Jl ti pocron cave on DriohnMciiLmtaandbis inmily arediown in this photo Hewosabmtherol MrsEbbyliarrisoithus iopstmetwest38flie Dr McMasoesvvosbomlnlw Inddiodinim Hebad Inan noses beentoadlhsghrseveraicoi lobesin Tomato and was head the oldTeoimloai SchoolFor theiast Iew yeareoiidslite hewasin charge at the Xmao depart ment or More amoral SaieDriving Week So Drive Carelully By ans This is Sate Driving Week throughout Canada it is the he glaning oi the Christmas Sca Ian and many more drivers will be on the roads to and trans shopping trips and visiting it is also the season oi early dark ness and short twilight Anoth thlng that oiten happens is One comes out to ilnd skiti oi snow or coat oi tea on the pavement it Is slip ï¬ery under the wheel and oiten ttle thought is given to stop plug until suddenly on emerg cy is ahead and when brakes are applied there just is not room to stop good driver will test and reason out the conditions and drive according ly The recent tog crashes on ourvlana hi ways prove that speed and or cannot be mix ed and they also show that alow driving another vehicle crashing irora behind Let us try each and every driver to take it more caretqu not only this week but all the time DOG CANIIER WoflTllY lilost oi the human population in the township have seen the ear with the box on the hack and the words lanlsill Dog Found on the aide Also the dog pop ulation has learned that it vehicle which should be voided It ride in this twecam partmeat box could be the last unless owners come to the rer can pay tee and obtain their licence The latter does not al ways save dog irnm being picked up but It is usually oveslcit dog that gets into hwhle ii the tog he is near ing indicates the owners they will be notitled but It there Is no lag lheri the procedure is to hours in the pound then cur talnl unless oi course the ani mal appears to have more than ordinary value when he may be kept day or to longer be iore taking the llttp that knows no waking Elmo Ford at Lciray is krcp er oi the township Dog Pound He took on the Job oi handling thlt work last year with no idea oi what was entailed in main lcl ailty as big as innleiil lie no only looks alter dog come piaints but picks up alrayl wherever he happens to he and keeps them ind and cared tar In tho pound until the owners have the opportunity to collect their pets it drslrrd lie also looks altar tho ltliil though many owners tool that so long as they are not caught they do not need tag The liylaw allows them so many months to obtain tag at nominal rate but nitor that date the tag costs an addli tinnal dollar Mr Ford In still collecting inr this years do limes which have amount to over H000 so tar With an avcraga at it ior such license this makes lid sum to handle the oiinlra at dogs In the township Sharp tlnitttl have been less this car than usual and this can re largely attri buted to the dog ralrhrr who Is on the Job at all time nnd can he called when sharp own or hours dogs worrying ilock ills lemltiim would not allow him In lanrrly rote lEGlON BINGO EVERV WEDNESDAY Jackpot $260 NUMIiFIItt ll littllULAtl ntiliNli lllAiitt Tllit miill DilUIt iltiZH lEGION HAll COLLIER 5T vrliinotprevcntocede of bait what he would earn at most employment and his costs tor gas and iced are not suit lciently covared by the amount allowed but he has asked the Midi Ii me intend him to carry on again next year and the saline expressed by Coun cil Is that he has been most satisfactory and should continue the service Asked how he cxiorminaied the animals his Ford said he used the carbon monoxide irorn his exhaust and chamber of tbs truck was arranged that it could be closed up and the gas turned into It They die heiore theyilnish alight howl when they Ilrst smell the odour he stated with most homes having dog and many allowing ie males to breed pups that are given away the dog imputation controlling and imidil has meat cmcienitws man to perionnthe duty NEW DUMP Garbage dumping In the vic lnlty of heavily inhabited crops will cease to be cause at complaint early in the new year motion sponsored by Coons clilor Torrens and passed Ia Council antitaer the purchase by the township of thirty acres land In thenorth hall oi the tthooncwsionnearloaidomd with an entrance irnm the pav ed County roadThls property which II large ravine can be adapted very easily to the ill and cover program News Job Cochrane was not In iavour at the purchase at resent as he iclt that the ltith Ins dump had plenty oi room to handle garbage tor the town ship tor icw years yet and should be made use oi provid Iag that proper mclhod oi covering was adhered to However the residents in that area will be glad to know that this poll oi smelly smoke will be removed irom their midst and that they will be away mm the constant menace oi smoke and rats whirls have been pre valan ior years nst since the dump was esta lishcd there Moving the dump Irom the Lci my area to tho i0th line would not lrnpmve conditions and the change in location with sandy land sultohla iar covering will he real actor In good dump management Another rm would bc straight garbage truck which mils tho materials into com net miitiou arid keeps it mm spreading loosely and blowing around With winter and sum mer collections ahead this ser vice has become big inctor In the daily lives ol many at the rrsldcnis at our towns TONIGHT end TUESDAY MUSIC MAN Hospital While at this work hejoontraoted hioodpoLo oairgg condition which chased his death iie was one oi three doctors who gavetheir rliws in flats medicatresenrdr Church Moved Reds Paying winsnw Poland Ama 230 year old Roman Catholic church weighing 7000 tons was tenderly moved to icet Satur day at the expense of Polands Communist government Masses were resumed even as crews worked beneath the Church oi theVIrgln Mary to anchor it at the new location to which It had been dragged by powerful winches during the night The Warsaw Catholic curls oonfurnad It had cooperated in the move to permit widening at General Swlemowskl Ave one near the centre oi the capital Government circles cited it as proot religious tolerance and coexistence oi church and Communist state in Poland SOuthernOntario Peg Factor In Road Deaths By Till CANADIAN PRESS Heavy tog In many southern Ontario communities contrib uted to several oi the it trai iic iatailtles in the province dur nse Council is to be compil moaicd on the start at new ncll better system oi dump con Io Councillor Torrens said that II he were not back alter the next election he would like to have it said that be secured tho change oi the present system at garbage disposal and got rid oi the open dump at Lciroy JUST FOUR VOTES lierb liughcs Reeve oi West Gwllilmhury has gone down to dcicol by tanner deputyre eve tillired Knccrhaw with malorlty oi iour voice No mcn tion at recount has yet been made Deputynova llm Bate mon his soul to litre Viola Mecillllnn by maturity at a4 bout 200 votes making com plote ncw rc rcscnlotlon to County Cauncl irom Wcst Gwlll imbury it is understood there are also now later on the Council PARTY WELL ATTENDED Mrs Willouglrby who gave arty on Friday night at Siroutl cclcbrnllnn at her winning The Exllmimt circulation prim tor the most mall anhscri lions obtains had wiliillu hall oi gucsta ller iamlly malrlbut ed to the party by playing the music tor much anayrd dance ttlxlle sixlccn lnblcl oi cards wcre cnlaycrl in the hnnemcnh lrce relrcahmonts wrre provid cd or all lttiolll Ilitiii litliili Feature Tlnm SALAMMIIO 700 91 BROKEN LAND at 81 pm some salamanouonoaiy penchant Foreseen in Dorset Results By or mums noon Special To iheJBttrris Examiner LONDON the results in the ilye recess parliamentary hyeledtoru at which the gov errmientwon three and lost typo the most signiï¬cant oi all yrae that in South Dorset The significance at this byeleotion is titat it my well have as tdlished pattern which it allowed through could bring bedain deteatvtothe Macmil iamgovarament and The result at thiseiection was the return oia Labor care didate as member oi parlia rnent tor the that timeln the history of SouthDotset He had majority of over 100 over the Conservative cssidb date She only reason he won was that anotherttomervative VShPlersbobenlananasmr antlOmnmon Market Tary op posing the governments policy He got exactly 5000 votes due to tribbon hr the next geaernleiec largely to the naive mpport oi the tumor now the Earloi Sandwich But or this intervention the oiilclaiCon mative mpg Harlow cam no ported by the Daily Exprtse camittsency that obvi now torttseihst time mannerisms saga rEE ing the weekendacafly hail the total oi highway Perth across Canada Canadian Press lurvey irom it pm local times Friday to midi ght Sunday recorded 16 Ioddornni dam in Mario ii in Quebec three in each at New Brunswick Saskatchewan Alberta and British Columbia two in Manitoba and one each lip Newfoundland and Nova Sea The survey does not Include industrial accidents at deaths or known suicides Ontario dead FRIDAY Lionel Chnrbonncau ii oi Enstview DnL when his small car collided headon with tmck at Amprlor Ont Rev William Calms t7 Bap list missionary when his ear bit car in trout at him on High way hear Preston SATURDAY Michcia Smith oi Toronto when struck by car John Christian Vos ct nrnmairo Ont when his trt eyclo coasted Into the side at truck near his home Richard Kingsley it at llngar 0nt when an automo hllo reported to police as ï¬lial mllucdha cunt durlrif cc use ce near liarren Ont lrank Gamble to at Paisley Ont when the panel truck he was driving tipped over In cavy iog near Port Eigln TOMORROW $1oo nanny Tome How likely pith lszto happen can be lodged iroma state mont by spokesman to the didnmwaadaLaboa1munbu Etiiiiéii git Zlgmund itcna IT oi Whiluey0iti if in which be was riding left the highway near his home Charles Motion 75 and his wile Winttred ct Coatsworth Ont when hit by car as they walked away horn theirown car alter it ran into the ditch near Chathem Gary Ross Carmichael at North Bay when the car he was driving missed curve in miles north at North Bay Gordan Thomas Mahoney 20 and Claude William liurkltl so both oi Campbelliard 0at when their car leit the road hit culvert and smashed into tree near Campbelliord William George Alina 22 oi Kingston when he oil over stairwell railing allowing playiul scuttle at Kingston hire Lois Usher oi Wrat broak 0at when she acciden tally discharged le shotgun while cleaning In her home Ronald Ferguson ll oi Sand wlch Wcst Township near Wind sor riding vccrcd oil lllghway it and hit hydro pole near Wind if TORREVLEJA Spain Mi Woman walling their turns at hairdressing shops have turned imm reading to knitting cloth Iag ioi needy people lmm yarn donated by wclllodo Iamlllcs The ilrst rvonlhs production was more than 200 garments DANQNG il0il pm In Midnight Minimum Couples Only DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKEOUT ORDERS FAST DELIVERY PA 6028l hENNYSGiRDENS 79 DUNLCI IiT WEST diatcbo patternsetinthe SoudrDoreet tryelection may be ioiiowed in atasnvcohetitu in the general election bythe Antle Market bloc According to ooesauroe between 40 and 50 anthom mon Market candidates most at them Conservatives are like ly to contest nsarginallyheld Tory seats in the next general election ii entry into the Common Market is still at poli tical lsstrc at that time tilk omrid be the final deciding tac ready arm Evil on gm oral its incomes in thev num at its candidates isposlnga strong threat to the government became while the flammlmai Well may tip the sealesrin favor to Labor With tldsaddedtaotor or Con servotive AntiCorranon Market undidatu opposing the attic lainoarlnees the ovanmentr MW could away like snoweunder the oi agf 3m 533 er has Kill when car in which he was KNIT Foli NEEDY NIGHT Pioneerloander bcrt EBroome founder and that president at the plo aeer village atDaaa out illness Dr Broomc Kitchener in 1933 was radio olo let on the stall oi the On to Veterinary College at barren gtree as heart with Guelph He served wlth the voice caught upon arthorn lfirsnadiiiaa Army Medical Corps nuccrscan rm wmf Yas and you can also tell when lenicrie here when son domat want to borrow car because hed have to shovel out two feet oi snotvin the driveway tovmake on trail Ii youllva in aniapartmentr the heatldoesnt came on until damhr Yep snddown ea the arm its no trouble at all to te when winterris there The animals stamp In their aheitersand ush wet muzzle to shift the oodairoutslde Winter is Coming By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP The cardinal who is as visible upon change oi anyaeasou has Ite landrnarksioi molest They aliect allthings are some ways you when winter haser Frostcovers the window and little girls and boys decoraierrs Its meadow their iingered decr sio oi adventure love 0r vllle but ltonaldia skunk The grass needs no cutting and Is crisp underfoot rhajblg iamily question he eomcs is the pond trozon over enough to ice shots on5 Tirechlldren sayyes The parents say well it it stays below trecsing one more day then wellhmaybe ments am PRAISED lhaadvantages oi usiitg snow tires are widely presented inads There are three vle ints about the weather Winters are getting colder i2 winters are getting warmerand the atomic bomb is responsible ior the diiierenea good or bad Weather becomes increasingly the major topic at conversation learned discussions and argu ensue The observed breadth oi catcrplllnre belly andthe predictions of rural almanac vie ior slgnliicaace The sky to winter tiles many flags oi presence The hover lug hawk whose wings many ilnger each breeze the owl that roams the night in ieathored lierccnesa the crow that knows about everybody in the ionst and Is willing to tell and the tion Andatthepmsentrate olprngrmthemeeemeiittle hopetlsatasryComrmnM telesalnrnnwlnbapaased battle October toss item theraimrnlng nannoithe rnoveoitbeAntiMorketpcers mhmmsmoi noii£iom ks stamp on are at marge ginning tor the scalp oi Prime Minister evm to the extent ot giving credence to rename that he may be mood to liar lord Home the m8 scum however swept away these Moore in salt moo Completely disregard thtse mm they are simply not taste said lard llame lad Home likely to be has neqrvr to being met tinl the ammonium Beaver brook press When he rmde the liir littsrrdllan was oil vnth party at Lord liarrses estate in lerk shire Sentimd they have such grave sweet iacu and oh the great tine smell at barn in winter thedrylngbaythewan deriul smell oi huddled cattle enriching by their behlg the scent ni nextrsprings tumult oi clover Mother No Good Kills Children TOPEKA Kan AP The bodies at young Topeka mother and her tourtchildren were iound In their Topeka home Saturday with their throats slashed Police said the woman had left note saying she had done it because she was no good The bodies were found by the womans husband William Fitz glbbons Jr 30 when he re turned home irom work Fitzglbbons said there had rii been no sign oi despondcocy in his nyearold wile Ann when he leit the house several hours earlier Twooi the ddlchesr all in night clothes were iound 1n the living room one in bathroom and one in bedroom They were Billy Tommy Jcii and Kelly Police said Fingibbons was taken to hospital in state oi shock Munssro norm LTD it passes as unit an iant nglr MeGEDRGEIXEUi swampy HOWARD lblitiflliilttitlitttm EVENING SHOWS AT 100 and HO Seagrams Star Rated Best Plonnrmt new smoother one battertuning Motive moro nntiaiying tor genuinely ilno whisky at st popular price on in tent nitor cont attor toot against tho tllroo loading brands In its prion class Onnndlnuo liked the taste oi Songramrr Star boot iinvo you trlod this great wltleity yet It not do so soon Ben you dont agree with the verdict oi thousands or other Canadians and rate it hoot rntaturulertheotllelntumsvlslonata touting ltemmll ChgMuster BEAGRAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN nvrs writan IRNQUH ACCDMHNIATION fol lid tltirsts tonsils Age 67 KITCHENER CF Dr AL display oi pioneer objects died hero Saturday alter lengthy who came to