gnaw r52 CouIcI Upset IGArey C1115 TORONTO CPDA cloud nl uncertainty hung over the Grey Cup game early today Wm heavy blanket log Innvelopln Canadlan Nallonul Exhibition Stadium there was sllll no assurance Winnipez Blue Bombers and Hamilton llgerCals woud be able In an Iwer Iheir pomEST dale In tho 3th renewal ol the East West football dossicl Juhior Canadians Claim First Place Sydney Halter Canadian leball League cnmmisslnner Ind Jake Gnudaur CFL presi dent were Io meet the water front Iladium 11 am 10 de cide whether to ga on with the Sun Air postpone it until 130 Mn Sunday VINEMEATURDAE DECEMBER 19529 wuierly ï¬llhelp ifsslpnï¬ thing Sakurday mornMx Thé nmcml weather forecast laid Thereis some hope that by lnfkpujalign 99 ï¬ght Whether be game played lodgyvsuudny or Mannhy Ihe ClVVand CBC said lhey would 31ny it By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal Junior Canadlens put clalm on ï¬rst place In Illa neesaw Ontario Hockey Asst clallon Junlor your Fxlday nluhl by rapping the aslplnca Guelph Royals at Gunlph The win mnvnd lhe llabx one point ahead of the ldlo Peter borough Poles SL Catharine Black Ilawka lmlled Nlagara Falls Flym chance In move lnln second plnce lla with he Pele by wln nlng 52 Niagara Falls In lha nights gply nlhrr gal No Imes nccnunted or III the scoring at Guelph Yvnn Cournnyzr and BHI Inglis had two each or Canadiuns and Germain Gngnnn on lhe samu line puunled oncr Flyer goals tame mm Vnyna Maxnu al 16 second cl lhu llrsl pcrlnd and from Gary Darnhoelcr In Hm Inst hall minulo nl lhe mm In chon lhwk gonna Jim Harlan mndo 4S lavu WEST PALM BEACH Fla GRANGeorge Knudsen of Toronto ï¬red the best round the West Palm Beach open golf loumamenl Friday shooting leunderpar 56 but hla disas trau lirsuound 75 Thursday allowed lllm to rise no hlgher than ourtwny lie or eighlll It lhe tnurnamenll hallway polnl Doug Sanders hdd the land In ha Izhole $20000 loumament after coming In with 57 or 131 total Joe Campbell trailed Sander by nne shot after pulling to ugher lvyy rounds at 69 Jury Hagen Toronto who had 71 and veteran Julius Dom were at 140 In Me for lelh spgl Jack Bissaggcr of Va MoHn Que was tied or 215 143 Ind Al Johnston Monlï¬eal was deadlncked In 26 plies with 144 total Billy Tnylur counted wine for Royals and lincmnlcs Trevor Film and Gary Snbnudm on each Hull nolchcd Iwn goal lnr the winners nnd Fm Slan lield Daux Jnrrcu and John Brenxggmanjimd nqo nuch In Metro Toronto Jumor ac Ilon Torunlo Marlboro dclnnlcd Toronto Knnh Hill and Osh IVII Gemml cdgtd mlhy Dunlap In anonlol Mapla 142 Gudrna By THE CANADIAN PRESS Klmulun Frnnlcnncn uu Il llnk on up Ille Emmi Pro lmkunnl Hackcy League by nn Ivan wider mnmln and lhml run than lhcyll Inn nunlcd dur Inl lhu wcckrml Fronlanncs hnd Men hal IXan HulHMlnwn Canmllenl far In lnp moi unlll lhl lnnl cnupln ol llmu an wllh nmllmu vlc my our IM lluxnn Finn In lulornlllunnl llnrkry luau In an Inlerlmkinu mm Frldny Mghl Hm Frnulrn are Ill polnln ahead at Um nudlunl Kudbmy thu um thI Inml mmh nl lllc muun Mhlntl Hm mlrrl In Ihlrd plum nmvrd ullluln Ilnklun Manta mlny nlahl wllh In I4 win uvnr llm IIINILE Syrm um Hrnvu nwy now hnvo 20 palu hehlnd llull0un lan mun Klnulnn Icnrcd Al 18 nmllmo dnlcal lhc Flags JcanInul IArlsc wnu rmhlrd with Ilm on Inn mnl nbncrvru uld ll vnlvr thlly IAHnr Mm unml It Hflum we nprrlnd In In mic lu nlmlihlm mull nul or In mum hook my Simlcn llll KMth and Ed WEIUIII Icond lhl nllwv Klnmun mall mm the lamb an WMIIAII In hm mm Klullnfl nhkn he bu umd hum hln uzulnr lml dohnrcman In th lalwnm Geo Knudsen Sparks Tourney1 Frontenacs Widen First Place Lead Apééiponement was nut ex reeled to have profuund er act on the condillnn Injured players or he aulcnmc of this eighlhmeetlng between Hamil gn and Vlnnlpcljndha Grey Coach Bud Granll dglendlng champion Blue numbers picked flock injuries In In best hm western playnll with Cg Slampeders out was corner Hne hacker Gordie Rowland who strained knee carlllagea In lha weslem final and developed phlehills ruptured blood ves sus In theuama spot Bomber neutral manager Jim Ausley aald here war passlblllly Ihe lnjury could end Rowlandl bru lianl careerr Steve Owen Named Coach Of The Yeah cal had no unions complain knea Injury to all mnr mlddle guard John Barrow In the eastern playafls 3mm any healed TORONTD CWSteve Owen coach of Saskatchewan Rough rIdera of tha Western Fontball Cnnlcrence was named Cana dian much at he year Friday ght the annual Grey Cup dinner Th ï¬rst minlenl of lhe an nual award last year wal Bud Gram coach Ihe Canadian champlon Winnipeg Blue Bombv GIS Owen was not sum what ha would do next season as hls oneyear cnnlract with Sas kalchnwan does not expire unlll the ï¬rst 19m and we havent lalkcd about it yet MONTREAL CPI Young Joby Dnrellc says his probably will quit boxing union ha heals anonlnl Pater Schmldl hm Monday night In lzrnundcr Ior Canadas vncanl Mflcrv Wclghl championship It cant lick lhls guy mlnhl Ml give it up Hm ycar old Durcllu lnld MI 111 Jack Kravilx at Mon rca This was part of the reason for coach Jlm Trimbles public show of confidence the pre dlcleld the Ticals would win 2412 Owen wls chosen by secret it of he ulna coaches in he CFL After 28 year as coach ol the Maw York Giants the Na llnnnl Football League Owen cum to Canada Ive year age with Toronto Argonauts In 1959 Owen look over the reins Calgary Slampedcra when Ihelr coach Otis Douglas quit after six games Th next year Calgary hired Bobby Dohbs present cnach and own was picked up by Saskalchewan In his first ytar he look 0mm from last place to onrlh in the flvMeam conference and um year he had them In he west em seml linnls where Ihey ware beaten by Calgary Owen 64 crcdllcdiwilh the establishment n1 lhc powerful dercnslve lemma the Giants and wilh Hm development many of defensive Innovnllons 3mg pm In every mum hand The bout the 0351M ml Ssuve Sports Ccnlrcls Ihnir second Iur he 147paund liuu lhnt Olluwal Gale Kerwin gave up last spring to 10 Into rclircmcnl They nunhl In lzrnund dmw July 16 below crowd 1500 In TrollIlivicrcs Que l3 miles nonhml ol Mnnlrnnl lea cousin Wnn Durrlle onetime world lighthaw weight contender Joey Ix nu llvn 11 Sir Anne 11 Ha In Munlml lwn mm ugn and nnw Inn mum in mmmnms with hl and mum daughlcr In 27 llghll yuunn Dunllu has pllrd up 21 In Ilh Ivm ulhnclu and mm Al at nulinul hich hun In Mnlflhl Munldl Ilnnmnlnnlmm 29 yearum hnn mun mum pmrnro with nlrlng ar pturunru In mm mum llw llnimi Slnlu Ho hm hm mmjwmnm wlih 10an and dm ll mm mm ulnl lnr Mlnnrulmlimd lnnL may nhlllul In Icwlnnd Imhlhll lulu Illl In July When mnjur Mun Iuyrr nprmnlnum armed un day In lhl nixmam nl hr mm lhnl only Ilnale IIIlar mm May um mum may dld nhlrlunlly Yll day my lmmmlml ml llw Inmolu Ahmed lrmn In WM Mal Tuln 51va In Iuw Inna Hudlum Ilnrh mu nu 1m rhuan MM Hwy um ll ulrl mum my m1 Ihzlr pmllnn Imm In mull mu llw plnym unvl mu per rwl mviph Durelle Talks Retirement he lwo 1va In llnya Intmom lulu wn umam lo All Star Mair May Be Shifted NEW YORK MIHw 1M1 Ilulll play nor By THE CANADIAN PRESS nearly happened or he hapless Sarnin am Friday ml quilt TORONTO CPlFaur men have hcen honored for their aut slanding work 1n the develop ment at foalhall In Canada Shag Shnnghncuy of Montreal Eddie Emerson oi Oilnwa Sian Peilnr of Winni peg and Fred Wiisan of Regina were given Canadian Football League plaques Friday night he 1301 annual Grey Cup din ner svonsared by the CFL and line Canadian Rugby Union um Ihe Inst 10 mmules pcnallyAslrewn third period in Chamam lhe cellardwellers of lhe Ontario Hockey Associallan Scnlor series looked lhough they mlght win their lirfl gqme his season Shnughncssy 78 believed to have been Canadas first pnr essiunal import when he was brought to McGflI University from his native New Jersey to coach the Redmen In 1512 Wingsar Bulldogs munwhlle claimed solo possesskm of Hm place healing Woodstock Alh lclic 74 with hm nvcmma goals The slrnnxrslnking Bulldog uuplnycd Woodsch lhrounh unl lhc name but were 105an my lgrough lhird pcrindiwhén Hc of Jean Mm lusclin lch ll 5901158 IIIIHE GOALS dinn Foolan Leagua 1m Rh cldcd lo conllnue Ill pmllll Inlrrlnckiug schedule hvlwun Wralern and Enmm COMM rnw mm In 1m nllcr Inr mully cunnrmlnz Vnncnuvu lhn nlln or mt ymn Grey Cup mum 1115 mm mm lhnt played in Hm Ens and In I061 wiH vln mo mm In 1M1 mum nlnmhla Hon Ind lfdmnmn Huklmm ulll play Ollnml mul Humlllun nml Saxknlrhr mm llmmhmlrru Vlnni cl nlun Hombrrx and my Slnmnrrlrr Mill Itll Montrenl nml Tnnmln Th cnnltrmm will play the lvltnllrnl srhcvlnlcl they llid In 1961 Ihe Ural yrnr In 10 mm Inlcrlucklnx nhnlule It wn mlnpltd lhrn lur lwo mnl an lra hnqu Mnnhrnl nml Tmnnln um play In ernmrr nml lidmnnlnn nml mlnwn nml llnmlflrm III Illllkl lriu In lnnyrg 7p HEY Thr Inflmnl Hillly or Iln mnlnmlury mullnl lo pun rm hlr Ihc lWI Annual mrcl ulllrh ll Itchlrll wlll In hrld In mmnmn Fnh 15 In TWO ofï¬ciaLu check wad tions at flvmnws Erhibiï¬on Stadium where heavy fog Four Réceiye Honors For Football Devotién Rams Come Close To Wiiming First East West Meet Again In 1963 From lhera he went on to nabï¬y brown wan Him T0lfNTQ cmm Cnnl THE MANS ï¬llm IIUNID ST WEST IA AMI UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS and up hero or Windsor will Inea goals lwo them In avcrllme Au Bendg and Jack Costello nakzhcd lho olher Bulldog mark EH Bernie Lawrence Gerry The bcrxe Art Sullivan and Roy Land were ha Woodstock scorersv minaga baseball eamsv in Ihe Calm dlan and International Leagues eventually becomlng presldenl of he lnlcmatlanal Leggue Emerson believed to have set record sort hevlng played 26 cansecullve years wilh Ottawa Rough Riders of the Eastern Football Conler ence mm 1m to 1938 up gum cue WINNERS Chalhamx win over he Ram 10 lhcm In second place one point behind WIndsar and one ahgad Woudslock On his retirement Emerson moved into Me executive and of ihe team serving as presi dent when hey won ha Grey Cup in 1951 as well serving far 20 years on the executive oi in Easium Conicrcnce llnm hull grabbed 31 lead early In the lhlrd frame and when Clmlham led ll up want nllcud 41 Bah Inle allied hls second ol Du game to He ll up again and 1an Douglas scored ha wlnner or Chnlnnm whlle Rnrns had manpower edzg George Uxilnlo Don Mc Cream and Ted Power scum lhc nihm Inr Clmlhnm For Snrnia mg Mulhnlland scared Erins Villip Menard and Tom Clï¬ik llllllu conjuncllon menu In pulnu undrr xlis cuxxlon Friday Mm Immuvr mm In Kama omdullnx ï¬lnlld rdunllnn nlnyrr cunlrncu and nppulmmrnl luguc ulMIoM ouiclnl 2H Pmldtnl Jnkz Gnudlur MM mm ngrmncm was named In playrr mum mu flint couches In their waniuu Inr nut Mmon wnuld luv drflnue Idcn lm mnflalslly nnum player limlL ll wll be name In hr wrz lemon In all ISINcH Tho clubs wlll he milll 13 Inn pm In gnmr umnein mum on cnnmuiï¬ Fopumll 111 of lnma Mum cad Iramu lugur mums rumr lm will hr 11 nluym mmpmnl Amnicunl And II Cnumllnnm THE BONNIE IIANKN lllimel hum lvcxllwalu lnkmlnrlx Imnnml Stunml In 14 Inch Iunu nml In mtlu ulvlv hung low on the Gréyfllb dun My late yesterday playing Held am makflngy ahcmoon nndihe game will If humble to see the goal bc postponed iI tha dense oz posts Visibility was less Wilson one 01th lop Cam MURDOCK Nun WHEEL AIVIUNMIZNT WIIZI HALAMING MHIIHMTII nunvurn muLl me Mn mu mmm OVERHAUL 17 TORONTO ST Le 13 Chrck Your Il PA 81202 HARRY dlan klckm In the early years of the spark look Saskatchewan Ruughriders to three Grey Cup game as general managerHe hadplayed on the team mm mm to 1928 Lu cusladlnn of the Win nlpe Stadium pm box was or our year pmident of the Manilubn Rugby Football Un mm In his 50 years of activity he has held almost every execuliva job with the Bomber and for one year qu president of he VIFU TORONTO CP Gray Cup lag and llgurgs Whmunl who Canadian Nnunnal Exhibition Sudlum Toronto pm EST Saluxday Dec He also walpresldenl at the Western Inlerpmvincinl Foo ball Union which later became the WFC in 1951 oddtyau gel 11 to In Ind six point you bet Winnipeg yuu live nix poinl If yan bet Hamilton Crowd32655 Weather Chance of Ion otherwlsa xunny llghl westerly wind and sodcgm tempera lure Pitchan mus wall Ihelr hal llu mm In Inc an drck rlrclc lmIvnd Ill lhe IMndI TeamiWinnlpefl Blue Bomb 2rsand Hamlltog Tiger all radio mm and program rev tune$21501 Gran revmuHSDZJloM Tum colonWinnlpeg whila swcalm and said pants Ham Illnn black lwulcn Ind sold pzmla NEW YORK AWle Nul llonnl Rnxehnll Lnan has vocd In Ihrec new rqu de Ilgncd to speed up plly he lenguu hnviual busl nm meeting Friday lhm chnnxu wm approved rrliol pllrlllr will be Mr miuod nnly Iva warm up pllclm lnslrad elnhl mmngtr mny cï¬hiull wnh hln pllchrr an the maund only once during Ill Inning Sexton records Winnipeg Iamman MAL RIAHIIKD HWOHIYS IlTAWA CF Mmlln Swvnll Icurrxl 11 mini In Innd Unhcrllly 011nm 11 Mn am 110an Mllilnry Col lrn Frldny mm In In ollawa Facts Figures For Grey Cup IA wr lnlefcollvnl no Ilmkcnmll Imam Knxnr National League Votes New Rules nle negplsM1coso rv Your Raavc For llm Pm SIX YOIII Election Manday Dec 3rd REELECT KEN GILLESPIE Your Supper WIII II App TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Reeve For 63 slacky yaung aunt who last year had Io mm In mnke the hirdllne ana minor pm feasional leagua club eroslon Bruin latest km to lalavnge their rcpulgllnn and ew mm in 11 National Hockey 33 He Bobby mm 21 of Kingston Frontenacs wholl John the Boston lineuv unlghlval flue lash lace lgruins vidtlomntn as his fulure an hackey player was In doubt graduab Juniorhnckey in Winnipeg he went to Kingston an Eastern Pmlesslunn League club and ought It on with Jeanna Gllben or the teams vaganl cenge He won the llabbnnd proved hls mettle Hescurcd 24 anal and had asslm duringlhe anion and durlng lho playoffs led the league with eight goals nngi or lopoi1m And Frlday night an Kingilon defeatedlort Huron Fl of lhe International League 44 picked up two points mums 1h lead he has held mm of season In the EPHL mdnl race He he 36 palm In game Barrie Chamber of Commerce curlers wha are AM member Barrie Curling Club will be en ertalnlng l4 rink 56 curler next Wednesday autumn Dec This In the nalure at rlmilar Mendly gmagelher Barrio Golf Club In September Th Services rinks wlll can Iln slx rum Camp Borden Army six from Camp Borden RCAF and two lrnm Edgar Air Force mum headed by he C0 Wing Commander Jack Demy star Is hoped that the C0 of Army and RCAF Borden will also take part There will ha lwo dnws Flu set game at 100 pm sham or ends Second 52 will start at 230 p111 lor our ends 330 the irsl grgup will resume play or nix ends Thus all games will ha 10 end and play should be complela by le utlock Allel hall lmurx lellowshlp an llalian Iler dinner will be served by cluh steward llllke Magus followed by preaenlalian 04 prizes member cuflm wha would like la lake pm nnd may hav been mlssed In con lact earlier should call any member the Chamber armed services cummiltce Major Frank Hersey Gmup Captain Pale West Ken Walls or Harry Nullzr NEW YORK ANThu US government today 11ch ll 174034 ax suit gnlnsl the pro molm ol Int Septembers heavywelghl chumplonshlp Rh between Floyd human and Sonny Lislon Thu claim wu dirrclcd ngnhwt lmwm mm the ï¬ve gale recaipll ll Chlcannl Co mlskcy nrk plug lhu lnke mm cloaedcilcuil thtam lul evlslon Liston won Ilse llliu lrom Pal lemni The defendant in In wit Championship Spam In mrparnied wrumnled in lehL Mm named ddcndanl VIII Grail RMan and Smlfll Enltr prim lncnmornled Mvndn mnurn whlch hnd cnnmrl wflh Champlomhlp Spam cow in lelcvlalon mm Tum hnmu lalovlian lizhl mm null up or mlmlsmn la mm lhnl nhnwml lln rlnlldvrlrcull rlcvialnn llw gm ny mu Maéboumw Canndlnn Pm Ell erler 0n lhp day he 1th MN 15 115 lnmnul revenue nkrnlu Mind mmn In rlnnedvclr cuil lolevhlon nulpll lhn mil claimed lht mnne nrtually II In prnpflly hamplnnsllln Spam Am Ihnuld ha nxpllrd lo mm Illtï¬mlll mm mm Iho urnminim LeitgrgjCould Bolster HdpléSSf Boston Crew 0f Curlew To Entertain Camp Barden Govemmenl Hooks Fight Pxomoters Loner could be unclul mm to Boslon Besides mm his regular spat ll centre the ve Iootnneh lMpaund Winnipeg nnuvo can km pennlliu and do hlthare our power phy Leller had reaction try out with the Brulnl who then called him their mm promlr in prospect and laid It Wu unly mailer Uma unlll he made the NHL Ballnn coach nun Schmidt Friday mm also announced hnl EdWesUlll anather King nnn player whnnonmlly play dclence but lnlely ha been making hit as forward will John the Bruins Sunday or later nexl wzek He wu with Boston has union For the Frontenacs last three games he has milled tn the award line Ind lcnred Inur goaltjiell playwtlh King Itan Inln tonight Ind pay slhle starter when Eamon play host to Montigal Candlenl Sun day night échnildt Iald he hamt ye do dded who lnynne will bl dropped to mum may log Hm newcomerl Euler Proleulonnl AP Kingslun ll 6131 HullvOHaWI 12 61 5025 Sudbury 90 3510 Swami 57 7D And he nayi clubnl though II in Ian placl with 10 pain 1th behind lhl mm iirldny flunk Syracuse Sudbmy Kingston 4Purt Huron Tvnlml 0mm Hullmama at Mulkegan Omnhl Klnmon Sudbury sxncuu American bum Eulun Dlvhhn LT APR Quebec 11 61 5616 Hershey 11 60 6174 Springfield ll B9 7523 Providence 10 71 6022 Baltimore 10 70 7121 Wham Divbkl Eulllalo 55 km Quebec Hershey Springfield Providence Baltimore SIIHII Game Omaha Sudbury HullOttawa at Part Huron Rochester Cleveland Pilllburgh llkhys Run Rochester Springï¬eld TGIIMI Gmu Baltimaro at Cleveland Providence Piushurlh Buffalo It Rachesur flushey aIISpdnngdd Sundayl Emu Haltlmm ll Bullaln Springlicld at Pravidenn Hershey Qucbec Clevaland It Rocha Windsar Chnlhlm Waodsmck Gil Sand Mnnlml Pelerbom Niagara Full lamlllun SI Calhuinu Guelph nun himiu Montreal Guelph SI inhaling leurl hill Fridayl null Sarnla Chumm Wlndsar Woodxlack Chalhnm ll Sam Kflchenu ll Windon Onlub Jnllar LT API Mnnlrul ma 17 M17 5515 Tonlnll Gum Hlmillan St Clhnrinu Bunny mm Peirrhomuxh Montml Other hidy nom Wm Lum Spain San Frandm Edmunlon Suit Cnlzny thaum vmmy 61me In TIWILI Junlar Knnh Hill Marlhom CANADIAN mass nmnnumu Auuauwu FNMflï¬wu MTOIOQIO ILIISG7H WNDDITG mwhk Dont bl Inconvenhnrcd by hrrakdnwn and cnnly rcmln you do not think your pmenl ur or lruck will Innd up to win erl hillcr lul drop In or call my at our um Ill HOCKEY RECORD 671 9312 62 n3 loo 505 H7 an an My Cam Chuck Bynm Juk Taylor 000ng Lowlnglan Wu Home Ounlliy Cu Trad BRADFORD ST PA DJ BAY CITY MOTORS lTD place New York Range Isnt bad an appem mgr sznu now kl gm ul It sure ha better personnel flmn has hm Ihawn so far The bagel problem Is my chological gemngm best at the phyen and setting them In the right tame 01 mm Il maller n1 saying do laid Im not gamg In lay were zolng lo whp lhtm hut Ive never gone inta hockey lama Iha dldnllhlnk wa 1019 to rhe Tani will be 6mm cenlre Charlie Burmpr 1m maxim The Leah are heallhy and la 01 eyes wlll probably on lell winger mm Mlhovllch lo nlxht He scored lwa goals Against Manlreal In Thugday night In what observer called hlLbes 15mg lug 15mm ln Ian olllar game chl cagu Blink Hawks ed with Delmll or ï¬rst place play the Canadians in Montreal olher Icllan Sunday night has New York IL Chlcnm Lem WIUI Munï¬cax or third place vlnt Dobro Red ngml 5de mm Mnlume Intel1111am St Marys New Brunswick 10 Nan Broil Scalar Monday Amherst New Glasgow Winer Onlarlo Junior Leaminglon Dresden Wlmloo Gaderich them 0mm Senior Abitibl Kapmkulng Manith Junior Wimipez 3mm Suhtchenn Junk Melville Realm Mame Jaw Weybum Enkm Inga Greenlbom Chmum 2V Nuhville Knoxville Long leand Phjhdelphla Jutemllainl lun BL Paul Minneapolis laurqallggkk VINE BUMMON L211 TORONTO CDConch 1m Schmldl of Boston Bruin In nmmccd Frlday night um Bobby Later will 5qu lb club dlmnl In In III llonnl Hockey League for In gamo 511 Toronto llapla Mall Ianlgbt mm 21 ha led tho cm Pmmsianal Hockey mm norm wllh Klngmn Fraule nacl mall I111 mun Ho ro csived prammn tryout will he Bruhu before helm ten to Kingston and Ill club Iallzd him lhe best pmsped Delmoermn FA Westfall of the Frontenac will lulu Horton tuber durinx the wnkmd or early nut week Schmldl IBM Ho will no play again Leah Laval anonlo Mannun Junior Hawkesbury Smith Fall COUNTS REDUCED RALEIGIL NIL AP Nearly hall lhe bribery than levelled ualml lwa SI lmll man attuned ol bribing North Camllna Sula College bum ball player were dlxrnlsud Frlo day became cl lnmlllclml evl dence The rulln mam In ccl Ihal the Jury will mmidcr ll taunt mlml Dav Geld her and Allin Slru IA kcmnlml They were charted on count uh cm olorlJlJ am Chum Account II 123 Dunlap SO Em No Manny Down Manlhl la Pay ANDERS MENS WEAR