luluUm In lMuMIInH ll Gulch up lqu Hm Dru mu Mtgm mum mm mm Mumlnlulu mm mnlm ml 01 Tom ran my an flm nmn Irn urmm mumI ml mm farm on mu In cm rum Comm flu um um mm Mn 10M look lhc good and service thy mm The Int hing the dam own and tom manager nud In mum ll lhnl when haun wfle noes Ihupplng Ihu on Ihe Jab This hrr work and live In mulled ll be healed wllh mm or Um equ ally nu Important he Indus excculiv or um mics dork tyran he clock walling or mflcohrmk Do Hwy know how lmslmllng ll In In Into ME and slnnd Ind wnil whlla lwn nr lhm duh enjoy In good mum To be loom ll wllh an ion mmplclu how Buy in Barrie lhe slogan pmmnlmi by Lhc buslncs and pmrcssimnl men 11min Are Eh an gmpara lo take like shopping Barrie hecnusa lhu price are reasonable and lherc an nice val1cm nnd good medians be made 1h slam are lrlnndly Ind this II central nma me qualily al to very goat flxu v5 majorin mm mcnls about buying in Barrie have been laudalary However Mrs Kathlnen Smith RR Barrie who xham regularly In the cily has oflcrcd 1m awn nnnlysl the shoppan sinu lnn In luluL Some or her commons TODAYS STOCK PRICES Stark Riu Barrie stores are nice and well laid gut Bargaiqs aye available in wonderful Veï¬vzdzï¬e mare shopping this year than em hora ngplaza make bl whim also én HFdie campaign initiate by the Barrie Chamber Com merce Here In two the com monk Emit an ebcwhae We do 131 of 0ng shagging ln jamie MRS POEM RR LLisle likeshopphg in Bar rlu because ym can buy a1 moslanylhing here Burris has large nialn department kw 11 Barrie Examiner couduo led an inquiring reporter sur vey at shopper In Die down town distid yenerdly Ind found an 1112 main to Buy in Bar rie and thus help lo mnkeme ciLy Bigge and beau mov ing lorwald lplendldly alter genius of lo ï¬n start Lloyd Brislnw chaimmn said ko Encouraging Scommenla have been Meivcdby My Brist and membm his committee from people ln all walks lilo in community nn causen xus ls lhat the people of Bar rie mus support their own bus lness andlnduglry the city VAVORABLE day ls Io mange 1105pch SHE ArédajRéSiaéï¬ij ml and shop here aflcn When ever come lnlo Barrie look around In see thL is available iBuymlangrriel Mt£qmmhlx CompIIM hy Flynn ll Dunlap Mun In InnAnn IMMrIm up In In II Vnunn II run on Acnvl um nmn an mu In on In mm mm In mm rumm rm lathy Clui mu mm rm Noma hen mm NI Sell Dom Van Dam Dunn Tn uL Lu nu rum ll um in gm mnvnmmn MINING 43 lcnlnflve llnzmcln xlnlcmcn preamlrd la the Hand xhowcd Hml during me one nflcrnoon lhe gnlchmm wrrc on Ill ycnr nearly hull much mon WM collle was ml ï¬led durInK lwn day and evening Nu lnlr lhu pm vlou car They were an nnly hall day lhls your botnum min Thu bond nnwlnlcd mn Iml commlllm nominnln thin lvr mt IMI Fmr Merchunu will be asked Io change umlr Vmbwndny chslng day In nnolhcr day the we during Mr For he ï¬rst lime In its his lory Barrie will hold three day air next your it was de cidcd meeting oi the Agri cullu Soflel last nth Reports lo lhe n1 Show cd that own ll pm ol lhn Fair hadnt been ralnul aul his year hero would RM have been limo lo gel all he exhihlls ln llcnnc lL wax decided lo hold lhmeday Inlr mxl car wilh Ibo Kmunds open on Wednesday night he lnlr mnllnulng 13nd vsvallurgiay Plans for the Buy in Barrie main include various 51mp ping serving all designed to make Barrie an even better place In which In buy mun sales clinic under the dunmusing of Jack For ster for personnel will be held in Barrie This is being organ ï¬led underline our awnremm the Importance service selection en IL an educadnn nl pmgrnm Pmmolion lhmugh the news paper and the radio station pmzram real succési Vé want In know haw In serve lhe community cven billet Here Is what our committee is dalng to gain ynur suppan to make Barrie bigger and beller place in which to live and to work Mr Brklaw said we commit lgmcd lhc publmjs sqg 1ther said Ms Smiths leller was most welmmVe of the Buy in Barrie Dammit tee wish In thank her for her Mares and or taking time to write lhese constructlvn niuik ism It is managing to mad that so many people are aware flags my lure oflcfin we can snrve better Agricultural Society Agrees To ThreeDay Fair For1963 Barne hkn shown In Banix because lha sales clerk an friendly They want to pglp you There is 9159 var chandise iseasimind Dan lown Barrie is eenlral and the plaza help handle the outskirts il Mm xï¬jt 33w Mumuh oumm mm ganja Vanm mi rum may 0nl m1 In 141 mum Mllpum lhAinln Mn 04 In mmm Turn mm Unlnvl flll mun mw PL nlrrk Mind Dawn lheydon have omethlng eenlral and nilahle they go am their handle the way lo get it for you Ive hopped in Tamnlu Monlreal mumum an quallkylrd My an flflwmwwwgmmagfl Also Iumdlng Hm Agriculluh II 50ch mmunx wen upro unlullvcs mm the Dcpnflmell of Agrlwllum and the Junior Fair Board Thu mtmbcrl Ippoinltd hm delcgnlu In lhu Georxlnnjay Fain Amulme They In Jury mum Mn ï¬nnk Hersey nnd Minn Umwn Dr Robert Delaney Is head in committee xnlhcring am about emcflan covnmi lu rink Member at the Board xrmi lhnt such rink is buill on he axriwltuml ground It must conlnnn la xpcciflcnlimn the society Synoplim Gunillle weather is indicnied in may with diminishing winds 39 high pressumarea moves across the pmvince small storm pent will likely bring some wet snow inlosouthnm 0m laxin tonight and early Satur ring Baniv Agricultural Socmly wnll be held In Stmud on Wan day January 21 Ma Hank Hersey mid lhe board named them L1 usually better nllcnd nun whcn It held In rural area than whm it in bold in Barrie ammmï¬mmxmmsmm GIFTS Georgian Bay Halihumn re gions Partly cluuw Iaday Mainly cloudy Saturday with 06 animal snnwflunie Saturday momma little change in lem pualure Winds westerly 15 la 20 today beamlight tonight and Saturday lawmu nu Eastern Lake Ontario region Partly cloudy today Cloudy to night and Saturday Occasional we mow Ialc tonight and Sal urday morning little change in unperalute Winds west 15 to Iodny becoming cast 15 to nigh light 45 MM JOHN IARRII0MARIO Jgarngzgazt RONALD FLEMING Bar rie like shopping hm cause as small lily with its many mm MUM are 1311 yell stacked nqd in FP°°8 he PERMANENTS SE99 MIN Anni OPEN EVENING New P915131 mom um nunimr m1 llmw Ihn hum mnn wllh tools nr every mn Mnu mm krewdrlvm Ia hntknwn Vn carry complflo line of WI pow er lwll You ranl gn wmmi you my hm In plum mm tlw Dunno lhla hrlxlmu gArea Sn0wfall Causes fMishapS TORONTO CF churning cream and but print prints were reported unchanged Iodny cm mnrkcl was weak wilh mlpls light or llghl demand Caunlry dealers an quoted by the lexical dqmunmt at nmcullure on Canada grade eggs dclhmd Tomato in li bro cnscs large 46 mc dium small 36 Ind grade no market nuller prices Canad ï¬rst made 0min tumble SI 51 nonlmdtrnhlc SHNHS in light lrndlngz wcslcm 5055 nominal N0SERIQUSVINIIIBIESA Earlier during the day near the comer Maple Avenue and Dunlop sum Henry Euler 46 Egg Slmlfwn md by car drivci William Sta Gunn Street Mr Blqu sumred cut and brustd cg only No charges me lakL About 15 minutes beforé Miss Bryan had her accident Harry lqan lhn hunxlyrylnr th in watt bum hue miles Wat of Bi Com an Highway 90 yestuday summon fle car in mix of her had unwed and in applying hcr brakes her car skidded and mlIed over and IN BARBIE Still No Change Chuming Prices 1M1 people were released from hospital yestemaw alter healmem or minor Injuries re ceived in wosoparale autum bile accidents attributed to haz ardous mad mndiflnns Miu Cecile Bryanl 26 Schcld Descent Camp Burden received cuts In her face when She car In which gm was driv inaMvo 35 fls Inf pm Sestudayilastied Emu ï¬ve oclock lhis morning chesdwnpeflflky ma El pads DI Highway 400 11 mm we beganqu éd themuwmbyiï¬e mgppwm Pmmm Oak suecc Barrie was involved In moth car accident on Highway 90 East of the mceuion Mr Pmmms car skidded when bugw maid mlllsion 14hour period mm 3151 wm uuumu am In cyan Vlumedgnd over Emmi ls plum to than MESH GAMER Baffin DON MEAN Barrie like 131an Buds be lax as Im concerned the var qggquanï¬tunVBanle tomlllme nu cause It has gogd signp ping liajmvgxzovd sand PLEASE CONIACT 15 BAYFlElD sr lfn 6mm acpldgnls were re GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Barrie Public Utilities Commission gï¬ï¬ï¬tv€6micflï¬mv rehase when phase constmcuanfl énm crele bridge and culverts Fth year phm clearing lehdnz and ï¬nding mm year phase paving During the January session at County Council the recommend attnn of this cummlttee reganl In the adapttnn at luture plan of county road mnstmcllon wu endorsed by this wuncll Since that time ynur committee has diSGISSEd the am at End plan and It application to In lament told system First yur my prelim lnary ma surveys and precu slnzefin Sgcanï¬lyegr Phase County Code approved the ï¬veyearn pmgram present ed by the mad cununmte The plan Includes the spending $600000 belore the and 01 this year And another $700000 wuuld be available or 1961 The committee report muscul Ed by chainngn DeCoukey Is reprinted here as Inst as weiwnuld huh big cilia The quality is as good can be Barrio is the shoypinl centre central Ont ario ML lnlhewseolgsecumol nn huvymm hmlllu can be um all tho ho wmr lhuyll mr ud wloh IMI nlw lnlruonry nlulrlc wmr hum Two HarmonHe IIIytanmllod IIIMOMI nlllrnnln Ivlomlllully 09 pval mulmum nr vIu ID mlnlmum cell Thu II flu Ind upully in WI your houuhold nudl Why no onoy Ohls lawcu onvlnluncv THE NEW TWOELEMENT HYDRO FLAT RATE RENTAL WATER HEATER gumys ELECTRICALLY with Pm 9o Know Your Full Co In Advanu mullisz gxmmlih aim Novmn 1m lnsfallalion Healer Service and the ELECTRICITY NO HIDDEN CHARGES asa basls pInnnInl and ali locating future work The next and most difï¬cult part commuting this plan wnl lhc delermlnulion the sec lions mad In mqsl need present day cash and then bmkm dawn Inio the ï¬ve mum pham Ac as mks of mm will vary Each yea and ghe gsï¬maleq 9y madwa Amen Wm Under he above plan inm cienl ima should lie available or me mad deparlmem to map erly plan and arcade in more widen manner Ihe wnrk of im proving the mud at the county Upon deciding lhe hos type plan to ndoptil was then necessary to examine the entire road Wm npd break ach madintosuitahleseammm langlhlorcunstmcdcuinmu mayearllleostofremm Meadxmlwdcoum marl not mntaintngany concrete structures it would be possible to reduce this reconslmctinn period to our years any soup to nuls here The quality Is very good and woshould all help bulld at Bnrx air Dognrugsf F1rdiz culï¬ nonaimuu an now ne find the price hm we mm ncéawzfl suit me wgll It Ls mudl bec Barrifé yStdresxé for linlo 01 Fnlk Road No ntmm or 11113 In Uhuwll Road No 21 rpm anrlcy Coldwmr Road No tom Everett waster and from Cashtnwn soulhar Road No ram Balm Beach In Midland Road No 1mm Highway WasngaBead1 Road No is 7m Chmï¬o Bell Ewan Road No mrn polqwgu lo chtrn he commillee endeavoured to consider the best interests the entire many in whole without prejudice or favoritism It gave consideration to present and nnllclpulcd trafï¬c volumes lhn Depmment Needs Swdy and the presenl condition ol each load Also it endeavoured to choose sections of road that would resuli ln Impmvemenln being made at various parts oi the Couuly and year It be lieved ihls in be evidenced by lhe loci thailhe following road would be either in the plnnnlnz or muslrucllon nagea over be next ï¬ve yam Imppvemenl In deciding this The store here have éuanlily mid quality like personal Izodsenrloe am satisfied NET PER MONTH PA Mam1