ML lenmn kimllnl he nu Hun whrn ho ullwl Hm mi Ilmllnl MM rldlculnm pml rnlurg He tuned Illa memmunl lnluu In hark llnwn an Ila plan In lulu lhu lull mt when mm Irmled to Lmmmmlsl China Mr mum Inlrl up In urn rank have dangumuu under lrmn and damnum Implica the MI um lhrod lrnlrla pooh and the Unllul mln mmvm mmldur Innuan Ian InkI orxunlm Inn at murkollnn nunl lur lhu Cnnmllnn wlwnl mm The lDflUI dumlnalnl Com mam delme Frldny on mm Ipendlng Hmm In In culture depannggulu II is trade urilnn ï¬ght WIHI Mr llnmlllon Inhl mulln of hi Snxknlchcwnn when you ll mulnn Nov ml lmlrln lnrmm collncflvtly mlghl mn Ihlcr Una mldu mum perunlnua ol Ulrlr when ln mmu nth your umlrrwrllo mum trmlll ulu nlmmd nqgmlzgm mm unour Ilnmillnn nplrllrdly dw ended Ml ncllan drnwlnu an mm mm Snclnl leil Inndrr Hubert Thompwn who law meril In the minMerl tunn Ham null km Leader mJEiiu lack guys mnmcrl Thu dynnmku wed Bunk many in llxa Cnmmanl 1qu Mntlarfllgprson um By JACK BEST OTTAWA CPI Ipccch Agriculture Mlnlner Alen Hamilton mm lo the Sulknlch awnn when pool two week nna hm lumcd on In ho dynnmlln with dclnycd lune Dan namlreger head ha Amish school cummlllee sald We are Wins In keep our chil dren on th farm We do not helluva In sending them lawn Idiom because we want lo ï¬n Icrvu our simple way of llvlng and we ch IM would ha 10 may wan to town schools Why should him college lralncd person lo lunch when III we wnnl an eighthgrade educnuan said Andnw Knut mnn 56 who bag two chllrjrcn In the chools Thypuenu have been charged with failure In send heir children limit wn Amish schoolg where leachm have only elghlhgrade educa tions Hamilton Defends Govt Grain Plan Despite Attacks INDEPENDENCE Iowa AP Ten Avaiparenll who say their children dont need chI cducnted teacher because they Ire pupalIn nnly Innq Elnh ple farm life lace court bal tIe hm today Observers believe the SI as resenlly constituted ll ï¬sh Hg or £15 Ufa In the courtroom the fight with words and documentsa The SIU denies the allega Hons arguing that It member ship has voice In their unlnns amm Hgmmc to ma The CLO sought the federal Investigation because it sees dangers In demucrallc unionism In the SIU and its American bomprtsldent Hal Banks The cungress voice of organ Ized labor in Canada blames 19 SH tar violence and inllm Malian an the waterfront and claim the uninn Is dominated by Mr Bank TIn essence Colum bla judgHsyenrold Mr Jua tlce Norrisis sitting as Solumnn In showdown between the Lommmember Canadian Labor Congress and an it laxmet allilialcs the 14300 member Seafarers Inten nathnal Union Canada Claim EighthGrade Enough Parents Face Court Battle By ROBERT mcz OTTAWA CmA courtroom bottle with the loyalty of 7000 mamas major prize is being fought heretbemre ha federal Inquiry into labor vio lence and shipplnx disruption on the GreatvLokes 9fll Yur NaJ 215 CourtFight Foraraith Oerédmen Fay Exam Wm AdqTeIo phone PA IMle The elephant number to call or die Bllalness ile Dept PA 66537 E011 Telephones ln Kalanzu Imldcnl Mulw Thomho Diploma mumI mid Mdlhw had Irranznl In dlvork Ilme rewnuu all Inlkn In unwell and Landau Jul nrrk 11w cnnwnya mnlnr mllons In Kalnnln Unm mm the hmzn Emman mum mlnlng cmnpuny hm hamlvd am in tower and my ball Hen Aan gym gyllu 11 mm EMIIIWM have nlmmmwd Men at unncllmu In lam Kahuna Inln HM Mlor lumlng ml U3 Undrrmrelnry HM mm Mrï¬hre had Influx on dull or Union Mlnlm In my pm In 0000000 ycnr m1an Impoldvllle UNITED NATIONS Ill Hurtful ul channeling Knlnnxnl In lulnlnz myllllu lulu llm mulrnl bnzn lmnlur IN Ad In RecrrlnryGcnrrn mm In polled lo Imus dmppml plan In lrnda Infan agnlnul Um hrmluwny pmvncc drum Mn Douay In prcmlur Snnknlthewnn whrn In rmvinml mtdlum plnn wnl ormulntrd Ynu hmi bollcr stick lcnl cure xoycrnmcnl mr iimufed lo llm Nm lgrqt 01w Qaln In his ml Hons Ior lhn continqu opera lian ul lhe when board null or the mnlntcnunco an orderly marketing ayom In he 11 dllng wheat Ho mm arm lander In Wcsl cm Cnnndl hnvo expmml eun cenl nnd nmmllion In tho plan Katanga Mining May Hid Treasury nlo Amlsh llve on their farms lllI lhclr Ilclds will horse drawn lmplcmcnls and drive buggle tar Irnnsporlallon Thclr homes um generally Wilh nul elcclrlclly and runnan wa lcrl The marrled man no bearded lno wumen wear bon nclx and long sklrlsl The boys wanr bmdhrlmmcd black halt 11 pupils In the Amish schools Classroom sub 1cm Include nrikhmtflc read ing wrillruz spelling heullh eggrwhy grxd history Seplember lhey were violating um state law Later 10 real were arrested and urged Thgy were rdcasad on bond of $25 each pending todays court apqgarancc an 55 If they want to put some of he Amlshmcn In jail Ihnn guess they wlll says BomlrcgenHe sald ho Amlsh pay gheir teachers 3120 month and canl nmmi the higher cost nlmeollezelrnlncd teachers The ï¬rmUpper Lakes Ship ping mulledsigned with the Canadian Maritime Union es tablished by the CLO to destroy the SIU Imver The company claims to have Instabout $1 000000 because theSIU llc up in he Unilcd Stale él les had lied up Ships of am ToronIobased shipping ï¬rm 39 severed relalluns with The federal 1nqulry was or dered by Labor Minister Starr allel he Inlerunlan rivalries Exploded on be public last July in retaliatory boycott ol Slu manned shlps in the St Law rence Seawaya boycott that llrealened tieyp Inland ship PM ALBED BY ALLIES The baymlt caer alter the chkgI1hÂ¥ Amgï¬can unlnn legalistic duh of question and answer direct lesthony tested by rmhless mmmlnallon There have been sensaunnal charges1mm he SIU hses muscle men to grnlorce lls will blacklisls seamen who nppose Its pnwer called high dues to pad ils packets and make sweetheart deals with friendly The SIU now pmsenung its side the scary claims its members have gained better wages and working mndilinns hggugly xpimgn unmnlm In 115 why or aymlhu Wis were warped Vin iv been mm mm lnnuzum mllllnr lmw ml exploded Ind vultth ulmlly we Mun all mm 111mm lsl ml ln 80qu lnnllr Nlnolccn nf Ill per mm moan rm Illledl Ple Ilw vlrllmn um Ihalullll rolulnlnn Imme mm mlorlnln ln lmluxum Imp ln Im ï¬rm Clvll mu Howl Frdrrnl Avlnllon Money Inna and Alrllnu lllm Am clallun Inprrnnnlnllvu run In mrrl hm ludny lp ornnln lhelr Inmll nun In nlhar Maxim Friday Hungarian nlvlhwr enuer Into Auan hm llaXd near Im whlu upvmclllnu IA Damn Alrpml In In All prrmm almrd rm klllmL All um wna UIINI In ha and nml llm lfldny mule mm Newark NJ Ia Allnnlu If VIA WMhlnxlnn v9 ELLICOIT CITY Md MN 11 unnccnunluhlu cum Unllml Mr Llnu Vlmounl pm xlrd nxwm today an 1th 1n vull Med lnnklcd madman In lch JRHang caunklu with Iain mpulnllnnflfllflmflcxlhdfl m000000 have wan lndcpcn dcncu Ilncu 1039 um Mnequnr Cunndlnn dclcï¬nlc Hulh Mncqunrrlc laid the UN Gcn em Assembe Frldny the 50 via Unlon II trylnx to conceal own evil Krnclloca pcrlnllsm by unpan trillclsm iml lhe allu Wesicm colan N0 HINT 0F TRAGEDY Micsrifle of council Em al most entirely with tho hyan revised mreaflon bylaw waantroduced at meeting of Cmty Council yesterday and it was accepted alter several changes that give cunncii ï¬rmer grip on activities at the recreationcvmmilico and stall However hundred mid4 cntl at the minty who signedv iiiinns urging that recreation ooniinucd on tha mm broad scope as in the past tot their wish When the council unwed that next years commile sllail be responsible or the de velopment oi recreation scr vico which encourngt cultural cducnlionnl physicni and soqini nclivilies or the inhabitants nt thn County in accordance with regulations issued under the Do partmept oi Educniim Act Reds In Glass Houses Said Hurling Stones P555 Santa Weve been prettygoodallyearsa slxyeamldx Harry Cm gcnyand Ann Still Camp Borden youngsters whisper in the ear of SanuClaus Unaccountable Crash Puzzles The Experts PaSses Bylaw On ReCreation vANDVWEWOULDLIKE ONLY 25 my my nilnull Ntnr Alpenn Mlch um 05qu pnlhlc phylldnn hipped In wmugo wlnmllnc prl vnlv plane calmly dlmlul um openliom or hlmlcl and nut llnucnfln Illcr the plum ctrmod Vnmflwordlnx nl Marqunrrlna ItpccvhJerrnln Soviet colonlnl MEIER176x311 colonlnl policy and II caused Ilrllnln ul whnl about lho poslllon ol lubjcct pcopln within the Savlct Implrfl Asmsmcnln may vary but here an nbout 0000000 people under Sovch rule who hnvn never hccn per mlllcd In cxnrclso mu 1le of sci dclcnnlnnllun which lho USER Io laude pmclnlm or others rle parliamentary assislnnl In Emma AHnlra hIInlslcr Green IHu commit hï¬icvul rill respons or pa cu rule and regulaflnns relating to the gdmlnmratlon the com mï¬nlly program of mnglloi The bylaw whichwns given three reading and passed slat es um lhu new cummiltce shall submit and interpret budget fogpunclla gppmyal budget to be limited In the an nual Erantvrgcclved 1mm Coun ty Come and that my many received other than Um county grant will be the property at the county and paid to the County treasury Oil other change Home 19 MM c9rmniflees presented except that he now commune will have ï¬ve mem hen mm cmme council Instead of tour In the past and mo mgmbers gumde count who 39 vi headquanen In dawnlawn department store healï¬g Ghrjslgxuwiï¬es area youngsters Ii the in Sank in an open conven BprylgLQqhiIo Cgrinda Siluraï¬y Novambyorl 14 I952 him or Banlg 3371 Wklnmet MM lhu pllne aud denly mml um 11 lulu wmlvd lnrmlml 1119 Jener at Hu IhpluM mu lhul ll cut nnly mull nul lhmuall mde and 11m IAlh MM mllo nunmw nlrnlom wllh he pl ll rternml 1m Wnnhlnntml Imu enllrnly muUne Amuher nlm In wnln mu Um mm mm Wm llml Hm Vlimunll vclmn lul Cnvl Mlllon llnan Ifnllyhnd Ina hlnt ul ix 11m cmh of Hm Uniltd Mr him out vnth lurho roll Ilnppvnad In lzrlzm nun Ina nboul Io mun muumral nl llnl llnmm 1d ï¬lnurry CM nah wo um rnmenwd hrcnuno lhrm wn nu wanlhrr conmlrd wllh lho crash pmrhlni nut17 Dr Oman Knnlxlcr lllrmlnkhaln and Hum buy nmvlvul llln Inoflmr In WI WIIXII 12 Holhgrl Do lrvll dlul 1m nmlmlnnm an muln In mlpllnl In Alpenm Slr Pnklck Dean to mm the assembly flour to extend mn urnlulnllam It expected Dean wlll weak in much the same vein when he nddmssu tho assembly Yondny nlrm member of the SovM delegation wandered nwny mm heir mu during Mncqunnlol ï¬lmed leavan lwn Junior dlp lomnu Io hold the tort So vlct prcsl omcer dlsmhml the Cnnndlnnrolnlon nl nnn scum hllu lluwlnl Sml ho uddypssgd Hm aur Hm Cunn nn uddrcs showed tnlnninl nclu an to wnlL at Ihe dul ics of tha mmmiiipu will be tov conduct or encourage and assist programs at mreaiion whit will meet the need and interests mi oi the people in Simeon County in communities when them is already an established Muniéi 11 Recreation Commit the approval 01 the committee recreation 111 mcounly under the sums Small scope indicated alter the approval the bylaw that they were completely hap pLabqulmo outcome mnducled directly by Ike com mittee and employtes and it shall have lhe pawns In adapt rule and regulatinns pertain ing in ma proper conduct 91 the program Spokesmen or 777 some candycarrying clvwn and the Kempmrelt Trumpet Band paraded through down town Barrie Examiner Photo lhlc mm nu ma lnl uunnuy will hls thdm re who Muk Finally he rul am in and laid lo he unpridur ll mamalntry In 11th 1m to mud head on HAMILTON CPI me man Mm fleml Io drlvn carold llnnilnrd man hmnu mm In Ilumlllnu halal rrldny hunched hlm out 1er ur but and mhlml hlm Imhnr Hndclifln lnld wllu Ile wnl mth was rrlenml mm huspllnl Allur lrenlmenl or run um lumlm Thu mupl report Iald lha rrlmnn1uzy Imlllulu would bu Id 00 Indepcmlcnlly unl vmlly when lnmlllu law medlclno mychalnzy lot vmk nml wclolugy nlnmdy In ululHshml Tho mun Md research mnlmnm on crlmlnolauy and dullnqunncy ml Inch nn lnsll lullon could wanna In mcnllnl rmnrch n5 wrll urn nut lrnIncd venomml nml wlcnllnl leather In Hold um need them MONmHAL cmA lemnn atudy group lndny museum that Ontario up own 20 ruduuln Irhool criminology Helping Hand Causes Hurt Meanwhile talks continued Friday bclwecn CBC olllclnls nnd rcpresenlnuvcs of Lnbnfll Brewery lellcd nd Walter Thompson Advertising agency Nnbah Foods lelted lb uplcd he arrangement earlier In the week Tells Ontario Start Schgol Criminology CDC Prcsidénl Mpth Ouimcl announced Friday night um imperial Tvbncco Com pany Limited Canada which sponsors quarter in Western Canadian iciccam oi Um game hal aimed Io accept courtesy credit on CBC station when the pubiiclyowncd corporation urriu in game bmadcmi ob ixlnnunx wiih lho CW televi Iion nclwork TH UNIQMEK he lunzh OTMWA CPLNa tinned lwula in was he ward mm the CBC on ll pmposal to pm vlde courtesy eyedus cam merclnl tponsnrs during CBC minute the Dec Grey Cup oathnll gamr andBfltlsh Arm buildup 01 lb Indian Army requestedby Lh New Delhi government to tight the Chinese Cnmmunlst border Invasion =Ghiha=PakistalFré Tq Sign Pact Pakistan has showed increas IngX Qon averrlhg American Rennbla parliamentary Inlor mam said however LhaLlJza report was correct and that he Chinese offer was being consid ered by the government Pakistans Foreign Miniatu Mohammad All talused com menl on the report Eu he said he had received and accepted an one from Premler Chou Em son to visit China an early ale All made the remark torre portera In the iohhy 0LPBIHA2 men Hausa There was no nom menl lmmediamly from any other umdnl saurce RAWAL PIN Pakistan AP Communist China has offered 10 sign nannyMon pncl wllh Pakistan Informed sources said today The oflzr was made In note from Pek ing to Presldant Mohamde Ayub Khans governmenL Sponsors Agree Courtesy Credits For Grey Cup HERES ONE Whvn you nun malrh rm Ml maul an ulmplu Ml mum mphlyllulhm wu Meanwhile UnIlcd Stale and Drills olflclnls today compared mm on lhclr tounlrlu nld mlxalon In India in light of tho Communls Chinese censcllrn In lhu ChineseIndian bani conflch This would restoru lo Indla al most all the terrltnry In lhc Northeast new Agency Ins rlnm the border war began 0d 20 but wnuld leave China In control large nren Lndnkh In nnrlhcm Kashmir Avmll Harriman us up Ilalnnl secretary or lime or 4A Putin amiaimccment mid unDec erhinesa maps will withdrw lo poslllons behind the HM mnlmucd on Nov 1969 Fighting along thu dispuléd Himalayan stopped Thursday alter unllnernl Chi no decision to coast flre NEW DELHI RculenlIn has Asked Chlna lar dull cauon of IL tense Ire prom 3413 In uxlemal aflaln min lstry spokesman said today hM gym1 1PM $1355 an can span nu lanzihanksgivlng weekend at slslant preshjenual press seem lary Andrew flnlcher would fly WASHINGTON AMPresl dgnï¬xennadyiinanmrmï¬ er Mgcmlllan Ftp expecled to meetsoon for wideranging review world aflalrah timen1 change India CeaseFire FactSSZ Britain and the Unitcd State are both Invulved 1n major un resolvedvlssuu on the Interna tional scenema IndlaChlna mute Berlln disarmament The Congo Both Amerléan and British sources agreed Friday an the likelihoad KennedyMae mlllnn meeting In lhunear tun but said an arm lime and IIave no mg been worked Western strategists sullme unsure of what lies beyond what Kennedy has termed passiny important turning pointin EastWest relations But they are agreed ontha need to havexlhe United State and Britain shut their court Mather DOESNT GIVE HOOT If Méra Than pi Copyffl Partly cloudy today and Sun day Muder Sunday law to nizht 30 Winds light my sun 45 Smnqrypnjagg mum at Andmn nun ln Turmln Friday NAI um hpm haul However Cnnndu mom brilllnnl wln In the rule four and kept hopes alive or gum model um um quartet won by lvu lemmas cv wln Lacal Weaiï¬Ã©i lly JACK SULLIVAN Camdlnn Pm mom Edllor PERTH Ausmlln cmm University 01 British Columbll clam never was In Iha pldm today as It bowed In New hm hm today In the apenln row Inn cumpcllllnn at the British Emplm Gama Far Eastern mm Ed Commonwealth Seam Duncan Sandy lanowlwéhn nrences with man crudu on he current alluallan 1n fluidly pule Amarlcnn mllil sunï¬sh Harrimann AM dilcusud he conflch with chef of flll Indian Army and nlr mm Assistant State Secretaryflgb lén Cleyeiand in ya Philadel phia sperchFriday night what aides described up of US governme Lhi on the current situation in 1114 nitemmih oiythe climatic Li Snvieiyconirnnulinn nver in mrgif battlinded to sols on uureproxpe Cfuvelund assessed the intern flnnai sitimlian his way is The Soviet Uninn imheccim major waxid powerbuivinlerh national communism am im iug hit peak in the lmmedilh postwar years has gone in decline Exlmlllly the um mums wnrid has been remix by Western firmness in iaiiy it is so spiil that the it int solid Communist bloom become an Antique 00mm dream nu wuuum Thu Soviet leader 101 their hand one or tinwar most powerful weapons Imple declsion to with their nelghbnru To Cleveland whn hipfle UN attain the onlyMnth course actlunhrlbe Sony Union to seek some 13v chLle live lemma mac Wins qulesg fours onlv iméwnm tbsmneman get tpgcther same time mm lull 11