Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1962, p. 7

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What the writer of the article failed to Mention is that these women are the backbone of the churches Each member of each group is working with the same goal in mind to further benefit the church Each woman in her own way can feel justified in knowing that she has contributed something of her self to the betterment of her church Whether it he cash donation her ireeiy given time or her special chocoiate layer cake which rought top price at the home cooking tahie In the rush of all the preparatlons for these evénts which include crochetng potholders knlttlng mlt tens orpricing Chrlstmas decorations major prob lems ore completely torgotlen says the writer Her line of thinklng is that thetradllionaltsystem at volunteer work should be completely revolution ed 13 BARBIE mmn mun DECEMBER MM FOR JUST CAUSE recently read an article entitled Lets Abolish the Church Bazaar The writer stated emphatically that such events were actually robbing wouldbade gooders of valuable time Time whlph the writer feels should be spent deallng with the real issues and concerns of our tlmes couldnt disa tee with her more My opinion is ased on ihenumber of preChrist mas teashazaars and bake sales have attended in the past month and each one enjoyed more than the last guess Im like all the other women in the city who just get caught up in the spirit ofthingsn One of the most oiltstandingr ointsthat coniesto my mind is the unselfishness these women who work tirelessly before and at these fundraising events might add in most cases this annual Christmas tea is one of the worirens groups main fundraislng projects And from hundreds of dollars are used to further church work GIVEN TIME This is another point there axe those who simply cant afford to give as much to their church as they feel they should but can contribute precious time in lieu of money to create handicrafts which in turn swell the coffers at these bmarsf As far as spending more time dealing with the real issues at hand It is my belief that every woman is not equipped to serve in civic affairs or deal with crlsls oigreparlng for an atomic attack 0n the other hand type of gngivigual wqulgl perhaps be bored fiélfljg cup cgkqélgt the bazhafrfiakelléble The secret of the success of one of the local church organizations was revealed to me during conversa tion with the president This group was or anlzed by handful of women and now boasts amem ershlp of more than 100 She believes that it Is the tellowship women derive from these monthly or weekly meet lngsthat lg host Importantto thegnz ll any these women 1nd time to work for their church also find time In work for the local hos pital auxiliary Retarded Childrens Assoclatlon the Canadian Cancer Soclety the Victoran Order of Nurses or any number of worthwhile scrvlce clubs in the city his not unusual to 1nd women belonging to more than half dozen clubs 717761th ashume their fiellhfilg that If they can give freely ol their time to other local organizations that they give as much of their time to the church THIS THAT The staff of the womens department are 3150 re sponfisiblejor theNgegllecmtt Dgpartmem of The Bay tie Examiner And to prove tfiat our newspancrrrirs read In the far northern points of Canndn re uesl pne of purflknijyng patterns yvas received rom Wfilféhhréé the Yfikfin Terriiérlci THY EXAMle WANT Am PHONE IA 02m lrinctu Alrxundrl pone In nnlnnn of Ktmln lun lnlnu Mmlnu wllh in Hana Imam Ogllvy mmmumr 11m lrlnrvsl 15 nml uflvy bucnmu rnunzcd marry yulenlay 1M IvrIdnnho Uw llmmhlrr he Duthm Km filflnhllx will pm Ahlwy In Inmlnn mly nul ym MI wmvmm mummm Fllll LTD mm mm mm wllh rumM In mu Iman at run V01 MW INVITE TO VIIIT Imm muum um ml ENGAGED T0 MERRY ur Now FUR SIORE SKIBTING THE BAY Bi WIDEON W©©MW©RWWS DOWNTOWN BARRIE ON DAVFIELD 5T No week have nipped by ulna arrived at Ihl centre healing and whlle did not choose to make an Innpecflan of an English hospital during our lour yet my sojourn here has been quhe an hiemflng exper lcncel must say that the oflm hospitals 11 yanduaxe Beople are waiving ullh service indeed Dear Ken run on par munHus there Is no question but um the angle are rueiyiqg 11 very good Our day are very iull and we are awakened in the morn ing at exactly six oclock by tho rattle of tea wagon being pushed into our ward Tin nurse in charge calls us by namc and mks My 0t ion and whom tnkc sugar 111m in no on ion in my mind but hot this method at naming the day in much to be prciorred to the larm clock start to which am acustomed back hornet In addition it has the added ud vantage ot establishing central heating in our bodies in plea lant and eiieclive manner Sec ond cups are available and notice that most of us have both the rciish and capacity or it turn IN BED Nccdim tn ray we arermw fully awake bowl oi warm water hnvo been brought to our bedrldrs and we proceed with our morning abiutions am ccr lain that few people realize the luxury ot having bath in bed until they are laced with it am reminded oi our Sulurday night bnihr when no lad It homer do not helicva that have had my back at thor ouzhiy washed since my moth CYVlISLd to do it or me The period be fore or directly Iollawlng our bath commonly relemd In as Bcdpnn4lm Now here ll ulcnlll that mIrlll more than just cam glance Perwnl who llnd Manuelch in hay pllnl or the lm llml are decldnd dimdvanlnge unlcu they hnvo been prcvlausly brlcl ad Consequently am In ac cord wlth the opinlanl of tho olhmj member Drcwnukerl More than 30 Girl Guides of First Mldhum Complny lcked up tome lint hand fin nrmaflnn that will help ham qualin or their Firemen Routine In LondonHospital Shown By Barrie Osteopath ward that all healthy ndulll would be given Iha appadunlly ol ntqulrlng warklng acquain tance wllh dill haspllnl mad nmy lull In use In Ill way the momm would have Jud The Cunndlan Soclcly nl Cru uve Innlhcrcrnn hcld lhe Nov ember mull Ill lhu home nl Mn Clnrrnre Corbcfl Illnhlnnd Avmue wllh 17 member lmdlna Guuln mcvllnu wen Mu Dmhylhlru Mn Hnymk and Mn Voluh Mn Nam lluyck we dem omlrnllon on leather owcllrry nml llw group mldu lk cllp 111m will unl be Immi bcr mtrllnu lhr next mtellnx wlll be Jun Mn Dnrhylhlre wlll mnk In his mornth on Geomrlrlc Dell nnd lu npr pllcnllan In Icnlfm wmk November Session QSCL Group or ONLY $625 15 AIM CUT DROP IN OR PHONE PA 61897 MONDAYS TUESDAYS WEDNESDAYS ONLY Our REG $1250 Povrnlnon GUIDERS TOUR BARBIE FIREDEPARTMENT or ad surmised probcbiy they look In or conscientious objector labilme aiiayed that mspician however by pointing all that ostwpdhicfirysldm received in Lbamugil Iiraining in the value and us oi aniik cepdca nnacslixxim and nar cotics with its wide varier oi analgesics asdid donors medicine Now am sure hey wauid be ierribiy alarmed it was not comfortable BREAKFAST m1 Breakfast served at exactly am oclock we wag mjaden wflh rugs wucfn Monikade 19 Eda either whiifofbmk coma as our lancy dictates Almonl ni vmyl coinciding with our calico break physiotherapist makes her appenrancci Agiive and pan sive exerciserwue begun on my lamb postoperative day Sinca Hm michns were removed from my Incision on Ihe 1211 day the exercising has been in icnsiiicd uniil inr lhe past three days we have finished up each union by sitting up wim my legs over Ihe Aida oi the bed and aitcmpilng to bend my kncu in far as possibiei mic better than bald llllv lug mu mould we need arhe EEDMIVE mum Also abgul chlsvilme sister or stall nurse pushes In wagon yiden wig avarely ol sequ quires IndlvldnallY PM P319 have not had sumac dis hes to warrant the administra tion of anything first could detect not of surprise when answlerqd fjnq paluj The Ian was not Mum and bends freely The rlghthnwever ls limited by icnsion In Ihu thigh musclel nl lhe Ilie the lnchinn judga Um lho phyllm Iheraplsl pleased because ha cxprgulnn Ry popd Badge during tour of the Barrie Flu Department Ian evening Shawn abpverFim Row 11 let fight Flrg man Bill Lennox Nancy Pal FULL AlTERNOONS moons are equally Ill lull the mornlnu ln nnlcr to amid wanrylng you shall deal wall lyplml mam7an ncllvlly ln my Mxl leller More closan hawcvtr mun tell you about Iamclhlnu lhal think unlque Immzdlnlcly allowing breaklnsl Indy um In wagon laden wil nil the morning paperl She nlxo dgnrcuu match and wide variety article lhal Ibo pallcnl might need Ind an my Lunch In man 11112 oclock Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE Ind TV SERVICE PA 64142 Illh ml Ilyk nmplde Mn Lymhsmcr prév indal mustamrqmnmml ugm of me ACWW com on whim she numded in Aw chi Emma whidi By Emu Muir it Kali Mini wboqhdzgiagd ngy Canadian abound color sudu taken an meSinmAreaWmm flute WWW made utheskwoeAream vuflan new In Eme on mm Area are Mrs AL Ian Todd 1mm and Mn Nmnan Mi awn NHL Pro vincial Board ditedor Mn Vida OBfim swim Public Relation Officer Mn Nmnan Mi awn NHL Pro vincial Board ditedor Mn Vida OBfim swim Public Relation Officer Mn Mm Bell Collinsz One the the mm mm which was ab texxiedbynmthmsoocwmy mmmatmmwflz outer newuve manna an MnW Campbell sum Wat past Mn Beverley my Goldwater am vitopmsldem Mn Gray Hawkeswne mum mar blades and he like she mm mend call law In the ultvrnoon wnh tho evening pup zln Kahlua Jackman Kan en Ynchnan and Fireman Emu Finlay Second Row Heather Realty and Heather Cameron Examiner mm WMW Mrs McElwain Elected President Of Simcoe Axea WI Mn mum PbdpI mull arm nmlc clllzcna have mangul on mcdlng In the Bank Fulfil lemy all on Wodnudy oc l1 800 pm and have Invllui nu Glynn Firth auburn 3m Unmd Church and kvkopmldanl Ibo Towns bunch II COMM Comm Nvdur Dlummnh lo npca Mr Grun II ledlm who hu Ipohn In tango no undmhnd Iha dang all mm In lmm buldup nudur nm 30 what an in do mull Kim nmlc clllzcna have arrangullfogg mtgIn l3 llEBIflO MUG AIlffmifn °£ m1A Th1 Icuon ha been taken beam lhlnk we cannot mm good umdem pupam lo alebme Chdllmu till year unless we man tome Hort not only to calm and mm dearly but to 1134 out what other are doing Ind to an filth mm 1153 to us iopmlo pm on Sincerely nun EDWIN WILSON lhc ouilook In darkened by the grave danger the world Ll lacing pea lea everywhere all over the world are walc ling lime developments learlully They are asking ihemselves wheiher nuclear war which in recent year has been comldcred unthinkable is now not only bclng eorulder ml possible but is being accepied as incvli able The gravest danger we ace in drill into nuclear war ihe very seriousness oi lhe riluailon demand ihai we keep calm and lhink clmrly about our prcdlcamcni year Ialcr in the General Assembly of the United Nallona Mr Green spoke again On July 24 this year In Gencv at the natlon Disarmament Commlncc Mr Grccn laid all um testing in sheer madness mm Ihc nlr human being mun hm he endangering lhe llm ol gonmltom cl un lmm and slbly leading to lhe rub llnn dvi ullon lamml Bum MN library All Wodmday Dnomhr um 000 pm ll qullu obvioul fin Hm running out With udu pudng day daan Inddlm culnu mulolply Hawrd 6mm Camdns Inluor EXWMI Mm Unmd anam Navnmbcr I4 1960 LETS REALLY GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS BIRTH DAY OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE Will Award Provintial Honors At 4H Achievement Day Today an mm The annual manarvmy Ind ladlu Night 01 Ike Sheba shinClub held utlhe Emme Hall In evenfng Ap vmlmately 400 gum alunded 1mm Calflnzwood Slam Elm van Ofllfla Creams and Bar ru Dancing was lauawed by bullet supper served at mid night Amusements or the evem wen under me diredlou the executive Including Bert Jeane Dr Frank sham at Barrie Val Carter of Oflflh and Ken Malay ox mm The teen years are known to be mums and chaflenziu yearn arymmulm andwrmn like Dr Delaney will discuss the change and adjustment in be made during his period All parents are mud lo end the meefingto hear flail lflmylaflnz and dialing db Dr Delam will be peakerallhebtcmbcrmeet of Steel Sued Home andfldmoIAuodafloums lc willbeAdolmenceand wflldlscnnnfmnnumpem nemgwfllbebeldnec maupmlnlhuchoolmdl Iodum DINNER PM An Inlvrmal Christmas dim paywmbebeidatmebama of Mn Dymenk Huh saw this evening or Ital member of SevenUp Limited Guest Ill be emphy as and their wlm indudinz Mr and Mn Fred Pamn Mr mdMu Gram Harmon Mr and Mn Bill field Mr and Mn Olivfl 0W Mr and Mn George Form Gar don Oman Joseph Goddcn Mr and Mn Mnmiu Cantu Dr Delaney Will Be Speaker At and Meet Your at Prluq Ind MATERNITY APPAREL uh Doe Ell Bl Tm lull 1N Collier ll PA VELKAY 51mm fimwmm annthiHapialndude rAVIflfiHnmemd lwpmmnahibnbzwemln duh HMS way of loving Immmtahhmmwuhm hum vClubethumuubearmn in Wanda 35kmme club who if flywhqu My gay Aymmflm or mt Mini DDIIIMBLW Suggested in 9995 Shoppers Special Effediva Till Dec 10 the 171 Session of he Gench Ammth of the United Nations on Sept 25 Mr Green uld SLIDE PROJECTOR The fundamental problem of caunc lhc dlnnut and Iuspidon which havu sharp ly and Iraglcally dlvldld llm world since the cm of me Second World War the ultimalo Iccurtty oi mankind ll make curd not sirengthcnui by iurthcr hating No matter what consideration may lead ma jor powm to undertake nuclear tcsla their ciioct can only be to omitrate and in make even more perilous the race in nuclear arm ameniL The powm concerned must not Ig nore tho ind that the arms mo Hull 1ch line to cars which in turn become iartur in intcmiiying competition in nrmamcnls we llvo In an age In which lhcro Pm bean lhc mmt wltlupxczd dulm at pace all time WWW 51 Julm0 Oiher Early Shoppér Specials On MOVIE and SLIDE OUTFIT SHOPPERS SPECIAL FAVEROS EARLY Argus 500 Wm 550 PERMANENT SPECIAL WEsiéhuTv snow In I4 milefl mum $8995 confide PAW

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