Published oycanadnn lNevispaperIleited re aeyneiastreotsame Ontario wxwmssubusnor WEDNEIDAY DEC Reduction This is SafeDriving Week Thrsm basis is on obedience to laws for safety driver education mechanically sound csrs and trucks and vehicle mainten ance The campaign is sponsored bylthe Can ediihflighway Safety Council and ac tively supported bx police departments the clergy and judiciary vother safétyi groups both municipal and ro vinbiai have also some ed to end their support The first week of December has becn selectedas this month Is the most dan crousot the year for highway driving ï¬edple are again facing snow sleet and iceisnd they are not always prepared for thejghazards of wlnlclvdllving Iiurtng the week ending December thehighwa council tears that 50 per song inclu ing 10 in0ntario will use cItfeeis thdt if every ro city can induce pcop etoidouble Bria sntghtGaaorstMsnaaer ms arm are Driving Will Pay on OiigMishaps their main trafficmtshsps Thecourt nce sndavdly their vi Ilance this tragic toll can be cut in he Zdcorpses Insteadof lit in otb er words 25 lives would be saved Itcanbe done It will involvesensible dri ng with due regard for the other fel ow It could mean expenditure of few dollars by some motorists to make their vehicles mechanicallyaafe of course the council holds the view that motorists shoulddrive safety 52 weeks of the ear Atthe some time it believes thati the spotii ht is placed on one campaign for wee motorists will again be reminded of their responsibilit tea and think of safe driving habits as matter of course We can help to save lives if we are careful Canqdcts Worlds Fair 1967 The biggest sin le event of Canadas centenar year if promises to be the worlds air in Montreal But If it Is not roperly planned and given adequate llnancial support It coul be the flap of the century The awarding of the fair to Montreal by theInternational Bureau of Exhibis tloris is out the beginning The Men trdai fair it have compat tion because tho3United states is not member of the International Bureau oi Exhibitions and does not consider the bureaus awards when making its own Ians Thus New York will have worl fair in 1964 and 65 and Long Beach California plans onfsta lug an international exposition in19tt and 67 The Ottawa Journalreports that of ficials of the Department of Trade and commerce believe that New Yorks fair will work both forand against Mon treals Until after 1965 time at tention and mono of many exhibitin countries will be varied from Montrea to New York But then country that has set up shop in New York should be able to move airly easily to Montreal They do not consider Lon Beach ser ious threat to Montreal ey feel it is bound to be purel trade fair The Journal wael warns however that these two line fictal fairs are no small potatoes The promoters of the Long Beach exposition expect the money ent on it to amount to $400 million hey plan to fill in 300 acres of ocean for siteand to add such trimmin as docks for 22 ocean liners At New ork the United States pavilion alone will cost $17 million Canada cannot compotewiththe Un ited states In the spending of money but it can com ate in pre oration plan ning and tmag nation an theseihings cannot be left until year or twobefore the big event DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 1937 Simcoe County Council deferred determination oi site and grant oi 31500 for interna tional Plowing Match until support guer antccd by property owners in pro oscd Edenvaic area Simpson ccted president Barrie Boy Scouts Association No election acclamettons lven to Me or If Robertson Reeve lIlllamy Ru VIles and De uty Donald MucLar en Barrie Iwanis Club held Far mers Night at Elmvale Anglican Parish Mail with more than 200 attending to hear lion Dowan Minister of rleuliure who said he was delighted wit progress made by Copaco lant in Barrie Tribute aid to quell Ics of Warden CD Siewar at annual county ban uet Trophy won at OAC by Lloyd min and iaurtce Darb or bcst Ijudg ing earn from swine elu of Ontar Several townships cx resacd concern ov erimountin loss of co killed by dogs Capt Carter it of Orl its an aviator who went through the was un nclihcti was killed In car accident on Littles lllll Highway 27 south of Bar rie Editorial cla mcd home training of children was being neglected but bridge parties are getting more popu lar Canada Is sccn South Am erican countries as land of milk and honey Mrs Madge Macbeth author lecturertraveller told members of the Womens Canadian Club Rev Dr George Little oi the Ontario Temperance Federation asserted In sermon at St An drews Church that the women of the province are spending 10 million dollars yearly in booze Petcrboro beat arrle Collegiate seniors 120 in the final game at Varsity campus for COSSA championship for third straight year BCls touchdown was scored by Bill Long on forward pass from Jack Dyte with convert by Dyte Rest lineman for liCl Frail Sugar Vobb unable to play due to in urcd cg So many good lun ior hocko players in town is season Barrio cn cred team in OIIA as well as I3 YMCA cribbago touranmcnt at Alinndale had 150 ames Friday night Wallace toppc list Frank Jackson of utilities commission ro ortod Barrie gas plant allowed profit las year Mt Iors Fashion Shoppe thrcatcncd fire Gcorge James eiccted re sdcnt Barrio Branch Canadian Log on Six rinks of Barrio curlers played at Toronto Granite Club OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WHY CHEAP TV SHOWS Sudbury Star In the golden years oi the movie in ddslry the movie patron had runway Icicction In the choice of entertainment It could pay high prices to ace toprated tnbvlcs in quniit theatres mcdlum pri cey for excellcn ntovica or secondrun toprating movies In the neighborhood theatres chcnr prices for third role or lotver movies the hulurinslhctwnll type of establishment Thin flashback results from stoic monl from London lssucd joinin by the nsdian Council of Ituthorn anti Art Is and the lirltlsh Actors Equity Asso W4 The Barrie Examiner sunmua as new ms mm lupin and vlymsul as ea hairy sunum and Ilslntory on Iaunsrn was mm nnlsn snssonr It Msrnlnlmo In cnsnm wsoos Intsm Ma All 11le III MI mill HOLDS Cllclll MIIIIOI bu rrlpiiol sun by unit In mm yssl Inn coll to rush in thistle duo on doc or than no hrva mum am mud mans Ontario st ym nutin use is ram is no name om mmlmisteeul Ilmt limeo me Ilmmu rm mum of in Canadian um um em rt tI nor Aswletitm on on dlsn are the Aimt nunu of Circulation Th Cert4 More to nrlvaluty QVIIIIIII is as wraitht If an llllillffllll in on 04 II Th will claim and also on Incl yvsnsou thoIII elation The statement condemned the use by television companies in Canada and Britain of cheap impprtcd programs The stntemcnt said the roadcasters rc linnce on chcapncss rather than quality is against the Interest of viewers and per formers It said that exchanges of high quality programs on rcciprocnt basil between Canada and Britain are desir able and possible without reducing cm ploymcnt possibilities in either country MORE MONEY LESS WORK titticttoncrWelorloo Record In calling moratorium on the appli cation of price formula which would have given ntlik producers the Instant increase sanctioned by the Milk lndust Hearst Ircmlcr Roberts has given mil consumers break The stage was all art by most tables to advance filo con sutnor nice with resultant increase In the cos of living Mr ilobnrts intervention permits fur ther considcratlon of move that would have tendency to reduce milk consump tion when increased use is dcaircd by those engaged In the dairy industry ferhaps dairy farmers should devote more study to switching from milk pro duction in raising bccfcniiici11c change is more easily advised than accomplished llut as Agriculture Minister itamitlou held the other day With hcci they make more and wutk losswork lot less with otir cooperation was DONT ANYBODY open ME REPORT FROM ILK Rents Not Changed For 130 Years By mamas noon LONDON The new Covent OIrden Market Authority set up the Government has run in to difficulties vs early In its operations One the first acts the new authority as requir ed by the Government was to buy the whole of the Covent Garden Mnket This was done last March and in order to ac ouire it the Authority had to raise loan of 2000000 Arising out of this there Is proposal by the authority that thererdslndtolllpoidbyffie fmit and vegetable merchants mine the market be increased by about 50 per cent As might be expected the fruit and vegetable dealers are putt ing up strong opposition to this move to increase ihclr costs of ration They put up the very ausible argument that they should not ho Isked to meet the cost of the interest charges on the us million loan raised to lbs market in the Spring of year AUTIIORITY ANSWER The new landlord of the mar ket however has one ood talk ing point In favour increas ed charges it points out that some of the charges which are made to their tenants have not been changed for no yssrs To the authority it seems the logical thing to raise then choc cs it took over the market rom rivals pro criy com pany an it claims at it must ms the cam revenue to meet loan interest charges of about 0150000 nu IVBTEIII 0P TOLLS Growers Ind mounts using the market are rentiiired to psfl totho market Iui ority to on each package they sell with in its butting crowded am jammed with crates bsrr and trucks There Is half sent tail on up to Its pounds of any pics hat cent on bushel of onions and two cents or more for mars than to pounds of carrots washed it trad er soils lock of nuts weigh inn more titan too pounds the to is than who And wltrn bully and mistletoe are sold in the market this Christmas the toll will be cent and half for every four cubic feet Although market tenants Ig TODAY IN HISTORY II THE CANADIAN THEM Dsc ll The Nova Icotla built lutganiim Mary Ccicsto found at sea hstwccn tho Amrca Ind tnpe itocs inr turn with no man aboard her and started one of the great unsolved mysteries of the Ice 00 years ago today In rm lthe ha sailed from New limit in Novem ber with car of almhol The Mary Cc eats was in unworthy condition livch was no stlniof struggle but her chronometcr pm and best use mas ng The info of her crew tctttnint unknown tellProhibition was re pcnicd in It linftod iiitire Iltl ltsilsin declared war on Finland UMIIIIA Inst iiusgsry rse with the authority that some rates on the market have not been altered for many cars they point out that wi the growth of trade the revenue which they provide has risen very substantially The market new servm an area with pop ulation of la million people and this has provided muchrmorv revenue to the market owners without any raising of rents or Jails Laurence Coilyer Vicechalr man of the Tenants Associa tfon said We do not want to become overloaded like some other public mrporstions with flour clnl charges They would throb tic us Negotiations are now taking place on the authoritys propos air The tenants are pointing out that they would not oppose some rationalisation of rents particularly those which do not reflect modern conditions The Covent Garden Market Authority plans to build com Icicly new market by rose end ed examining sites on which to locate It QUEENS PARK suit has Perched on OicSIevere NeckPain DyJOSEPE MOLNER Dear Dr inner Frequently myhnsband suffers severe pain in the back of the neck it has diagnosed II pinched An sequoia logistind he has Isms thing its pent great deal of money use ad its dvieed my husband to save his money Ind bear it outThla doesnt satisfy me in view of the achievements of modernmedicin Cant wouldnt iettle for that at up advice without having more careful saai sis Pinched nerves are inst atihey feel causes Thickenin wu mrvwmoow VILETTERS TO EDITOR WHAT BARRIE SOLDIERS wens ro aouru AFRICAN WAR Dear air of say the South African War Boer from less to 1901 six soldiers went from BIrrIe representing the oath Regiment remember three of them Findlay Blngham and McCosh Can you tell me who the other three were Fir try Preshy terian mlnIstcrs son at Cund lea never returned lie was my Cundlcapubiic school teachers IlkeApain in the neck They shouldnt be tolerated if there is way to get rid of them dometimes there times there isnt This rt distress comes from different of vetebrsa tn the neck esteoarthritlstputs pressure on nerve disc dis order fIinped or ruptured disc between the vcrtebrael data the some thing Some one maty of bone development such Ila cervical or extra rib causes It This can be corrected bysurgery An operation can also remove the pressure caused by adlso teult by fusing to gether two vertebrae Such correctionlmust be de icided upon only after careful study of Xreys to determine in advance whether it can be ex pected to succeed If your buy band hasnt consulted an orihd pedtst tbons specialist he should Howcver there are several lesI drastic methods which help if the petientnnderstsnds what to do and why he is doing it Since the trouble ts pressure on nerve usually at the point at which it other es from the spine anything Ich removes the pressure relieves the pain Correct posture which sounds aoslmple is all that is needed if it corona scoping for some victims While awake dontslouchWhlle asleep use of higher or lower pillow sometimes does the trick Intern fortestretch out full length when going to bed no draw the spine out so no kinks ar bends exertryu wanted pressure he honest as heipw ful Finally simplencckttactten device for the samepurp to draw the vertebrae spartsnd rclexthc neck muscleIcln be used at home after Instruction by is doctor These simpiemeasures have helpedse many people that it is shame to let anyone suit from neck pain without Inc lug she ut and trying these remec esu DeIr Dr other My son fit is gnxious to gain weight He ls the typical string bee ty Ind full Of HEWOIIS snergyee three decent meals day plus an eggnog eIch night Have you any suggestionsfMfls Yes Welt These string beans grow that way They have spurts of growingnp and thcn spurts of growing out and they usually havepeilodl whether they do or dont tell us of want ting to grow faster titan thcy are growing inone direction or In other if he just cant wait give him some more between meal feedings oi high calorie foods malted milk sandwiches and such which mayt add little weight and make hlrn think hes doing something about it be careful that these are not timed so as to intcrferc with his uppe tite at regular meals Thats about all you can Nature you and know will solve things anyway Dear Dr itinlnsr is there any danger from radiation while watching 13inch TV from distance of eight feet or so for to or 11 hours daily im so and wear lessenMR8 but No danger but dont you get red of ill orrsws across Will Commemorate Postal Ilnniv brother rsrr mber that morn lng when those soldiers left Barrie to Join the Toronto Reg iment for South Africa march cd down Bayfield street from Colonel Wards resldence play ing the British Grenadiers and was one of the Boy Scouts When the lrin pulled out from Barrie depot the band played Auld Lang syns was at the train when the boys left for the Boer War Ind the First and Second World Wm from Gait and Petosbm ouah saying farewell to my soldier comrades and was It the stations when some of them ieIIIy returned So now if you can act the three other names of th soldiers who went to South rican War will be very pleas sincerely WAE DRURY Rumors Preddminate Over Redistribution lIy DON OIIEARN TORONTO it looks like dogfight nvcr redistribution At the time of writing more has been one bnnh In the house over It There Is promu of more And In the meantime there It nasty gossip in the corridors Now Wanted The rumors which have been started by the opposition are that Premier ltobsris is Min to stall off full redistribullon they imply that the premier hoe conveyed as much to the Royal Commission and that it is stringing along The prcmer it to said docl not want anything more than In Interim report which would give Toronto suburbs few ex irn seats and have mi of the province in the status quo iic wants II this way It in mid because the Commission had Intended to commend additional ridinn to the present And he didnt want to fight 20 new scale In the next election particularly ll they would ho mainly urban the area in which the PC has weakest It the mo Incnf WIN Will The rumors are aritln the prominence they are main tw ceuso of mysterious visit by the chairman of the royal rmn ntlsslon to Liberal inner John tinlrrmryer nmi NDI Icodcr Donald MacDonald fc Insilce itlrhnrrtson ac cording to the too lenders tried to mid them out to ihclr reaction If re It were not inmighf down tbs yror llte loaders lent to know why the chairman would vlnit them it he wasnt not or trust indi rectly by the gnmnmrnt The point of mono Mnlld in to save Premier ftohslia em hnrressmcnt For last spring the premier gIvs every assurance that the Commissions report would be on frond in time for redistribution at this session Roth traders are determined that there will be redistribu tlon And the first of many good fights looming for this session could be over It lion Olllfl Mncnuiny Is con ilnulng to keep the limelight to the continuing chagrin of some of his colleagues In the first few days of the session the Minister of Ecow Inch and Development managed to hit the news pngcs st least once day and sometime In its appointed in women to head consumers branch gave out details of bin new industrial dowimarmd gunman had the first meeting of his hoisting Arie visory mmmltm and generally was busy busy What the colleagues who rs sent him cant Icl Is inst first of all Mr Macaulay is usin Imagination and drive whlct they arent and secondly thst his department Is one that makes news It In department of durl nptncut it does nrw things while many drpnrlmrnts hm are merely administrative And new thinks of course make nrvls BIBLE THOUGHT The slehtsous also shall hold on his way and he that hath virnn hands IhIII It Ilnnllf sno sirens14M till Tlllsiifll In the Lord the ho lirtvr mall go toward irons strength to strenlth and from victory to victory dccessor as By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA An interesting new commemorative postage stamp is included in plans for next year says Postmaster Ocn ersl Ellen FIlrclough This stamp will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the open in of the first post offices in what later became the province of Canada In Quebec City Montreal Ind Three Rivers It will so on sale on Aug as next says the Minister Largst thanks to the lack of imagination of her Liberal pre stmsater general Madsms ulster has sorrow fully learned that postage stamp can be sticky and she has got late sticky liitls pickle of quite unimportant nIlure throth this stamp The Maritlmsr is rightly is proud of his hert In and no Canadian anywher exceeds Nova Scottn in patriotic pr end the historical knowledge shows for his homeland NJ OF COURSE FIRST So this gesture by lion Ellen Fslrc to commemorate the opening of the first post of ficu In in has muaM bouts of tI wrath from Nova Scotlsnl who correctly point out that the first post office in thi nowlbe Dominion of Canada was In fact opened eight years earlier than mi and was actually sited in llsiifnx Tourists and proud Ilnlfgon fans alike notice the plaque erected by the itiatorlc Stirs nnd Monuments heard In iinll fax at the corner of Chcopsidn Ind iiollla Street This lays FIRST Ith OFFICE In l7 line of packet ships was placed on the route be tween Falnvruth ind and Ncw York This was In of general scheme for coser and more rrgulnr communication between the colonies and the motinr countrr These packets called at IlIlisa in that year end in this city was csinbllsltcd the first post office in the no mlninn of Canada as now on Iiltutcd IlIiiIoninns are very proud of that first lost as all Nova Scotlsns Ire naiuuily proud of the many firsts established by their province They are the more proud of this Is the only oat office opened in Canada hetero the end of the shooting in the iicvsn Years war and further II post office opened ersary by Canadian officials The three Johnnycomclatciy post of ficcs which Ellen Fnirciough Is now planning to commemorate were not opened until after the shooting stopped at the end of that war and they were organ ited not by Canadian but byfootball fans please note tha first historically recorded American import For no less character than the famous beniamln Franklin came up to Canada to fdrm those post oi flees and showing great dia csrnmeni and good Judgment he appointed ScottishCana dian Hugh Finley to take charge of their operation careful rcading of El icn Fslrclouahs announcement shows that she descrlbcl there not II the first post offices in Canada but It the first post offlch in what later bccsmI the Province of Canada nam ely the area now covered by the provinces of Ontario Up pcr Canad Ii and Quebec tLowcr Ca ad When an nouncing her ms program of new stamps in apccch It speech at Hamilton last month specifically rcicrrcd to the rat Cu it post office opcnrd at Halifax eight years earlier Iiul of course there was not Conservative Govern of in loss and above till we did not have Ilindnrne Minister at the Past office in that most slrtntii cnnt anniversary year The for gotten and tritium unlomrntcd Liberal Incumbcni of that of fice then did not have the Imus Innilon to command the issue of stamp to commemorate the opening of Canadas first post office at Halifax In 1753 And this ovcrslghi hos bounced back to embarrass Mrs Falrclourh who Is now honouring our first tnirrnnl post ofticc BARRIE DELICATESSEN so Collies at ca coin Fancy Foods for the Christmas Party Season Mltlndenf toiA Null Variety of fly fisrads Kinda lmpurtrd Chem 10 Kinds Impoltld Jams my hnrolntrl Ix