The new executive of he fly Anglican Church Guild wlll L1 lnmllcd the January mullnz The lnslallallon new manch will be perlormed by one the clergy of Trinity Church The Ilalc allimrs or 1961 at Iallnwr Pan Prelldent Mrs Head President ll Ron Gretna First vice pmidenl Mn Flrman Secamd vlcepmldcnl Mrs Buckland Secretary Mn Corbm Treasurer Mrs Seal Membership Mrs Jlennw Convener lb live away lrlnlly Guild are Iollowr SI Martins canvener Mu llaughwné weanvcm Mn Rlcdm secretary Hrl Manull vaell 51 Annel oonvzner Mu Cald well monvcner Mn Brown St llildzt convcncr Mu Narlhway cucu vzncr Mn West 100 rotary Mu Gray 51 dont convener Mn Av nuilh cmnvencr llln Fm mrelary MluEnld Cur hlnhdny yaur horascupu Indicates must mllfladory year aha114 Em flmll will he plumd upon oc mpaunml ndvnnccmml and nnncial lain out June In line inlcrlrn would fly you to am wlidnle Ml gn Ilncc Ihe um will not by no proplllmu nlanz Hamlin Soc mm nnd unllmm lnl ulallnmhlpl would my generally hnnnonlnuli you do mm pm In than ilnmance will be zuvcmrd by unmually generous awed dur Inz menu cluhl month and you an llnlk manIan II dbllm pouiblllly Man end 1363 The Hul hue monlhl we would pruvn Mth Implmllannl In um um crmllve nmmm rum rpm mug ol you child Imm on thin day will he mlowtd with Kvenl Mruc rnmu In Iho iare nlmnciu nmi could highly Lutcruiui in the publishing hullnm luv mmmm mm AM mums mm cf Difï¬cult tanks can he accom VIixhcd today Mm you will be ahlc In complete angpcndinl mane Be Hpflhl main of mm mum In March whcn cam lmnm or overummlnn could nun ndvnncu Do not ovmnx yourtc how ever and In Iriwre hauu de vote ynuml some rude and relaxing panllmc in order to re new ymnr energlu my nu BIRTHDAY quwrwonnow The new mmllve of tha Mal Vlcwfla Hoipllal Aux my was lngalledï¬lho Dec embet Kneeling held the horn of Mn Roy Tod Marlon Crescent yesterday afternoon Shown above d1 THE STARS SA Mrs Ronald Gremg To Play New 3016 In 61 he Guild embark on DUNIIH If mum Hr MAXMUM CHANGE AM WOIIK INSTALLATION CEREMONY HELD FOR AUXILIARY NOW AT OPEN By 25mmer MAI WlmK GUARANTEED ALEX WATCH CLEANING NEXT 10 MIMI FURNITURE 102 DUNLOP WEST 07 ALL KINDS MEN ronmAm VIC 111 year Formed in 1942 the aswmllon celrhralcd ll mm anniverlary on Oct Mn Sharing WM hulny mental founding Ihe group and Im bccn in guiding light or many yea GOOD BUSINESS YEAR TOKYO mum The Jap anese mmorcyrlu Industry II en JayIng us best year with Ihe worlds top vmducllon and brisk expert trade mica win In grand prix and tourist trophy races have given but nm zrcal Ilimulua MIL Ilmcy Maven flfs vnw presidch stande mm the 0H PAINIINGS cuulng current index follow Ing lhe Installation arevieated mm let to right Mm um Cook recording on ary Mr mic WW THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT MRS GRBMO 1m prnldtnl Dunlap $999 IMRNZ TV Channel FOI Tourists The companyb opening an other web operation In 14 JnRGIMerFVlfmfll will expand later to Winnipeg Tomnlo and Manlreal flle own en lay VANCOUVER CF Any lime between IJIL ï¬nd 10 wunm In ntne Vancouvu alels can tune In Channrl on their television let and see mmlnule ymzram menu at lb cily hear of events planned or the week amt of course watch the Inevitable advertise ments The scene showu Include Stanley Park Chinatown mu mm and he Univzrnily Brill Columbia omen events cavtr mom movies theatrical productions and other entertainment The advertising it sirictiy SoilMIL Tourists are also given inlnrmaiion on inms rezuialiom The scene nrellldex now but ntxt year Travelad Televialon Enterprise but plan lo thaw moving victures he more mlemtmz areas Mr Young say that because production cast are lower hm Ihan in the United State the ï¬rm will prom American than here Norman Young produc llanv managcr lay anolher IImIIar operation II In Nzw York Travelad dcclded an Van couver as on area and went lulo production Ian May an currenpondlux lettelary Mrs Fred Eplea hauling afllcer and member of the hospital board Mrs Jack Eut ler immediate an prcutdanl qifl il 9k treasurer Examiner Emmi 34 Dunlop Street East Barrio We look forward to serving you again In the near ulumwilh the some quality merchandlse at popular prices Orchids to you 1he people of Barrie and area for the wonderful reception accord ed our newly remodelled store on its open Ina Orchids to The People of Barrie and Digtrict aim MIME magma Mlu Gertrude Brpck eaten tuned in honor herislmr Mk5 Lillian Franks birthdayon Monday men Bouquets cut him bhjthday am to calcium decornledytho Brock mldeqce onSl Vincent Sm Among tbs guests at lha tpedal mm were Archdea eoxund Mn Allan Read Rev and my John ma llan men ml the scum Ileellnl or In mmholden mm am If Club Lllnlkd II he held on mady uu nu any Decm pm an mu Ubrlry ll Collin 8m Burlu can or nu mum at Conï¬rmation of my nu nmmum pulled by 1mm of mama unamb mm In Audllor Ind or tunnellon 04 III mth olher bulluavu ombudth mu no menu mun MONTREAL II the tanner treasurer the Unlwd State had hm herway the valour denomination of American currency would be dieunguhhed by heirT colors hr Lead at being all green Andfllhatmndshkeu Inked onCanadar practice It It In act Lhevlreawrer in quee tlan former Canadian Montreaern Mn Eflzabelh Rude Smith Galev became US treasurerlu 1961 shortly alter Pruldent K¢nnedys elecflun She left her per lane eurnmer or matrimony and moved ta Calilomia Intervlemdlgiurlng visit to ll wuuld be more emcienl In United States would adopt lhe Canadian mum but my Idea wax not accepted Mnd you Lhan nah been elected eitherf She iam lhl naught the Idea wasnt accepted because some people were worried that In fu ture campaign It might be laid all the Kennedy adminlslmflon ever digym Introduced colored BENDfl mily and nglalbourn Ihe city in which she grew up Mn GaIuV laid Ihat while lreasurershe tried to introduce colnred bill Mn Gatav was born In Mant real cl parents wlm were us chum She was educaled here and want an to sludyarchenlagy It Barnard Conege In New Yark when she ya 21 sh 1w meLUSdh2n Burl Dumber IML PROP EM Dixon an Cauko févotSï¬Chéï¬gé Greén Mongy THE BARBIE COUNTRY CLUB ANNUAL MEETING II ROBINSON BenthamInter KENTVILLE NSCPThe Annapolis Valley long Imuwn 401 apples may soon havu Iggy Ind Mile Elmo Miss Ame Kelll Mn Mnhull Hrl Russ fmrnhull MrSJW lL Dr menz ï¬lm Momagu r1 Mrs Ada Noble pm Show puddedjt the eaMa bl during the 311mm DESSERT PARTY The Univerllly Womens Club of Barrie wfll boid 115mm mas partyvonj Dec l2 3171 pm Dunertand oolfeewul be urvgd Member Are asked lo bring Christmas bow to be used by the Menlal Healthgroup for wrapping sum for Ihe patient at Pendang Tiber Fulelgly lnrmerly nl Vlcnna and now loodlechnol ozlst wflh the federalagricul lure dcpnrtmenta research sla llan hm says llallrluka wine grapes can be grown prnlitably in the shcllcred valley lle has completed turon grapu grown in Nova Scallm Ha plans ln vlslc vineyards wineries and research emb llsllmenll on orthonmlng lrlp taAuslrla and wlll collect lu ormallon lar dixlribulinn lo po tenllnl grape growers ln western Nnva Achtln During his survey in he prov lute MINFuleld discovered lwyearoldmpevine owned by Mrs mm Sanlord o5um merville The vim was healthy and bore crop of highquaht grape Mr Fulekl said he hopes it in one of Iype lhal can be cultivated commercially Apple ValleY To Try Grapes lines STATIONERYLimited anlap 81 PA 601 if DREss Winn shopping or In group at Oh Ilylu In rnll ulnl From dolloMlul nndy urrpu in lrllly orgundlu YOU choon 10 mm lrack Oh you llk but Sizes to 3x from 299 MISS LINE Illmlnlid Iron 699 MISS PURITAN HCAPADES Thls year we have Included all of ID lam New York xlylu PURI TAN NORELLE PRINCESS DE MURE We are extra proud of our nylon and iarylcne party funies mqu an culling nuanth nlullon plrty ï¬rm Cruted In pru of Mark lrom wnhnblo callonl Io irolltldng tnrylenu You IV have to no ihoml lllunlrlflon Illk brand 10ch mlnk trlm Thll II and of our more upm Ilvc druut I199 adagng CURLY TOP Sizes to 14 from flss PRIM 11mm 599 rm in new us