Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1962, p. 3

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2s ggi iam 9A3 SALES CLINIC 10M nah lodny Kim Mall Mk Mn Hum Ivy he min hmyln bl omnmv LI MIMI Illud lloflnm India Hahn 111mm Illa nub fll he Mtkudl HIM mm to modlnx hogan 130 OHIG 511M Unl lul Fellpr all MNTAJ HEM Ma Xnu III mum Mail Do MMli Mum INA 891mm In response to request In explain lhl client vDr McKnight and There me two aspects Io lhla an the number of false impression cm nled by the public in respect lhe act that pmlcnlx nro crlmlnn Mnderalor or the panel was Gerda Leighton member of the Barrie branch slnce its for mation The pnnel included hm Marjorie DeGnIluls member nllha womenl volunteer group irom Barrie which visiLs lhe hospital every second Wednes day and Steven Demeter lath worker the hospital Ipmhfl Ithtdnled In uddml llw Cnnmllnn CM hem Ill Mum Mrmlmniipa In In Cnmllnn Club Mn avallnbln lhn dmr or final president Mlsn JAM Slmpwn MIMKIHI Sydnrf Kali Anwclnlu Hdll er hnclcnnl Muzaxlvln wlll mklrcn the Canadian Club In Llhrm Ilnll mo pm hula 0n Hm mhjvcl In um Human lArI uclllnl alter or anI Mr Krill Impur by human wllh Cnnndlnn chnlm And erlcrn Sandro Tammn Onl max Ila It Hulnl qn lh lIl ol Mr Dcmclcr mid person who ha calm and durlng ILL trying mm 11m mo body cm mm mu dcnlylnkm mm in his hand and dim Ma meant WM Tho mnlnrlly he palicnls there nnld Dr McKnight are short Innn pnllnnls Frnm Jnn unry 1962 until about one month ago nur record dlsclosnd mm DO udmlssluns lhcn hnvu begn dlichnr 11m Doclar Inld that num bcr people umclnlcd with the Hospital renllm whnl Um plllcnh rcprolcnt 11w puhllc alllludo II no ycl In llnn with Ihnl rqnllzullon In opening the discussion Mr Lelghlan remarked that the can com ho InPnUm the hospital was um hcy wm like nonnu people and this struck me being ralher dil lvmm than publlcs and my own cancepflon of thgpcnknyx illj imam cKnlg old MnLeigh Ian ha ms nu Ihc only am who shnrcd lhl view but that great nlqurllsi the puhllp Luna qum pltal ln Penelangulshenc last right at the llbrary hall The dlscusslon sponsored by Barrie Branch the Canadian lllunlnl Health Assaclatlan revolved round recent changes in the cure of mentally ill people and the Important role played by varlous nrganizallon who win Inrly vlslt thehospitnl and the publlc lmaza ol the hospital Thia was Expressed by Dr McKnight asslslnnl sup jor the Omana Hos lhll hypothetical cm lhln Mrlun II no cansclmll of hi actlonl nnd cannot be blamed or II Ila lmllmlml lhu man cnuld nn he held crlm null mpammle nor wru ha For The Mentally Ill shudder when the television papers and radio refer to the mental institution in Panama as pincelior criminally in sane when in reniiiy it is hospitaii CONSTABLE ROY Lacey left happily accepm the mm LOCAL mm mm lrom lo until IMO Wlll also be am my mxlny until lho thlrd helm 2111mm talk lo ho Nld rm mlwnr umlr qumumn and main mm half loam ldrwml lulu the box AUNIMY OVIEI 0m volm on mum wlll cl Nil 51 new muncll mvn and dqmw mm Them wlll nlm lvv min on the umwlnu nl Hmnlny mnvlu ln llm lnwmhlp AIDDIIMM An lulrllru an Ilnll Inn In flchmln mm In drllvm ln llanla Unllnrlnn umn mmllnx Sunday momlng II nrlodl nl In YMYWCA 11m upon er will he Mrs lluvln Um nun Tnmnlu pmklml nl he Illblrnl lkluullnn Mm rlnllon nmmlmt Member at he llnnle and mum on 1mm luau Am pnllrlpallng In ll umluar Ml lllrmmn al lho Embassy ltluln Lalar In the null her will lu hanqwl wllh Irll malnr llnuv lllminl meldml llle flmnrifl AWN final Ella Mnh RESPONSIBILITY In tho coundln hn Inld pub lcnll elect lhrlr awn chnlrmnn vlcuhnlrman and ncmlnry Imm II mcmbm ThII ha IllIlI ulvu Imn mlnln mnns um n1 mponllblllly nnd they anln prlvllcm Through mm The Barrie group has no unlls he Jinglu Hells whlch nmnnhca and arrange blnxu games nrlxcx alngrsongs lablo gums and vnrluus cumpcllllnns nman he pallcnll and the xean group which pmvldu the games Inc nrgnnlm gum and team lumen and Dr McKnight said it is large advertising program to Iry to change wellestablished image of something out of 700 total patients 300 at Oak Ridge where onLy or persons are there as result serious charges and 400 in thehnspltnil 50 yer cent of these people have never had entanglements with the law during the course oi their lives Dr McKnight told the andh cues that some oi the crimes or which people were sent the hospital were committed long as 40 years ago The con cept criminally insane as the public refers to the hospital applies to less Ihnn one half of the tntnl poynlntlnn lh In canllnulng the discussion Mrs LcGallnls was called upon to explain tho rule of the ladle wlga vlsjt lhqunslltullonl an first ms were nlruld lo vhlt the place but us we lalked tn the men we began to reallm that they warn kc nuyonu else Gradually aur cars were al luycd nnd now we look forward hnndlcrnlll Mr Dcmclrr explnlnod what tth and workers do Ho an The work xpllt Into hm Held ward mum clll Industrial kshop and volunteer program And out that oncAhaH less than 10 per cent have been placed than the pleasure of he llculnnantgovemar said Darrin branch pmsldem Bruce Owen The pub at large cannot understand that this person not crlminal but it insists he shatjhls mother and must be punisheg said Mr Demeger doclnrs twa sucial workers one assislant saclal worker and psychologist ls fightinga con stant bnme tn medqcate the public into realizing that he pqliepu are not necessarily criminils anNaE IMAGE ficrson mentally ill person either but suffering from phyglcal aflgpenl bfidrefl Faféfiv 2W MW wunux mu Ross Hume Elmer the grams sponsoréd Effie City Wflfi JAM3M9 Club In general program thanaex the Doctor stated that nccupa Honal therapy plnya an import nnt role in staff and physlcal change One asks fwhy bath er7 Tu have some roman with the outside world has enme client or grasp patients He nnlcd that award had been partitioned or he Indies and alhnr service had been In sinllcd Even though them Is clnclrlc shock rcnlmcnt no In shack wu know II but 11 mnllcr lrncllun of an umpero over onelcnlh at ond and um pnnenl cola no paljl whnlaqcvcr 0m ho many war lhll atmosphere L1 helped nunu II by Klvlng Chrlnmnl lhuu mrn livery year lhu Indlu 1an ullln In tho pnlicnla wnhln lhn mmlmv mm In lllllu Ln ol chr11an Thu ml can ha lull at our locullnm erzml CIMMII Al nndale Hurdwnrn and the drug nonI In lmlh Mum Incsaid ch wahnvu cfiu Along cKnighl mentioned same oi the new ways oi treating munini patients Them have been number oi things pmven successful hn said clecinr shack penicillin iranquiiizcrs nnd sedatives Anahcr porlnnl aspect of trenlmenl ncmrdlnl lo the doc lor was hernpcunc commun ly cmphnxln on cnvimnmtnl nut rclnllnm To mule nn nlmasphcm Inducha Io mnvc Inhlhc lrppqunnl luclor he mmlnn wcckI lho lndlu or arm wlll bu mclv Ina ulnl rem lho public Al mum only nuhl Mn 1134 Gnlnh am no lrylnu la lupvorl Hw lmmlml bu more nlvlmz lhc lmllcnh 1qu in Chrlxlmnlf Tcnlallva plans an under way said Dr McKnight or new buildings We now serve South Muskuka and North Slm me but these nreulso served by North Bay and My Toronto CHANGES Amha mwmwsho adq ML has been an antidepress nnl drug camlng mm Curnrq which uscd when glvln an clcqlrlqahnck lrcalmun is to enable Hem to make dew clslans As lnr as the Industrial wnrk shop concerned TM is bet tar man lylngnn had allfiny or roaminl the canidem We 1nth put all ghosa capablg labor but wurkiat which they can try Io do something This beats me quite emclently and again prepares them for the utur The most Important aspect of this council system connect th the igdusujial diyislqn councils tournaments are or ganized and they are capable otplnnnlng programsl Barrie Public Utilities Commission Applications for water service lnslnllallunn nl nummcrmbs and or Im mcdintc Installation only will he molved at tho cnmmlulon olllce If My old Slrcol up pm on Wednesday Novnnlmr mm 1002 Water Service Installations Kinsmen JTo Paar Mr Darby survived by his wile ono sun Mania or WAV cdey two slflcr Mrs Thomas Reynold Faith Mrs John Murray Hum both of MH landone hmlhcr Richard 01 Honolulu and mm grnndchlld rm Mrs oddcn 15 mm ved by two daughters Grace KlngSA Ian Lllllan Mrs Gordon Brun lun at Barrle lnur sons Al bert ol Barrie lrevvelol Sar nln Reginald San Franclsco and Sydney at Wlndaor 10 yahdchlldren 19 great grand chlldren and am slstnr Mm ilnlécy Gun ol Ipswich Eng an bearer were her four sons snnInAlnw Gordon Brun ton and Walker Webb JAMES DARBY Funeral snrvicu was held or James Henry Dnrhy St Johnl Anglican Church who died In Pcgctnng Senegal Implul Rév Lcckle candwclcd hoistere He was predcccalcd by one log Nclxan Pnllbcnrcra wow Bert Rey nolds llnrry Campbell Hubert Muslcy Cllllard Gram Ollver Grlgn and Elwood Sprnulc ln crmcnl WI In St Johnu Cem clcry Funeral serviom for Mrs Gadden Sophia Briggs who died In Kingston Nov 11 was held at Jennona Funeral Home Barrie Rev Writer Dyer conducted thrservlce mesa mm in deflvmd 73 the vzgnmgg service cluhs 15mm voted comm szoo mm Chrstrms to needy Dame Ako voted on last night was motion to assist with do1l alien and collect gm tor the lAdiss of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Mental Ream Association or the Gin55mm gm for patient of the Ontario 0va at Wm minimum of the lame Carter will PM the Ems to India 015 Salan Army 15 DAYHElD SWEET INITIATION chairman Hap Lowg 1e poses with the three new Kinsmen who warn ms GDDDEN OBITUARY Club minister mander of lhe Order at the BH fish Empire on the wayro lire he end of November alter 40 years wflh Cnnadn De partment otAgrlcullme Pcnrsall nlso urvc mung tr of Bacon Domlater um Mon Danniand ml Hm Can ndlun rcprcscnlallvo an lhn Born on farm nedr Oro sullen Slmcoe County Ontarlo he attended hlgh school al Eur Ila and enrolled at the Onlarln Agricultural College nl Guelph lllr sludla here were lnlernnr led when he enUsledln 1917 and served overseas wllh the 102nd Regiment of Vancouver the Military lllbdall Shrapnel lnlurlca cost hImhlr rlght mm In September 191B at the height of an Allied push hat led to vldory two month aler an return to Canada hé resumed hls sludlcs at Guelph recclvlng hls BSA degree ln 1921 no then Joined the Live stock Branch Conan Depart ment Agriculture as hog grader at Toronto Three year lulu he becama dlslrlci super mar In 11m ho moved to Ottawa as assistant chlel of lhe Livo slock Markcllng Scrvlcel Thll was followed by hls nppolnl men as chlcl leesluck ln spection and Grudan Scrvlccs In 1831 WI diroaor ol Murkéllng Service Va slack and lecstoclr Products In 1941 nssoclale director of lhe Mur kellng Scrvlco In 1m and d1 Ivglor In 1060 He was mud to his present post In Jnnunry 195 when Um Pruducllan and Mmkcflng Brunch Wfll lnrmnd durlnl departmental rcnrxnniznllon During World Wm 11 Mt In VIEW hh extmsivu ex parlance nndknawledge at mar kellng and price stnbuizativn programs his mvlce were re talned beyond ha normal age of relirement He is Luke Pamsail CBE MM assiiani deputy minister in charge airlinePro duction and Marketing Branch He has also served as chair man oi the Agricultural Stabi iiuiian Board since it Wm es labllshed In 1958 and in this fast he has been responsible or administering price sinblli zaiion programs Mr Pcarsnll who willhu 68 next February Internationw ally known lhraugh his work in marketing Canadian agricul luml product Oro native Luké PeaSall Retires From Agriculture Dept Museum night mm Ieu fizab Kmmex and fireméené are Bruce Wilson floss Rica Heady Lamb Paul 1mm member of the United Naflom AssocMinn of Canada and the 1mm Jun lm Beam lmdeflwm 3s sues spca15cr Vtmnmmw There he established and man1 aged the Petroleum Products Department until October 1961 when he moved lo Olamm manager of the Coop there SomblnedMeakfiqérdjatrmshy lnglnn whld was responsible for huge imfpt sugpygs In recognlhon his servic es Mr Pearsall was made Commander of the Order of the 35131 Empire Desplle his handlcnp resufl lng mm World War MI Pearan participates in curllng and until fairly recently was an active galley George Pearsnli one the original directors My Um Simeoo District CM Services is yoiinger broiher of Luke Pear sall George uperated the home farm In On Township for good many years when he joined theslafl the Simeon District 1139 Sgrvlcesjprlsrfl Hus margin ni ythé Agri cultural mule Canada ehcggnagian Society of AnlmanProductlE Iaycees To Hear Paul Ighatii Sale end Decem PreChristmas 112 the mic or chmstmas at 50 DUNLOP ST EMT the Freedom mm Hunger Campaign and the Nathalie al Project of tho Tomlo Jun lot 30nd of Trade The mooflng will he held at We Oommly House mm wmu be 99mm mmpusMng 69 WI eludve teat rot makhing the manna figme Mfil the expmditmefifigmm Ta the and WOW the chi sperm $266205155 of 2moaa2s budget 71 um yem Mud 01 this former gm hovmver mm the was agreed upon as an apex dime atéflle beginnhg of the year andlrmnediawly yresum ed spent AIchampIe of this Is the educmbn expend wedflIecfly Micki $1 04824107 Album In my hasnt all beenspmt still 01 Commerce math and meme ln hem of taxes Fallowlng ls llst ex puldilun mm far the year miwhm has actually haemsyent until the and October mpedjvely mu FACTS Exocnfive and lezlslafive 53le 1642 Admlrimafive $8754341 $7558239 Ofllfi general govemmml swam 35451795 revenue from debemm debt charges federal provincial and municipal pants llcences and pyrmitx imam tax pen City Coundnlsdraw Ingclosetoifsdayolrecm frag whenil will m1 out was gable come up with bummed budgetfor 1151th 11 figures now qvqflable Mm to the end of October my lndioahm the 1962 pound Mistianion which seems des tined for surplm public works 0n the rcvenue column of the citys estimates Lump do the bqr bmugM the mm mm mm wannnmfixgov mm Msmnflflmx iirvsdeVS Baldnce Sale ends SaturJaI December Is srreezughunz $1929109 31920100 Commons 510001 vabiom Im reservs $50 11200 $5011100 Defend menus $163M 51672851 Ddidt from prior years 32181690 $2181690 Total $1915038r23331ML 05265 Other pmtecflbu 00000 $441362 Public m$466m566 $31706152 ISanuafion and waste mov BL 73844 $14165419 Health moo 3257191 Public wellm $6715000 $7589311 Education slmsmlm 91 oagmm Recreation services $2146 90 IMHO Cmmumty $81350 ll $8163157 charges msmoo gntyIevy 556m us Fire protection $1342044 $5938075 Police protection 2975200 310459135 Law adornment $8785531 371973 Pmlectlve thspocflon 46200 Every Sundny BAVVIEW TERRACE Enjoy the Scenic View of Kempenfel Bay0pm It pm Sundays at 12 noon smiy aay am PA Hm Ratervr Early For CHRISTMAS PA ma Fronth BufM wanes Receptlnm Dlnun mum Group Pull

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