Roman VoiCe VATICAN CITY AP The whale church has Ihe mm and having Hymn That in the basic net or the Vatican ecumenical councilm day Many voices and many minds lhgpgd under diverse back lmund and pmpoundin vary While this remnlnx the case jurisdictional sense an voice of Rome hu become Vast chorus In views In forging the haw contour at the Church Ordinarily or RomanCauw liclsm It Is Rama slouchthe Pope and the Valiuncuxia that speaks the ï¬nal Ind nun llmritaflve word It encompasses the meet and insight of many plnces and peoplesthe IIIgene of AIL Ind Alriu lhu id 01 67 TORONTO STREET onsumemCflas theOflznl lhuwnyi Ameri ment um cans the experimenu cl Euw world were pean churchcrlfl ruphermmp Although the fundamentals of mined mm daclrine unite these mu they MR he have come ladenrvlugmreallu plans and tresh approaches Yr than renew their thurch 8M3 El 11 They are pushing 1an 55 run forcelul uman fuh WWW 1m xlghu Bishop nomu Wiiflhm Mulqoun Sydney Aulhjalh cffffléï¬r pm It household gm nnyann thought tora mm Phana 37414 171 nunmm YOURE Palms AHEAD WITH NATURAL GAS mmu THAT OFFERS MORE FOR lESS men that the bishop of the world were brought hers In rubberrump get at predgteh fling prnposals hucould not assure yaulhnt theblshnpa are 915i AIqu advanusa of their Examiner wnnt Id are Iha economical way to sell unwnnlql LONDON ABCanon John Collin Wednesday displayed Iho controvenlnl picture The Black Chris at his home In 1he close of SL Pnull Cathedral The canon lender Eritalnn banlhebomherl said the plc ture was smuggled out at South Atrica but lhe South Mrlcan 5912mm denicq 1115 fBlack thist Taken To England era In no embargo on pic tmg 1min South Mdca ant parcels leaving the country are not examined said South Am cas Postmaster General Botu inrn statement issued by the embassy hm Ha said any claim that it was smuggled out wax nude tar publicity pur poses The canon snld he de The Pueblo Indians who llved in all dwellings In Coloradol nghenll mysteriously vanished 700 years ngu vgmgsnan NAIIDN PHQNE PA 558 lighted In hcnr Him was nolhv lng Illegal ln gelling the picture here hnl lhnl nevenhelnss hi friends had used other than normal channel In gelling It out bf Ronald Harrison shown back Christ on Ihe Cross with lwa the Roman soldlers look lng like South Mflcnn polillcal lenders was banned vlmm public exhihlllnn Sn Cape Town THE BARBIEEXAMINER ij log um SATURDAY chmpan 11953 By the year mo Holland in expecledltn have 10000000 per sons living In its 13000 squat miles of dry land CORNER BROOK Nlld CPI Only Inna were caught by rod and reel all Newfoundland laursummer compared with record In 1981 cnownEn NATION FEWEE TUNA