Founder Retires After 36 Years Trlnlly Pnrhh llnll wn lhu ulllug or In annual Chrlxl mu pol lurk Iupper hrlrl hy mtmbul Trinin Chunk Gullrl 11M mrnlnu mmwr Hm Ncnl mu Mu llruru qurh llhllirll by to conver tr MI rnlu Wallrmirn than 01mm mu pre Hon Wllllam Stewart llln Ism at Agriculluu hns an nounced the retirement on sun erannualion ol Mlsa Flames Eadie assistant dlrcctor of the Home Economlcs servlce Mlsa Endle who rellren thls month alm 36 your of service will succeeded by Mls Jcan Ecott supervlsor ol Cnunly and Illrlct Home Economlsts Under Mls Eadle supervl llan glrls 4H Homemakan aluhs were Introduced In the Prnvlnce In 1935 and from mo clubs and membershlp aI 1000 at lhe close 1935 they have grown to 1685 Club and 11000 members In 1962 In Iddlllan to warking wIIh hnmrmaklnx clubs llllss Eadla lug begn gulde Ind caunscllnr lo young when In the Junlnr Insulate of the Provlnce HOOK on Maltp IA HIS Fae our unml wllonu mm thq mmk In Hm urlonl mqmnlnl 01 within WEAYMOUTH Mlss Eadie has Alreclcd the program of he Dlslflcl and County homu ecunnmlsls lho ORGANIZED 4H CLUBS lnstnllallnn ceremonle were held by he anvlew Chapter No 106 Order The Ensl ern Star Harrie recently PI ured abnve from left am he GUILD HOLDS CHRISTMASPEI INSTALLATION CEREMONIES HELD FOR NEW QFFICEBVOF BAYVIEW CHAPTER 0E5 nntrd Including pnnlnm lmu by mtmhm cl El Anner Group loln hy Mn an Grtma mudln by Mn Alqullh ml hrhlnm Mary mm by Mn ilrnn Ennln Clam mu pm Imyed by Mu my Mcmlml broulm load DEMON Duh Mm 2m PA um COFFEE FOR 50 Put pound collce in chcmdolh bag loosely allow lng nr cxvnmlnn Drop Ihl hm lnlo Va kettla holdan lllm gallons cold water Slmmer or to 10 minutes unlll of dash ed strength Irnduate Mncdanald In nuuu Min Scan In well known Io many people In rural Ont arln hnving served as caunly horn ecammm In Eastern and Wellern Onlana Province assisted by Miss Scull as xupervlsnr Miss Scan will take ever the ofï¬ce of Super visor or Junior Home Econom lcs Exlenslan allowing Mlu Endieo rellrcmenl W5 mvun SECURITY BOND HamIla II Yul inunlu TODAYTSiRECIPE new ntflcera Edna nxcku ey Sentinel Mu Mn Mun roe Warden Mrs Lillian Baldwin Mu Norma well Chaplain Am OWL dnnullonl In bl um In park LhdImu hnmpm mm mm nr IM mm ImInn mpruI Shawn nhovo Al ha hullrl mm mm mm ha It Mrl Wollmdrn Mu Burning And Mn Funds Examiner Photo flow Jackie turn her back on Hollywood Mlnlller attacks Jazklo Jacqueline Kennedy Amzrlcnl newts Alnr What ynu lhould know about lur harm fleplylng he dmmscd Idlerwriters the White Homo HIV in mm Sorry but We cant help it For month one US magav line or another ha been dc ornllng Ila cover with photo M11 Kenntdy and beckoning adcrl with Iuch banner llnu So are In of people wha wrlle lo the White House Alden Mrs Kenntdy Aay corra lpondenl have been penning prolesla by the dozen about tover plclum nnd hcadllnt Iealurlnz Mn Kennedy on mngnzlnn lhal devnlc most of Ihelr attention whalx galnz an In movlcland WASHINGTON AP Jac queline Kennedy MI the 118 prcnldeul II pictured an lorry aha has bccamc darl lng In magnums By71M nmm Mu lnr ynur rnlnflnl ulfdl We rnlnr lnmmlu lamln Mnmn lululn mmplm ulccllnn lnmm And Klar mlnll Jackie Becomes Favorite Topic Mrt Helen Iron Treasurer Mu Margaret Davie Amo me Conduzlreu Mn Myrtle Reid Conductrcm Mn My Game Auochte Matron nu ll PA MN MOORE ML ll THE The In numeroul depart mcnlt each with at Jun can head In Oorwopmlc nursery than If two mulled cumulc llnu each with Rubin um der thun The pallenll belanxmt In each conlullnnl lll nppnlr rd It but Mr each week antc nu ycnr 700 up luau wer delir on ob nln their medical Inflnlnz here yyuwml sixiyï¬ediéal nudth are ll ceptnd each year um um we ï¬nd clrdull ulmlon to tuft jar lnuanter lul Phynkzflnaapy ll Admfdflrr ed II In twice daily Hm ml manly exerclm dulln cd to keep the pallcnu In con dlllan zcnmlly and to rehabil Hm muulu And mm Ihal are mm mm mm or sum My cancgï¬an olghanphyllnlhzr aw Why In Hammath doses NURSING EMF There no human 600 in 700 nuuu um and In the lm mm mlnlnz ll 11 conducted lo be null In honor to be num It Hill Immu Ilan with the mull Ihal lhl mum 1n at very blah calibre having ban ulcded mm Ippllgnnu unwul um hat hey render mind me of the oomch lmlment we gm In the hay plul cnnnecud with the Kirk lvlllo We of Osteopathy and Eumry whcn was widen there In Hum day panoper MM mm wu 1km unheard of in our hospital It rnrfly Attributed £1me 01 he osteopathic are that the patient reccived In nddflkm the patient holpital day were greatly reductd The mm can be uld Imdluix mild nysxgmxznuv From my bed am ab to leak dawn Bemerl stmt lo ward the Parliament Bulldinu beyond Mord 8mm can all that the Ham Common In amlnz he Unlan Jack fly hug mm llama on We lorla Tower Am unablc In In Blg Ben as It It hidden by bulldlnu to my lell TEACHING HOSPITAL The hflddluex nominal 11 caching hmpim ha about hm Medicaldoctm nurw Ind phynatheraplnla rally ed here Thin van on the in Manila In landon to rain phynialhmplm and me phyllov htmm arm or treat mcnl Thar Ire about no phyv 1th Dgar Ken IEdwin Wilson Gets Dischargé From Hospital Home By Iet unmu Micaela HD ran Mn Mnry Jory Secre tary Mn Ad am ab Mr June Lamar Ruth Ray Lalimr Wonh Patron Reg Garrett le Pu You Still Cant Beat Natural lOfl THE BIRTHDAY lmwrrow L1 your binhday yaur humcape Indium plan In pimped Ihead You may not Ichleve my drum dame In your mlm but you can or mulnl Jennnun plan Ind llablllu our flmnclzl Illunllau you conflmclm mp fllY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um In buIIncu malleu dont conï¬de plm you mah In lhe Duncan Una You Ire liahln thanle In he evrnlnl Emmas ltlendlhipl llld tcmen old Ilu my rpuoanow nelmomhlpl wllh Friends are under excellent pom now and you will find lhll good tlm which lo led and be at the palm beddde WWI the ham doctor and student doa tan In nlundance Sometimes rezmm belngp group of mums around and dimues Iha vnrlom my will them CASE DISCUSSED OnTuuday last was av man 1h mug of calm diy mud by Mr Sweetnen and mun vm hon than It wax flamed that could go home In About mum pm vldlnl mammramm cent 21 seat ha been muted me on EOAC Jet leavlng Imam Airport on December at 100 sun In the meantime am en damnIn to In hondllion by telling Icemlogned to being up and becoming proï¬cient on cmtches amenclosing picture made by at nurm 01 me in bed surrounded by the beaumul bouquet Ind 1mm now an that came to me 1mm Kerr Lodge my wife and non Bar PUCOMEA Canadian Osleapalhlc Aluminum and flu Quabec Osteopathic Amdaflm They nude Drama Ward look like norm my or 15m mTwm be my last mm to you tom London Hull look forward In Mela you In flame Mn Marjory cmu Huber Mn Jun Galloway Martha Mm Haul Caldwzfl Elem Mlle Rm Orunm tth my By smith Studio WHAT THE STARS SAY smmny ynun EDWIN WHSON ll EMBLEM nler will be perde durinl be current manih and nut Feb ruary when some mum ll ii dialed in venom Malian hiplbu lhhyoumn lmidby being our mail blimpth tell ar Ina in new ro mance and or he married Ilrmxlhménl ii In him raped or nu cod 1de gr lrnvel Ire indluled in July child born in MI day it reliablc umlblc Ind lvmlm pend umlnlly rl Jlnulry March and Avril Avoid rpuula uen Iwwevcr Slick to mind prokm In order to make money The same period will be Illmullflnl or Job ndvrncrmenl and career manor generally Amblllam should be My hen Ind you an an Ihe lnillnlln In men matters But dont lam luau munIan Mn cm Emmi Mn litter of Mn Larry Monkmu Ind htr nmlly Chum Jalqu Ind Dtbu Mr and Mn Allan Bell Wankyjum Im Hy luncheon party wu held IoIIovlnx the christening flame um um unwan an Mm Man uandpmma Mn May Bum sma Ind Hz and Mn Monhmn Kem penlen Drive Catherlu 1114 Brenda Manknun daughter cl yr m4 Mm Larry Mankman mam Mund lhi baplmï¬ilgaanw In the Mo BAPTISMAL SERVICE mm cannon wu held ollawlng the morning ur vm at Andrew 1qu lan Church on Sunday when John Beau lnhnt ML 1nd Mn Larry Monkrmn cl Pennant wu mum Rev Aquau otan uvv In Mr Ram Mn Ar Aenauk Mr and flu Plrlm Imr Mr and Mn Georg flickeh J11 Mn Richard 1m George Robert Walton and Dould Batters an Mr new of draw mm were Harry Bobbi and Gould 5901 duct primaam Included Mn Edward PAHck and Roy Lacey Mn Tbmpomskl and 121 véiï¬mmW 11 333 Dull and 57d 8119M GREYVCUP PARADE Among city RIM inva llnx lo Tomato to theer OuPIPnade were pmnls Ind 4mafla mm whim Mn Robe WI wife the bandmum Mn Wfllhm Median Mn Mr and My Prov drum canted or the bmquu Arranlnnenu or the Lady were mm by the Boo CM ï¬xative lnclgdlut John mem Dan Wuhan Ml Les Wllu Edvard C0111 m1 Mlu nureu magnu LA Jun want 70 NEAREST BRANCH Women athlete are no gel In mde because theyre not tiling the publicity the lay She have the MW organ lzallan will loan dmhm Into national body In help coma lhe Iiluntlm wuuuuu vrm dnu at th Canadian Barrel Racing and Ilth Auoclaflon and heads the Female Foolball F9 Club mm bur er marriage the 1m hum rfdin and twlmmlng Eh the only wman member Albma Board of Athletic and 011de Eduuynnprtd am AL ffleoordl prov Ihat pér cap Ila Canadian women athlete 0115th Canadian men but theyre not min the lame support laid lb mmam dunnz visit ta Vancouvu Mn Born In tanner cham pion nlmmer and uranium m9 lucwn Im sure he trapped for 13¢ la mngemum no pl dflnlry Now can throw lhlI letter mamEM 11 OM IKE HEADEHRINKZBS Dgu nu ll You may eel zapped but your daughtex av famnly feel fine Sh ha umcane with whom the Can conununimte and lion mould be zrnlelul that the was never nhle to new mllmlule with Mm her par Imlead of mth hu VANCOUVER CF Proper common of tuna athletes 11 the Aim of he nzwly formed Calgary Spomwamenl Am on and loundu Mn Peal Boxgal mmnmmnu W0 MA WIV 1m Im mm Isa weary hu trans lormea lea menu prob an dzll Into an lmpmlhle monster And to lop It 13119 lzlxwuinzuufonune 8h simply Inve lhz union with her randy 5h me uh about anything She db mm everything with him 11m VIII nevcr be ubie Hurry bscnuu no husband would menu her manhunt AA Women Outshine Male Athletes rim mnealyuinxwmqpq muupeflence We decided our daughter awed tome omidaxymm She wnl my id 13 an Maï¬a we pa by Ina um um gm yam 550 Vernon who wrote tiny m9 and Is no Du Ann Linden You will never pflnLJhB 121m but write in my be an outlet for me Ind heaven know need It lle FIR VIM FOR YOU DAY IMO TERI FUNDS F1115 BARRIB EMILIERLTUESDAhDECEMBEflI Bil ANN LISNDEM nmrm mu HMmfll Alman In Imlmum PA WI PERMANENTS SPECIAL EVES BEAUTY mom Trapped Parents Cant Communicate mviï¬ivbioi EARN Ming he can19mg Dear Out Thank for your lcllcr Maybe medical minus and bar Association auxht lo conï¬de good tamarilan law or lb olhtr 392 mu Id mlher avoid Hie who mm by minding my own busl nude 0P CHEERS 10 run In ncvtr been Involved In lawn mixing mm good marina deed Well have am donor who spent lhI banter part of nlghl having the llvu our drunks who wen involved in nrimu nutmmblk accldenl My thanks cam lhreo weak later when their auct neyn charged me with may Bexidu he nighll flap lost leveral ham lecurinl no ardx Lo prnve my innocence then rpm many mum day preparing my own defame Added la his man notorielyv and pnhllc suspicion mu 1110th lbs chum again was Ilse may be um mu now have good Iamarlun law but when drive 1m new mu 1mm now my Im am to be no busy lollowlnz md Iigns to xemember whether that slate to bygone Milka INN um hnlnl Eanlrll Danna with romp at unit In nu ll nu was In error Bank Mam nutemhlaku buttqu lnlalflble It is possible your rel nllve dzanzcd bank and In Homily aflowzd Ibis mom lo be depch If the nheque bounces tee ond Mme lay nothing GOOD BAMARIIAN Dan Ann 14121 This Iellzr My Maud uyl we lhould lay nothing And let the mile drop dont amewlth hlm Would It be In bad Lake In and the cheque back In the relative Or hauld lalk AL LL dz Mouth mend um wlmmn not asking if the bank Gm cmle Du Ana Landon dose relative gm our chlld 15 cheque or eonllrmaflon Tho cheque bounced Slam 1cm lh ace II was lumdenl lands lhls lemme ls wenlode and can undenan whylho cheque did not clear It doesnt seem wulble that she dount have 525 In the bank um youmum sigma uprle or her sake but for YOU ARE INVITED To IlSfl running ltalknl new FUR SIORE Our New