Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1962, p. 4

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TM Cull ll ltlnululv MIN IN Trim VIII llfllh ln IM 5qu 31 031 AIleOd ll WM In null rm omu nwm Ind plynut yo Bully MIMI Ind lulu hlldln Ifbvhd Iv IIle vul nhunu DINA IMIMII 090114 Mull MIIIIIUI mun ulln cnluu AMI unim all III IMO ll Ill lulu lama H0117 CIMIIM luv IMH In HM III to oh mu In mm Im on mum mm mfuaq 0mm ml nu mm mm nu mm MI mu Au 14 mm mm QIlmmmx in vm 61m hug Mm emu mn Nu 1133 41 Tmalnn mirth In Audll Ibu tlmhum Barrie Examt 1042 Camp Borden raised $109400 in Victory loan Alderman Charles Christie reeiected President ilarrie iiocke Club which en ered Junior team It OllA Jack to and lied Storey laying defence wth Montreal ltoynla Quebec iioc key League Phil lilarelltidon Pene tanria pride and aceroi the Philadeiyhia Ath etlca pitchiuf stall Joined RCAl ior aircrew lie en Allse elected rc trident Studenl Council at Ci Joyce eld headed literary society Bill Scott boya athletic nouiety Norma tlmiden girtn ntidelte society Sgt Vireteao Air Gunner hicCron xuinlin alter air operations lienvy lnowiall rake line autumn weather lreaaurer Smith presented statement tn council llilDWiliK town ttnancen in good shape Number at ilarrieltes now nvmear reaeh ed 200 mark Weekend outbreak oi rolrberlex re orted at rervlrc ntatlont in and around arrle ltoherl Sarlcnnt cl Collier United and Gordon lurker ol wgn my 10 YEARS AGO Its only natural that the Us Govern men should award dclcncc contracts to The US Pcnta on has awarded the rim contracts or moomllennhour fets to two US firms Genernl Dynam cs Corporation parent of Cnnadalr le tled of Montreal and Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporatlon They wlll ro duce 22 test planes durtn the nex 30 months before mass pro uctlon is ap provcdr Th1 first phase contract In val ued at some $750000000 It in in the iieid of turning out small cciai partsthe nut and bolts of the Janethat Canadian firms are concen raiing their main hopes Contracts for such parts could involve comparatively large sum money bui are ihe gov ernment officials and Canadian manu facturers aiming high enough We feel they are not Canadas economy will receive mnjor boost it government authorities succeed in getting pan of new multIbllllondol larUS jet fighter program dlvcrled t9 Canadian factories Deserves More Than Crumbs From US Defence Contracts The Barrie Examiner RememberThe Life You Saire May Be Your Own IV PubflshedbyCanndlgn NaWspapeu Limited 16 Bayfleld streeLthrflefomprlo WallsP1ngshcr Brian Slalghi General Manager wznnssnn Nov 1m 4m mugglgv SWEDENS EXAMPLE mm mum Vlndmr Slur WI 200d Ionm good lnllh mu honm dozflngn common wurlusy and wlll um um hufnm lo dllcusx an lane in remn uh manner norm Hm In ingredient In mm DOWN MEMORY LANE uuum In iho wafer Inn between labor mm mm eman exlxllng In Swim with 11m mm to the tenure society Ihm Tm Ilno would provide the hula in ur lent lo hawy labormanagement rulallomhlpu In Us or any other mun lry That lhu mam formula but me In nu male 13un ll except or getting all In teenng ll uIvvlulilfl IY Germxm prlsoum oI wnr at llowmnn lln camp ll Cockburn PT In sIruclor nI IlCl addressed Hana Club on vnlue of nllllollca In aIudcnl ucllvlllcs Our World In 1044 Wu subjccl nd dmn Io Klwnnln Club by Frank DnnIdn OrIIIIn lnxurnncu man Enllalmenla Included llolun llryaon In CWAC Wln hart Cmnpbcll In IICAI Wnllnco Ilod or In IICOC George Edward Wallace In mourcd ur FAI York Inslallcd Nnhln Grnn nI IlnrrIc IOOF lodge Ccnlratore locnl nominations for Older lloys Pnrllament Traglc house tire on Ross St tnkes life Ivemonths baby llllly Callowhllll Contract let for constructlon at new 25bcd hon llal at Bordont Many deer shot dur 18 II day open huntlng season tn Slmcoo oun Mr and Jr llmnllton lerczy ntreet were at home to mom berl of local Vlclory lmn eommltteo and wlvcs llohrbough cl Barrle Camp Bordon correspondent tor Toronto Dolly Star charged under Defence Canada llegulntlona concornlmf nrtlclo lnllm zlne almutnllegnlrlsordera Certainly Canada as major NATO armor should rm for more than lrlnge contrac aubstantlal order would keep several lanls golng lull tllt and he this coun to bear lls lull share no defence and Incidentally on performance basis Canada deserves more than the crumbs of me or defence orders During the Sec ond orid Var Canadian plants iumed out thousands of lighier and bomber planes on US ordcrr And the quality Canadian workmanship was second to none American 11mm only PoHLIcall this is mum move but economically would be prudent to help Canada as much an poa aibladok nclal house in order Canada has Egon fighting for her econ omic life over the past six months lar ly because of the drain in precious do at reserves American contracts for lanes would hel our position immense and erhaps ve Canada steady favorable rade ba ance through dollars earned in these orders or planes OTHER EDITORS VIEWS wnnv ylycl unn mun mum mum MW 10 mm mm at but Inn only have that you mm hm W1 mm the 1mm cord pot will put IMO 50m ll 1091 way In brl 111qu surgerly Inl been sible but 32 ans much mom latvertigch 11h apinlgzy of mg cram nut PM 966 an mm mo nnoom Lhapemmmemmm gh mm me no mnny ram and min on lhla that 1h knawlulto hlch Min Md mm flu wind mumI min modal uperlmenlt II he Inl In pradml nu Iny IM Unlmlllyltnm In an actual mm mm which hu born no qulrod Ind ll mom on Mr Ilnmblz up Roullump Inn In chum xpedmcnln Smlhmnmm Unhusily Dr Ellyn Hickman Vclnhlmn rmmw ol Mmmmllcn nl Julvmlly Ila mid htllm lhnl limllmmplnn In In nnl unlvmlly In Unlln Kingdom lhal la dnlnl um klml walk lvor lhu hnl IM ulrnu brlnn unflml In an ullnnpt In nmuln lur Ilmnln me lnnwlnkp In wln llm AmA rvlrnl Cuu whlrh Im lwrn hrM In lm Unllrd Elam lnr ho lmat yru FEAINU MT IIENIII In In cxpcrlmenlnl wnrk um Iclmlhfl urn drawing heuvlly on um Wm nm In bclnz used Inr lnmnca lo Ihc Ilmau lrrenl lypu nl mm Ich an Mt1m In lluco wind In wlnd Iunncl Tc on also bclnu mnde led on nenrhy mumI Ilka an Icnlcmodtl hulls 11 mm ynrhl Till he lype nl ynrlul required or Ihc mm lur ha Amarlml Cup 1le TIME Tllllil ynchllnl The uperlmcnln work In being carried on at Soulhnmplon Unlvmxly And It In no nlmcd brnglnl speedy mulli ll 1001an uhud whnl mighl be poulblq Ia Ich ere Ive or All yum lrom now 11ml in nu objecllva whlch hill been I1 lhou acllvely tn mud In prokcl gram ol uponhm hid they hope will mull In Britain winning back Ihu Amcdcal qua highest ngmd the vle din hi 1an Igd ICICM olher Hvo pfnhh ync Dear Dr Mnlner an opera llan or cataract has not been numufiul dm the eyeball bulge to be emavcmJA Dm Dr Malian Have you written about ocrvlcalrlzhl rib or nn extra rib nrlslnx mmI cervical ncck venebnl Cnn thh rlb be removed to re lieve MI and prmuru mm the black the neck Ihoulder and aye Ind umy1e7Mns For norslum 01th awe of Chrlll lnr IL the power God unto Allan co our ans am bellevellu to the 1er find Ind also to the GletlrRhmlnl mo Many are flu forces that mllmnnd destroyone only LI um Power um ndeeml mum rlu mma rlak however lung operations Ire new we understood that the resqu are highly dependable Regard it In the same way ynu wauld my olhpr major operation SeriauL bulim mmelhlng to make you pan he lulan then nund ta be mmnallgmm my small lumen of the lung is removed Th1 JJ called lobeclomy When Illa lulon IL mar 59 rlons then an entire lung may removed This ll pulled pnanmnnectomy major pmcedurebut keep In mind that today gnod manygzaple are wllklnz around wl one 11ml Ind mun alanl quite nicely 7T0Yougq00n mm Iamelhing alsawhlch my be histaplnnmasli an nrfemd cm of tuberculom Ronni Ibme In In the uflflna d2 opmnlenl of 1mm Thm developmental delun and sometimes five other leslom cannot be Identified or cerllln unl1 My ire rapequ nVia lechnlcal lenn In nbnormnl madman Ingm Coin mum one which up pun round lludow fin an $ng thu hum I16 About 44 per cent of coin lulmuno cancer um mt Ara leu ongnoun chmmt Ellie my d1Eeol Mm demand accqnflon the lungs In Ithawnvaar Eitherhucanceralmdymu In Iamelhinz alsawhlch mu In lulon Howmloun II it Ind dour demmd Ixngnej dim acuontboe it mun un ur lung 1n the near tum Im very much con cern It do no mean cm Efl Mr Mr mum Misty New mom mom 11x BIBLE THOUGHT MclNlYRE noon 0NI30N my Hope To Win Noted Yachting Trophy DrIllnl lending nrhllmtn are bnrklnl the pro crL They do not look or Irccdy mullL TIMy an nunm la he pnllrnl nml wall or live ycnn II rnd lllnl tlmu Ihey cnn hnva ylchl Ihnl wlll to flu Unlled 5mm nnd lnlnr bncl the lnmnun mm by bcnl nu lhn but Ihnl lm drlemllnl caunlry rnn prmlum Wu wnnl the money In my man to work Ihe Unlvmlly an our rich expcrlmmu or Iva Inc end nu ma we hope we wlll hIVI pro duced lhu lormull or an Am crlcnl Cup winner Wu hope nl l0 to have anlmd knawlodu lhnl will put an mm lhn lore lmnl ol lhc wmld In Ill de dun Th really he launched III Ippenl or mono in fund lo mnllnuu lhll work for In nexl rlvn mu man than bucklng the appeal 11 am ann cnn or In nerannullcll ploncm of Britain Dr mchlrdl mm he can or um lund appeal In them want look very much Him flan lnz ml bunch mmmenled Dr llldmrdl poruoflo Imund hue ILII both one he Minn and most cmnplexH aha buy on to be one In which ml star nllhl pard culnr time could Ioldlcr WAY Premltr Hobart handed the department and started It on tho most extreme mrganhullon OnAlarlo edugnlpn in ggudeg newrmlnluer could cull lean on the premier Leave to him to carry the ball both in But there In cv lndlnllén IJIal he will be able to like ln Ilrlde LDLWPW lhereloremy Advice dflher or this operation or compar able operation in the wilem no in have it done unless you re gird it permanent ln lama model percentile alum it in paulbia to dunno your mind inter hul more ire quenlly you cant Neitherop mlion will hnva my ellecton sexual llle mr any other canV 5e uenm amyi Impnlmgn iliy In in dulclrgnii v7 Eli lilumsclvel uionz wiih both Chambers oi Common and other club to lm behind Hill anfl and no the 5am thinlilnppen an other years Yum5 truly MRS CIDSSOND Ed Nok The aflivni Santa Cinul Iladowntown Enr rie Salurdny was the sale ei fono Zeliera mmm ed as Sagtn Claus fully 1h baring nz ol Iideralll mltiees supplied gandn hel at usury Ihe uldt tent al example By mm OKEABN TORONmIl looks Huang nu baby of the mmde he real deeper Hon WflUlmDlvll In on 33 could be under me for the bl job In has takenon mine at educnllon man we com lam can new lunar than would have bean can INTEREST named and In will be Able to many mum hand tumble well be minimum of Mr reymduce chum arebolh 1310 on 191 him IV Welhnm stdm unions The quite young ll poll to swung mmlhbfln chunkgerls maklng ammun have children aim Are there our pity that mt purchm mg £11011 mm Menu in any aideeflects and wIlLth or mm mm civic um um um wnl eraflon interior with nu sexual dont Iuppon thll latter will to mu mm when JunMRS 125 not put yanr wme paper bank mun um 10 mum 11 times Ms but an only have that you 1mm Ward in we the We cord pol will put 1M0 some me helm wny Io bran out new sible but it ailsmuoh mom voiced the opinion mum twice month to Avoid often than ix lynlookerq 10 eLIoanthchnmhan Yef1ve mu pin orwmsflmu metely nullnl Ienullon 1n the lflfl ghoulder orrmk In true rlb mum on dingy lamjun promlné em or nubbln usually mm lrggn thaqu cl veflebra mun van or man mm on we order mou Bfiyfllnle Jun what did lined xrml wlll 00 mm um the mm Effi9fyhi5mm luck flb can be temwed Geem fiiiuvMIlfiéfJf may lljlnfie uert mum on neg unm aru 11411th ne pm In nun any order pglhnuwgx QUEENS PARK mm amnmnn IIINH UNITE Al mu uni olllll IA um LL mm FREEMIR mmnn NAN NOW nmn REF Hm VKKQIND IMTIUNI Does Not quse Before The Caftm icon MARKEI DYCKS lb 32c 55c He wlil bu brlnglna In pollclea 01 his own before too ImxAnd Nudes 110 has good mlnd And mailed pronch This wu lualmcd In MI 19310 tgp 2w wash But he Mm hold He Ir zuIdlnx UK ifiéaay mm um onlybeen omen bu Already lick ol gdephrgnenl effect vely Butho mo dntnl ml own Waknsz report churn camm many cxulh fellow fldencn In rt hll co Elnlmr periombll 102mm But he no iult perm1A llxbox WEE II really Illuminallnl My rgmgn or doln um hit roman or doln thl Ilmlllr overhl hnl bml underwny In Ihe ucandnry Ichool lyllem Ior some llmu Yum Indy MRS CIDSSON Ed Nok The artful Santa Clan Iladowntown Enr rle Salurdny was the 301 el foyo 23M unnum III III ha direded lha hem dwuld be an overhaul the clo msnmrvchool www That them should be thor ough review Ind Ihll Iny chnnup that wm deunbh sh Id be 551 In down Lev Icefhe In 12 men can be windy am when luldlu 01¢ pond mu lhey III speak In more thin on new mm whim lime can Even mamm me Last nlghll men was one probany wguxdng mm MAM liveliest13 monflu Con out llne Alter all ha con WWII do He the Ilsahum variant wllh uu do Ifme ll Ildenmn pond wt mind with only one break for mum nelrly llve haun ABILITY 100 or EDITOR out on my Sllumy morning to drivo nIl thamy downtown to an child to no clued Sana Cllul Pmdo Iun vole the lnloxiflol mny parent Appointed children tram Bur r1 tugougdlnt Am Inc of r19 with to mlny children by the numhcr of new school Ind Adamant xoln up unhjyur wouldlnva new to am vmgu or week or more Buyflmle Juu what did lbou lame merchlm do lo ytjl th Map onI mmm hm mver 9mi err lemma nowmper my Degrfllu 7Doexnl mm unu ha iiif Smith um 333713 Job of III dapartmem Wu foster and Improve zoodgubflc relat Iom Undoubtedly In luc ceedcd 1n um dlrmlon and Inn mm mm advnnm In hll PR work wllll allow member counclL fellow councillor lnlo hll con Idenco Ha does this by report Ing regulnrly on what he um hll commutes have nccomplllh ad ey hope wdq r3 count report nn road communion or 1952 thaw hug the Iclull work done and whit had to be command The report was In tubular lorm qu pay an nxuuzd Last nigh Tn was one MAM llveflean monflu Con uquenuy de la the Ilsahum of the agen the nldennan mind with only one break for nelrly llve haun Pqnuq yammus um rm One 01 um highlight wn ha aflnm wll report Ald Smlfll Inn Democx chalrmnn the ubllc warh government cvmmmu Mr Sm th ha mlved many of the dullcnmu of IN cxul by lalglpg his Illn many the dumber in em non council nlmn excth or membenof that nuzusl bad And law top dvlc olflcin whm Attendnnce neceum Conn uen thin wuk Judi ems nclu In men In WM and children mad nuns dlt ounce man them We Rag course ureamllulnl pro cedure In one direction does not necessarily mean that he mm ouncllnmeelings wll be cul man med Improvement lmpmvo men may be equally needed In lhc urly grade when hi mm being Thou repurtr are most nec essary in casual visitor or Ihe Aldermen refer to line con tent oi report by numbers Fur example mum deal with he budget and Iclunl rauipll Ind expenditures oi thociiy Thin make or brevity and penniis an Alderman to into his iiiamgt iiiIi mm Wumlulu or money Tnil make for brevity and permiis an Alderman to into his arzumeni without first reading the pmmph In report In which he make reierencer of course ureamiluinl pro cedure In one direction does not necessarily mean that the lime mum mun mm BONN Reuiers Chancel lor Adennuer today prepared In npen caaiilion negotiatinns wiih Fm Democratic Peny lender Eridi Manda that may decide whether Defence Minister Franz Josel Strauss will be mem berni new reshuffled Wen Germnn cabinet He In no one to pul the horn I114 lhl can ind Iiiori io create intern in civic Iiinirr in am iiep wnl to mail leiien io hauuiiaiderl Inviun them to meeunu invitnion in worded in luck way In bring out upeciiic group twice month to Avoid vetflowianthhnmhe Lute uig Viimiiorruav duii fully through proceedings from hearing oi delegation to read ing oi communication and con Iideraiian oi busineu oi com miiiees Everyone present was supplied with copy of the io strike imiioua note in too had tint vehicle cani be zippered up overnight and made in disappear by some in oi magic But this is impossible so the parking problem in mil with us Some vehicles have no EcLingann thaymu imguponii sireeifiii aidermen are not unreasonable and they recognize the diiiicuio lial But this Ippraisel oi ihe aituniian in nowuy detram irom their prohiem oi providing park ing space and keeping the streets clear or kaiiic wt By MchSREON one loe waggthe with It wuremh1n lo wdk into parking the Bunla Cll uncll chumWmmmegjmm be lhllwae rgfuhr meet MLNMM an In and In Iu euro is luck or pawns llmnlnxrto pmmdlnu an Juan Whh clouluentlon mnnnf EDITORSJOTEBOOK RudiénceijPW cam Debates The mhulfle has been made necessary Dy rho mlmlion week ago of flva Free Demo mllc cabinet ministers In pm teal over Slrausss role In th oonlrover Splegel man 1an else Straw last week appeared on he verge of being outed mm the cabinet as Ihe price or continued partlcipation by the Free Democrats as Junior Farther with Adannuern Chriv Demognil in the million pankin otcommerc 1111a ed ve clerhmxcuwt 1000 poundl Such vehicles themm mmealell should not be 1an ed 40 pnrkvavmuluht unless placedln mm One loe contenlloul Items mum ueltlon ol uvcmlzht puking my development commmetbroum In upon butcertain elm Wm refer gd hick gr tunth ponulderag Talks Plahned 0n Coalition By THE CANADIAN PRESS ml The gavtrnor of New Frlnce Count do From lnnlc died lean persuns died In Huh firs al Boltons Coconut Grove nllhlclub 20 yam ago todayIn mm Donna pa run In warn cmlhed Io drum or Jammed loo lightly to escape tho flnmcs ls lhq blnxe toured through tho packed plenum at In seconds Nightclub Inger 8le Payne Inved nlronl by leading them um huge bummenl cl box llrsl Vair nllnck an and in he Flm Varld War 13167be3 que TODAY IN HISTORY

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