Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1962, p. 19

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415M findnll nid vmmm llm 1m wand junlnr lnuma m9nl M11 In huld In Monlml At First Practice RONNIEll Hume waldenl Crmm an all9n ulAJuninr Am Cassius Selected Fighter OI Month Dave Power of Australia who won lhe marakhnn In the 1956 Games Cardin Wales was second In 12215 and another Auslraliln Rod Bonelln third In 224010 Veteran Gnrdla Dickson Hamilton Onl Iln Ishcd 12 In Iay Inwmwmml n4 Imuu ha mwm lo mlcn ally the mxl rhullenm In Runny Llalan lrlmnrun um Iny muml up ham No No huvynmtul tom inuler In Tub or Mn llthlwelghl llmnplon Mllll Dullln mlu llrlmrl Inning Tuun Knnnh Mprngl kg Ath rhlmrnolln cmlnmn um mlnu cummmu WM MMM Ih Nnmnher Jinn hem mi tiny hour at Hm monlh lmmm MI mum Hnnnl ml calorrul lalufll muml lnnrknul Alchle Monro Irlrorwlll fly rn ynulu MANILA MUmum may Mr llm Unllm Hlulu wu lrcled WldMldll um Warm Ihulu Amelnlnnn boxer mnnlh lar Mn 15 wk lm ver Arron Mum TORONTO CHToronto It manners today braced lhemsnlvcs aulnsl the lrndi Iionnl hazard or Grey Cup wukend Extrn iccurily guardsand wail have bccnhlrcd on by be lnvlllnl mch ntfmr hack nnd Inrlh even ha lwrm norm he Inld Thu lwn or lhrca bolt mun umully brlngl rnr lulmw wlll In qultkly nnd theyll luv nh loLEnll 1mm gnglcq 101 mm The Royl York Hate lrdl lmnnl locallan post nme mclry planned lo wmnve ll lurnlxhlnu from Ill thhy ll Hm mry your All hotelx Mkcrl solid unlu Sunday allur nmn Brian Kilby 24 year old English draughlrman ran the Iaslul marathon ln Briush Em pire Game Mary will one the big nrlzcx of the hack and field competition by more lhnn minute in we hours 21 migulugnd 17sccandn Aflhuugh Kllhys clocking was the best for Ihe Games nu rec 0rd Ire olllcinxly rccogniud tor the event because of varia tions ol lerraln at different nun Pick sILLING Th3 id 1m acé proved no id Vrunnlnz Hm nixifibcr at hotels antic rated heavy lrnflic drink tn ugu mums Ierv chm only rcucnlly hem allowed by ruvislnn of On lariul llguur laws1 lpakcsmnn nr lhu Lord Simone Hum anld ucurny nun In Ichedulcn la work Sat urdn to control any problems Ihic mlnhl nrlso am of drink ng In warm PERTH Australia CF Bruce Kidd of Toranlo gambled Ind last The l9ycam1d distance star convinced hil coach he cauM do better In the marathon than the milc Today coach Fud not had lotpull Kidd put the gruelling marathon am 229 mlleé whenthc young Canadian camplained of cramp In his lldOfl futitchcsl lir mnialhon of In young mi mum simian fimeAY nov ma TDRONN CPD Winnipeg Blue Bomber left iivu players behind Wednesday they went again their um full practice unto winning the Western Foot ballannfmnca pinyoil cham pionshl Thusa who did nut go to the workout art fullback Charlie Sheplldnnd Roger Haghert In lcriurlfnebackers Gar Warren and Dave Hurkhnlder and len 53 erml Herple mu um Tbs Ieam alsowill ba withaut gnrzur linebacker Gard Rowland WhLfin the game stays at pm Rowland suffered torn knee cnrlllaae In the Western final mum stampede when Winnipel won the cham pionship 121 and scheduled aLln anemia next wgek vm thalr Grey Cup dale Sal urdny wlh Hamilton Tiger cm fast approaching the greatest worry at coach Bud Grant 13 how to deplay pin to lake ufimlhe 513919 09 uries The H133 liker candidal or hls spot lays Grant Rick Patter Although you may see every body playlng lhat spot Satur day Grant said although Potter la good guns to start Kidd Develops Cramps Pulled Oiit By Cauch Managers Ready for Cup Drinkers PICK MONTREAL ROCHESTER NY AP The Inlernallonnl League Vcd ncsday nlght rejected each by vote proposals Um would have mcrmi buschnfll film Trlple leaguesho lnlcrna llonal Pacific Coast and Amer can Association Into two leagues Thu pmpusnln or lncrpnsln Um Inlcmnllnnnl Magma In Ilflml and to to learn worn lurncd down In each case lho You wn Thamaralhqn In mnsldercd too rough race for an alhlele Kidds age 19 Usually the beak mnralhnnm like Gerard Can of St Hyaclnlha Qua are older men Coin now mired won the mod Boston Mara thrglour flmes Kidd who won the nix miles Saturday and WM him In the three miles Monday had with drawn ram lhe mileIn which PreHmlnary haul warn run lhh morning1n order enter the mnmthan mm mm about killing heal pmvcd gmundless and the marathon wan run In fidegm AIlcr mum at mlnor league boss George Trnulman Inlemnllonnl ltnzuc director and league lrasldcnl Tommy Richardson and arm dlrnclarl 01 major league lmml who hava club In IM II IllthnnL wn sald Under the mom prupnsnl lhn Amerlcnn Almdnlinn would have 014M wllh Oklahoma CHy DnllnsFnfl Vnrlll Ullll flock nnd Indianapolis mnvlun lnln the lnlcrnnllonnl Magma with Donnr movinx lulu Pldflc Cont Magma and mnk In xhnl clrcull nn Bldnh ulm Undrr lha Hum ropml Indinnnpulln and Ulla Mk would have movnd lulu lhu IL Huber and Gray nuu were hohhllng an sprained unklu Wednesday Ind Eurkholder and Wnrren were llmplnl mm diarleyhmes In d1 Burkholder picked up some 0113 bruise lnthe second game of the Western find wan 1911 by Bombers In Wmnlpez and aggravated midway bran lthalugdnyjamg Shepani who missed mubh oi tiw regular union with chronic pinched nerve in the neck iwlmd his back on in way in the Saturdayvgaml and pilyed lint way wilhnut ieiiini Inybn dguri so much could 1550 sciompanled Kldd in car and hnd Vsald hcfnre the rifle he would watch hlm clos ey was reported thnl ha only two IL club In favor wcrv Co lumbln and Toronto Bu he mummde injurlea Appears rm to have lowered the with film playqry Those who wars ahla lo prac Iice Wednesday rammed to Ibe dntssing mom at Torontos Var sity Sladlum mm which they travellzd to their workom field rylnl equn mvers 1958 lea winning both the six 11111 and the marathon Kidd flayed upwith ha lander unul lhe zmmile mark but then bag In be pullmjalxt by Fool 116th said later the Ca naglag was In 590 XL But ha said no final declalén on any position will bnmada unlll Saturday morning It the enrllut nndpdulbla not until liter the team warm up Immm diesel prior to thugugp And only 12 the original field of finished lheVIBCE International League Rejects MergeProposal Ht Meeting Th hxgfinm day hm pm comm ANNE IJUNIVOI RTE OPEN SUNDAY CARSONS flEllVlCfl Miss Doblc also enlered in he wamen discus cxcecdcd her own bcsbevcr performance In compnmlon with throw 145 lcelUWz Inches but was neaer 20 feel behind the win ner an English lrl and Oklahoma Cily DallasAFofi Worth and Denver Into the PCL 11 American Association also would hid under this prn pnsal After the cc om In unl dcnlillcd mnior leagu nemnl mnnnxer went lnlo huddle wllh lho Invnlvcd leagues and Tram mnn and It was learnrd an other propoml wnx mada Hm wn to be discussed today TN plan would kava Ihe eIgMcluh Inlemnliannl Lengua It Is whlle lncrcnslnn the American Almclnllan lo nix cams and mmmlng lhe In le hnvlnz Snlk Lake Cny lrnnxlcr Into the AmtHum Ax oclnllnn nlu elghlh PCL tlub Vancouver no lun or mn Jor lcngue amllnlan and II ex pcclcd old onmlloglz CLEVELAND AP clan and Baron scored three goal within mlmllanud use sec ond In the second peflwd Wad nesday night and amutwfler shay Bears for +2 America Hqgkey lfiagye v1ntn No young Cmad did well In Held evanu considering IheIr lack of cxpexIence In Inlernn Honnlcompeufion Dave Swen oI Buwaby BC IxIooIIaur giant weIIhIng 216 pounds made the but have ol his ca reer58 Inch Inches to Lake the bronze medal In the mEn ghquput PM Doble Saskalaon preuy 23 year old brunette picked up Canadas first polnls In womens luck and field when she inlxhcd fifth in he javtlln lhmw 09 mm llUnDLE 1115 mm In Um mlullnn nxlx wny yan would he movln Jud om clnh George Dixon ack lhc Mantras Alouelter war named player the yerrovcr and Tommy lne Coffey Ed mnulon Erklmos while rarely Harvey Wylie nl Calgary wan as Canadian of the year ahhad of Ottawa Rough Riderr quarter back muss Jackson Dulenslve tackle John Barrow pl Hamilton was named lineman ol the year edging Inside llnebacker Wayne Hard at Calgary umpuralures Rain also filed candltians for flu starters mm nlge countries 111cm wm no lmmcdlnlo com ment from PCI and American Anaclnuon ulllclnll bul mdl ardmn lald Hank Clem noted the um two goals lnthg um pe rlod taking long pass tram Dick Vgn Impe 1n the second period In winner Fred Hills tallied for Cleveland and Ciesla pmdumd his aecond ml me pm from Dick MatliussL Wayne Boddy scored for lb Baron from directly in Iran ofthp ncL Pele Conncher connected at Ihe Beau early in the third pc rind and Wayne Rivers enm plckd lhe Hershey aggrlng rVfllc victory was Clavelnndl third straight Wednesday was naming the lop three players of tho ynr 1n the gadlfll rFooghgy pangs Phwer also bellcrcd the best tlme or he Games2122455 hefisel In 1959 The marathén was Ihe feature 01 Indayl track and field event flag included pine finals Give nékdins WEE Three Quick Goal youll 51ij like Mama The light smooth flavour of Maraca Rum wiil tell you It is one of the worlds finest rums Sunmellow distinctively dry Maraca ls sotlingtho fashion In rum drinks the new light taste in rum why not drink something PERTiii Ausimiia CF Kurt Bocsn of Kitchancr 0nL had ihc unusual experience Wednesday oi winning bronze medal at the British Empire Games ailer first being elimi nated in like lightweight wres tlimz di The situatlnn arnse when 611ch Halal found they wnuld not have mum Boese Eliminated Then Wins Medal Jacqueline Kramer will represent Edmonton In the Mlss Grey Cup pageant In MISS EDMONTON ESKIMO Dont be inconvenienced by breakdowns and costly repairs If you do not think your present car or truck will stand up to wint ers bum test drop In or call any of our sales staff WWWWWWM Ray Cown Chuck Bron chk Taylor Georg le ngllon Tho Ham OuIIIIy CI Truth 45 BRADFORD 51 PA 97931 BAY CITY MOTORS TD finlsher In the event units they Icinslalcd two wrclllm already eliminated under the scoring system To make the hronm medal award they called or much between Bocse airyenrold plumber and Englands Peter Amey Both had been listed cllmlnaled Hoose oak the decision over Angry 9335 polluted 1heAbnr3uat Th Kllchencr grapplcr had run up 51x pcnally points callA Km for his elimination in two bouls earlier Toronto tomorrow Miss ham or is and psychology student at the Univenlly of Alberta emo oloriéb Exotic notcovamd bottle mavks tho nor am rum Though Canadians gained 59 of pusalhle 70 points at home last season they have managed only of possible Hulk yeah The Leafs Iasl yearl Stanley Cup chumpians altered badly on Sunday nigh when Boslan 13min whlppcd them 51 to break lsgame wlnIess streak Leafs had bad slump earlier In tha soasanbul snapped It by calling up Don Simmansrla place Johnny power as the teamstganlle Oémm Mum Canadian and Leah both hava 11 points three less than Chicago and five less than De lmll Rangers are in mm place W12 16 and 305m has Th9 lengua chlmplnn Cuna dlenl wlll not have much an advantage In meelnlhc Leah on home icer ngplEPLAY smmrs In fact their mad record in four wins hm ties énd hrce hues almost an good their home record The team responded with sharplyImproved play at nne tlme embarking on fivegum winning gunk CalmflensI cénch Tue Blake canllders Ihe game laur polnter as Canndleni and Louis are lied for third place the league standing Canadians have playgd one znmg less than Leals he other gamcrlunigm secondplace Chicago visits the lowly Bostonr 13mins showing their Hrs signs 0L lite in lx weeks and New York Ranger lake nn Ihe leagueleading neq Wilma g5 Detroll Now there are reporla that annnla coach Punch Imlach wlll replace Simmons by Bower 1051mm By THE ICANADMN PRESS The rtwo most incanllstenl leams In the National Hockey LeagueToronto Maple Leaf and Montreal Canadlenymeel tonight Inonu OHM most im portant gamuvxam lhl TroublédHabsLeais angleknlnMontreal TEE Toronto conch did say MM BATSTONES TIRE SERVICE MlTII SILENTV TRACTION 10 Bnyfield St ey might aimwaive lha player nut 01 the league for flu waLverprIne 01 $20000 Boston might pick up me or more player placed on waiver by any oghe clubs Hankde Bobby Perréaultjh alAyeamld rookie the lenm centre Billy Hanfl Wopld play despue Jaw Injury received In wgekeng play be flake 1n Iha other lwa gamel as Chicagn wln mm Detruit lass would rm but teams in alio or rat 5m in the Mague slandlngs nelmil has plnycd W2 gamgajcsg than CMgago in nvwm would we the Wings nutpaint edge goofingglue flawks league rule allow each team in dress only as players nflcr Dec1 which lISalurday The Ieams InvolvedToronto Montreal Boston and Chicago mlghtheep their 71h man on lhe mler wllhaut dressing him to keenhandy as an emer gency replacemwiJor lnjumd minimum Bostons new marchv Milt Schmkfl has already madc one lineup change xlnca laklngover 10 dayragu tram Phil Walton Canadlenx will have Claude Pruvostbnck The right winger mined lhree names with shgplder geparnt Four of the Ienzu mm are carrying Tallym ex cluding gualles which mean hex9 might be some player cflgnqiu hy Sagurday ofien charge Acwunt at ANDERS MENS WEAR anlup Touch the eécelerator Silent Trac tions hundreds of angles and curv es bite in push and pull keep you on the GO in snow slush mud without slip spin or skid And when the roads dry Silent Tract ions whisper tread never rumbl cs whines or vibrates Its truly quiet 15 MY FREE TRIM SEE US TODAY TIRES Nu MOHIY Dawn Manila Ply regular goalie Under Walsnn Pzrrcaul had mam tnallend ing duflea with number rookie Edjohnslqn nevér knuw until game time wholhar he or John plon wal playing Schmidt iI think but system Is for the birds goaile ha much pijessurc an hlmIn the NHL ju playinq Hs shéxfldnl have tuwarry about someone waitingzln the wings Io take his lab VSALLYS SALLIES Let be oflgiml Md Mini Mm um our that And old at IllWu Cor Anno Ind Dunlansu CAR WASH Car To You In All Than MINUTES éwmen mama AND 00131115 10 YIJUR smsmcnon PA 66549 5x12

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