Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1962, p. 5

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Knx fin mu produced Fisherman FdircctEdbfiMissmrnwnztswept Clean on Her Feel dlredgd byMr Badlcs Overlnld vdlr noted by Miss Barlemnn nnd Calais To Dover direcked by slydmt Nancy moomtiqld uric Noflh Barrie Norths Drama Chih has been the scene of great nab lvily this past week as it busily grownes or Drama Nightto held in Dec at pm Four oneacl plays will be presented for flour cnioymem for nnfy 50 cenl5per adult Univ cl and4n cams per studgnl wjth tnliy duingn wonderiul job Bar rie Norths orchesim is supp ing the music or this Drama lethhichqs gamut MriEfibfme successoiiasl years 11mm Nighl All mem hers urn haying fur big tum coLLEGIATE4 mumepmng oneaAct Prddufidtionsf heplny OverIaxd ls lu im presented In he annual Drama Festival tar Iflgh Schools SUSAN Mn BERLIN AP Chnncrllur Kunmd Adonnuer my ll would be stupid or flu Wcsl la let down guard now just hocnuse Sovlu Prcmicr Khmshchcv lmkml down In Cubn In speech wnmln um llwre is no real pm at So vlcl change mind Atlcnaucr Thursday nlghl nlsu mld Vcsl German lumps wlll bland ln lhc Iron llne dclcnd nulln Um Smlcl Unlnn nllcmpu In use loru lo sullle Um dlspulo nvvr lhls lllelod cily Adcnmlcra mark In llm usc Wm German mum at Ihc dclmrr the Isale cily ccmml be dircrlcd mlmnrHy In WMI Thm hnx hmn 1w llml llm Wrsl Gcrnumq unulxl lrnvu lhu Wrslcm nlUu Mum In In wllh ml luck un Ilcrllxl 11w rlmncrllnr nmmarnl ha Iryinu lo lilpcnu any loan lhnl MI VCMHH nHIu wuuld Id In lmar lhe mllre hrunl an lurk mi er llnlln 11m Minnold xuvrmmrul lmulrr ran inln mmc horkllnz when Im UAle dnmuflu unu Mpmlnfly Ihc nllnlr cun cumlng llw Weekly new mug line Drr Swanl merA CIIlhur lnwyrr Maurice Wvlnhl Tlmmlny nu tumi lho Stnlnrm Inlrnm llmml Unlnn nl Cnmulu llfl flux ll Mrcunm In 11M and llul Mr Mdmuzhlm wan nu nhle In In tllMCll Iunn Ihm dkvwrmncm lha vnlaJnlmlollnn tnr lhe In altHun dlncmlanriu tlul nlmvrd mnvv mm rmmlvd llmn mlually mlrd nlirl Hdenauer Warns Of Relaxing Because Of Russian Backdown IN KLEU ML erghl Munmm lenm MI Jusllu Nnrrlx nl InwA yor or llw anmllnn labor Cnnmou Inld Ihn ilUn own lldlnn mm mle Klan dislmuul mum lerze mndu kl Illa and Ilw lulml Invvsllza lhm nl labor shire ml llw Gml lyahu WM Ionkxl Ivy In 5W urcnllvr vle mraldruh Lem an mm mm REIIEARSING or one lllc pmductlnns um Pclcr Evans and Diane Huxlablc Accuses SIU Rigged Votes outfar fills entertaining and lcresllng evening Tlckels go on kalelhe Wee previous to the presentation and may be nhtnined ram any the members The accompany ng picture represenls rehear sal held by all our play gloflps Barrie Norths lSCF ls hnvl ing ski weekend in lhe Laum enllnns during the Ckulslmasl holidays Interest seems lo he keen lg this projects fur Poi lhe next few monlhs quite lewol our malepopulallan will besponlng whar am supA posed in Detailed beards Dont hemlanngdLhey are contes ml In beardirnwing con test sponsored by the Battle Winter Candval Committee They can be Identified ll nec essary by badge they will rbawearlngqtallngz amira contestant in um Barrie Win Ier Carnival Board growing can lesl We expectnlo see many ncoIns Smith Brother aideHngtixfiTdii the next few months Keep your eyes peeled to see the latest dcscrlbcd ns cumplnlcly unnnccsxnry lhe governmcnl crlsl um hlcw up aver lhe nr m1 at he Splcucl publisher and lhrcc at his editors an Iusplc Inn treason Surh Argument only help he Sovlols who hope Weslcrn unlly wlll break up nnu dny lho chancellor warned There Wm boos nnd thv llm when Adcnnucr declared lhcrc was complrlu press lrcc dnm In Germnny Young Chrls Ilan Dcmncmll alcclcd nl lenxl Ilvn ol the hcckIzn Men nlm cInshed wllh demonslmlun In mm at the hull More and utter lhu mllf Tho dcmnmlrnlnrs mrrlcd dqnnndlnx ncw rlucllom In stI Grrmnn nnd Adcnnucrn rullnnllnn A4 rnnurr wmmrlerl are down Hm Imnnm SIOUX LOOKUUT Out IAmlIm Mrcmfllnnn All Tuuy mlulnu Mum Tunxday wnu fnund drml In lhu lnnh nrar brie mummy lie wnn lnsl men when he la IIIIInr Hallo In low mllu wul hm Im kme hunllnsi Mn Tcmwnlum have bun the law ms fur the hut wa nl mu and II LI lmlirwll Mly Mrj nl mumsqu Mrrrnfl ml man lrnuml my lmd hrcn ICIIICMHI or standing loll and Vicki Tay lor and Judy Jenkinn lining filnux mkaul Ix nlmul no mlln um Kunmn Lone Hunter Dies In Bush MQNPAY NQV 2613 ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIEh 5T BOYTOM LINES IN 37 NUMBERS CONSOLATION 31500 Procudl To Numanllulnn Sorvlnl ODD FEL LOWS $31000 BINGO JACKPOT iashlnn lnlJcanls 01 what hnye you COMMENCEMENT Onr annual Commencement exercises are being held tonight Thrprice ol admission is 25 cenis which includes admisslon In the dance after hand has been arranged or in add in the enjoymenl at this nnniml cvent Dress will he semilot ml The program will begin clock Music or the Glee luhunder the dlrcdlnn Miss MacDonald Now Is yuur chance to visit wiLh all former students and chat with lhq honorgd gradufilc The Amhaeolngerluh took on last Saturday In dig near Mid land the snafu vformer Indian Village is llme the wonthorIwasA Inlritsignvq temporarily slum down as Vex nms approach les and boys basketball teams are having good The ncliun will speed up in Ihls sport alter Chrlslmns NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF An appeal In business Industry and the munlclpalillc whlch comprise lhc Niagara Pcnln suit was made here Thursdny ln Hm klckofl drlvc lo misc $80000 In prcllminnry hind la luunch mac UnlvcrA sly Arthur Schmon chnlrmnn Inc unlvcrxlly oumlm cnm mlllu and pmldcnl nl lho 0n Inrio Pnpcr Company in an ad dress In 50 civic and huslnm lender Issued nn nppcul or lundn lu llnnnca lhu tuning and muunlmllnn nI lfie pro pom unlvrrdly $00000 Needed For University popu lldlon llvc In nonhuman mllc arm Ihu urovlnrnn cm 1000 Iqunrc mun Lying on lhv much is Esther Mnrrla HUMMER MACHINE Dunlap II PA II $7950 ul SIMCOE IOPUMTBD BELT NH and Um Ptéhg US$2561 TORONTO CHJR Russell Taylor alyeamld vicepre in dent of the lhmnlo and Dist ct leeral Assuclnllnn annaunced Thursday he will seek to unseat Lands and ansts Mlnlster Kglso Mam In the next On larlo eledlnn Hm animimcenien turned an to be new for Liberal party nlldals tanner ngtorneygeneral Dr Taylor said the nomlna on of pmvinclnllgiberql can dates or election In St Pal rick had prgviously been hani died by Toronto SLPaulFEd 391 be Wauoamm lhoughpafl SlTPfliléKflfi In the edernl rlding or Toronlo Spying So law was Dr Taylors ii tenlion of forming aprovlnclal Liberal riding assaclutlun or Tumqu St PanInk Dr Taypnlssued stale men that he will uut his campaign meqdlulely in St Patrick held since ma by um ltagnenngtymey ralw An old munition factory on thé York shira moors has been ndaplafl to house the sclcnlilic literature the world or 100 years to Home Kelso Roberts Boyd Upper assistant la Liberal Leader John Winter meyer commented This man is acting completely on his own As tar as know he has nut sought anyones advice regard Inz what he plan In Called lhe National Lending Library for Science and Tech nology the building has 20 miles of shelves carrying same 350900191umes In admlxanlhe llbrnry lakes in H000 current perlodlcals and has us nine of microfilm storedln smlal Irays The mlmlilm represents 75000 vol mes unavailable ln any éther arm library lends GM to in slilullons because orgnnlznunna are easier harry than ind viduals when books are over due About mo volumes are lent each day and an expected In IiBerySEefiés MAZLNfileS Clmp BelHen Saum negblrm the arson Institute was the guest speaker at the Fourth Annual Commencement lhcCump Burden District High School 90 nology In nur present an wns slrcssed by Mr Sam He ML ed um mnny students would be well advised In innstigma I0 opportunlULs for technological traInlng olfercd by such Inst luglons Byegson ur Gra DlpIamns were presented by Major Benson lo the allowing stu dents Miss Mary Ellzubclh Cnmpbnll Miss Barbara Jeanna Cook Ilnlund Russel Martel Miss Margery Jnnu MLCnnn Donald Alan McKay Christopher Douglas Patrick Keith Roger Yardo VPtlcr Gcrnlq llldcr The lionour Gindudlc were mlloduccdby Him Group Captain IL IL Hlllun presumed lhc Grndunlc Diplo mns In as sludcnls These slu dmll were lnlroduccd by Wrny Awarda Presepted At Commencemt SAMUEL BRONSMN Billflllflflfllfilflfl momma Ly By cymmA 11mm Na Glnrh or Jun lunllllld No mm nu mm nmmvm um um ql 10 pm IMAM Fulm HEAT MTUMMY AND HUNHM AT IJII AmlmlnN null tug1mm only MANN EVENING minimum mumms II ADULTS DANCING Every Friday Saturday Night FRIDAY NIGHT ROBBIE lANE NOW SHOWING 00F HAll COLLIER ST 1110 mm IInen Mouon IIduu ADMISSION 75 PER PERSON SATURDAY NIGHT GIB WILEY MIXM DANCING TraVelling World ROSEMARY AsqumL llnrrleCenlnl In September Central had qultea lew new teachers to re place the tenchein that left lul June One ui lhese teacher cre ated quite stir by announcing that she was going on rip around he world Miss cump belLSH Physical Education lea ther Central has been cor responding wllh one rhex Hands on the stuff on her liraveln around the world To dale lhls la brief summary of Miss Cnmpbelln lrnvelsi Soon after schooL ended In June Ms Campbell leflflnnie and spent very enjoyable part at the summer motoring through the United lates toward the Cnrfipbcllrlififii and new Hawal Sho spent three nr lour daysrin Hawall slghlseelng and learnlng new facts Alter her interesting days in llnwnli Miss Campbell trav elled by boat to New Zealand She planned no spend amme maler three months In New Zenland In her last letter Mls Campbell snld hat she llvlng ln1 hulel =ln alllalrahal Nuxc she ls golng lo Auckland Auck land ls large city on the north Island which forms aboulone land Hegjlgni next rewnnmhs are not yet known Im snremome 01 us wish we were travelllng wllh Miss Campbell to espapc nut approaching exams reach the barrawer within 24 hours The anly cost Is the post fixerabout £3 for 50 lbansj Bauks in Russian now out number Englishlanguage book in the library and more money is being spent on the transla tion of Russian séienuilc lllera iure than on the purchase pl publications Directpr LUrquiIm said planners have estlmated l5 000000 scientili volumes wllli 19 produced in the worldadulrfi 115 the next I00 years an output alter that will be Academic Crests were prescnb ed by Squadron Lender Bawdcn to 56 sludcnla The head boy or 511962 Terry Lynd won an Hnnou Shield Honour latter was nwardéd 19 Awkury Dgnpa Blake Ainnr Hilton Kfiinrfinlnm Mnny spcclnl nwgrds were made including the Cipriuni Shlcld or the grcalcsl lnlcnl and accomplishment in Sclcncc to Miss Judith House and the lush School Communlly Home and School Assodntlon Why lhe lending Student In Lower School Miss AnneMarie noudlnrd The hier was presenud In his dnuzhwr by Squndmn LcadLr Bouchard Chalrmnn of lhn evening wn Prlnclpnl ll 1nhhmdv nm lhe lnvocnllon wns given by Mnjar Mcflivcrn and lhc prayer at RnDcdlcnllon by Nnjor Dicklcy Muslcnl udccllon rum My Fnlr Lndy were played by the Camp Borden lull School and under Hm dlrcclinn of Mr IL iioiliér Ami Thu LlncoInllrrI flelluhulenl lioth momm WWW Last Friday most at our grnde 10 gtudent spent the day at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto Slnce the Fair has the dublons reputation nl being the hnme for that wellknnwn apple elder most 01 the trnvallers Innde forward to very enjoyable day at the felt The husas lelt Can lral between Dani and retumgd la hp olabmgt pm pm evening banging heir tired students whb did manage to lean quite In of new facts during Iheir day of pleasure iOvertones ales campaign endslhl week along wllh he Poetry Contest You can order your yearbook or $175 from your classpresidenl The Pantry Conytest is open to everyone and remember lhere are cash prlzes JorJhc Our commencemcnk will be held next Friday and strains at musiucm be huardfrpm our Bandinnqfilec Club as they MISHTIERIHANAIHLATHEHUNI MORE EfiMPAlANfiE HEWRWDRABUWMADW Enubfinnn SahConIlnuoux From pm NOWSHOWING AT THE IMPERIAL Muvlna hounhuld gondl mm uno Man In unulhnv can he unlldy and umnulna Mill Iho Mammal lpuclal vllnl Wu puck Ml yum valuablu In modem Inon mlonl or lull pmltcllan Suvpvlllnuly ll an no mow In un Enllum Canadll Imam mm In Incl HI now plan mnlhadi Ihmlcull In Ilma Tlln Atllnu lVMlbllllfl mm mm MAKE 5T mum Inw um IwnIH unuau Illa may mom who Ill Dnnl nndabm damordeal Mu nywhamn Cunnda Inflth Siam IilifllflWI Dance In lhn In Sound of The hlDNlllll all WM mph niorm and have youracll Imhmnnu avallAbluq PLUS BARRIE TEENTOWN proudly pmoms Iho MIDNIGHTS EMBASSY HALL mi mumm EWINEBFRIDAY NovEMnEnJ 1m Todax the French Club is go ing down Tomntn to see the production My Fah Lady al the OKeefe Centre Amime maler studenu are golng down tolhacenlre by car Our Exams start nnv Dec and afler next weeks column on Commencement will nol be wrltlng any more mlumns until after 012 Christmas holl days so that lwlll be ableln slydy xrnétlcelheir song End piece or the commencement excr Ti Guarantees You The Best Used Car Warranty Because Dangerfield Motors Park Mums Harris lid and Ask for Hm IRE OW Cormlcula Buy 0W Um Car from Ybur Maw Cur mum Who May This Iniblum You dn new you ow lelimh will an pair work den by uvumnl mg you nu 15 41mm Your 6W Canilicelo II henovrld no only by dank who tald ywl my BUT ALSO IV OVEI 10000 dlahu In Canada and Mud Slainll bums éun luv and hem cw by mum you In hm pm and mum ll Inllllu yuu la 15 dlnounl all all pom AND all labor on all nunkwlllxion npuilx and uclnlunnm IN ONE fUll YEA wimou any unilng Inllnlicnl mm In an lull ym GW II puman Guulunlud WuvlnnIy plolmm Mapmud bylhl nllltlul Amman DunluAuutinlionl nl 7mm and Omavio and 31h mmux In and and 5m In Ill Unllud Slull AT BARRIE TEENTOWN This Saturday Nov 24 TWIST To The Sound Of The Fabulous MIDNIGHTS BARRIE Teenage Novelty Candlelight bawllng each Friday nixhl Special prlce Gama Bowling plus hamburger and wile lnr bnly Loo Hm henullml Embassy bull um Saturday flu Amt In an Llnu sum no In an on my so no mu Autumatlc nowilna ANGUS BOWL wumfiuumv ltqksanMnlnls Savoy Molar Barrie ltd PA 69967

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