Win Yeir No 262 Commissioner Sydney Halter nl Ihe Cnnadlnn Football League made he delinlm nn neunccmcn sharuy beam 11 am loss than an hour nner he Mather ellice here had laid chnncc of suitable weather at Canadian National Exhiblliun llndlum were negligible Halter uud CPL Prestdont Jake Guudnur went to the stu dlum early today to make thu decislan on whether to postpone the football clnsslc because foggy weather Halter tnld reporters Mr Gaudaur and havn been here or an hour messing the situation and have dccidnd to take Um sumqu nut of con sldcratlnn or the thousands or an whu have come to the TORONTO 10F Thu Grey Cup football Ilnal will start as chedulnd pm EST today in spite lhrcaHhat fog might hamper piny helm Ihe game is ï¬nished Should loll come In durlng the gamc lhl znmu would be mslmnld mumcnlnrlly ll IL 15 ml possible In cunllnuc ll wlll he resumed tomorrow lmm flue In whlch the anc wu nlled couLnNIAmvn ASSURANCE laid ha declslon will the furl Ihu wnnUILr umcu could give no 115 rurach lodny lhnl If be game Wnl posmancd until Sunday he lame funny comlillon would nol preynil lhgvn 11w slinilum was cluur when Hnllcrl Allnnl deglalonr came UNITED NATIONS CWU 11mm whn lmlks upon Hm world wllh the lnlxn eyn or nu Allnn phllmmvhrn wnl ndny he lhlvd Iulllrrhzml urnmy urnml ha Unllrd Nulan 11mm uncllmo lrnchrr and jnurmlllkl In Mu nnllvn llurmn wns cleclul lo Um lnp UN post Irtllny hy llm HDmvmlnr 17th General Aucmhlr on Um unnnIA lnllu rcrnmmrm nllun of HM Il nmnhrr 5ecurlly CululclL 111nm hm nu compelllou hul lull rlccllnnAwhlch wna mmnl mmu cxrrpl fur lb nluonru nl llnmlurnlslmwrd mm anI bflwrrn linsl nnd Wul and mllrnlmx Hm Hawk llnlnnu Ilmlnml Ilml UM mmmnnd n1 lhn UN be up IIMK ldmhmk hm flint wml It In Illa ac urdnnre rpmh minnan mm In mm lrmnly mm mm In nll lnynlly dinnun mm rumdmcn Hm lulldiunl rn lmdml In me marlum unl llw Unllml Nullunn nml nul wk ur mm In mucllum In mud lu llw per unnanvr my mum hum my pzumnmml unmr nullwvlly rxlmml In Hu ulzammkn The vnIu rmm no nuuulsa and rammedIn one IN mst ulnnlnunl lmlum at he almirmdiw nu Adina hum flnnln Ulla II mam llu 13 N0 lUlllllI SEVENTEENYEAII 0117 nenma Pikelis Miss mm Game TOStqrt On Time DeSpite Threat Of Fog Thant Elected Vote Unanimous nut in wnnliwr Iocénxrr For Examlner Wm Ada Tele phom PA 02115 The lelephone number to call hr the Buslnesn or Edlwflal Dept P466537 Our Telebhonés had said 20 minutes earlier that solid in covering Lake Ontario on the shore or which the 52n dium is located was being car ried inland by light breeze of tho ink Vlsblmy was being cu to near zero In nflecled umas 9nd tho spccla bullc In and yupqrud to rn the 1962 Miss Grey Cup bouun and the nnss Grey mm at dinner in Wr Cup hvphy CP Wimprwm am Last night She holds TORONTO CmThu annual Grey Cup parade kicked an as schedulad this morning with bands marchers and flonu moving throulh downtown lrecta clear tag that had blanketed the ma lhruugh the nlgnL Crowds esllmnlcd by pnllce nl between 50000 nnd 75000 llncd lho lwomilclonx mule lo dny slundlnz our nnd live down along Vangc Queen and my Streets other leaned nut of of ï¬cebuilding window lo 3ch gllmpu or Ihe 1700 much on nlo gnln procmlnn annually starts lhu blggnst day In llm Cnnndlnn football aeason Thc route was hnlhcd In sum Ihlnc nnd no In problems hampered vhiblllly nflcr he ï¬rst marchan hnd pnmd Ihrnunh one much In the rat cw Math 1110 crowd wna relatively £1ch Ulclr diacran Iuhdncd II Is Hunts 24 mnrchlng Immh no unll Ilnllllng mn ytnr uhl lluddllhl ucrrlnvy mnerul mm lhu llme ho nt rvplcd ho rrsponslblllly Nov kn year until Nov IBM The Unlml Slum and 541vch Un lnn prnlmi 11mm wnrmli and Cnnmlna nmbmmlor nul Tr ulnyahl the 453cmbe Hmnklnu In Frcnrlu Trcmhlay lltC Mud uh new nrhlrvlu he rnnlldnntr ma varying ltmlrnrlu um unlmlu uhlrh nrl Inevflnhle ln wuvld minnlmlltm dunvmlrnlu wlml rrmnlknhln man 11inle In ly Mm llly llm npcclnl uunllllu whlrh nmnl bring lo lhu oilch nlmlmyumernl Inhurfly humllllp cnurnxu lumines uml tnullnnï¬ 11m Illmnml um MI min In Irllllnu me retcnl IIuhnn rrl Ilohelwrm wlul ha lerml lhn lwn Klnnlm Ilmm lm lmpmlnnn vmlvln Thu Gonzo allnlr whlrh hm how Inn an or mm llmn hm ym nmm nnnml nrllml we rvlmyunornl Nev 1061 In Imwnw lhlnl Mrl 2mm In Um WI 1711 Mtlary llll nxpnlnlnwnl Ullawml lhe dull erflonn nu llamnmrnkhld In pm with whua 34mm ware mlulnn 11m um mvclu unlrll WM Tryuvl way who run ntnul nl lllr Fault Mun mvr ho KM PM Nr Gala Football Parade Marches with No Fog To Hamper View The Grey Cup game In which Whmlpcz Blue Bombers meet Hamilton Tiger Cuts for ha nnliunnl grid Me has never been poswoncd since It began in 1909 exhlblllmpnrk and mm arc no good reason for expecting um as In dlsperse during the allernoan 10mm and eight Mlss Grey Cup callus ya want by The football queen hcrscli Ream Pikclis 11 Miss Ollawn Rough Rider whn was chosen as Mlss Grey Cup nrnuscd mom mlhuslnsrm however Tho ally of llnmmon when the Canadian Football League Foalbnllllnll Fame being loomed cnlcrcd mm float dbplctlnx Inc Hull Fame Mlss TigerCal Juno Logan and has of other Hnmlllun onlrlcs also were on dlsplny The Junior chamber of com mrrcc 1mm Quebec City cn lcrcd who Inn carrying lho mom mm mm he nbomlnume snnwmnn or the hype Vjxytcr Cnnvnl as or Um loothnll leslivlllu spon uoml Haul lcnlurlnx lnrxu loolhnllxhnpcd slgns hman the lettering Metro wclcnmcn Grey Cup vlsllnu Tour and llIaollnll llzum of Imlbnll plgyprs Mooth Ill Ml ArxnnnulLlndIi 207 mch to Um mngry other flontn mm from On lnrln nrenuSudhury Landan llurrlu Owen Sound nrnnllnrd Aumm nml Toronln Iuhurhn mud mm the Toronto Junlor lkmnl Trude whirh lpoll sored lhn gnln dlsplny amnéwuum Him to mime lqucr OTTAWA CPIA nnomnfllh Chrlhllnnx com nppcnrl In rmSXIrcl lur munbcrl Par Inmcnl lulncl dnlu Ill um mhjcd In dhcuulum nmonu Hm lluunu lrndru llm our nrlu In Hm onnnnm Iml ndlcnlinnl now me ml llm Humu wlfl ad joum Frlulny Doc ID mu re cm unlll Mnmlnn Jim MP3 Pxeparing To Knock It wONLY 19 Hwy fly Gummu Rexmin was swamped by phntographers and Rough Rider cheer leaders who swarmed unto the slain £mmcdiately alter the judges decision was announced wear0 high school Itudent appeared 0v9rwheÂ¥medjs the judge an naunccd their declslan and nl mus elllrom her stool In sur prise TORONTO CHAradlanlly happy Repnln Plkelll Miss Ol uwn Rough Elder Friday night was crowned Miss Grey Cup 1962 helm 1000 applauding guisl at he Roygl Yoï¬klflolel rlking Germanhorn blue Eyed blonde Miss Plkeli cnvcred quickly and was per ectly composed shows crowned by Tom Stewart chair man at the Grey Cup Festival and Met presented with gleaming sporls cur She real dull suld th maker Rough Rider defenslva NEW YOILK APlnvestn 1m early today begun seeking the cause of the crashof an Eastern Alr um Dom whilu lnslmmeanndIng Friday night at unbound Idlewild airport Jha lath wreck look 25 lives lncludlnz that Han pilot but 25 person survlvcd Sévcrnl overt walkcd away from the wfcckngc Among Ha slirvivors was John Dem 38an Edmonton no crash wilhln week will ha rcvlou llvo taking 11 mmblncd all 131 lives Federal Avlnllnn Agency plane taming lechnlclnns and radar near look to air to check me airports Instruman landing system Including rndln beacons or any sign 01 mal luncUun Oscar Bnkkc FAA cuslcm glannl nsxlslnnt ndmlnlsirntor nolcd lhnl nnolhcr Enslcm Mr Llnc plane landed IMDIY 11 mln ulu ar nhcnd of lhe llHnlcd airman Ottawas Beauty Getsl Cup Crown ALBANY NY APlllohcn Muses mlnncd Frldny rum his lhrro lop slnlu job and Gover nor Nelson Rockefeller pmmnny chnllouxrd tho ex plame that the nuvm wnntul one HM M11 or hll bwlhcr Laurence Burl 6mm anadnv$nluday Dyeihbï¬ï¬ 61 Thu 73ycnmld Moses In lurprm nnnauncuncnl In New York Clly dlndaxrd ho had qull chairman ol Um New York Slnlu lnwnr Aulharlly Hm Slnlo Council Parks And Hm Inna IIXIIUII Slum lnrk Con mlulnn Mum lalvl rqmrlnn lhnl Rodclcllflr hull nxknl 1D llnlly and with nu prellmlnnrlv Ia mlzn lmmrdlnlcly nu chnlr mm or KIM Council Imkn no Ill 1m rouhl pul hll brollxrrh1xrnnm In my plum luv vnu nuu ll VAICAN CITY Ulvulerli Moro mu 2000 IJIEMPI tumIkan Hm anlcnn mlulwlcnl Lmmcll hum Into warm nwlfllflu today when my nun luld Iope Juhnl Iwnllh Amwth good lrrv mun1mm an nnlrinl mmmnnlquu MM le II muon nl an mmpklrly mnallru dinl wllh MI and lmllul lo Inch blnml dllhu ballad waghflll and flu wllhnul Hum MEDICINE HAT Alla Nu ed 15000000 tllhlf IBM nMuml tlny wu lmnlinu on mnlml Mlllwnd mum III how lmlny Ullhlnll Mild we wu lillk In ll brinlv Ina the um nnlml or day lwn Flaming Plane Takes 25 Lives Quits Three Iobs For Rockefeller IEllm IImlvAlIn Canada ll Innm MunIay lmk ml IMmml pole vault Harry Mom Tmll IIC Inunh In IInAII wumn An Ier nc led Inr mm In rial All Imam ï¬umrrmIvIo IImI lnr Mlh In Ilnnl Wmmnn Mym nm Mylwl Huffman TnmnIo mnnIII In lInlI Mrnl mIIe NH Jlm Inn Dumpnm nnl mm In IInnI Bishops Applaud Improved Health Natural Gas Feeds Flames Canada Tho Games Saturday thi the plum crushed sur NEWS BRIEFS back who this year won an ant suindlng rookie awgrd yearold Jacqueline Kramer Mss Ed montun Eskimo and third place was awarded to Nureen Shlck 20 Miss Whmlpex Blue Bomber Nine contestants representing Cnnndas professional loolbail clung wgre gdged The first hing Im going to do Is get two dnys solld sleep said Renata whu has been sub jacked In an endless round at press conlerences televlslon up penrancc and social lunclions siqceshg arrived here ï¬lesdqy And the next item on the agenda for Renata who doesnt hold drivers licence will prpbabl by dglvinx lest liar Latvlam born mother Mrs Lydia Pikells who 1mm grmcd to Canada In 1949 cam menled Renata doesnt think shes particularly and looking and xhe didnt lhin she had 36 of winnlng vlvnrs scrambled through emer gcncy eles crawllng and run nlng mm the blurwhlla nnmn which cngullcd the forward lan of the laurenglne prop ler drlvm plane nrrlvlng lrom Charlene NC Idlewfld had been complelfl closed down cnrllcr In the even lnx and Capt Edward Beth old veteran frequently used as an expert crossuamlncr In gavcmmcnl Inquiries Into mshm told the pmgm he anllght try to lnnd n1 PM ep We dont know wnnl made hlm chnnxa his mind and Leonard Clement ol lIunllnz tan NY one of ma Injured survivors Anulhni passenger Lou Loufl IJ mavlu mdncer Irom Dover rccn Ind lho pllol announc Wu can make Thom L1 lull hm Vn ihnuld be down In nbnu lx mlnulcs Onu survivor Llllle 54 Garden City NY Inld be heard volcn mm the cockpit any over the loudspeaker In llvu minutes wuLl 01 be on the giroundoriln 0n inslmmcnl mmml tho blg alrllncr mrlrd descending mm the nnilLrn tide of ha busy nlr port on Lona Island tho lda lownrd Queen urnoklyn and Mnnhnunn We could the lehu cnmo down Inld lleltn Fournlcr 21 Fatal 11111 mm lbs lwn Ilewnrd cam on Euslcrnn 111th lloUu IHerVld Thm we rnmo down wllh hung Hm meIynhnken Mlsl Fournlcr continued was klml cl ulck ll loomed lhnl lho In wnl incremlna um nawcr lml wu Ilhlnl get My mum mu Ilmrc was sun tlnnll Than wru nu explualun lhgyuh llurllnn mm ImHlllni mnnh 200 ynnln thl 01 lhe mnwny um mllorlnn drlnll lvr 00 ynnlx lho doolnrd nlr pm gmnxhcd lo hall Iml hum lnlu mm John Alexander Roboflsom wyeuold Canadian Paciï¬c Railway mnéudnr mm KW yon Ont ha been appoinwd 10 me Senate My Robeflm SAN JUAN ANMun II mpyxol Caluxnhus lhlrd carn vel was found Frldny groping her wn across the Atlantic 750 glues ast unflheast Pnertn co Shu was 300 mlle of tha course from Spainset with her lslhccnlury Instruments or Columbus landlnll In lhe Da llamas Nlnn wllh hlnzrmnn crew has been man than two munth In an nllcmpt to repeal Columhus voynuo discovery in mm Spain San Salvador In lhu cenlml En humus No weeks overdue Ill dcsllunllnn lhe Haul cam vcl was hc nbkct wide Iyrcad search which began Sun All aboard warn rgportcd well when Nlna was mound by US naval palm plnnc dny 51 SIMONS lshmd Gnl AP nm 15 Cons Guard used ï¬rms In public nddrm nyslzm and Hm by rnrlIndlrccllon llndcrl Frldny nlgm la mom nmnll Cnnndlnn mnlnr vcml has Inlhu gtungy Mlnnllc hm hem an adlve member the ngrcsslve Gamma Livu party and former Im an 19ml prcsldcnt CP Wire No Rs Accurate Rs Chris Columbus Thu CanadianIn mam vex Ic Cymld Moo nhlp Im new la in plcnwrn ynuhl wn found mm mllu ml Cumbctlnnd Illnnd whlch about 20 miles south of St mm Illnml Guards Rescué Canadian Ship mum Iurvnlonlunl ml mum lined You 51 donnmg Turomo in NEW SENATOR THOUSANDS WATCH CUP PARADE CORNWALL CPIA ghimly yellowgreen tag deadly chlorine 133 mph over square mile Ihls seaway any Friday night spreadlng near panlc In lls palh Marked rescnu wnrkers took 100 persons In hnsplhll Twenly seven were admlued lntluding nine children Early May has pllnl spokesmen snld all bu ï¬ve were lngwd condition and nuns was critical Police nnd firemen evacuated another 100 persons and sealed mhiack nmn huhe northeast secilnn the city residential district surrounding rnliwny marshaliing area It was Ia be renpcncd inter Ioday few families had ai ready returned in their home by dawn as tho gas evaporated Choking ansoh ol the com pounds that lellzd Allled and German nrmlcs ln llle Flrsl World Warbegun spreading slowly lrom leuklng rallway tank car aboul 430 pJIL EST wmn chums 11 lhrcn hours later when llght easterly wind began carrying the lhlck log Into nearby rzsldenllal areas that lhe emergency erupted The smell Ilka strong Javel wnler ruched halfway across this city 45000 George Upfleld local organ izer or lho Emergency Men uru Orgnnlmum was one of the Hm on thy scene We wen lucky it moved to slam he sald Mask the people Just in law whim Firemen policeman and um bulnnce drivers donned masks and oxygen tanks in tour Ihe am In can and ambulnnm picklng up sluggcrlng gusplnz men women nnd children nlung he street They relayed born In wailinl can parked oulsldo the dnnger aron One he heroes was FmL man Emllo Fonln 42 who ms cued lamlly of four from ham and gava up his mask ha mnlhcr lle collapsed at the wheel ol lha ambulance annr drlvlng out of tho gal lane SWAMP HOSPITALS omwnll GUIch and 0ch chu hnspllnln wow swamped wllh pmam cnuuhlnx and vomiting Every nvnllnblu oxygen mask and lent wax used and 20 doctors workcd In lhc umcmcnry Wnrdx Most them were nll rlnht nncr namu oxygen Inld Mn Ilcnry broke my party Ihu nlher nlnhl alnflcd lo loll naughty Jory ml hill lo mud Mm mum homo 011 ha Mhtrl nll allowed hlm mm to mm In mush lhu Iloryl uld the mlovlul my Cup purutku mmplue with mm omInd blmll 1mm tron lbs poultry pct Chlgrine Fog Creates NeéiPahic In Cornwall HERES ONE NoIMon Thln pr Copyl4 Eugu ï¬rgnk up lhn ï¬rmnth fox Egylmï¬ghi 25 High lonmww 56 For In hm co m9 two Local Weather rwnh 30 tons Hun chlorine earlier In the week the Ca nadian Industries Umlled glam hern which manufndures the chemch for Industry wal parked part at lhr day on CPR slding awalllng movemenl to the Eddy Company at Hull Que GAS sums rtowmc Vern Rauday night chief at Hotel Dleu But some the mph and 5m children WEB really Kn 1nisernble Crews ware preparing to shun he car when Ihe bright green chlorine began Inwan onto we track call hmuxh masked emergency crew mm 1th Cfmadlan Indusujlgs planLl Workers were unnhe to gel in the leak and when the wind picked up started the cum nling gas drilling along the ground Lowlying areas were Ml ï¬rst ihen the gas began climbing towards nearby human and an alarm was sounded dared person out of the aria and they began running on In Ihu slreels Runner moved In to pick Lhem up while police barricaded All streets leadlng IMO the sector whlch Is not heavily populated because the rallway line and same In dusdal grqunï¬ Evacuated Inmillel were taken to downtown hull and 50 genons were hlllcled myth nlg In hotel and motels 0th aund Accommodation with lrlends CORNWALL CP Com wall physlclnn said today he very worried about the pos nIble aftereffects or chlnrlna no polsunlng thch scoped lhrqugh part lhe oily Frldny 10 propie who Eat llllle bl an didnt com to he hosnllnls or treatment snld Dr Claudu Caxbell one 20 doctors whn look pm In ha emergency work of trenllng 1M vlctlma what Ive board and mad about chloran pnlsnnluu any dm ll ls minus We gave oxygen and rcsplrnlary allmulnnl Io lhc people we saw helped most of lhcm not over he unplensnn mplymL In never seen cm chlorine nrrnn In below had In look It up and lm my wnrrlcd nbaut lhl Hhmflon llu lnld all doctors In lhc clly will he an lhe Mm or person rcpnrunu resplrmry trouqu or chest puma Them name ka ol pneumanln WIUI this lufl Any pain mm In loll MIN 40 houn should be re orlrd at once mug Mg 1y grimy mubl but Kama or people who some of Ihu um my wnrm mu ml Doctorfears Effect 0i Gas lw Adv um bfl busy day huhllthrd Mikey Pup mpqu umwur why idol