avldenco ha Russian intend to carry out Khrush chevl pledge to xemova llx planes In leller to UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson made public Wednesday Kannody com mented We have eliminated the nuclear mennco irom Cubni The lLZB Jet bombérs along Police Seek Man With Yellow Hair um much The Russians were said to hava ininrmed the United Stale that may are withdrawing more than 40 bomhm The US sources declined in glva lhe exact gun the Russians mark lioned but said the number ex ceeded previous us mimic aimora than 30 no defence department an uuunced Mondny that three of the 1m jets had been spoucd by US patrol plane aboard Soviet freighter Ienvlng Cuba Informed source mm mora outbound shipmcnln bomber have been taunted virtually daily at such rate hereonr plate removalshould be In labor In mutter at days perlz and of this gen1L with 42 mlsafleapulled out of Cuba earlier were ghe nuclear capable Ionarange arms whose removal Kennedy demanded termlng them oflenslve wen pons Emil OrimJn Candi Thundpy Dumb I962 wm ml rnlberu MWlla nlmul In Id nwny mm mm Inumm nnunmt mt gmn mmmm nl um gndiml Earlier thnl lllld Indln would rrluse hum In the lhinm Cnnummlsh Mn II My slmulvl Invqu nunin Hwy wuuld mrrl Allllrr ranlnlnnrc Ndlru ha 9an lhn nlnm nl Advisers In varloul sham mul nuns may mum he said Hm lulrrtmmnllrr Hut no expect any urnuml mum lmmqny 3pm 1qu luhl wllh lnklllnnl omclnll lnlvr II manlh on dlflnrunm llrlwvn lho lwo cmmlrlrl IN 110 dnlo llnllJlItfl decided on Nchru nIso nald lu dld no no any paulblllly al Amcrlcnn mops being Itnlloncd In Indln nuhnugh mllllnry Idvhm mflll tame Four was do nut make on mutll dHfucnco to anybody he told pm conference held duran III st lndlnn lump on llm northeast lmnllcr Nehru laid the Milan would nuppb our the prom lscd MIG lhll manlh and our or live my next your which muld be used as moduli or nrojrclrd MiG manufacturan plan In Indln TEZPUR Indln Roman Prlmu Mlnlltcr Nehru JIM la duy his government mndn no agreement wllh Russia not use flusslnnmndu MIG jet Huh ers nflulnal lhe Cnmmunll Chl nvsn In the border dlsnulc Red Planes May Be Used On China Paul Mod Mair had his assistant Asset 110011 Han son wamh Kim natural PREELBNCE IIRE FIGHTERS NI ml mm Um Lulnlallw YIuIMInn la Vie um WW nilad Juu It my km on the hall duh wlll you The mnllmfllrlll lookul lKr ofllca door and mld llllla llrl who wnl pnulnu lrlwncrl wcm drlvcn over monnlnln rand In 37vchlclu convoy which reached the Indian pmlllon nlmrgly uner nlldnlx Tho wounded wm lmmcdl nlcly Inkcn to Inflllnry Impl lnl Nehru vlliled Hie Ilaspllnl Inlrr nnd Inlkcd Ia Ihrm Thuy were hamlnd mtr In lho Indlnn Red Cm by Ike Chl nm nod Cm nl ha ormcr lmHan headqunmn oI nomdlln cnpurtd by In Chinese lnxt manlh Durlnl the night lho ï¬rst group at wounded Indian ml dlun Montrrlmner by lho Chl nem arrive nzurby lllrn aluynn loolhllll cnmp Ila llny Imam community nIIo held lullu with MI army commander on the slums of Indlnn delenm In the event resumption houllluel In the harder war with Communm Chlnn explodvos inches above the heart Ibo blaze Flam were choked all in he vu mf€3MbÂ¥ Lha blast HERES ONE nu um 10 ll drlrthm mm Ln ma Inl Hwy tnfed lnul Scherlc Vlllnuo chair mnn wlm hwuzhl the group ham mlvlml Itlr rclum nlltr mecllnu Wtdnurlny with he ulrpuly allnrnoy zrncrnl Dr illlml Kcnnnly and Deputy Wellum Bllnlmr 1an Dick Mm Thu mun pnxlucrd mnmnnlnry lrucl Mr ï¬clmlo Inlvl hwy had nrrlvcd 29 hours earlier lo demand MUM on he prnblcm puud lho lenxe nl apt LCM where 1150 at their mlirnllnu hrcllmn 1m mucmd lnlo lllvlwnlcd cnblnl nnd mull Thu member dclrxnllan brake up blmnu campulo on the mm of Hm lrghlntlve hulld hugs arm pmqu by ho provinco lhnl It would do every Ihlng could Io Iolvn he rud lca Iml pmblcmm VICTORIA CMA hand of 5m Prudam Douklmbnn have accepted 11mm men plain help cal rd ol hbelr vlzll prolm and hendcd omc oak like another 1932 dunner mid Cmdr John London commulzr rah sched Men were In chnol Thousand who normally travel by bill flocked In bl Iubwn Italian ha lmOK Immo lllzcd or Ilawcd to halt doubly dcckpr the pan demnded Some them drop ed and on London nixcell 01 dlcd mu afler Irrlvu in haxpllgll Afr am in central London showed lha mldday maka con ten to ba 216 time the war age for comparative Dcunr her day But worn ml the concentration the combustion byproduct Iulphur dioxide wan raven um average Thin wu blamed to tho bulk of ma denlhl mu the vldlml were Vel derly or were Already lullnrlnz from rupu lllmcgl whet Ouulde London dozen of an tomobile accident attuned an icy mdl llld anolher transpor tation muup was predlcled or England Ind Wlu during lhq nixhg mokuman ol the Bflllnh Auumablle Association aald lhn numbar mauled up can made some stretch Mshwny look Uko balllelleldn layman AVERAGE Its repeat periohnnnce of the previous nighuiust in tense and thickening at tho same time Tho rest the coun try now is comparatively clear but there in no mile in light far London and the lower Thnmel River areas until tomorrow at thg cement BC Pledges Aid Douks Head Home LONDON OP dema no lettled dawn on London again might wllh um death llready £7 and anolher 736 victim 01 the mlphuroun fumes In city hospitals iha choking pull thickened with the early dukncu or the fourth camecullva night gov ernment weather bureau spokey mngrnnld R9 Thins Hcrqss Ehgland But IHirport Is sun Idle as mzLW is Wanamon m3 5n wmiï¬ffli mm for His n1 Mark Mala Mr summit local Weather Tho dnlcgnllun Alum In Mr Bchcrlcl advlm tnnltmd In Iomo tlmu and dccldcd lo ID nmlr hm Arrived nl dunk Ind lrgod hyllnr gm hat nlnulnx hme hclom lhrf 1m 51x mm nnyrd hrhml drlvu buck pnnrl lnlrkl that bad hroughl their camping cqulv men hm Mr Dickinson Iasucd Mall mcn laying 0m Frecdomllu have btcn anurnd Hwy wlll no go hungry rcgnrdlm of when lhey um In mid lho Snlvm llon Army will he auhsldlud or providan and nnd cluhlnz to he lxtcdamllu laid the awnmen made no Ilrm cammltmcnll but tamed to do evcrylhmx It cauld The gavummcnt OHICMI 0mm lhu doluntlon In lrnmponullon bank Hope 100 mllcl cm 01 Vancouver with Amokn and tulphur diat ldo In lha Ilr amounting In no and 10 llch Um normal con tent the walker bureau um Wednudny that thlngs wen bad in In 1952 when klller no unused lens 4000 deal Mare than on xuddgn death In ClhndagLVud chmduy ward ntulhu ad la Imal nlo vic um wen manly cople with heart or chat camp ulna whoa condition wu nxgrnvnted by tho huryus pqu pmvemcnc in the to sum country Tralfla still wu Idlo along the east coast and in the nanhern county or Yothu but many other mu hug clemd Iandon Airport wu dam to lha 3th day Britain crawled In work or Illa Ihlni mucesslve day weatherman lald ha 500 400 thick pan was ï¬lming in may In London however they warned will probably clamp gpvgn gain all dug and then day In new placil Early ply deo me commuter train cmhed on lpul track at Gllllngharn south London In heavy log member or one 01 lbs train crew was killed and the bath engineer were taken to howl lul will lnlurleg My nu ma an urunu Thar wm tlm tho Imbx was IImnz Langworlhy ch12 of Londonl emergency bed haspflxl mm for hot Hall than an mange gum Police said Iinnl Eureka gndden death due m1 he 05 when they come In mm over tho nationwould nm Into mired The killer mibz 1952 lasted abflgnjne Iqu Tho current gnu huiun but anal 1h lynx davm alga brauzhl an Ign