Ind Damn To IM mm thlvlnn Durhnn lichha mm wwumu ml 1er whklu bnlwmt Iv 1h Zulu mmh In add Mum mind In Ind Iv and Port Ellth am he wondrrt lul dock Md mm lo Me me Ihrlr new mlmulnx In car ruund 11m ulna lnr unnla la have lama romkrlul luurm mom bu man till lunr Ay and or In ununml he lldhlll menial um my mumth do Ml mm rnlnlnll dwrlllngl nl Um whin IWIII no In many warn mum nlml car llmc ml II Ind In Unl ula lmevn he ralomi Mk II to Lnrlunulo nnrru mmr Jug boot for Ike MUN Inmlly lhll purpose nn enliro cow hldu was often used Irv an hide were purdmsm by he Inner In Barrie Mr lklcherl mother who girl lormcrly Ilvcd In civ mud Norfolk Counry described mm In In many ways Imllnr In nun Ill MM Aulm whllo plrnlllul Um alder modell nwlr Harden am pm no man lwnnlllul notlhiland In Ihr In In nmny way much Ilka Toranlu In ex mpan or Hm lempernluru which uldam lou helmv no Iml uwnll ll chm lo lhl as nigh aï¬mlmu Rnrrlo Mary Cluh wm ulvm Irrnl when klan mun her Nell Mtllrlhur llmwcd number picture Alldu lnkm an Ml rtcrm Irlp In floulh flcn He comhlncd hullncu wilh plcmurc nml In Ihawlnx llxo Illtkn lava mpqlnu gccaunl 14 Ewry le month pmles lions bootmnker would cvmo lo the Fletcher Iamllyl home be dld man other homes and UV wmk phlle mnk evmbody um boots NEW 11mm lmnlemnh booll we men were nutdelcnxlh boom harvesting urea number hind men or 1031an labor te my help was known won lnxl by lumen But money was very scam and he hlrcd then wlllmgly received as payment alllmr of clmhlpg made by the larmerl wile Nonetheless lhty dld mom mm poem money usually spent on tobacco and board and keep we lrcc Rotary Club Enjoys Slides alien On South MricanTrip FLOATING LABOR Because all of the wrk on am It lhal time had tn be hngtd In haying anq matter at tact says Mr FIeIcher canatitl see my grandmother In the 1380s when was boy pouring melt ed tallow of beef and sheep Into 12 candle mold Ihe wIclr called cotton cord was strung through each IndivIdual mold Ind tled over the centers on ntlcka to hold the WM In place We the tullow was being poured When the candles cool od they shrank little an that they Illd out of the molds qulte may He remember how hls grand father John Fletcher who came mm Ireland and In ma began elemIns the am Mr Fletcher Itlll arms laughed about the tlma he hmuxht the ï¬rst coal oII lamp they had ever Irom Bradlord It was curioul Iltlle mnngement with pot or the mm whlch projected tape burner ammnded by Innr glau wIndowx top by perforated tln cam rough uhich the Imolre escapcd BRIANJAKER In his modem day and age an an ofrgeneral diWuSlflOg 31 WWW ï¬x on man the eyes of somebody IikeBa yenwld Mamand Fletcher ILR annmwn Thu in third II urlel reflection by TMnmand Fleleher VFleftCher Recalls Good Times Years Four Jayeeél Sanlas Mall Eax Iemoflal SET up snmis MAIL BOX great wrprlu All erl clam ynu IIan In Aboul Mmlhald In Alden Hum yuu do In CA In at United Slum mu to pole or he cnrmrm 1m nllrlch nnd vnflaul In of monkey One in lamlddcn la net on can when Morin Ulrmh hm pmh Ind any man do Inxwlakmntml amkol lflllfll lll lflc nw mullaunl now Soul Mrlcn II ha Hum lmlen and II II unlnnl the la la pick ll whm II Inlxlmm ulcn uqu holr produce when mnmt bound Nell made Iflp lhrmxgh the National Park when he wnl lnrlunnle In murlnx mmn won dulul pldum nl Nth wlld nn lmnll eleyhanu 10hr rhln mnlo 51mm who WONII WWI AVIL In All AM Ml III with 1mm Avll link 0IJIIN80N 01 blan ELI Illdo dawn lho Ihnm lo hul Inn ll pnmnncrl wright and can with In In Um clr Wm mm 1an nu Mir huldl Ivy had one of he bcsl bands in 0mm George Da vlcl ml direct to Gmnnny lo buy lhm of lhl but Illver cor mu 011m membcrl had allns nlnrlncu Irmch horn Anoer popular arm or tmnlnmml win the prescnln tion at tableaux In the hall thI made these show so at rnctha was he humlnu dhhu chemical Mulch marks the lemma ï¬lm an dillcmnt pretty colon have strawberry fcsnvala and lcnlcn out In um bush or at dllcrcnl farms In ncarby paslum we men and boys would have good same ol Ioolball or baseball Mean4 while he lamwrl ham wan swept out upstairs and mud stage wns set up at one and and lank beneï¬t put in mm nth mnmfl was xlvcn in the ham under the light of all Innlcmx or one Ihing he says woheid social evenings when everybody would piay cards The minister wmdd be right ionx When the evening wore on everybody out of no di respect mind you waited or ihs minister lo home in wan do on dancing Enleflalnmcnl as Mr Flcl cher mmemher It In his early days was more on donyour mlf basls mu mu hmsedrawn hearse drew up at the Fldcllgr home Sometime before his father almost an of hlsilmt an wig noblgudgn olr poetve antsep cs po sonlng in and he died alter long sickness Six months later hls grandlalher was thrown head ï¬rst out of Ms sleigh when his team becnme rlthtened near Sunnidalc Corners Bud You Three tlmea in on ycér whm neither was nine the to him how the HrsLMme his tamer weal dowu mm her he was dressed in homemade red and vhlack wool shlrt wool smock high leather boots and probably homeImaging Incidentally hlxmolhers nil her had been up tolhornton to be cured of cancer by Mrs Johnson who was nrmus throung Ontaiioulor hm mn eercu rcpu Johnson had local women and girls go out 1M0 flue hush l0 col let11h nepessaryherbsz The helha treatment she used was terribly painIul and pauenu walked the floor while It was being administered In order to endure the pain Squarelasl mghLvFromUw hen ï¬rï¬Ã© Penmanjahd hive Ion Doug Chick Dan Camp Lawlor Examiner rum Ndn Ml umnmml will lnr be nnl suck on clulm Inhvmhd Mar 11 on Io Amlmundor Jnclnla CAch 0an oh re rltr Um uquul wll lm mmlo ho UN Imernl Aurmlvlyl khm an tnlnnlamm probably on Tum my 10 GUT8T llElI UNITED NATIONS The Phlllpplnu chlcl delegall uld nmnmml will It ll nnld mm In less lho mln am Ohm alufdl Ivy tho flovuvnd War md Denim Tom 1211th and lehor one day Mumd out on Naunwnsngn lllrcr Jun be low Ivy In mw boat and name They wml up the ï¬ver to Wnlaun nrmu Ocarilnn My up lho senm Him through aka Cmnmlddnl In Lake Slmm and ncron lo Dnr rk camping nnd coaklnl tn mulc like ml explore wt dllna Ami pyrnxlng most cxdllnz as netllnx link wnl standing over log and npcarlnx Iho blg om llucy 191w 1n the shudwl Although Mr Flctthr never hem of anybody hem drown ed In that dangerous rIver Incl he auxIbqu to them nl way bcIng somebody nearby to Java anyone In ImbIc he too vIvIdIy mmcmhera on nar row escape when he was nasslnn 1le log the vaIIwny ho Iel In head Int and In nnnIc gabbfll mh merged project In save be men nwly But he wannl mum any Mr and II hadnt been or III IrIunI George Banana ansphll his m1 and Wham Mm ho might have dmgmui pllé for each member of the gang and building mar lngln waï¬Ã©ï¬uï¬ï¬hm pilu for each member of others went upstream on either side andmnzing Ian tcms and whooping and sham ini drove the um into the net and all we had In do was shut 1113 ï¬le up and drag it to shun oi gang liked Just below llauurl mill dam at descdbesMr Fletcher mghl snow 51m re mained under some lencellne Ind the river rnn full and cold gangs men came Irom Allis lon Angus and all chr wllh harm and buggies Innkcms and sweep nets 0115 the SPRING FISHING One of the mostlooked fw wazdo and exdï¬ng divedms mu ï¬shing in mm nem lhe end of the thaw when thou aands upon thousands of ï¬sh big ï¬sh too swarmedup the Nollawasaxa River which river Mr Fletcher says was much Inger and unpoimned by chem mdsewago aolflims mutaxman nu P93 ed to me than Being hm satisfied to ma eMum mu Show busing would find much deeper sum action and he same time be less bored we made attornpllloqmate mom of toforce In as emailin 9mm Blacknistï¬ii and all instruments 0L mm plelehnnd benmx was wandeflul mmet playér and also choir singer An Eng llsh brewer from Barrie taught lluband angemherL out West and started band that won prim all over the West To pay expenses Ivy band played at soclnl meetings and even at plum lnflw bush in make 10 ogz dollars éoutgt today ye Irnbé mmemMI Slnmllnlfléi Hm lmnl Wrch Mm Hwy mm me Mr llklwmm flu Mugnnl III luv mu won Whenï¬lm dmva up Vlncmt 51ml nflcr malle Ihn cull unnh mu dam Ihey hurl In open Um trullrr loan 41 In lho hum Henry Richard0 dawm Mn and my umlllWll me In York Count hospllnl with nndclumlned anurlu In Mn Henry thhnrdnnn malhnr Ill Um dean boy shn ll brllnvcd to him climbed out lwnnd Many wlndnw lo ma And dmmwd um mum Dead 1m Enrl Inuv and Allynnhgrdwn nlnn NEWMANKETNo mm loll lhtlr llm mud DI rd was Icnl tn York Couny Howltnl when Hm Iwcpl stlarey llucm house on Vlnrtnl Street at 4le mm loduy bans won the man prim Sweepiwka who or woman went to Mu Glynn Mlu new Cook Beauly Queen of flu Georgian Bay Chaplet pulled the chin or the door prizes and the Hm licks lhl pulled was 11mm other v15 nm of dnor prize wen Mn Jean Rooney Blll Cain Walton Carl Martini and Cy Gignac muse who had accumulated lho most money pmyln he xnmcl All the enda the cv cnlnx allo wan prizes Mu Collins wnI him lady and Mn Grace Acma Mealord mm Wale Chapter wnl Mc fn M1 Lalfgnont and Leo Gib um unions oi the Georgian Bay and Blue Waier Chaplera held an exciting and rucccssiui financial evening at tho Community House in Barrie It was Manta Curio Night and money was available by the bushel The CIA night sponsored by the Georgian Bay Chapler had dlr actor behind tables disguised wiih green peaked ye alludes fleeve held up by gaudy ale ova holders losing more mnney than they took in or lire house The most colorful all then wmngway crouplern wn chap ter president Jim Wlium who operated minibus game all evening John While manager at UM in this urea and his ulsisiani Bud Walton ably named by Wilbur Walton were messeng ers cashiers graphm helped pour caiiee and dozen other 53b besides Newmarket Fire Takes Two Lives few weeks lam um charge of attempted murder was drap ped and flaw charge at com mon assault axalhal his wife was laid along with the charge possession dangerous weapon Dlukoneakl was alleged at the mm to have attempted murder on his wife on the evening of October at his wflel residence at Clapgertpn allget Yalerdny Mr Diakpneskl had marge of Men at Ida gems weapon dismissed by Magistmte Mam Magmaale Marck said this could have ranked in serious Injuries Lquggeagmyom yourhgnperlnthe tulure Monte Carlo Night Howling Success csinhgbï¬ixssgï¬lt Brings Fine WW mum asauu was convicted and fined $25 and costs on Ihe common as dwrgahy Magisgrate mn by mum name am ed murder ohms We Freda Dlakonefld and later had the charge reduced by his lawyzr LuAM The men vmq tried last week MagistrateMarnk said than 1119 would remand sentencehecnuse on anm tn make 1Thompsonwax urflner charg 1mm drlvln anunufe veo hlde He was net 575 or men dayxmjull In additiontg he alreadyrlmposed on tha Jwa chayges ath menwoie charged with wfllully damaging properly VII ued at less ban $50 Bath wen ulna accused of destroying tomb done Iawflallowea night In Jhe Rimn pathallcCemelery It mm mm Richmd Thqmpsanud Dan Wycherhbolh climb Town lhlp waguntamed yeamday Lo aordayn Injau munch0 two charge by Magistrate Mprck ImiiisfillMéniii Get Jail iTenns BARBIE Hrrmcn hum um hluu or morn lhnu lwn hour Na IL mu Ike damage wnl null Ah early May vm In an umlnln hadroom Iullca nllcmplrd rmuu hul wrm drlv ellbark llnynu Drpuly P0 to Chm Jnmu Moder and Com Glenn IMl llp rushed ml them Inta umkmlkfl and ms ucd lwn young chlldren rum nllnwnslnlrl bedroom my Audmv rm all mywm gt hm Enrllcr hl week council WM told that lho clinic would be closed at the end lho year unless roe quarter were made nvnllnblc Along with U1 um melum the association mm In lum over about 520000 warm cllnlc cqulpmcn Ipnmwu mavldzd TM oflcr was also accepted County Council Fri Simon bunlyACaungzlek ndian yesterday to presch he Tuberculosls Clinic In Barrie by authorizing lha properly mm mluoe lo prnvldn mac or the Cl ypmcnt mfl we must actth our In hnrllance and Ind within wr lnxtead we must look in Illa Mun with impe and conï¬dence and the imawiedxe that we have been well preynrcd Being on the thrcahuld or entering our mo darn world we mey regret leav ing the wenmarked wad of our high Ichaol carom and look with apprehension to selecting our own path in this stressrid denhsphare Since we are the k5 class to have spend our full live years at Barrie North wn were instruA mental in initiating most of It lrndflions traditionslhat will be the has on which mu dnool will form and develop per sonality In changan Emu in the yuan that 110 ahead MEMORIES valllghtye naed no view this aspect lnr hmw each us has gained reservoir of memories that will remain very vivid and will be charished 111A satin hgm The quostlnn mark ls part at ths process of education But ll you teach the dulld lo leave the qucsllon mark you are lazy If you have people willth conviction ynu have Ilrm na llnn Make ypur declslons and flea put Ihem lnto practice than living wlll have meaning Whmï¬le ups and um daujx successes and failures all have meaning In lile than Illa is success Gel on flue ball ynung people Rev Stewmadvised Mtsl Faltmr in her vnledid ory address said As wa stand here tonight our diplomas dul dled tightly in unrï¬ands our ï¬rstjmpulse to look back over me mm days of my Council Attempts Save TB Clinic Wo wnnl kNPVMI vico or lbw people Slmcoe County lull Dr Em The llurrlo cllnlc pmvldca clln Icnl nulllnnco and TD xrny mu or movie In BunIv and Iurmundinl lawnMm mo Slmroo County roman Thmv i1 mna indicnflon mm the same no could bu In sum or III lubmuluall cllnlc It ln willd Icrvlcu Hm nonhcm um ol 1m cwnly the Iurry Sound dlnlrlc and pm lhu Muskakn dlllrlcl Howevcr lhl tuberculosis 114 minnon full um hi same number of pmpln who nllend lhu cllnlc could have been ex nmlnod In Jun days at mm cllnlc past our yum lvcrnze ol mam than 2000 In haw been uslng tho clln mch year and at this ymr 13 mm cum lulmculolll hnva been dlmvmd TDrrPyArScollpheLd Sim mo County Heallh Unit Infom od munul the detail and reason or the median er Mn urged lhal council no pl Earlier In the week Gum Wlllrcd Downer Nollnwasflxn Twwnshlp Inld we want lhl urvlco than we will have lo mova quickly We Itdmlltedly some fulï¬lled their capncltlesnhile others un dammed lhose of you Wm dld wellhnve standard which you must uphold to maintain your awn personal lntegrlty Those of us who wlsh to prove have gun to wnrk or 38 of us have nttnlned In lnltlal success mm whlch we can draw strength and counts tar the future when gulding Iliadan and parent are not by our Ilde IN GOOD STEAD am unaln llls thu wish of all whom wa lava and whom we respect that the grounding we have rccclved at the mam dnry school level wlll stand n5 good mad at we an on ln szuxlaxplnimdmolinun Although we at Barrie Narth were privileged la be subloctai lo an excellent standard of tea ching and encouraging nmny lile It was you ll graduate and youalone on those ire days in June who proved your worth We as graduates here to nlght have shawn some cvid cure being able to cupe with responsibility selves the capnbmliea In no nnly take our place but to make our presence felt DR McKNIOHT RecontChunges in thanfa of The Mgnlally Ill Canadian Mental Health Association Vfllflstina Caï¬mn Very Rev Finlay Stewart and TUESDAY NOVEMBER 27 ans pm tho mm lemy TOPIC PUBLIC MEETING WM lfl alcoholic In whul In dung Ilunl on mud to Ilcohoi nddIcflanY le can dnnl lo man at warnn In Ilcahol pmblm mmln control am In mm mm mum pmmm nanlï¬ con our Ihoh vol lhllyuu cln dul lhll um cl Inlormuon Imm with gnvm mun Ipunwnd Ioum hy mlllna Ia TM Educuflan Dopnflmml Alcohonlm Dvu Han Rnnmh Foundlion no IBM Yllmlnl Tornnln Dnmlo know but maybe he damn nut erand you know whet lot of trouble he got into when he was drinking certainly doI md Ma bit drink 10 5o homlabk He an have ginger ale mm He was pmcdmlly nn nleoboflc wasnt he no wonder that Aunt Inna let him fluid had lot dï¬appmrummla in life The why In Maybe his drinking helped mum his dimppelntmcnk Tlulll lruc probably worked both wayt Now nnu 6m flav nearly war Iw do seem to be grain 010M bum in 031 my mil admire himor fl Do you think It will but Ya think willMam nolircd when md M1 Mal drink brm dinntr ht ulna without mend WM think he has In liquor problm Ildml DO YOU KNOW Why nolPhi1Ha can MajLa 5kg II 11917 bgg quybo he domnt um 10 mm dane thinkybu shade Imp wedsiuï¬im 135 when he comes hem or alone can never ex press Lhc gratitude we feel or lhem but rhaps our nchlevo men Ian and those in the INCL IDES TROUBLE We vial especially in thud Mn Ross or her great interest in the perchool class and he iully oyed Latin dinner and also Mr Maxwell with the lnier School Christlnn Fellowship or line banquet held in honour of the graduating class We now turn to our vparcnlx whn provldcd the patience en couragement love and under standing Um we greatly needed 1h hepast ycam mvu umuum it and axlramrrlcular Instrucc lion developed In us personal enthusle or our own work our class and our school aslwll the social virtues nl emper alion lulemnce and leadership and by example led uo re spoczsdlolarblï¬pmd in love lrulh andknnwledge Spomomd by tho To those who haw gulded us In this Impatient day we are deeply ndebted We the grad uating dosspwish to thank our ISM whonbolh 1nlhgir qcadem Gum Spanm Bmlo Branch MRA QTEPHIN DMETAR IQCML WORK9 Very valedmmén unemuiu and Palmer ExaminesPhoto FOR MEN ONLY Standings ubcmls seven kmservativen and an Indo pendan ST JOHNS Nfld CPlPro mier Joseph Smallwoodu Lib eral govemmtnl won amber seat Friday to increase In xep msentnllan In Ihe 42593 New foundland Home of Assembly In and give 25m malorky over me Progressive Conserva tive opposition This legacy of training edu4 cation and lave that we havl been zlven is pm tree We have debt the debt success mammal mgandfaminuL In parting tonight or we Will all leave or our career or lup lher education in universities hospiials and heathen5 colleges ish ihoughlfllor Nllds Liberals Win Another Seat ulure wlll in ome gnaw