it um ummlian IM to Ian AM IIII UNI NEVIVIF PM mumqu rialinn hm wIII lumu clnnIuma CHIMIM rm mm mm luv munun Mu mum In qu to in Ammnml mm mu null lml Olllu mumm mun m1 pumml Dolllll mn mun llmdlrl Human and mm IINNIIH WALLI PIN mun mmm um mum Ilfllllllml Man Clllllkl Wlml IIIv Mun MINI WILIUN ldvmm In IUIIN OLDKI Clllnllllnl In Iï¬lumonon anly mm In My LN Alum wannan In 2311 mm mm 100 mm unma nutno 000 mL mum Lman mm In mm HumII An Tmnnlmm mun nu 11mm nml mm cm yanlvnh nu MDX nl IN PITV POOR PRINCE PHILIP St Thomas Hmcsdnumnll Prlncn lhlllp nltendcd yolth uxhibl Inn 115 lhursdaï¬ and aim hu observ ed smut glrln can nlcak and khluoy pudding lm mmcd the aroma longingly and remarked never nn homo cuoklng All get In my nlul lho rctnry Amon cx erlenced layers in town woro Arc in urton Goa Jory All Sevigny Tom McMillan Frank LcRoy Barney Boyd and Slb Rowe Eight asscn or train daily north and south from ilandnlo GTit station John Sosa opened new nilt store on Baylicid St in Barrie iiousa oi Commons opens today in Ottawa nnd members will no doubt bcrin to crowd ilnnsnrd with the usual My cache for after ed iilcniion ol the clcc ore We want moro business down there and loss talk Dunn oi Barrio Chrisllan Young Mens Club won nnnunl countg marathon rnco Petition for Local plion with 623 signatures rcscntcd to Town Conn cli iiarri tcker Work Min Co at ahlpmcnt oi viiiow rom England and That is question which is often rais ed in discussions of munici al affairs In is question that is aske in the re can issue of industry published by the Canadian Manufacturers Associaflan In answer to the query the writer mak as some comments that are worthy of 52qu by evgry citizen Barrie Northern Advance Nov 28 1907 Simcao County councillors present ed watch to Warden Boys Mrs Kreltz suffered severe arm injuries at Barrio Steam Laundry Mock trial fee tureLl meeting of worth League Col ller Methodist Churc Outlook bright or Barrie junior hockey team 11 Jory was elected prcsldent of club with John ny Dyment manager and Lelt sec rct Amon lcxvlaerlenced Elgyers 1h This is not election year in Baffle jHowever after reading about the var ious contequ being waged in nearby Jcommunities we wonder who really cagsvaiout local elections ere are the citizensot course They care Or to be more precise about it some of them do rSay three out eve 10 eligible voters and youre pret ty ose But no more Not at any rate if the proportion of those interest ed enough to record their vote in such elections is anything tango 13y unu 55YEARAGO IN couer The people who care he wrltes are the candidates who seek election natur ally And those olllclals of local govern ment responslble for maklng all necw sary arrangements Arlyone 9159 um We wot therefore urge that home people start now to choose their Christ mas gifts giving their home merchants the ance to serve them It may be that what theywant is not in stock in the particular size cotor or style Inquin They serve this community in many ways paying in large portions of the taxes which make the community as such possible Quite ottenflounclls boards of educations and other similar bodies receive most of their member ship from such business people They give employment to many other citizens They are neighbors friends and fellow participants ih commnnltyliie Fox grail many the Chï¬ï¬mas time Wrade is of vital importance It can be the difference between business suc cesskpr failure Wewould nrge those in Barrieto ve their ï¬rst patronage to their own home town merchants inChristmas sho ping This shopping area is blessed wit many very flue stores These sioresare the backbone the communityi Their owners ando er ators serve this community genera comnighhl run an people the chance to Aérve them It may be that Htlléihoughl at this time can do what theywant is not in stock in the great deal to help boost this areas bus particular size color or style Inquin lness prosperity Who Cares About ElectiOnS mquuu 5v uy Quite drop from the six out of 10 The Home wan MeIChdnt Deserves Your VSiflpfport The Barrie Examiner Walla Puhilsher 715mm Examinéf OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Mill MUM II DOWN MEMORY LANE iubiishedby Canadian Newspaper Limited 16Bayï¬eid Streét Barrie Ontario Publisher Brian SlalghtGenera Mahager TUESPAY pzcgmm Pan Omar meal will he an corresponding mic and Philip must wlxh mmcllmel lial he could romc home to alm In din ner of the klml mollmr makes erhapl Io mum Induce Mt wife In mok ulnak and klllnry yuddlnx lur lhnmxc and when they uwc no gucsll Du uuu mummvrï¬ nome ilnuw experiencing period ni high liv ing nroimbiy by sumonno clscn hospllai iiy mi wiuvn ihey get back home ihcy nro Find In rclurn to ilnln and iiui for Phil ihcru in no re ioi ii In what II irinca cniin lancy niui nli Um ilmn The royal meals are propaer by French cooks IOHCLI up in wiiilu units and all while imis Dinner is prbcnicrl by uhcrry wriii iiwu comes caviar iuriio mle uimvril in nevcn nr rlghl olhcr cums CilliLlllll nu will qunll nn lam And oi mum lhrre wiii in imuk and champagne mnwwimc ainnu lilo momn Lvunn mun urnumcu him and on his way back to London ha ate the pudding which an aide said he found cxlmncly flood Mm plu Ind lhqnuclvcn noma glrln nvnrhmnl him and cooked him ipeclnl pudding whlch llwf lent to hIn min lho ya Won deljalllgd Mm nml uuuutlvnuvlfl lllllu royal smoker nl Cockatowm llaughlnn Lennox MP Dcpuly Reeve Garden Ald erman Robertson and Byrno nllend ed from Barrie The procccdlnm ter minated 11 1110 hour Rev Dr Mc Leod of St Andrews Church nddrcsml Ilnrric Canzldlnu Club on True Imperial am gan making genuine oldfashioned wick er goods ilaughton Lennox MP de nied rumor he was moving to Toronto Dr Henry Amalia Barrie Choral Society rehearsing for first presentation at Grand 021m House the cantata The Wreck the Hesperus Another Industry coming to Barrie Jane Schenec tady NY announced start ct ar lac tory The Orlllla Packet tau ts Bar rie observing Thanksgiving aporu and opera We suppose Orllliao deal is to go to church return home and gorge your self with turkey and cranberry and then sit down and assume melancholy Feel the rest of the day Poor dreary Orll ial St Andrews Bail tonight at Town Hall Fish poaching rampant on east shore of Lake Simcee Magistrate Harienhurst determined to stamp out the evil of animals running at largo in town SimcooAConrervativgg held Not to care about local elections In other words is not to care about who Will spend such monles and how or about the standard of the services pro vided Its something worth keeping in mind these next few weeks We who receive thase services pro vide the money for them We do an In the form of property taxes fees or 11 cences and ennlls of various descrip flons and course parking tickets and olhgg Ines To believe otherwise is to devaluate the importance oi education police and fire protection sanitation parks and gardens to mention but few of the essential services which are the respon aibility of local government in one way or another curious tuaflon For while these issues may be less clearvcut and the ar sonalilies less wellknown local elec on themselves are hardly 165s gmppnapt um Lu who take the trouble to vote In provin clal elections to say nothing of the seven or elght oi eve 10 who care engggh to casga aderar ballot There is no need to go but of the area to make your purchases Due to our geographic circumstances Barrie businesses need every bit of home trade they éan secure This ap lies to thevman ufacturets situated in is area as well ask herewil merchants It may be thatthe purchaser does not want to actuallygmuke the purchase at this time in such cases no doubt down payment will have the article put aside the purchase completed except for the ï¬nal Faiment and picking up or deliv ery article In this way the merchant is helped the purchaser acquires his or her gift under pleasant satisfactory circum stances and ste has been taken to relieve the lastm nute Christmas rush which is certain no matter what pre playing it done now will permit the merchant togecure it in plenty of time for Christmas some thlndg which these merchants should be to do in retum for 11qu patron age If muzh 7w antral mlc Mann llu In tin with lm munfly may danl lnnv I1qu lhlnl mu prulmly huilhy ymmnlcn mm Expo advfo Um polnl II thI Hwy can raplnn mid vlmsa Him mm other In llwm 1M mph ulna nlml rn 1m told me hrrn nmnl In the mmu mum belmr um hm an gulml Immunuy TM mm uhn um lhu mldl hm lrldlb ally In whmm lmmxmlly UM had Why Irv mplmlor Inltdlnnl mm hrmlcm In all ulnlrr and min W1 dnnl hunw Temfmluu may Im Invnlml nr unguath umher or mlxhly ur drynm lory KN Dau llm wlll lm hearing Iomrdny nhuul VIMrim ur olhrr vnrlellu hul Ilnco them are 1mm vlnxm Imnlved and Nth mml ho nmllrd us nrnmy lho rnlmmn mid nlnl he wllh uI lnr In llma Io mm mm wlih vnc chm Cokll Ilka mall olhrr dln mm are umrqurnm or In lrrlorkina lnrlurl 11w lnlcmlly tumors In lho zrnnn and 1m dong lhr pumnl llnlancn Nu pm What ou cnld vntclnn Inr olher type mplrnlury III m1 Mrmdy In Me clue nlmrd unlml Mm form ldtnavlml unim lor lypp Yutrrdny had my my aim flu vncclne explnlnlmz uhy Ihlnk it wauld he who lnr cvcry body In have ouch vnccinnllnn on ylclr By JOSEPH MOLNCH Mn The American program emerged from nudy nbnut six yam Ago by 11 group cl men In Do Mnlnu lawn mas them teacher Unlvcnll lawn who found lhnt uu cnls lack knawltnge at cur ch ll wanapps matted In Ihe lulure and closer to home since two CBM dlan unlvcrsltlesCarlelun El 011an and Universin Say hithewan Realmum plan ning came wmtwhal Ilmllur to Ian In line United smm Survtyl Ihnï¬duflzulfllh lma wal spent reading dnlly pupal SamII nempzpern have pm vided fund losend leadxen In their nammunillu to summer lemlnan one ar other number Unllcd Slam univer llflc where lmtmdlnn In given on how In use nempapeu in the clummmA 3J0 lhbulrnlqm can bu achmllnzwln aipEct ofnnwl paper operations um The Canadian Prequhaw hut whlle the longestablished pru nes of guided tour newspa per llama In still an exclung aven In the 11 of schoolago boys and girl It ll belugnlp pigmepud In mnxfe rfonnnl Newmapeu are playing an In anallngb Important fold In tho current Affairs pmgraml of CI uhools mm coast to TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By THE CANADIAN PRES CURRENT AFFAIRS LA CmuCanEda Ellwey Health Is Factor In Avoiding Cold Newspapers Playing Role In Educational Program THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE GREAT mu FIELD TM all mm nuyalmld Km Unlm ulomll um um mum Inllu Hulllmll rmlly all ran an alme cold rlfrrtlrcly We mm nrnM mum Hm Wu rm lulu rare mmdm Hwy will run Ihrlr mm In mm In paullulr nml um hug 1m mum vl lprmdlnl In1o hm Inmunnl or llnhbovn Ihml Irnlnllm Hui whrlhrr lhll mm catch In mid terlnlnly In an Im mnnnl elrmrnl In how wrll we Ihraw on mm but IL 11 vlrun prrunl we have In ulrpcnd on our bod lo drlu Hm Invmlm AM in Imp nlhcr 1mm Iram lnllowlnt nlnnul 11 011 hut hnnxl Im II nflm he mull atan man IMy haclnlnl Inlmlnn ulllnfl liar In tho vlmvinflamed memhrann Thmloru qulln Ma lmm nuldlnu llvln ha mm In ulhcr wnphs hurllly rrrom mrnd Ilnylng Ilvmo and II It nlMe In brd whrn com Irrlnk plnnly um nan mam you In htIIvr ma plrnly of IIMII no Olher lllnn bring zquni mpth but all Ira marl llkrly and aid have nncrlflccd vlzvr by no scum enough the MI tallnu porly no havlnl Iran minimum at txtrclu and Mt nunMnan uurnlvu thanm In lrmprnlure Irhml me Inclined In calrh lull every llml cold HIth gradually lcquirinl tanm im munlly Method Ilszd lo guide lud en lo mominfarmcd radial hnvn varied but generally ha lnslrucllan has been an lbs Ichooll regular we until pmmm In most cam at tho Gradn 1ch CANADIAN AHEND Since then teacher ram Mnnlreal O1lnwa Knehenzr WInnlpeg Ile and Calgary haw attend lummer dam under home Lawn newspaper sponsorship and Mumed with Informallan about the rumpu pcr professlon which they hnvt pamd an to ludenln and other tegghcn The idu mu proved by 118 educnlionll In or and WM Inlmduced to number American univenlllu In 1953 will Inandal backing ol the In ternational Circulallnn Manny an Association and he Amer lcan Newsyaper Pubthen Ah loclallam Ta do ml in wan decided that leather must be Instructed th Lo each school thudnn lo un derstand why newspaper am puhllxhed and how to read and use their oonlcnu and mvicel la raglan and he group concluded In one wlulion lo devalapblz bet in reading hablla wn to tench to give them an Insight nm the compluluu of tha newspaper publishing business and the personal and public 5m yendm Th Kluhcnar and on pram an Jml Inmpllnx of flu many pmkrll lxmlfrlnhn lrom st John1 NM lo NnnA limo us tlnuu no mndutlcd In Elli only Ono teacher who no he mm was mm In prlnclrnl of Roman Catholic whoa Mn lllllhcrl have been lt nnnccd ll ummrr Icmlnm by Ina om lncjudjpz In mun pa lncludlni lwo by 14 Dmflcnltlmdl Hm us tlauu Ire mndutlcd In BIBLE AHOUGHT ngAcyga MANY