mt mm man Dammit1 MA 1m NHWCEf llurl ï¬t Mu The actionpacked Weekend saw shakeup in the National Hockey League standings with three teams now tied for second place behind Chicago Black Hawks The Hawks bounced back from Saturda night 24 1055 to Montreal Canadians by drubbing 1m place New Yorkï¬angers 51 and moved lnte sole possession of ï¬rst lace Chicago has now won 11 games tied six and as seven for total of 29 points two more than Detroit Red Wings Temnto Maple Leaf and the Canadians In umurcua flukey goal by Ralph Backstrorn gave the Habe 24 edge over the Hawks in the first eriod and the score stood up until the final buzzer hlcago Blisters swarmed the officials claiming Backstrom pus hla goal in while sitting upside down in the goal crease They also screamed that Ralphle knocked the rubber over the line with his outstretched hand but referee A11 Skov wouldnt have any part of it Donny Marshall and Bobby Hull each scored earl ler goals for their resrective teams After the first enlad the game deve oped intn oalles duel be ween Jacques Plante andGlenn Hal The Chicago whlzard kicked out 36 shots and Plants 28 The luckless Rangers not anly dropped the game to Chicago but lost the services of goalie Gump Wow ley due to an unfortunate acddent Murray Balfour crashed headon into the Gumpet at the end of the second period and Worsley struggled to his feet with badly Injured shoulder He was removed from the ice and replaced by subnetminder Marcel Pellefler who wasnt of much help the Rangers Montreal reached the 28polut mark by way at 341 shutout over Milt Schmidts sad crew team which might not have to wait much longer before theyre drummed out at the NHL Plante picked up his second shutout of the season turning back 30 shots Roll pally Boh Peneault who is mere often than not left deleyd tor himsel by the Boston defence alsq stopped so aim The highliving Toronto Maple Leafs clicked or two exciting victories over the weekend and forced the Detroit Red Wings out of first place On Saturday night they were practicail handed gift win over Boston 82 and then trave ed to the motor city to out duel the Red Wings 31 Frank Mahoviichx outstanding perlormauces this gas week have indicated he might be on the way to igth productive season Saturday night he notched two goals assisted on another and gave the crowd loads to cheer about with his longstrided rushes up the left mum rBob Nevln has also come to lilo triggering two majors and assisting on anotherl Bobby has had some trouble indlng the range as of late but his play against the Brulns brought some colour back into his cheeks Poor Bobby Forum was once again deserted by his defence 1f flan could call it defence and was kept busy all night Deal attackers Johnny Bower played one his best games In ears and appears to be win ning his battle against Fa her limee George Armstrong scored the winntn goal against Detroit but received some rash criticism mm the Red Wings afterwards It seems Ann was supposed to have rpearcd Gordie Howe otter stea lng the puck from tho Feat forward and tell him sitting awkwardl at centre ce Maybe it was just their way of cover ng up for new looking bad on tho ptay Iroubicsome Howie Young dldnt help the Detroit cause any plcklng up three of his teams eight pen alties but lou dcfencemnn has his eye on the penal record an he wont let anything stand in his way sir nobody can go around 5am that Lou Fon flnalo is more of bad guy than How oung Azlually How ms the real star or the game before Armstrong sent the Leafs ahead to 313 Gordlc coun tered Bill Harris ï¬rst criod lally wit beauty goal He and Toronto clenccmcn running ragged as mull his study attacks Bob Puiiord who is playing hockey in hopes of catching an all star berth put the game on ice with Terry Sawchuk out lhc not in favour of an extra forward Puiiord is regaining much at iho style he showed couple of years ago that of an opporiun NATE WINNER EUR Tonomu cm rlnmlng mu winner ol IM 1061 Quecnl llnlo and Cnnadlnn anI ha lnm mind to Itud Windflddl Pnrml Announmi Iandny The lhrm can lllly cmwrd bone an or kn lb lralnlnu lull Juno nnd hunl nan Ilnre This lime next week should Ind 11 slmllar shuttling in the slandln with any one of the top our team ml ing shot 1m place SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN HUBERT me wick Mnnnm clan with bribing colng tnnhlfgall anyqn VIM unud Mnmlly hccluu 1m Hum 01 Bupnmc Court Junk Jo ï¬nrnllln No data wnA Id or tanflnulng lhl flvewrrk old lxhl TRIAL ADJOURNED NEW YORK AWWorth The in wt hoisted up aiier im dad Peter Schmidt won we vacant Canadian welter weighi boxing iltia with lie decision over Dwell in 11 ely raundx Thraugh bruhed lips Joey Durelle uttered than words to ujllaAVSusgn SQIIpldt at mid MONTREAL Cl daddy hm Iwiully hAr ring Mondny plghl mm Nzw Honseam Val ley Ski Resort feature men dfllerent Jumplng flow with more were no knockdown and neither ï¬ghter was hurt un til the ï¬nal round when Durelle was shaken up by cwwhanded flurry and was en raglan It the bell Schmidt weighed pound mm than Dunne Schmidt 29 Romanian im migrant living in Toronto drew the vote two ol the three judge with she er punching end strong in hand The Ihlrd voted or Dureiie 24 na tive of Rule Se Anne NB Elm unw lives in Traieiiivieree ue Veteran Schmidt Decisions Durelle Ottawas Ga Kerwin vacated the m1 last lpllnl to no Mo retirement 113 mm two box on hauled 12 round draw last July In Tmlsnivlcres Schmidt and Ms manager Georg Sheppard lald they are prepared meet any chalien ger designalcd by the Cnnadlnn Prolesslonnl Boxing deerallon The edcrnllanl national conno Bren SmIIh nalchcd Lhrca goals on Saturday to lead or shey to 14 win over Cleve land In Legion Mlnor Hockey uaxue unlion lb Barrio rcna Greg Bowen llmd Na and ling wtnl lo Callln Smllh Steven slmmans Terry Excll and Murray Perry Clcvrlnnd mnrklmen wcre nobhy Hondai Ian wllh lwo nnd Mike Quinn and Jack Lynch wllh arm each Goals Goals In Legion Action Jim Mclhcmn and Ricky Du both canceled hnllrlckl 1n Kllchcnnrl 7l wln over WlndA nor Mlko Vflwn pollm Ihe alh er mm or he wlnnm and tnny Unnncrmnn uarcd Wlnd lorl Iona lnlly Sudbury whllcwnnhod Cornwall an lunn of lnrgzly through llm mom or Imdy lnlmcr who clicked or lhm nah Vnyno Tmcnn wllh lwo and PM Ln aur wilh one wm ha thr mun IAqu Knlly wnl Inllrumcnlnl In llochmrrl vlclnry over Spoknnc alnppln In Iwo gnnh other warm wcro nnndy len Mlku Ilrll Philip anrm mm mm llnycrnlt Mlku Hob lanrd knotkrd an In lava Spoan mm Lhuloul Makaim Lake hrlptd Elm Illv past lmidm by morn of wllh ma non onl pul Hnlvln Woolm got llw ollwr whll Hrlnn CIIIUI and Dan m1 Icrmmltd tar Imrldrnu nullnln Maul Sprlnullcld If major lyy nah Wnllnn nd IIul new flurry Mcxrr mum ltd nm or the lawn Klnullnn ddCMM Glnlnm wllh Jnhn Scull mun lwn unal nnvl Gary Mann nno Don Ilyllmrmmll tucked lor GIM nml mm inï¬ll by Him nluhcllr Tom flcoll and Mike lamy nldrxl Nnrlh My In In II win nvrr Wllflhy oh Lynrh prnml fur Iha lawn HUIle IN IlOHllTM NIZW YUIIK MP Nut Yolk Hanna Un anhmnl Hock Inuue Imp hm nnlIo Lorne mum Vnuley In ï¬lm My Ha um Idmlllwl in KL Gnrtl nwllnl Mmulny lu haw MI Inhmd Irfl Ihmlhlrr pm In Iranian Wmhy rm nlmcd Nundny mm In hlcun uAInI the nle nth In uUlIinn in mm lb Ilanum mu HM planmm lm Iml mm In mmnnd Winn In Ir lhc lam Mmlay llnvrvl lrllllbr le plmvd hlm or IM uum flat mlnlaner Gena Leroumuu of Quebec City mentioned two pussiblfldex Don Rosa Tor qnwund Lennla Sparks Hal he longesgmq moo hogan Before Ihe light Durefle talked about qumlng the ring if he lost But he quickly banished any suggefllon that bywould allerwayds the vertical dmï¬ 280 feet All the hills are mechanically 11 Just havo ta punch ll lln mm he nld GAL CWWher Bull dozl mnrkamen have usumed comde lbs Ontarlo Hockey Amdatlon Senior hockey in dlvldun tearing The leaguedemp Bulldogs own tour of the top 10 scorer Including delendlnz chumplon Irwin Grass and right wlng partner Bobby Brown who are waging wwman battle for the lead Gross mnlnlnlncd hls edge with 10point week Ind his 33 olnla Including Icnguu land 11 assists Brown made lha blggcsl gum vaulllnl from third In second Windsor Bulldogs Marksmen Take Over OHA Scoring Race NEW YORK AP Samu baseballs former star havn sued the present trap over buse balln prosperous pcnnlnn plan The null was filed in chcrn court Monday ll ask the court In wlpa an nzw pension scheme Ihnl gives Increased bcncml In current nlaym but leaves our the old11mm The Increascl went Into cflcct ml year The lull was Illed In lha name Frank Crawl for mer New Yark Yankee Ihorl atop nnd now couch and John Schulle lormer Journeyman catcher Ilncklng up Crone and Schulla are Iuch Iormer Ilnn nI Joe Dangzio Dill Dickey Bucky Wallm Mlko mum and Hank imbue FILED 0N PRINCIPLE Vtry low hue men mod the money 01 course laid lnwyrr Norman hwll who lllcd lhu lull nut In tho erntvla 0W3 Former Greats Kick Up Storm The Baseball Ilnym Pen Ilnn Commlllce hll lwo day In nmwcr the pull ll wlll pmb nbly an In court perhap by am June We didnt want to no to court In tho flu plncc hut mu cn nlun commluce raluln lo change In mlnd HIM Lewis The nrllvo plnym dont want lo tul Ihu ohlllllllrl In Vu lrcl Hwy buvo lhown lcmbh xlimznnl Dr Ilm man who taught for tho penInn In mu lint plan And Mlnrd pm dun IL lmwlt tanner counsel or lhl myrn nunclnllan wnl mm of he Mchllccll of H1 orlKInnl bnxelmll prnllon plln llnMr nl Tnmnln anln IN Irmmndcr who vm out hmImII or hm yvnrl Imnum nuvoul hlrnhluwn Wm 01 lltlnlly mullrnml lmlny llm Inlmmlllmm lumen lrmlinl plnhrr or 21 yrnr 0M mulhpnw um ltlplu longucn pl rhm In uer nln Emil 1M and wlmdnz wrunlue 800 ton mm nnd IN uur lur secondplum my and llnlahed lle umn with Inkvauan mam ql the NI 11ml Mum ml Tn lot lnnlda llflh Inl nnmlu pikth wllh Iha wnnnnl whmlnp Jackson VIHA Hum llnlhhrv VIII man and Wu and in lhe 72 deplllmml wlm 101 mall Constable Voted Top 1962 Butler NICW OIIK M4lm Con Chedunam md Busy Beam era bolhdlckedtoral or Angela and Dawn Darcie vua respectively in Him 611le Hockey league action groomed with the most pack ing cquipgnmt Euth anler with two and Patsy Venablos with one paced the mummy attack Palsy Klml scored tho lone Angela goa Busy Bees received nlnules mm Karen Emmy Adelle Me Mice and Jacolyn Akeson to turn back the Daredevllu Carol Sawyer cured or the 105m Double Results In Girls Hockey piace as KitchenerWaterloo Tiger ght winger Lou Angel on the strength 111mm pickup Brown has 31 points 16 at them goals to Itnnd mend In the sniping dapurtment bo hlqd Aggon 211px umu nunvuu Angom ln third place In nine point back Gross whllu George Unilalo and Georgo Mb en Chathgm Mnruunsl are palm énch Tammy Walker hlrd mem ber Bulldogs werlul Gross BmnWnlkcr 015 km with 21 points whle Chuthnml Ted aner and Woodslouk Athletic 1110ho Carl Hymcra shnre sev enh wlh20 191111L Snrnlu mm Al Bennell also mulnlnlncd hls lead among the regular goaltender wllh 2111 nvcrngu In 15 slum lle also land In shutouts with lhrce nnd is he only gonllo wllh nn aver age of 1m lhun three goals per Vhlle other dtpnrtment lead era remained the same there II ncw leader In penalty mln um Snrnlna Ilny Mollltt Iup planted the old land mun Gnltl Mm chllnl Mumlt has Acrvcd 58 minutes om man than tcnmmnlu Ray Morton and seven more than Kctllnn Rlchmcnd mu lhu North York Pcewca Hockey League played host to Bradford Snlnr dny nluht nnd took both and douhlchcadcr In the Hm gums lha home town lcnm hinnktd Bradford lIrcmzn behlnd In study gonflcndlng at Don Mym Gen nld Mclhc um lwo Kohl wth ï¬nale went to Vllwn Rnu Niko Dccinnm Mnrk Dabhl Icky Dnucello nlchnrd Chapman John Dinkley and Phll Clarko llnnlt Wayne lllrrlnxm Ion Tnm Dylan Jim Wllwn nnrl Dani Acomho n11 counted Koala In lending nichmond III la vldory Slave Knnyn MUN lmUI lirndlnld lulu Bradiord Drops Doubleheader WINNIPEG CWWinnlm Inc Hemler lmk lhclr WI Mandny nluht la Um nolny IE clnlm hnmrlowncmrwd nm occulnn wnn Um lluml rrn xnlurn 1mm Toronto when my nnm nunln drlralnd Haw Illan TlurCnll In lhn my Cup lmlhnH clapIn whlrlu Mn var lunml inlo lwnnd wrr rm lenlurr Allhnuull llm amber have won the my 12 our mu ngnlnll lllmlllnn In lhn In llvv yrnm wnlcmnu nmn lhan 500013 mmrd lm nmnl vnglrruul and Imnnlanwup ycL mu ch mall Inndnl nl IIu IICAP almnn Imu and In gmlcd by wlm nml Inmllu wllh lhu excchon Mn tiara Ilunhaul who vurllvr In the day rmnlea Mr ulna lxnmlnr huunnd Nann wng bnhy box umunr Enlck WHHI WIlmmlnl bum the In mun mm In Canada uld em he playm luld hlmI We uml In lay lat money Wanmwl plnynur Winnipeg Greeied By Noisy Crowd Barrie skl enthuslasu are In or funpacked winter should they aécept am Inhuarun In vlmlon to the new Horseshoe Valley skl jump 311 in the owner creator and host this idea havan which Wen the best at everything in winter sports Having skled In many sections of Ontario Bill felt there We needand pinch for an Additional pruperly built skl area complain scouting tour 01 the country north of Barrie convlnced Lohaum that it was Ume somean was done 1530 the mnner START IN srn In the spring flu year Bill purchased the property and month later the lramework be son to lake shnpeo The latest reports say the area will be may or operation by mid Decemher Well over 3100000 is going Mo Lha project and 15 just quarter of what will evenmhy be developed Among the many admins open to this public ls beam Iul Inhale wllh ireplacam lounge agd restaurant serv in mack or lull course meals Howlle greets skiers a1 thel many motels and prlvm ac oommodaliolu dose by Ar ransomqnls can also be made or runspcflatlon to the ne commodalmu alien choice more In Modem Hall 1m TBar three mpo Iowa and all hula nre mechanically groom edme the latest packing equip ment These are scmlganh with wide tracks spacinllzedin waking nnow Sew different slop huvn been up or jumping wllh By mm GLADMAN Your taste Every drop of Calvort 01d Ryo must 11le on rigid quality control checks before having our distiiiary Youi taste in the 97th cheek Try light Imooth Cnivort Oid Rye Calvert 01d Rye is the 977bcheck ha longest mnmod feet and the Vertical my 160 feet Sev eral miles msmunlry tralls though lovely mule are are apen me of charge for mmuntry enthusiasts The skiing open to club members or inst anyone out for weekend of fun All organ izations or recognized ski clubs wlll receive rate miuqflons in the use of town Supervisors wlll be on hand to guard for New and will check all runs Tummmz Prlvute and group Morin will be governed by gradual instructors mm lheCnnadian 5H School Alllnnce For those minus equipmm ski shop vihiuh izvdndes camlets mud service will be avallnblm Them are alelgtnids special hills for Magganlng night dd lng amides and numerous oth er advaptages open to visitors he skl Jpmp sell 15 easfly found heated just few miles north of Barrie 1n the mm Ontarios deepest snow belt To get there you pmceed north on Highway 400 to the in section of Highway 93 wuï¬lon 93 to Oralghlrrst proceed lelt mm Craighurst township mad for three mlles and Ell lnhumu Wald Welcolmg Hargashoe Valley TIES CANADA MANILA AWThe Unllid Stale defeated Puerto Rico mo Monday night and fled Canada or ï¬rst place 111 team standlugs In the invitational In Iematlonal basketball munna menl here The Americans and the Canadians who dld not may Sunday each have lwd vlo Mrleu and Ian lnsses