CMML In ll um mu mm rlm la nu mum no mm hm no mmnm Umvlm Steps Towards Medicare WONT THIS BE TOUGH Gall Reporter There has been lnlk in fanmla that the Internal Revenuo Dopnrlnwnl may lnlro ducc mum rules to govern oxpcnso and cnlcrlnhmwnl nccnunls on which lnxpny an claim cxmppllon oxlllllxely lpcurtquu Moms he ventr ms has been much nlmse of tho pmunl way 110an lhlngs As mullur at 50mm lnwmc tnx pvopln haw mmwslcd 11111 ran Olllro nmurnul lulu Ind In plylmnl nl pull II In mun hind1 IM lhlulln Illlln uni1 Immrm WALu hum lumm GullJ In Memuwn Mu In CIIAILII Im I1 on In HII FIND mu All IIOLDKI Eluulll M1 luwvlvmm mu an an nin In sum up In In mul you mm no yin mm mm mm le Mrmlh mum num that am dm mm 1m mu 471 umqu Mo Ilunmn mi km muf In lam mm In men MM TM IIII4 Mum mmw ll dualum in West Essa it is said that some lilsion beauties conscious that leap year is slipping away are using their privilege with eommendohic energy inyner post oiiice burglarized John itiurr shot heir of 225 pounds at Utopia Flower Creemore lost horse near iy 40 cars old It was brought from rotor with the llith iiussnr and ser ved with General Wuiscieys expedition to the Northwest 22 years ngo Wit iinm Dickey and son purchased bakery nt Strnurt Pupils of $51 Fios moved into new school Eustace Birth Ion at Town Clerk iienry Bird took tirlt in the Law Society exnms Dr Pnrknr Barrie Northern Advance Nov 24 1892 Nine cheese factories In Simcoe County Sutherland of Scotch Set tlement captured our toxcs this tall Cookstown grain buyers have succeeded in obtaining rnll cars and are shipping again Miss McKenllo of Thornton anaged as teacher at Alltston Largo ah pmenta ot smiles from Dalston and Cralghursi lcklo Dymcnt and Sons new shingle mill turns out daily cut at 140000 Goose parties are all the gqu in West Essa it is said that some Peapla do not appeal to be particul arly surprjsed or shocked by disclosures of govemment waste and extravagance Ton onen lavish use of tax money re garded as par for the government caprse Ontario will have medicare planlr respectlve of what political party is in power in 1963 or 1964 This much seems assured on the basis of statements made by the Bubarts government and leaders the Liberal and New Democnatlc part es The government has already gone on record as being in favor of the rlnciple of medical insurance Its bill etails of which have not been revealed will be studied by nonlegislative committee Despile lackof iniormallqn however the government has already given assurance that the Ontario plan will be universally available but not compulsory The Liberals and New Democrats also have their own ideas of what medicare shnuld lnvolvé which they will espouse in the House or on tha hustings shouldnna election he called before the government has an opportunity to put its own legis lation into effect 70 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Thisatthude is plainly evident in air Kwers to question aske by an Inquiring reporter of Toronto newspaper He wanted to know if the Giassco royal com mission report which brought out that the Navy had enough union suits to last 1000 years had been surprise Most of the people who replied were evidently cynical about the whole quest ion of government expendituresi The Glassco commlssion confirms what has been coming out of OttaWa for years hat government bureaucracy has become so unwieldy its vlrlually impossible to economize on daytoday housekeeping of federal affairs The Glassco Commission has hinted that having work done by private indus try would have saved the government $50000000 Fifty millions is peanuts When compared with the $3000000000 Cynicismfl The Reaction To Story Of nExtravagahce lt is Interesting to note that tho devel The Barrie Examiner Walls Pubusnek mam OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian NewspépersminiiEd 16 Baitield Street name Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlsber Brian Slélght General Many SATURDAY DECEMBER xlmPmd mm mum rub Mwï¬m in Sunday evening sermon went for the liquor traffic with bare knuckles charg ing it with the bulk of the worlds crime and misery Town Council gave or mission for concert in town hall for en elit of the poor Poultry must be starved prior to being offered for sale on Barrie market Walter Crease has entered dentists office at Alliston Town Council rarely free from threuts of action for demo es Thomas Shoulv dice hus contract or new sewer on Bay fleld St Why is it so many Barne young bloods Visit Allandale euch Sun day afternoon The poll tax at Al landale has been reduced from all to $4 The mission at Allamiale is now regular Presbyterian Church Eiders elected are Catcher llchennnn and James lloss Sir John Thompson sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada succeeding Sir John Abbott who resign ed due to ill health Peter Burns of the Royal Hotel and John Coffey of the Vesprn linuse each fined 20 for permit ting raffles on lheirgremiscs liver truveller who visiis arrte ex resscs miraiion of the pictures uc stuuiion oi the town its mugnliicon bay and seen ery closer check on all cxcmpliuns listed for mlcrinlnmunl And expenses would pru iiucc considerlblc Increaso in tax rov nnum it is claimed lhnl boiii inmincas Ind nmpioym hnvc linned in lilla mnliur il in nrguml iimi mnny businm hundl lol mic hmv bills for cxpunm and ruler inlnmcni vccnuso lhm help to ruduct ihuir lam Many prairr to pay money nui lhnt wa ilmn In sniaricsl ll mnk lilili llilp nycos hupll by giving them mmluxnhio Incmnn nmiviinon nul inior icro will lhn iinanvial mowing oi tho blulnm BRITAIN AND COMMON MARKET Kingsth VhlgSlandnrll lhn WI plan may founder yol In Alec the unanlmlly at tho Inri parly may Ionmlvr on Io Incl lhnl lw Hr Ish do nul like anr kind nr Inlcrronce In their Internal poll lcal nllnlrn ll Ilm con necllnn with humps could he ml on on ltmly cconomlc yroumls In tkcly ml Her would nol be much voslllnn lun Hum hul lhn rrunly mnu ï¬rms In make such an modallonlmpos ble In the Unilrll Slam Ihe Mornmrnl ll plannlng lo mlunc nuw ru on upcmo Illownnccs Key to smooth sailing coursehwill be acceglance by the doctors Like most of us ey dont want to be regimenled and the prefer to practise their profes sion wit out interference of government red tape Medicare as suchhas never been an gmpertant igsuel As to Insurance there is no question as to its benefit But how far it should go should be matter of closest attention the govemmenl The doctors them selves must be sold if the plan is to he success And the eople should have the privlloge of ram intent of 15mm ment scheme although it is hard con celvable that the average person not avail himself of the wide coverage me dical plan of this nature would provide spent annually on and and selvlces of govemment But In terms of taxesvlt would be considerable especially if it came all personal income lmposts The government has never got over the big spending days of the Second World War when winning thefight for freedomgwas the main objective At the same time it has not geared itself to end huge sums of money as economic ly as big ptivatecorporatlon would have done The government the com mission suggests is still in the horse and buggy days of administration In these days of economic stringency when individuals andcorporations Ire irying to amass surplus funds for Invest ment purposes gqvernment overspend ing and extravagance come with poor grace opments in connection with the Saskatch ewan medicare plan will have an import ant influence on the Ontario government Dr Matthew Dymond health minister said he and the government intend to aroid the pitfalls faced in the prahie pro nce The cardinal sin would be to pigeon hole this report and carry on In the same old my Something must be done to show the way back to sane economical use of public fundsThe commission has plot ted good course Dm Dr Molnar have d1 verflcullfln Ind him hard time wllh conlllpnllun Ian milk of malnuh every nlnhl cut bland load Ind drlnk lnl 01 mm Do you have mull diel1 hvu bran told not to 1an lll opcgglgnT If Dlmllculllll much more mmmnn llmn pronlnyrl ml Izc wnrrnnu lurnry only thrm nre uvm mmplirnllnnl nurh nllslrucllnn bleedinx or peflomllgn frlmlrlly In An nutpourth or he Innglint nr dhrrlkulum Innnmcd ll becamu dlvmlrullls Sllcklnx la Mam dirt on are dulnn llmn uvnldlnl lhrml or rauuh lmdslum whlch could lunhcr lrrllnle he dlvullmlum Ihe mhl thlna In dm You Dnl nerd Iny rilld nrJverlnl dlnt Hemeth Ml cnmllpnilon our ml rurmln by nu ma flu hubll nl lumrl Ilnn wma mullr Hm turn any mm mm when an 5M lgltlnl III limohalal innnniheil Dru Ir Mnlnn nnl rml HWI Ihr Izhlh umhul III mum ln umnru nuw rm rump mgumm In my rm nr urn all no lnnI MI In prgumgd mm Uu 0M pupHun umlnln in wdlum dloclymllamrcl III and lhm now qulle lhom hendlrlul Mnlhur II In lnkr bulk rodunu nhkh Illr In mu runl Mu II and mm lugHm mad the mm mm my mrtlully and llldnl Inlmml hem me my yuu 11M ll yuufl Irmi muln run will lhal lh 1lntlur rim mmrlwl Iblt uld II mlghl happen II In mlhl This re tday journey through the world and space ta exciting and aweInspiring tor the ordinary reader who has little scientific hackgrnund ML Buntc has presented shnpth lied but grarhic picture at both the war the atom and the world space It in hard though or any writer to describe the tntinlte reaches Ice and the mtlltard galax ol star Whitl revqlve tn it fllll bank in In Inlmducllon In IAnumber of rllaled Eflhjbclk Sam at lhesn are Ihc discov ery of radioactivity dlscovcrlas ixxlmomy lhe mar system cxpandhg umvusm Then he new on to explain Eln Ilelnl discovery that space Ind Ilme In Mama cap war to travel at tnrrllc upcch thmugh space Ilme would lluw drown or them chcrgbclcu Ihe author says man will be urlclly limited In he amount mace ha cm explore cause lhe hundred than nnds at years it would aka la reach even lhe cenlrc our galaxy Man he declares wlll mm bu lb lrlml mm ll JOSEPH MOLNEH MD comllpnllnn ll nnulhcr mallr howntr And ynu 137 II ywur dorm ha Between Sim And Alum Bunk TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH AT THE LIBRARY Birth Cdntrol Pills Are Now Under Study Man Is Limited In Amouni Of Space He Can EXplore lho only knew lrulmwlt In only mmmy ouu Wm Ml an Hm umdlIlon will ulllmalrly umml MIL Th cclnllsl lnr IMI ml allmvmJ would he an IlehnlelH bul yuull llan llml be am he ynu Hm mm nurku um yuur duclur lmdy hM 1m ynu nul Ind Im no ï¬ning ln lry lo zum which will turn out la In much nnndlun doctor mnde he rrmarll In connection wllh may at lhe way In uvnrlu perform their luncllan and he luxmlcd Ihnl mulicnllans nr Iupprculun nvulnllon mum permit he ovum lo mulnluln lhgllr polunlhl 0fll longer limo Ill Iï¬p ch ll reuwmblo Ind ll unclul when lo nludy but It will Ilka 1m lame ymrl la determine Mun ll gall l0 happen Dr Molnar My Inn dl opld man In In lulu hull lul MnrclL yI nhnwrfl mum sluum xllxr The daclur qumcd Im mohlllzu Mm ch In var Ilblc and my MI In whit cllllxllgbnnquu Ila has bun checknl lhm llmu nlncc Wm lwlro wltluaul munvlnu bandl Idlltly nullcu hr and nurflln mum lho in mp him In qulu un hul nm hur ma Ind wvuld npptrclnln any lumwr lnlurmlflon nlmul Ilrnl mvnl In men Iprclnllll lnr Ill lyre dinner MHL Mo TM nl vuy rnmmnn rmMrm lull ll sum Um tiny llhll on pnnnh and an II ml many lunuhlu abnul ll slur II II now dim ml Um laxnfly fncounlrrn ll NOTE TO ML IL No hue mum or Illlle Math min In the am we m1 lam runnm pl ralunm In lid In Ihe ml warmly nl mu may no MINI Mrmlm lhan 1h lrccd 01 1M whlth the max mum speed possible In the unlversm Indeed no possible barman yilll rear the speedy light for masonlvwhlch lhe author explains Ha dlscus sex the nature or llgbtand ma composlllon or he atom minialura Iolarsyslomfl lle des cribea haw aloms are In and how they are mud uclur lurlon he process much goes on in lhe sun may eventually replace nuclear llsslon llowaver il rcqulres lempernlures whlch Vnpnrlle millet and so far hysiclsls an only experiment rugglo tlnd dovlcc ln=whlch llrcan b0 canled out mm pllca In the mum hnUwny between atoms and slam In the and man In the central ï¬gure on whom Iclcncc depends Mun lh nuhor wnrn may um Iclzncn hut ho mun In III case remain ll muster Tho sirnu leu lelllr hutch 31m The Slranla Live Farm um lunch II In Ibsenan book by wallknown nmhor nnlurlllll Edwin Twin CHARLEMAGNE in ihe iirii part 01 III book Mr Telle describe the unuaull characierislics shown by intact in defense lite and lorm mat ing and reporduclion and that instinctlvn be Win Lilo in Like or In inseci pre ifll the world In it appearl to insects as they zrnv respond mimic and communi cm 11w thin section in the most fascinating presenting hin lnpnies I1 14 imam Anulhnr commun lnml the Int Anl calonlu In louml ev when 1mm maunmn lam lu lWlmp Imdl around lho world In Nmmunlly In mid an In queens the mini Ind workan Ind wllhln zlven rommunn Ian harmony Ind mulual Tho houa cry Inm Illur lnucl low at pollullnn nnd ï¬lth and provides lmnspah Inlinn or many norm on he hnlrl of In body and the Illcky pa Ill net The lunch Ilwnyl on In mavu Ind ymn nccumulnlcd Along lhu rug dropped ultcn on Actordin to II nature and 1mm Ind abllillos Ihe Insect plny its parl part which 1ch to sum degree me rather farm of antma and plant life with My it la associated Each specks dlttefs In its Mo 1on and the auflxartemrds Ilve of representative lnucl in delaIL Almosr all Ihc lnmls lh average pcrsan likely lo sec belong lo eleven orders and me lnsecl blogrnynica In his book lndlule what Ille like or member lhele eleven ordeu Mr Tesla tell Ill about the pr In numlll zrcalurc ml lug nppelmnce Ind curloul habits It makes no wund but tum Ila polnled lnqullmvu face this way Ind ml It II lhu any Instr that can turn Ila hon Him mm It morncs wllh um background Ind Ke mjlm lonqpgrlod rï¬us with orcurml up um mush In aurpllcnlion And It In thus that will lho nppwach ll vlcllml minus will mark nnylhlng wim ln reach lhnl maven Iml Its dlll consilll mninly been bui nd cplcrnllluru 0071 The author common In de lIII lhc llvu Ind hlblu than lmccll and ulhm Includ In Hm ulckeL flw chum mlnxnphl lhnl Illullrm lMI In mu 1an lho walk rum 71m Elmnge Hm Farm lllnr Inn In withn for hm uh Inlcmlud In tho lnmll anon oncounlu um lulu lor mum in cadv or will Ind In III ul lhe um much am In mum Illxmhhmml Ind wondrr II THE FANADMN HEM ldml rmnklln Mow wll lrlmr Minlnm WI plan Jnuvrhlll Md lluulu prh cancluded mm mtlllnil In Trhmn Iun ll IME my uth In Itan uml ml nnrrnflunl la Imuh HII lrrmnn Mmlrl In In fluc nurl Wmlul Wu mu mm4n nu 1110 NI land nlm planet peace on In uhlrh all lllm mm Imunmo lain mulvl lumlly dcmlnllc MIMI Dir lam TODAY IN HISTORY Léuds 10 By Hees In Selling Canada Last year larzely because wa attracted unly Dueslehol USt tourist ex nditurand ranked even beh nd Maxim and the Caflhbenn islands we had deficit of $16000000 lnthta ï¬eld But in the 1m hall this year ourydeflctt mud to exactly what it ml in the whole mt year we spent 5230300000 In thaUS and 390 000000 In other countriu while US vlsltorl spent only m7 000000 and other loretznen mere 321000000 here TM um IC prnmm may nnl hnw qull the gull dld WK BK 180 EMILY ELECTION Our lakes and torets are world famous as sportsman paradise and vacationerl dream But whma tourism used lahe one at our most re Ilnble and lush lnvtsihleex parts it has now becom an Increasing drain on our inter natlunal balance at payments So much at problem has this been that Canadian will mall wtth gloomy foreboding that 15 years ago severe albeit tem porary curb hnd to be clamped on mu orelgn travel PICTURE WORSENS VIllere was un mum chvloua dillerrncc helm Mr men pug 13d thl pgrch 11 iumnm Immrhlnl mm hm urn Hm Throne Thm my be on olhcr Im or unod In Inlllnllon Ihvuulh lhn Iculon Hwy my to nnl In wellhly wuh loll mul nn Hulr Inn of He has Just revealed that we went leCflld 3642000000 or an average 01 53566 for every Canadian man woman and child on lonlgn travel last year But what hum all that foreigner together Ipenl anIy $402000000 here and this was MIA eleventh successiveyear when we am abroad mm more than areigners spent In Canada fly II0N OIIEARN TORONTOShnt up the bal lot 10er bayl WI my bl nccdinu lhem soon Back In law we mm now hlgyrlc pollllcal rplm This wu lhi i1 polnlï¬mmm Mammy Drcw whclmlnm cred huge Held at wuuls and hlanClsII lnfiu lhnl dyy ll wan ll dyï¬ulnic punllhv wyrplng yogupjml ll heralded Mr wa Inln ol luv and Iha Liberal out There lms been nolhln like mm Ilnlll Tun any 01 lhll week ONE DIFFERENCE paint Ind lhll yur mh Mr Drcw lnuncllcd In tho tlon plullonn Ihruulh ncmpa In ad mfswarh mun 11 mm In The llng nl vr am In lhI nul rlnrngq pun Au pill wwnrd In lha Ix hawvvtr or mont pl they nzun hmld Imd IDII lhy hyl vnl By PATRICK NICHOLSON Our go zgulng minlsler of trade and commerce George Hoes may be Ihe man to save us frnm severe curtailment ol Florlda hnflda and similar loreign expedl ans Thl ll Idilastrous picture and no doubt wnl In par re aponslble or the govcrnmcnll dolermlnnllon and correct judg ment to devalue oundumr and peg It at an ndvnnmeaul in Iemauanal vnlne This was don before an Cuna dlan Iainlit mintry ruched In lull mam Iked holiday mom July Ind August and hence we may expect con Il may Just be shock We have bummed la dull Thronu Speeches here for yam now run we have cellnllhll this ital Speech was perhaps the lam poliglcgl dogumopl mm in camaoul 01 Ill Onurla LinulcnanlGnchora lhronl We Canadians are Ihe world xrealest kpvellm and we are the work mostlavlah end in 115m in Unnch Ante OTTAWA REPORT QUEENS PARK Tlll wnnLn MOVE IO 70 VII SpeechFromThrone Political Document CARYN STORAGE Row ANN 51 PA 61363 COOKE ll cov humnn cl OnA THE HIST IIFITIIIISI Gods nbmm mrnce gum lwllh ul wlll deflhely hmllh IM HUBER IIIIHUISH with our immense natural ai tracllans we should enjoy substantial advantage in Ihi lield perhaps even return In Ihe pattern when lar at least it successive years prlor to 1951 we always enjoyed iavorahla balance or tourist accnunt But despite great efforts by pruvm cial governments nnlanly those ol PEl l1C and Ontario as well as the grant advertising campaigns by Trans Canada Air Lines and the railway com panics we are just not attract ing visitors especially from the llS in nuiiicient numhm REES REAT BOOSTER uuamn The xltuatlnn not helped by the sub optimum assoclalinnsg enjoyed bythe lederal Cana dian Travel Bureau Tth ls poor little misplaced lmmdllng cared for by the department of northern alluln The well heeled Ynnkea Tourllt dumped under the same zovern mental umbrella as the tuber culur ï¬aklmol nul mm lhclr orlglnnl prcs culalion one would lay than il as good chance the will In largely Inpcrmlnl an wordy no Ilronx Indnl aood mur nxr lcar not not he mm Hum or In Lora thy lad II It III dulll In with lhfll will anl lnll we nor lor ke Ihu mun III Against this backgmun¢ than has of course been som serious headscratching in 0i lawa aabiu the promotion of tourism in Camda Rcduced air lam the slavingof huliday time by the B15 Jet airliners Indihe worldwide Travel now pay later scheme All these an lend to boast intemulional Tourism xelllng job Thu but Canadian telling job Ivday being done by trader Rae and his band of merry men 35min lthe anudlan Trad ume with the cénadlan Trad Commoner Mn rumIt muuzu uu HYDUIH the world How wonderful it wouid be to ace each at than promoting tamhm in Canada An imaginative make and on erLv in be uhn 5001 11 U1 trawler at the travel bureau into Ihe Held ni ruggmibiiil Mr Huslo the neilt of mar tourist induluy nnd our in temlionni blllncu ply menu The hlg Impression lhey leave is that government that wanted to act on the record lhut Inlad Ill climale mounted and mm pro leclcd ll prumiscd hll Inmrlhlnl In nearly ovcrybady And it cut IMO Im at Ihu opposition plqglorm 139 1L Above all it gm lhe Impm Ian at numnmml um wanlrd la rtndy Ready In In clcruon It may have al nmly hnvn dccldcd In call soon nm nal ready II becaml advanlnacuua lo rnll on at narly nallca Ideally that the full years fig ures will be better Ihan those nlï¬thcfirlst halfyear assured that the 1962 total wlll be even less luv orable than In 1961 Hill rend were to contlnue any gavemmem ln Oltawa would bl laxcad to relnslale than earlier Liberal travel reslrlcllans dlh lnnelnl hang Ileywere 111i zsscntinfly Vith hi and dr WAR SIORY WIIH DIFFERENCE thlnlu Klvluu dnmulr an In mumc lnxlu uulnhhlhmmMIM my Ymml Dmiul uhn humid In 111 him In hung BIBLE THOUGHT Coming yaw bulmllm MdEOD BOOK 37