Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1962, p. 14

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The allowing students will ochc Perfect Altcndnnce At Commencement Three Years Rosemnry As quilh Kent Aym Pamela Bent ly Elnlne Bentley Robert our no Carolyn Campbell Stephen Crane Julm llnmld Dgych Jennrltishq George Ixmcely Sherryn imcr Kenneth McKcnwn Joan Munkhuuse Robert Ramon Pat ricia Shepherd Muriel Sultan Jerry Vegmnm Marion Glhbons Harald Green Mara Jaunzemxs erdzu Jnun zgmls Carol Jellels Glnrln Jun nng Paul Knlgeyals K9113 Four Years Barbara Baker Robert Bognrdis Peggy Bauer Kennth Brock Donald Cnrun han Douglas Currier Shirley Cole KenneLh Cook Donald Cswe Caryl WmminE Susan Plums Bertha Fisher Cam Graham Baden Grlflin Jun Hennchry Murray McMas c5 Nnnc Mllgg ngLPeflfl ruce uynu ur olh PaLrlda Sunken Larric Shep herd Myrna Spencer Jame Sturgess Shirlcy Terry Frank lin Vnrga Karen Williams Five Yours Brian Altman Beauice Chappel Peggy GIh son Anlhuny Knowles Patricia Scott ecia Commercln Diplomas any linker Joyce Bowles Sandra Cameron Eunice Chair pel Patrice CharpcnlerAnn Eberhardt Ma Gable Pam ela Hilts He kc Hoflmnn Olive Jenna Shirley Kelly Chrlsline Klsinmln MgKee ra ng unnnan ie Mason Janlco Morley Faye Myers Reta Ralney Donna Sul tan Domlhy Veilch Mlchellne Vlcl Suzanne VnU Valerie Ynnngl Secondary Scth Honour Graduallnn Dlplomas Barbara Baker Juan anden llelnn Bum Carolyn Realty Leslie Boswell Pnul Campbell Paul Desnuxdic Bertha Fisher Lejlie FigL BrulFchche ard lilcks Craig Hunter an Jaunzomls Sandra Kasparsld Aqlgwny Knnwlcs mavmc Lee Ann Lindsay Pclcr McCloskcy Ruth Milchull Monica Murdock Andrea Ncalhwny Joyce Nellie lon William Norman Jenn ODmne Slclnnl Ogden Marg nrcl Paterson Mary nix Brian quglgson Pagrlcjn Sqotl chgy Gibson Norma mum 1y Patricia Gwderhum Mary Lml iffln gar llggnilgnn lg liclcn Spears William Stewart when SlDd dart Colin Sutherland Jnne Thomnsnn Mary Websler an crle Voslmnn Mervin Wicc Diane Wiggins Secondary School Graduallnn Diplomas Donald Amos Donald Arnold John nuxler Bcrnurd Belcskey Jenn Black Susan Black um or Bagnrdis Peggy boiler James Urndy Kennel Brock ldlchncl Byczkn Donald Camer on Allnn Camanlli Erynn Camphnll Colleen Campbell Ros Campbell Hm gild than Eleanor Cam Andrew ykslm Ann Ehch hardl Jenn Fisher Jnmcs Fol Hall Gary Frnllck Jnnku Franklin Sux Gnulhlcr Marion Gibbons Mum Good year 51mm Gracey Carol Gnghnm Baden wwmucn anlum Clark nLIrgnrd Gow 1m Dnnuld mee Caryl Cum Inipgi Robert Davies Knrcn Hm Ilnrrls llrucc Henry Pamela mus Mnrlc Hamlin Haiku Hon mnn Pam Humphroys ancln lncwlL Mum JmmzLmls Olive Jenncn Cnrol Jonah Ilnslmnry Jnnnh Donald Marlin nw lnml Mllhllclnn Nnncy Mills William More Faye Myers Jnur mm flurry Owen Anne Iar kcr imm Pmcr John HIM ll Irunnflln mu punts Villlnm Knnncdy Gary Kcn ninzlnn Mary Lnrkln Dnrlnnc Law Dianne Law LornaMm Lee Mum McDannld Terence Mum0y Germaine McFudIlm Snndm McKnluhl Murray Mc Muster Ionnnlurlo Mnsan Present ManyAwaqrds BDCC Cbmmenciemenf Tfinmn llnnkin ohm Ilcn DUNLOP ST FLASH SAME DAY SERVICE REGULAR PRICES EXTRA SAVINGS SPECIAL HURONIH CLEANERS SLACKS PANTS FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY AND DRY CLEANING SALE Rom Lame Shepherd Marlyn Sheppard Carol Smllh Bab barn Snnwt Ross Speam ton Sherry RQdmidsbn Wn ne Margin Ill 93955 Ad Myrna Spencer Llhda Slephen son Mufiel 51mm Shirley Tom Paul Thompson Ronald Thompwn Amhoro Thanh Voaflmhead Thomas Varley Gorde Weslgn ny Wilson Rndger Wllson Jame Wllsnn Michael Wilson Rlchnrd Yates RnlphZlnger Clerical 0r General Business Carl Banting Alan Cameron Sandra Carson Gladys Cooper Kay Hickey Helen lllebka Bel ly Loujlodzson Gwen Kellmnn Marlene McArtllIlr Kay vRahin son Vick ex Alida Suhaly Karen Williams Donna Woodward Janet Fairchild The Paul Ine Robinson mm or Junior Champion ATHLETIC AWARDS 1mm RamTile Mom Club Tmphy or Senior Champion Nanci Whlla me Phyllis Johnson Trophy for Intermed hm mampion Mary Hm The Ruth Ann stlm Trophy or Midgfi Chum gn hay Tlmmpson Thu Hm Icy Grnflon Trophy fnr Senior Cilampian Derfipsey Snow The Barrie Exnminel Trophy far Intermed lnt Cllnmplnn Ray Rogers rand Allan Gauth ler Recreaflonal Trophy to Juvenlle ghamplon fir spoons are Calm smiméfitm mu Lnking Memorial Trophy loul skgpqing gqy puma Valerie Vestmnn The John stonCnrrulhers for most valuable player In girls senior Baskclhall loam MISCELLANEOUS AWARDS Dnnglns Campbell The Kiwl nnis Junior Fnlr Trophy The Machinery Prize for In dustrial Arts And Crafts pmjccls at the Barry Fairy Jeanellc Pratt and John Pell elllnr The Frank Dobson Memorial Trophy for Public Spgnklpg Naicy Enmpfiéfl ihe Stud an Council Prlze for gemml plyjidgw in Grade IX 10ml Cnrovaherringtnn Library Club Prize Grade IX or prqflclencz in Juglar Englifh wEndymidm Library Club Prize Grade for FEW Jnhn Vnrley SufiEmu for general proficiency In Grade x7 $1000 Fch chfink The Way months Prize for gcncml pnr llclency In Grade XL llclency In Grade XL Carolyn Pile The 10DE Barrie Award and Certificate Gmdexllllgury 415m men an Staph cn Chesine The Rod nm Memorial Prize fur pm Ilclcncy on Conscrvnlury Instru mcnml exams $2500 The Harrie callable Bud Honours Thu Kiwnnl chllvnl Awards Challenge Class Suan and Clam 1h Schools 35 EACH CLEANED PRESSED QUALITY FUEI SAFE CALI PETRDLEUM ummzn PA 85226 CLEAN PEACOCK DEPENDABLE BRUCE PA 85428 Our Band was Invited to present Canada the Worlds Fair Seattle Washington USA on August 22 1962 when it was calmed as the End at the Day and brought credit to it sell and our school En concerts were played at Vic lorla Vancouver on Jnqur Park Lodgeand Edmbn Ian Grime 1m vmuclincygxyarga Ross Spear ajur Hersey Award Leading db 1ch djudxedhy the slam me BCo¢kburn Tm Head Boy Dam fur Foundation cqmpllmentnry copy Dare You Baxter 1115 Andrew Hay Scbnlarshlp far Mlddlo Selma Mighamuuw 2590 micMei $75160 Bruce Henry nnd John Pell cllicr The 10DE of Earth Award and Certificate Grade XII Histqry $150 Beatrice Chnppcl The Sor npumis Club Prize lot pron cinncy In Spcdnl Commercial Your 2500 Marlene Mcmlhur The Bus nuss and Prolessional Womens Club hr pmlidencyin Sr Cam mcrclnl Year 25m Jean Fisher The George Flrmnn Memorial Award for proficiency In Middle School English 2500 Womens Auxiliary Kiwanis Club LL Lan and French 2500 Donna ion wn Ln cs Auxiliary to the Lions Club lor proficiency in Typing in Senior Commercial Year 1250 Janice MorleyLadim Aux lliary to the Lions Club for proficiency in Typing ln Specinl Commercial Yenr 1250 Grade XIII Awnrdn Ruth Milchell DominlnnA Prnvinclal ry Andrew llay Award for Upper School Mnlhcmnlicsl $2500 The Bar rle Dislricl Central Collegiate Centennial Award 35000 The Canadian Legion Award lGr Xlll Ohemimylslim Ontario Schulor having an average over 80 per cent on Grade XIII papers mnplimentary copy of MncLenn Magazine and Cerlllicnle Complimean subscriptlon nl Benders Dlgcsl The Steel Company of Canada Scholnrshlp $500 for years The Wnlermnns Prize Honour Socier Cerllllcnte 511 Award First Curler Schol nrhip 19000 airship 19000 Joyce Nelllclon Univmfly Womens Club Award Kiwanis Award student in 2nd place nr lhc Centennial loom Compli rrwnhry copy Macleans Maga llnn nnd leficnln Ilanour Socier Ccrlificnle 51h nward Pglrlcln Syn on Club mine AMId l0000 John Riccl Trophy lo Iho membcr lulunl lnumnrn my Dunlap Hum lmnunn Aunty II nlllrr Kl Waller Mnlr Innurnnce Anne Holy 51 Muirmum Imurnnu Anna 41 Dunlap Mnllnry lnlurnnrn Agency ll Cnlwlth Coull llrnllry Ind Co molly Flynn lnlunnte ll Coll SI Imnnl lnllfllnn Alllllon Only Thou Agunh ArnOuullflad To Us Thll Crux uner lmnnm Annry MMhnm Ilnlrn Demllrull flmflonl fil nay lelrk and Mkhlu 15 Owen Kl Nrumnn ml Dunn RI Couun lnIunntn Aunty Own ll Ilmphln Mm um mmn muraan Aunt IO Mphll lilrtcl EIII Tnm TAIIIHIII lnhMn 1m THE Nhon Hunnldlla IN primal IIIHTMLT HMUHK HAMILNN cPlBfllilnll mam managerlot radio sla tion CHML say Hamilton hmdcasting stations hnvo been instructed by the Board of Brnadcasi Governors that they may not bmndcart advertise meats orarmouncementa of partisan political character of midnight Friday although tel Hamiltan civic election is Nikunfil 19 Wednesaan umni 5100006 Ann Lindsay Canadian Leg nxd Gn x11 isfno DwonunlonvaKnclnl Bur Helen Baxter The Dr Bram Awaifl Gr XIII Biology Honours Sockly Cerll Rifle islh Award er Domlnlnn Provincial Bursary 50000 Normu Gllhouly Dominion Provinclal Bursary 50000 Can adian raging Bursary 9000 VDonglns Speen deimo nggnninlgmjsary 500 Fratmm EXAMINER mun rincmzmn whnhafi contributcdmost lo theBand Crglg Hgnler Valerie Weslman The Hur old While 1rophy lend Glrl Danton Foundauun complimen my gopy 11pm Yo Barbara Baker Dominion vaindal Bursary 25000 Hon our Sneler Certificate 5m Awnrd Andrea Nenthway Damln inn Provincial Bursary 25000 Jean ODrane Daminlom Provincial Bursary 25000 Carl llnmlllon The Lelgh lon Clarke Memorial Award for muslcnl and sclmlastlc pra ficiencyl 5000 Atkinson Found atlon Bursary 40000 Sleplmni Ogden The Leigh lon Clarke morlnl Award mtzlcal an admlawc pm fluency Nd Mdre Eds F0 Electiori Mr Hall said Erlrfiy um FREE FOAM CUSIHON WIT EVERY JOB CALL us TODAY Barrie Ten Awning Emma El um RESTYLING REPAIRING REFINISHING UPHOLSTERING BIG DIFFERENCE Aullud l0000 lrlfllc Incldonll Ihown ml at bolll could My 701 lhl In vlow Hm mtlnlcn umlo Jnyuu urn prmnilnu tnmpllgn to Inmll on balls Mary ur In Dania For lvvlhor lulumnllon conlm Fm PA HIV was surpnsgyinlcrpm gallon lhejmqgcasdngfictz It WES based on the mfilclpal electlon be held Monday in nearby Salmect Township MnHall said the EEG ruling preventsvcandldatu in the Hamilton elecuan from making broadcasts at time when mas the candidates were ready to make their strongest appeals to Ihe voters CAquggps anmsr Hewsnld several caidldam plan to protest to hair mem bets Parliament The HBO mling is based on provlslan of the Emadcnsllng Act that no Canadian hmadcast Hcensne shallbroadcast prm gram advertisement or an nnuncemcnl at parLIsan pali icalfihnrncker on any day that an elecflun is held for the elce Ian member of the House of Commans the legislature province or the cmmcll of munldpal co oration or on the lwn days Immediately pm coding any such day Mr Hall anidthc not does not limit the hmadcast restric tlan to an elccllon ln munic lpality ln whlch slallan ls lo cated He snld BEGChniImnn DrtAndmw Stewart had Indi cntcd to hlm In telephone call Friday that thelnronto civic election Monday wauld have qulncd llamllton stations to cease hmndcasting politlcnl un nounccments Friday nlght even ll here had been no election In Snltllect Hall said Dr Stewart has asked Purunment in Ihe fist for revlslons of some sem ms of the Broadcasting Acl which Dr $cwart are illogical DAIRY NATION Denmark is the worlds second largest bullet exporer and pm ducesuoopoo Ions of mllk an nually mm 150000 cows WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE CONSULT ONE OF THESE INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS DIAMOND WIIh 10YEAR SECURITY BOND hula And nimln lmunnca Auoclalion Your Guarantee Dunlap Slrul Ensl PA MN Moms Professional lnsuranco Man For Your Noodx Allows Him To Choose Company Far You Guaman To Proton You Interns Our Revuluuun CIRCULAR SAW to an Your Sunbeam saw precision power tool designed and manufactured In Klve you years of trouhlefrce service Handle it cor rccfiy and you will breeze thruugh any saw mg rob with 5777 SUNBEAM um Mp 0m Humwry s33 Muml II Mn Mund no by 541 nunMI hut oakl um um um um ELECTRIK BROOM IllII do wk bum up ampI mum and on MIw wan minim chumm Wfluhl an mm qu WW KIM um um $3539 lgla Val120 wémwunugr 351 51497 mmmwfiffim mu any new lawman32275 sum mu 2M7 SILEX Aulomulr pom pihcduxog wu tad ping mum mm Dawnd arm vllvdlw um mum you Innm an an ii35 $1397 SILEX Sham Dry IRON Automatic DEEP YER Aufqmufic lolz SQUARE FRY PAN 5le V4 manic nmLL Specially HPiicedngr Christmastiving VACUUM mir mEmculiut SAW ill filming gunmanmm thquuhnulwlkl advnu mu $1197 Inava um ammm $1247 mama $ibli7 carum uuhm 2mm 44 mnm¢ um mm SEE gun GRAND SELECTION of WONDERFUL TOYSfdrBOYSundGIRlS Cunpkh mm mum 00 my Ime md guahniué la full yur mh quw muympum bumpr mm an In my yw humullnlmdum kcdwu saw Ml assmm MHM mummm cm SIMCOE DISTRICT noon Fonsum YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT New SILEX Auvomallc TOAST null my luv mum mic um um Suvlug You 24 Hmm my mmwm Planum Gum KIM Plll4 mu W683 32988

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