Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1962, p. 2

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now mam At Dairy Show Glenaflun Fm Alliston sfmwed the Junior Chum female 34 he Imonmhm Dairy Show at Chicago Wm ning this honor wnh Glemflon Symbol Louise Dale who M94 ed elm 34 senior year lings in which five the first prim wirmm wan lmzd in Can ada This Junior mm was member Hm van Hank Nova 5mm Ne comc far he year ended Oct oher 11 1902 amounted to 9465829 or $314 per Ihare nI cummde with no lncamn 01 37672921 or $292 per share or 1hr currcxpondlm pcriud lull year The Banks assets tolnl led 51415 millinn he and 01 he mm ncrlod up percent from $226 millinn in 1961 Total loans nmnunlcd to $1625 mllllnn up 21 per cent 1mm $1142 mil lion Ml lnllnlnflonnl mum Corn Ncl Income lrnrn apcrnllnns or the nine months ended Septem ber 30 1962 nmnunlrd l0 $52 387 or $172 per share as com parcd with not Incumc mm up crallons c1 9209479 or $138 per share or he cnrrespnndinn per Ind hm ynm Ncl guln 1mm snla invcslmcnls amount $55 in the 1962 period 115 com mnd with $1152117 In the 1061 pcrlod Show Ir Champ In II LLOYDBRISTOW ZInd Del Dole look over ankle list pm lithium MIMI Md Thu Cnm any rvpm1x undu mini mu Illllnns will purclma ILM 000 at pxlnr llqn Mndg mum Gardnn MIMI Ltd Ntl income or llm nlno mnnlhl rmlwl Scplombor 04 um nmounled lo M31000 or wqu prr sham rnmpmrd wllh ncl Income III12000 11 crnll pn mm lor the cor mpomllnu mind In yenr omnllxlllnl lnplr Tum Lid Trsl wt tlrllllnn null unlnrn my Iludm nn AnUrnsu Island will ho Illlrlovl mnn Ivy lmpulnl Lid and Consnllvlnlud nm Eh lllmugh lumldlnr rl Thu Inn haw nMnInrd lump nul mm New Amrlntnl 1an rlnnmcnll LIV mvtrlnl all find In lizhlu 10mm Arm Inland II Ilnlul mmlvfimn Im drml nrlohm nuuuy In In IlraY Drnl per mu nr 175000 Hutu 00 mm mleme mnn nhnm Fumnhvldn Nialll MIMI 11 Cnmpmy declnred lhc rrgulnr nmlsnnunl dlvldmd Mr shung rhu up ulrg nl ln nd ul Svplrmhrr 510 MI nmuunlcd ummm or um per 51mm mum ullh ncl lncnmu 3931 hr pm xhur lnr Ihu mrmpnndlnu mind lull Mnnlreul lammnllvc Walla le MI 103 Mr he nlnu munth cndvd SLpllmhrr 30 1M amoun Ird In WLOOO ns camnnrcd wllh ml Ins $50000 or he can In Cunndlzn Ullllllrl Hd Ncl In coma for he ninc months ended Srplrmhcr an 1962 nmnunlcd lo 311575 ur SLGI per thc ll compnrrd will not lncamu n1 1119072 Ar sun wr Mmre or the corresponding permd lust yrnr rrnlu lth nyalrl on Dev mm In mman rp ovd November S0 TM lnr mvm Hm Invlcnlirl anmlnl llvldvnd talr Mcludlnl nlrn CHEAT xiiiml as mum ORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE iTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER Sllfllllul Summit lo thk India Nov ll mun InLDI INN DUN IT nn BULLETIN BRIEFS vu nhmt iar 11mm 1m yanr North Tclr hung To Nul Income or Ihe nrm mnn end ed swlemlwr 1m Imouul ml to IWMN or cent per nhnm mmrnred with ncl ln cnmool gum or Hull IranIClnndn llmllnu Md Kerr Pruldan Han rd the Company canilderlnx 25000900 hum of Junior flnnntlng Trnnmnnndn tow lmxlnl ncuullullonl or um ms moon bond hum with mmm lmrnln he made nl the end nl m1 Tnmnlmbnmnlon um Not In mme or he ycar mind 0d nhur 31 1962 amounted Ill $6 2443 or 1275 per sham as mmxmtcd with nd mum of s75motr7 nr 52 per share or llw correspondan DEHDLI Ins year The Banks nssclu totall ul 12150 milllnn the and m1 prrind compnrcd wilh H126 mlllian In IML Cumnt loam amounted lo 590 mmlon In mz compared wllh 111M mlllv on In 19M upon mm Md The comxmuy cullnut not Income or Hm slx month rndlnu Unc cmhcr 19m wlll be nhoul 1le mm Hm Hm hall of 1001 when not Incnmu amuunltd ln M02000 nr Ill rcnll per nhnrc Canadian Ceinnc The Company declared quarterly dlvldcnd oi as cenls per share plus an extra oi 15 ccnu both payable on December io shmnholdcr oi record Novem ber 30 This lncrcnscs lhe lnd cnicd nnnunl dividend rule in cluding exlm rum $135 pnr sham to 5155 Gnllncau Pour Co The Cnm pzmy declared the regular quar lerly dlvidcnd 45 cent plus special dividend ol 45 mm bnlhpuynble on Jnnunry In shareholders to record Novem ber 20 The special dlvldcnd cm iisls of cont cash plus con represented by share of company whlch will be tonn cd to take over certain nanA Quebec fisscls Gntincuuh Nov Imm 3200 per share In $250 peg hare ior yoarlingahs In which Dennis was third Dennis also hnd the bum prize milk lng thmmeald in which class Puodnler Edda wu first or Fond Trim Delight entered by Glenaflon Fame but sold no Spring an4 Streetsville previous to Ihe show wm 5mm Junior Chaon remade after Mnfhsglin hp Firms and éemwem 33m gotsine by We pared or the Mary Radln Audion Exminer Photo LEARN TO STRETCH YOUR FOOD DOLLAR m3 Ago Wflflflflflflflflflflflfliflf NEW MEMOIIMI EDMONTON Cl in Al lwru governmrnl MI conm buled 813000 inward camlruc lion mcmarlnl nl Churlolto awn REL In oommcmoralo conlcdcrnllom Ammwmmpfifiafifimmyi NWT Pallbearers were Jnhn Anew John Knnpmnn VC Ilnxall Slnnloy Fry Mlllnn Suhntidrr nndAMcrvyn lluhulsun lhlcfinml wna nl Anxun Union Cemetery fluv Wlllh An zuI United Church ochIIlcd Mu wnx pmluunml by her dnuuhlcr Ella Jcflcrlcs who died August In and Wu IMO El apley nnd Lem Carchll su her hus band Robert wo nonl Joseph Smllh Muulcmnnl Lake and Jnck Smith Toranm and daughlcr Mary lloanll Angus mm brulhcrl Richard Slnpley Oshnwu Edward Tomnlo nnd limes WWW hm luv Gcrlmde Thorrlnult of Chaplunu nnd Minnlo Cullen Tomnlfl MM DADSWELL Funeral service was held or Mrs Gcorninn Dndchll 57 ul Angus nl Jnnnclt Fumernl Home In Burrle APPOINTMENI Another appointment lhla time flue scout puhllc relallonl Hum Syd Kndlsh ha been selected as Crew Leader or lhn Fort Willow Portage Rover Crew The crew ls planning Cum man party nn Dec 14 and also plan wlnlcr hlka on Dec and ll be held at Scaulcr Lloyd Cook Camp In Snow anley Mu Diaswen dlcd at he noy nl Vlclarln DISMEHI flavors are Bob Bow mnn First Male Jahn Parker and Brian Henry Homer Gram Then are 15 members at First Grenlcll lncludlng Mr Couture and his assistant Jack Tracey The boy are Scout Second Class Doug Holmes Tendcr fool Lorne David Sparks and mnflls Brent Ta tum Bab Oakley Lorne Bruce Allan Sutherland John Elllntl Ricth Fullord Leonard Saun den Peter McLean Peter Dan leI uca Taylor um or Couture hopes hat his lhrce patrol Eagle Falcon and Cobra will all be In vefied Seoul by January 1561 mm The Gmup meet every Tue day nlzhl It Pin Grove Schoal wulure rm urenlell Group in Utopla SM Couture sald wish to expmss my apprecia tion to the First Grcnml Cub Pack and the Gram Home and School Association or their wonderful assishmce or wed nelcr have started Scoulmulera Merrill Butcher Fourth and Al BristonThlrJ have uvcry nah feel proud their boyl Snld Smub master Bflstaw My congra tulntlnns to Warren wish we had 30 hey like hlm Contact has finally been ex tnblished lext author of col umn and Scoutmaster Couture Fink Grenlell Gropp ML has been confirmed that the two scouts who attended the Canadian Jamboree in Ottawa last year are looking onward to nl grip rigs 03mm By 111 amupom Exnmlgu Elm Repnrtnr Mike OBrcchl Fourlll Barrle and Warren Law Third Bunlo have been selected to represent Kempenlell Bay Du rm Seoul at the World Jam home In be held ln Greece In Aggu The Rotquans will be an lhn alr from pm to mldniight to accept bid and séllhrflclcn donated bmarious merchants of the Barrie afeanu Wills up lam orarywtu In Ihe Bell Tn one hulldln Collier reel am they wl new calls on war pbunea and broadcast prams lha Four hundred mareflthan Old Wednesday evefihjg III radlav auction sponsorgd by 1118 Rotary Cluhrog Battle scoumasanovnn IS 5de forWednesde Selecvthwo LOcél Scouts Attend World Jamboree OBITUARY Paul Winters received his First Class Scout budge last Frldn at Parenll NIghL Al so army Baidwh Bank ream presented Mikn Mc Huzh Md Brian Collin with their Fimman Badge Thursday evening Mike Paul OBrechl Paul Hargreaves Dan Golds Paul Wlnler and Mlke McHugh shot or their Marks mnnyBadge at the Barrie Ar moury The Troop will form at Dominion Marksnnnshlp Club which will enable them to part ipale In Dominion thoonng ev wonv of ly lgh dimmm devotionto 0mm wifln groan emuage endurance or gallaxmy FIRST AID Corporal Abolskl 639 Army Media Fumes Training School at Camp Borden dem onscrnled by lllm and applian tion vnrlous method of Hm aid under varied conditions to the Fouth Bunin Scout Troop last night Scontmauer number said Ufa smut will take their lint aid lest next week unis llonnrnhlo Keillor Muc Kny Llcutcnnn Governor cl Ontario Inlpccll his lrnvcll nu escort lrgm lho Cnnadlnn Provost Corpl Schual Cnmp Harden nrlnr lo lhl opening Snsknlodn ScoutTroo vhl nj warded the Cornwel Scnul Budge by H15 Excellency Gov ernor Gmcral Vanior lhe 5M ww mum un BIL Lloyd Brlllow chalrmnn 01 flleauction committee my be lween 30 to 40 Rgtarlans wnuld he Involvedin the uucfluq an If the major club pmlem the you He pnd purllcular trlr hula to the merchants who by their donations had helped to mg Iaje nqflible The lnuowlng hm Rovers were Investedfan Oct 21 Doug Anderson Mike Him and Dave Wijann club genius work In past yam mnney 1mm project olulhla kind has provided creation mgr magnum fldim uver redid Itallon HEATING FUELS Phone PA 531 COOP MFABI496 BARRIE INSPECTS BORDEN ESCORT however skier are cloudy Much of the some weather is London in prospectfor he remainder oi today and Sunday butdurlng ihc day lime the lag is expected to dlsslpnia over all regions ex cept along the immediate sham of Lake Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Georgian Bay Hnliburtan regions Windsor London North Bay Sudbury Sault Sie Marie Clear today and Sunday except for patchy early morning lag both mornings Conllnulng warm winds light Lake Ontario Niagara ml SI mm Kiichcncr Winzhnm liomlltan St Cdtharincs Toronto Pclcrborough Trenton Kilvlaloe Musknka North Bay Sudbury Enrltan Kupuskaalng White River liloosonca Timmlnl Saull Ste Marie glans Hamilton Clear today Mount Forest Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lakc Hurbn Georgian Bay Hniiburtun lg rcgluns Windsor London Nnrih Bay Sudbury Saul Sie Marie Clear today and Sunday except for patchy early morning lag both mornings Cnnllnulng warm winds lighi n1 lho Provlncln uglllnlure le IveJug Irovml aunrd escorted ha Lleummnt Gov ernor ram hll home to down town Tarunla whm ha enter Synopnlli its the same old weather pattern again this morning over Ontario Skies are clear over all the southern and central sections oi the province but to is reported lrom mnny stotiom in these regionr artic nlnriy along the rhorea Laka Onlnrio Over Northern Ontario however skin are cloudy Much of the some weather is in prospectfor the remainder oi today and Sunday bulduring the day time the ing is expected to dlssipele over all regions ex cept along the immediate sham at Lake Ontario Fm Dulivcry Anthonybecnr1e man ager ol Zellars drops bill In Salvmion Anny Kettle to start he kettle boning ISaIvn SHOPPING HOURS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA PLAZA DRUGS SUNDAY OPEN ho mm WEATHER FORECAST DEC TO DEC 24 STARTS KETTLEBOILING AM TO CHRISTMAS PA 85943 DAILY trl lho Ilnlo carrlnkc mom pnuying Inner ll Lieuten anl Mlddlclan of Camp nnrdcn tho mun comman dcr National Dclcnco lhulnl and Sunday except for exten sive ion near Lake Ontario lhrouzhoul period and patchy rag bnih mornings inlandl Con linuinl warm iizht winds Far9cm temperature Low innirhl Hill Elmay Windsor 58 lion Army Major Glll esple bums Mrs MWat son ram Zellera walla her tum Exandnet Phata arincs 32 mgsmggggmfiguma Posl 0mm 43 ETUDYINO BRAVE HALIFAX lCPJ Wlldlllc blulnghl Noll vnn Noxlrnnd II Iludylnz thu Nova Swill beaver fur the provinclnl uuvcrn neat to cnnblu the province to let mom and ban mill or Inc unblo urbcnrlnn nnlmnl law arrangcmcnl or meet lngplghl wlll be dlncumd 7U mcmhm are requested be prelum rrVeapru Branch the Buys Canadian Legion the Drillsh Empire Service Lengue 149 will met In the 514 mom nl Mldhurs Fares Stallan am Wednesday or Mailman of 01112011 olllcen to be Installed or the comlnz your are Camrada Jack Jahmlon presidcnl Vll lnm Dnvles in vlccpr¢sdcnl lehlhourn Chaplain Charles my treasurer lichc nrd Brown chalrman of the poppy lund Bah Pcucackr Icc rotary Invcslignung omcer ls Cous able Dalion mum mummy Accordlng la bystander Mn Ken Duxter the cur hit pole It turned Learner on the gluelpnlsfl Township Po in Mrs Manson Strand was released from hasplm sul ferlng from multiple bruise al ter nn momoblle accident In Lclr nuuuucbm Ban clalmume fur In dlulncmn It In the only Europennr caunlry aver won bank 1mm communism Apcordlnz 051m Marlnn hII tory pamcutcd Chrmlan Atonamnlon fled hora fromDIl mum and toundcd ha republic 1600 yam no He lam be came Maxjug npd zmhlu Vespra Legion Meets Wednesday SanthuIno don own col lecting an vantage lumps Jell inz almost 000000 worth ear FortyHveemplogee an en Duty In the pan Ike 1911 In them The lamp printeq ln Rome rmll polish ll ex ported all aver the world More 500000 bottles are sold annhally numb filo the count mp rocky Mount mnno 1560 gee 1than mile inland Tho caplual and null city San Marina alul looks manimnx with Ila ancient wnlln Ill lhm lemon comes and cobbled streets too steep and too narrow ulgmolgllu Bu Snn Marina bunlles wllh modern wan Tiny lactarle and quvenlrlxhapu provide so many Job that 3000 ltallnnl commute to San Marina in bl Jhuuwlorklna gorge illnl which compigigl um mun San Mnrlno pay the 11th country $100000 yen because San Mnrlno leu Italy in custom tax on Im mlIo country blot that land lamIll Ionian don not Inlvo Every ynnr 20mm long1m come In to lpend 11ml um and la olmoney mop 12 15130 gun Magluau leei fifih and mm lam mlpl an unlyl Adimic OMIL ngxs Magma Thch In no public debt or un employment There hasnt been armurder In over century With mule lumps and In In em me aqnqupyw Suflers Bmises In Auto Accident SAN MAtho AP This oldest and tiniest minbll has $3111 at make lo mm 0M 19 lhc cthlcnl nlucallnn morlallnn lpcak an nollglou Edumlon bccmle compulmry in On lnrlo publlc achools In H144 and rnklmllml the coulrovcrxy Many have agreed that lho prescul course In unsullable Hur MR5 DOROS DODDS THERE IS NO SAFETY lhI honorabl GEORGE BROWN mud OMI mumn our 00 your ago No Unemployment 11135011 Marina TNE RELIGION OUR SCHOOLS SHOULD TEACH ON SUNDAY DEC at Barrie Unitarian Fellowship AT THE BARRIE VMYWCA ON OWEN STREET For lnlovmulon Cal PA 26 short of the principle that re Hglon Is mallcr cnllrcly bu Iwbcn man and his ind and lhu whole duty of he nlnlc la sccuro everyone in the pmc lul observance of IL Anylhlng also leads to oppression nnd In juslicc Harold Forster represented the Barrie nnd 13mm Real Esme Board It the meellnl oi he Buard oi Director Ontario Aslociaiion oi Real Es intc Board which we held at the Consiellmion Hotel Toronto Friday President it Flem ing Saul Ste Marie welcom ed 50 Directors rcpmcniinx lha Provinces local real tau hnnrdr who were discussing the progress oi lha various ml er lain organization in Ontario when his car was In culli ion with he one driven by 10mm Linux 135 Misllxsaga Illeel Orillin as Mr Llnler wasbpnllinz out of the Emmy Clu Samuel Green an Barrie ygngrem on 1th Dairiuge to both can In em Imam nl nvar 1300 camel halt cont valqu at $70 and wallet conhlnln wollna credit cardl were 11 named nlnlen mm the parked can0 Mr Hamilton 11 Let I215 urge Inn had parked III can to so to It show be men and 515 pm he old 1101ch COLLISION lwo muons wera umth In Jured early this morning on HIghwn 11 near the Embau Clgh plum cap cglllde About flew hlllur In the crud Councll San Mnrlnul melon le 111mm The Com munXIlBucnlm IuInnce had AmuncLLIeugl but two mum defloaedmd Joined the chmflan Demonnu renulunz in dlmlullan the council Britain mild 0224000 In Iéltle aim or 5mm World Wu npnmllnnl Brillh planel bumhad Ban MaxIna in error June 21 kill ppm IL Wm Mnrlno be can Communle Th0 Commu nllla Ion In Iha Ilrnm revqu mm 1957 ml utartod when Molnar Sumtor Veronica Sen mpened Cnmollc Ichool It convent ml the Commnnln 033mg hld orderpdflmd sin Marina wu neutral In nu wnr And lhomandl mum Mmy of them Jawu fled hen 1m Muse Ther¢also In hnndlame mm mm he In winesred Surname whne Albnna and sweet Snn Mariam Momma More wlne sold than can bu grown ln the cramped moun tainside vineyardssome Is Im porled mm min My reilon Ind bqtgleq hora Police Report Theft Cfash

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