Nor do sleét nor snow nor sickness going to stop Yarmill lrom tahm fpart MEmnfllï¬f Christmar Coloring Contest The elgh earold cungster daughter Mr an Mrs ON iisiust naeot hundreds ot kiddies who are taking part the competitiondï¬nmlaar Continued Irom page one In agriculture the govern meat plans to Introduce re vincialA Icuitural llehab ita lion and evelopment Acl un der which such projects as drninago and reforestation and Inlteroate land use would be carried out In cooperation with agricultural groups bill to ensure the inspecl lion all meat and poultry producedland sold in Ontario also was promised il greater emphasis on assistance tn the municipal roads sys tem by way ot in eased and extended subsldi as well as an Increased development road program IISCIIOOLAT SUDBUBY In recognition ol the Increas ing Interest of our people In the teaching at oonvarsattonal French bilingual teach ers college Is to be established at Sudbury With sbniler cx Istlng college In Ottawa the noweollege would ensure an adequate supply ol French speaking teachers In Ontario In the governmerts education program the speech said increased grants Iur school purposes will be made in the coming year Including grantstion lnthn house to the local home and arm owner to ease local taxation Examiner To Get Next year these latter tary school pupil and $5 per secondary pupil paid during the current year Dealing with law enloreement the meeh said consideration is being given to the appointment at an advisor oi police service to check etiiclency standards and advise police departments and to changes in the Police Act Walled byvttiorpm vinelal police commission cre ated last year WILL SIMPLIFY tlo the present procedures at ex propriation Is to be presented The speech said the hill imple ments number at the more important recommendations at select committee that re ported on the subject last April In addition to the legislation mentioned many other new bill and amendments to exist Inn legislation are to be sub mitted by the government the public accounts for the test It cal year the budget statement and departmental estimates are to come before the House Further elaboration on pro posed legislation Is expected as reports by various committees are tabled and as department heads prepare bills tor Introdutr Dame hty Colman wants the Area Commbionï¬tn operas pig NVB Swummng next year because at the we eoosAhe manhion had tins Year but council plans acme birtiering up tlrst Dealer To Speak To Naturalists The brereton Field Natural Ists are holding public mee lng In the Library Hall Wednes day at one pm at which Dr is lives or stayoerwlii be he spenkel Ills subject will be Slmeos Colmty Birds and FlowersI and his address will be illustrated With oolor slicks from Le Pgrnm ind 1thqu lloroni ayorv clan ise councillast night lI re maolt Mayor eople The remarlt came up during debate onvpro and changes at tlules Order book Council Involving the mayor ltion in choosing his 0W beginnln finite decide pa the Itsadlngclomtnmiltees Thomattsrvhas been In obey rd lance since thatstart at present oouncllfs term when hulaba lo raised by councillors two wards when the mayor didnt name anyone rem these wards on thestriklng committee nor did the striking committee Itseli pick anystandtng conl nuttre chairman trom these two wards They are Walton and tour Most outspoken opponents of the present system ereAid Gerald Roberts Aid Charles andAld tloy Marcellus Wonderingconnwa Job Done glthoaa aldermeo on that com IVleana More Work ties were also members oi the striking committee and also have been chairmenot standing committees fin the past year Furihermore they represent only wards one and three at the city Ald Roberts has alleged that under the ward system oielecting municipal govern ment each ward should have say on the striking committee that picks chairmen tor the var laus committees oi council to eluding the main committees ot puhle works linance lirearld battle and city development lie irled to introduce motion last night that would commit Filly Per Centgvoie Returns Of BAlliston Councillors AIlistolt returned live oi sis councillors ioranotlier term yesterday as $0 per cent oi the eligible voters cast ballots in the municipal election There was no election Ior mayor reevo ordeputy reeve The three positionswere tilled by reclamation Mayor In Mitchell ne evo Darling and deputy reeve Ralph Hunter ltir Hun ter ls Iormer councillor and willserve his ï¬rst term as de puty reeve lteeleeted to council wire Ronald Beattie use Stanley Noswortby Herbert Oliv er Iltl John Taylor on committee at the Ive run seven times and head4 In but an wu not ma to the striking committee from anchor the wards0n record edvvoh he could only muster Vhs auppoit iromv Aid Wilson cl Ward two andAld hihr eellus ole Ward ion The re maining nine Includ ltlavor Cooke voted against he idea and decided thattbc mayor should continue to appoint the atriktn committeewithout coune op roval Aid the only male on the strikln com mittee werolromtw sons and three with Ald Arthur Morrow and Aid Fred Smith Hersey and hid Ia Williams from Ward one along with our mailer who has represented ward one It was at this point that the mayor lubricated to comment that he didnt like to start any one elool thunder but am the mayor or all the people not Just wardens Aldltlarsellus commented an SWIM POM MAYOR However lhlswas sbou tar as the opposition to the pre sent ayotem wentAld Everett Emma Aid Smith Aid Mills Aid Les Ioilitie and Ai Earle Williams stood up one at ter the other to say that the mayor should have at least the privilege oI picking his own striking committee Aid ltCummiog Ald Marc row Hersey and the mayor went along with the latter think Ing to detest Aid Roberts idea The motion put forth Aid Roberts required twat rd Itnnative vote for approval it was handily deienled Replacing Mr litmler on acute ell ls Frank Misener mt Deteated candidates are Glynn I138 Donald Latlm ar IE9 Steve Jenktm nor and Mrs Thomson it Ibreewern acclahnad to the Public School Board They are hire Mabel Wheeledck Ander son and Acclaimed to Public Util llies Commission were GrahamW Bayes and Iiowen Clerk Lorne Whitcside explain ed what he considered light vole t106mraonslduato the tart that them was no great Issue for the bite to decide Ailiston he ad usually scor es much better than 50 per cent from wardtbreo and Ald Frank anon LEFT on Bulwark etaarmor departs as viaory iOonnruttaa to the Ald Fred Smith ex eonlldence that thinnublle works department under chairman ship tor the past year will coma out with bit at budgetusi plm atfttheendlol the gave program report ommcil int nigiat and unaided dtiL public wort mm Ald Smith who credited good public relations tor the unquali ted success oi thenasz road rogram Presented compre enslve Ihreepage repart on blimammwmg YSMENS rma TIME More than to people drew tines last night At the Ced ar hall restaurant during the line session when the Barrie Ys Mens Club oelav broiled Its aim universaly The Itnes ranged trom live cents to In cents and were tor everything lrotn driving to the meeting with one wheel the steering wheel to speaking out at urn The Exnminer re porter was lined twice during the night Once tor having est en bciore hecameto the ban uCl and the once tor smo Ing uding war or rear andwhat actuaI ceedcd In capturing as prizes cuts with whom one who will replace Bill Mindock Rabi as tield reo 4A1dergan Honor up us construction had taken place Poor weather to recent weeks and during other Intervals log the summer has been blame ed tor slowing down the pro gram It has been impossible to complete all that we had hoped tor but Ina the same deal has been eccomp ed said Aid Smilhlie said that the use oI tweway radios has been real boon to the depart mu ill that prase or is Jan AldrtbaflerNEwmn members at the committee WINNERS Ontario potato growers mic or seed and tablepotmoes from total 810 eminent the Royal Winter Fair Three oi the Ontario winners were Frock Elpblck Utopia Cobn Farmn Mi Beam and John Boswnrth Newmxkel center RFFe gu the Canadian National Institute tor the Blind will replace lllll Murdocksa ginning Jan 1963 llir lilurdoek is being trans erred in London Mr Ferguson barn in Osh awa 30 years ago has been blind tor IEyeors as result at detached retina caused by tall He spent his childhood and most at his school days In Campbelllord He attended the Ontario School tor the Blind tor nine years and graduated with agluniorzhlsirlctdetl Mr Ferguson has operated his own plans tuning and repair service lie joined the CNIB stall in 1551 and spent live years in Kingston He will spend one month In Barrie to orient him aeli with the citys geography and will become ileld secretary serving SlmcoeCaunty Parry Sound and Muskoka districts Itlr Fergusonvis member at the Kingston Lions Club Compailtlva Prices Plus Personal service lpeclsl Values Buy iton and SAVE and illemlnderl This Week grants will be paid at the rate and Mrs Jean Pitcher we oi Sta per vocational school mu his room at municipal elections Deimawenhnmtoaor Red Cross Award Fiï¬Ii pupil $30 or each secondary school Vupll and 370 per elemen tary school pupil an Increase irom the It or each elemen Council Studies Truck Parking Anothor two weeks will go by More people in maidsmini cones at the city can be no mnodthadtmcksomunirnngl gnzmgorrnimordewmd trials wont be parked over Lnigidlntmntotllarrlnhomw The time Is needed to roliow the city developirm oornmlt too main time to omnilt with tho city solicitor to do mine the locality the ostkm omntdl imast to Lalm Council also bones to amend bylaw an that tvrrnnerdnily lioumd volch in cm of 7000 poltndn mm wig will not be able to park eventqu in mldontini mics Aid In Joltilio who or pond on onrlk Idon obiad tho WINK subject mill Illnt ho Wm opmmt muniltre bnd Miami the wright ml whirlm that am not to be allowed overnight parking WIlllï¬m vararnavrvzarovrr ravrrï¬lltWV rrvv Albrslfll Ahmle Algnnla Meal Aluminium Albatta In All Nat liar Atlsl tlleel Ila III Mont runs it tIIi rel llllllln nu In your IA out till 11 in Its mi Lias on son ll Ilnm Imln Dom Isr It tails Illld Its liquid turm Ilom olnree tint Power hm itss smarter mm NI Home It Min Imp To me The Barrie Examiner will re ceive the lied Cross Society Cer iilleateot Barrio Award at meeting In Collier Street United Church pm Doe The award is given Ior Ex aminer coverage and publicizing ol lied Cross Society Blood Don or cllnlcs and other aspects cl lied Cross work Installation at the new presi dent will also take place at this meeting The incoming prcs ldcni ll Mel Wallis Doctors Bag Is Missing doctors bog valued at use was stolen from the parked car at Dr John Postnlkoil into L1 night Dr iostnlkoit bad parked his ear in rent at the east en ironcn to the Royal Victoria llomital about the pm and when he returned about 20 min utes later he iound his bag had been taken Th Km um on my dam mg con nlnod Ins rumcnts mill mnmmt oi rimmml in and sedative Ilrnobnrb search at the park on lot tailed to turn up the lost bug TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn Dunlap ï¬t llnrvlo INDUIITIIIAI ml Ara s1 Nor out No Man can win arc In leIu rm to rip Ias in llll nlllmtnt tin al flanl rte audiences and will be so mombcrod by all Who have heard him on other occasions former resident and medl oal In Derridhhas bad lifelong interest nat um and is recognized as on Whiz Wilmer Di birds and plank lIis camera studies have been consistent winners in Federation of Ontario Naturalist warped tiom and he has also won newly awards In provincial and Martial Wile mm WEATHER Synopsis The extensive area at high pressure over the north eastern United States and the lowvr Gourd Lolita minted to hold almost stationary Its re sult tine weather oi the last several days will continue to day Indications point to an other pleasantly mild day tor the province Wednesday Niagara Lake Ontario llnll hurlon Georgian Bay regions llolrnlltmw Sunny with cw toniny and lulrxrwiay mhrlng mild Flags south in southwesterly in Alnomn Timngnml regionl North to Sudbury Sault Ste Marie sunny with cloudy per Iods today continuing mild Wednesday partly cloudy and mild Winds south in southwest erly III to it Forecast Tamperturn law tonight high WMneIdny Windsor SI Thom London Kitchener lVIngliem Hamilton mum Letters To Scinia Are Pouring In More to tho Sorta Mail Box at Memorial Square are start ing to pour In Today the Jay ceea omEtlcd the tlrst batch and law avo been selected or reproduction One youngster was certain oi what he wasted and waded no words either Dear Santa want toy garage or Chris mas From Ital Another oi the small try was appsrcntlynware oi the enor mous number of toys delivered each year by Santa lie wrote Denr Santa My name Is Grail told am years old Ilinvo sister Cathy who II and baby brother Randy It you have enough toys or everyone this Christmas would like dump tnick tor my ecmrnt mixer and live It Show protector th stator would like sparho paints and act at Inrm nnl mall dont know what Itandy would like because be too small to tell on but think he would like In ride truck and anything cine you think would be him One youth was Inclined to the modern srirntllie world his letter Dear Santa Clan have mitobeagmdboyallyrar It you could bring me one or two things from the lint below would be very itIItIY Some at the things would like to have are skates school bag miller ban WW olmrio train lenpln howling sol loin Impc remote control hllirnpl protector now Jacket hock ey hat Merry Christmas Ern est One little girl Indicated her concern tor tire Sarita Claus by asking llow Is Mrs Starla Claus Inolingl and pro corded to recommend rests on Santas grip mm the North Pole Tell all the rein dcers avcn Itudoll the red nos ed reindeer not set too tired on the way The letter continues How is that sit that keeps dropping things Is be ill Iheml hope he wont drop my things What Is lib bonnet Ttmk you hm Claus tor omyihhrg aim trying to be us good girl hope you have me on your slit Yam truly with lots at love Marta She adds as Santa love you And In closing couple at rhlhlren simply sent along drawing presumany at their house clearly showing the chime nay and lust wrote what they required to mnkn them hapllv Thirtyright letters were re ceived by yularday noon DEATHS Ily THE CANADIAN IIIEAS PerleAlbert Serraut 00 who served brietly ns lrench pro wler bciore the Second World If Iaycees Betum Councils Grant The Barrie Jaycees through Aid Murrary Mills told Barrie City Council that it could keep the two that the council agreed to give the condos organiza tion two weeks ago to help near Grey Cup Parade net that will advertise to nationwide audience industrial opportunich in this city Several councillors were lainst the grant when It was proposed two weeks ago The szcecs at that meeting Inlorm ed the council by letter that tire my amid only be mod needed Since that time the Jnycees have hntl such enthusiastic rcs ponso from merchants and in dustry that the club has been able to sponsor the Impressive totoot float without the esslst once oi the city Since the final project was started Joycee members have worked tor more than 00 man hours to Insure that the city will have worthwhile repre sentation in the parade BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COLD CREAM SOAP IDA Brllid FLOOR WAX Baleloss Iteg 53c IDA Brand HAND and acavloriou Denial Cream He tubes and We tooth brush OLGAI COLGATE FACEELIE lua FLORIENT Mr neuronal lies in nausea 59¢ llrrlIa tel TOP BRASS AQUA VElVA CARTERS EXiAX FlORIENT GlllEIT JBI BABY POW Ileg Alr lies duper Illun TONI Denial Cream Bls and FREE Dental Gard Tooth unish 15o BROMO SELTZERIW Llllla lvrr BLADES PAlMOlIVE aim Ilomelrrmenent mom 71 44E 79c 69c 98 for 59¢ 39 99c for 100 it L09 89c 84c 43c 79c 87c DERm 66c 57c mg lle llrodarant Me lied rm to Mueknkn North ill HillillltlY Earllnn spunksing While Illver ltlooanneu Mount Fo Im Oil in Arrll Inland N0 ntu NIIIFI nlnmv In lmley Clutr illhllt tunmt Mu row nlv Mlle Fall lilblil MINING um MIMI ounnu Is Illlllrlllv KuerIIeI outs Itttlrml at ilumr rile nsmstr ulnsm anuinlun ï¬le at no rnrlnnm Ill Tune lAIt tune III Tue ln hum Union on was new no hub in Cm lvlu nunr Ulll all tunml lttt mi t1 ilelrronlo Ilrlllm IA lhlmllll on IIlgrtv am III sm ll lnn rum cmomm nu ma LILA MIAMI IDAVITE lIOUID Multiple Vitamins lllA MUN OUELLIDA 249 Iernngeilriéablril Altman onuos LTD Eur Road PA 82 CALDWELL DRUGS LTD oe Dunlap Street PA 90 SLOANS PHARMACY I28 Penelsng llrsel ROSS DRUG STORE saazssgussasarwauss eggsssssssssssssssz IA tour liIlIIlIItI MOVING TI wanna MOW no WM COOKE CARTAGE ITORAOI Now or no ANNE or PA MIGJ CHAIRMAN local florid Arlinrr III tit bu been dieon to ad as chairman oi the Mml Font 1mm tor the third tlmo The Bcitml Damn Is one at main Minestrone It the tonal animation which will be trial at the new way IIrAN min In Minis Is Top MAI tleeilnn an irrmigltt in Ilvnn llrl Unilhii States In timirmtrale the lot lKIIMIltfl helm timid numbers leanh Nrslrm 0mm DuaneI leta an arm rmdoa am am llnlid on It Wllvoy nit wumy rm mm Acrivn mic Imperial nu Int nutI Hula ass mm nouns now run aveAme Indium up In nu nerhlnled warm spoon it not mutation 0th Mudflats em and ur or noun den at our up or or MM ulnm mumu Mines Rulllvln hitmlvrldfl 107 Another reason for regular saving at awékcanm THI IRNK 0f NOW SCOIIII PA 407 Angus 49391