Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1962, p. 15

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Hivkmfl No 16 Wank mm Dal1m va mmvmm lllLQ Iivlgiym Nu1muhlu Ila MWNHL Hm Mu lllll nhlslm Na aughm Fina Scrum mdlu Norm alum WW JUL lllmlon No tOmuu Mlmhl Irving Jamm nno lhrlka No 53nulrl All Cliflord Foal DI llvklnn NoJEdnnnlo HAIL McNahll DJLO llivlsivnNn71ll Hove Anton MIHI Mil HUI INHth N0 Lnnr ML Vandal Man an Hooper DMD payers them and that or the purpose or every Ilel lhr 0n laria Municipal Board shall be deemed lo have issued an 0r der pursuant lo Section 64 or the Ontario Municipal Board Act authorizing he Corporation lo pass the said Bylaw and pm cred with the sald wrh The exisung debenture debt of lhe Corporation is $37389133 and the nmounl of lhc raleablu properly in lhe Corporation cording lo lhe last nvispd as segment roll thereof is $10395 moo DATED at Bnrric Onlnrio lb lh day or November 1962 WILSON AND CIMLDNEII Owen Slrcel Barrie Onlarin Solicitors for lhe applicant WIfl umber All persons havlng clalms agalnst he cslnle ol JOFFILE RANK AVERALL Into of lhe Vlflaze Cookslown Bnrbcr who died on or about lhe 6th day of Odobcr 1962 am re quimd Io send prod at same In the undenignod Excwlors on or before lhn 22nd day 01 Dmmbcr 1962 after whlch dlu live Exhale will be disul bulcd with rngard only lo lha claims of whim Ihc Excmlors shall then have noun Eldon Campbell Nellly Ind Mabel Christine illy Noam hereby Iwn we nonlMllrm Candidnlr or Hm nfllcu oi llNIn lkwly one nml Councilmm lur lm Town lhlp ol Vr nml nuslm or errn 561ml Am No ml Na for all ym Inn will ho hnld Al lho Mary Auch an lay Pour Jarvis Mlllry m1 Huhtn Claire llouury DATED at Harrie Wdo lhlx 114 My Novemlm I901 TEWMIT HST ANI HIM1 0m mm Harmfmunm sum to mum Illa Homm Judge IL Cane at the bud out Barrie 00 mm on the day of Jm Iury All 138 the hour lwlhlfly oclock 1n the unbr noon lnr nn Oak lo manna the mm mm nonun Im Mary lJlmlxfll mum bug Paar Junk muman and Barbara 3me Ramlm Im mklinx Vim sum Harrie Omanh la Jmfll jag wnj made helm ID HELP WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Corporation of the Township of innisiil ill apply to he Legislative Assembly of Ontario at its next Session for An in dzdnre that Bylnw Number Am oi the Corpora lion oi the Towship of lmilsfil authorizing he borrowing oi lthe sum of SIXTEEN THOUS AND NINE HUNDRED AND HHEEN noumu 515915 upondebenlures of the Corn oration payable ln nol more llIan ten years for lhc wnslrun lion of drainage work known the Carson Village Drain Bylaw duly past and is confirmed and declared to be legal valid and binding upon the Congoralion and UK mie nag VI nu ms or 7mm madam Penny numme mu we mu no caumn duke wan Anu lhll mum Spechllllll 1n haunvpaxnuul HMS Web en cup 1002 en enng mmuonmmx museum 13 Telephem PA mu mum GAMBLE Ravi Bookkeeper or mull huflneu nnu cm In con la your me one or In evenlnu week Telephon PA to hlrlhn Inlormfllon JDB WANTED by man upm gated lll Pmuttlon Ind luminary nlmL Aha hmlllu wllh Pl ILIW my clc THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT 1960 pg nqylga mg My lEGAL Ntfiiéis EARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men neédod for class day or evening Being formed olf EEJE Pmflcal wink mErcEnnaising and jack Act n9w Send phuna number erlng pracflcal lfalnlng in the his 131911ch o1 culling mm mo no in mé aural hh um um Illrdlmn um um lm mm Cookslnwn Onumo Extculori by EVANS AND EVANS Bradlor maria PRACTICAL MEAT CUIIING INSTITUTE 1425 Dantoth Ava Toronto Ontario Employmcnf Wanted For lnfoimadon wrie TRADE scuooi MONDAY NOVEMBER 26 lhdr séucnm 11 mp rwm do NOTICE rowmsmv HALL numuiliéf MQNDAY DEC 71962 lmm I006 nn In 700 pm Mung fullotlluzullmnz VESIKA TmVNIsfiTuT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS bedroom uflllnu he hulldlnn lumrlnllndcnl did nothing in rmurc Ihnl mom plus dld not lnll and Inn one nlkhl whlla shu IICM notAlanu thunk tell on hnr Inca She unlined hlnck tyr rm nose and shock Judge lcuzumn mncumd wlm Mn Mflollncnl lnwyrr Gcrnld Solowny lhal lhu womn mllhl hnvo nullrml Muvwx lnllly harm lrom nlunx 111mm had the Ilnycd In he hufldlnm 11w brunmm hXondo told Judge 2an Ferguson lhn had muvnd mm lhn hulldlnx nfltr Plnslcr krplu llllinu mm Vthu Mm Clndce McConnell was sued by Nnuonwlde Pmperllu Hmllcd Iur muvlnn wl of her mumonth npnflmonl on Tap onlnl fashionable nmmmllfle Park Drive nIlrr the Imd lived hue six months TORONTO CWan part this Hing Inn on yaur head you are not obxlgcd In my In an nplrlmenlcvnn you have signed ILhrgoygr lagsodlvl signed Lhrw car lune slnn sour rul nundny Sealed Tenders wlll Ix oeived by the undasigncd up pm Decanber 10 1962 or the supply of appmxbmtely 90000 gallons gmline and 29000 gallons of Diesel Oll Fuel over lwoyear period 5mm and lwdm en Vclopcs may be obtained lrom lhe City Clerks Dulce lll Coll itr AYRES AND HUGHES AUCHONEEHS AND SALES MANAGERS C0 PLETE AU llON SEII PHONE Falling Plaster Can Cancel Lease 13 AUCTION SALEs CALDER Banister etc Buavcrton OnLario Solicitors for flu Administralms NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate ROBERT EDWARD HAR R15 late MMP of Essa in the County of Simeon Farmer wha died on or nbouk he lflh day of March 1962 must be filed In writing with the Imdusigned helm the 151 day December 1962 allel Mulch date the Estate will he dislribuhd l2 TENDERS Molots Ltd as Ijemn un paid for more than months pursan lu Section 43 the Meéhanm Lien Act R51 1960 Chapter 1353 sale of the said vehicles will be Midday Public Auction on Monday Nov vcmber 1961 the hour of 1030 mm Bay City Motors Used Car 1M 45 Bradford St in the City Barrie many counmm Audience DATED at HalHo the 215 day of November 1962 dehledlo Bay Mol in lhe sum $15 or repairs and storage made upon 1951 Chevrolet 1962 License No 656242 Serial No mum CouMy of Slmcoe sum of $255zlylorepalrs and stor age made upovrn x955 Mamch 1962 License Noumflz Serial Na 373CK554W Motm 76m ALSO NOTICE th Anrep Mane of US$10 05mm 15 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT TAKE NUHCE In Mr Bob Glmani Lansdawne Am Tomnlu Ontario ls hr debted In Bay City Molar MEL Market Synge Bayth in the LEGAL NOTICES TENDERS FOR GASOLINE DIESEL Oil Fuel AYRES HUGHES AUCTION SERVICE mu numnnsnn Tfnwmhiy Goth STIMUGHAN fily Clerk smoun Mr and Mrs Bub Riley Mur ray and Ronnie vi ed on Sun day in Midland with Mrs Ril eys parents Mr and Mrs Jones Mn and Mrs Walter Wright Oak Ridges spcnl Ihu week end with Mr and Mrs Vill iayl Riley Miss Marjorie Low Tar ontn spent the weekend with her Symp my mmumty Ls extended In As Eudd in the sudden death at his sister Miss Gazy Kidd of Alharley un Sat May Nov17MIss Kidd ed suddenly In Domnlu while us lug her brgmer on on Frl day for Oltawn to visit his son Bruce who Is patient in an Olgwa ho itaL now on their hun eymoon visited lew days with the 1mm aun and uncle Mr and Mrs Walls gimpman2 Mr Lx Nolan Regina and 01m dnugher and soninAlnw Mr and Mrs Mark llanllemnn Regina are spam ding few days with Mrs Na ans sister and hmlherfinJaw Mr Irs wjlfls Cmigqn By nAnglfiNfiNninsoN Mr and Mn Lloyd mmng bam Capreol visileqjuring the pustiweck IviUIthefnrm ers sister and brutharlnlaw Mr andd Chulea Russell 31 Darlene Margaret Cochrnne baby daughter oi Mr and Mrs Don Coclmme was bapllzod Sunday Holly United Church After lhn reremnnyiburlenes Emma enterKaine at their ome Guesis included Mr and Mrs Hagganh Mr and Mrs GordonCnlckrne and iamlly Mm Cochrnne and Mrs Cochrane Mrsr and Mrs Keilh McGJrr and wily Misses II Mawdsley and Verna Wiser MM mcomkmoiv Sympathy of the community goes in Mr and Mrs Russ Hub bcn and family in the deathoi his mlhar also in Mrs Dora Martin nnd iamily In the death or her sister Mrs Young oir Sllfoudav COOKSTOWN The bommumly cueKn club met Friday evening Nov 16 Jmfli Saturday evening Nizv 17I Cooksinwn Curling Club cumm onced their curling season wilh mixed curling and social Pm gressive curling was enjoyed Prize winners were First draw skips Houghlon and Ed hm bars viceskips Reivo and Me liaughion seconds Me Fadden and Baker leads Vanderpal Winners or lhe see and draw we skips Ed ncy and vice skps 0n Snlur ay evening Nov 17 Mr and Mm Norman Cook entertained at their home in honor at Mr and Mrs Herman Braden prior to their taking up residence in Dundulk soda caeningwas spent playmgcard and beautitnl engraved silver lrny wds presented to Mr and Mrs Braden 0qu cum socmy Jafiesllmn Four tables we re in ploy1he prize winners were Helen Little and George Dimas consolation prize wlnn era Lynda and Earl McFad gcnr dnlnly lunch was serv ed by the hostess prrssrmmw Mrs Randolph Jen nell visited In Tomnlo on Sun dayst Mrnnd Mrs Campbell IIOWLING CLUB Team scams Doc wm 43 Pin Busters flte Shivers 33 Cookies 27 Pin Pushers 26 Lamb Chap 26 High single flat ladies Shirley Cook 299 men Pan McComb 301 also triple 712 average 212 Triple flat Indies Shirley Cook 199 average In parents Mr and Bill we ML and Mn Jack Hal and family of Narlh Bay vlslcd on Sunday with Mr Ralphs par ants Mn pnd Mrs Dal IImn Mr and Mn EmersonCave Benton visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herman Era us an Robfllard fiauent In SL Jasgphi lgal Tomntn Brenda Rohllnrd spent the weekend In Tamnln with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs mass Kong gelling we or the our deer in Mrs Dunsmorc introduced his hunilng party Dr Dobson of Barrienha visual an weekend spokean health He dclincd Wm Mr and Mrs Brown healih as stale nl helng hale lcy were Mn and Mrs Ensf um hwy in Hrovnley and family of Toronto PECMIY de mm PhYS ical disease nr paln Allhaugh Eulh mi and Mme Cam sometimes ll was good to have PM sqent my 183s 35 pain as it warned us that same wcelr Willi Franklin ngglnson Mn was wrong Wm our had sgecdy recovery is wished cs He remarked lhnl what we lnr Mrs Mu Truax who has ale man or less canlrollcd our been patient In the Reynl lhlnklng capacliy tendency lo Victoria Hospital Barrie unto overeat comes from boredom mum goo ununz flip weék gelling we or the our deer In his hunflng pagty Vislturs durlng tha weekend with Mr and Mrs BrownK Icy were Mn and Mrs Ens Hrovnley and family qf Toronto Jim Exelland tamuy Mrs Andy Lakatps Jr and family visited Mr and Mrs dAnnstrona In Eula on sun ny ML and Mrs William Gallop and lamin tpeng Sunday even in with Mrand Mrs Herb Baldwluk cl Barrie By nms GOLLOév Sunday visitor wflh Mr and Mm chk McCannwereMr and Mn Doul Angola and Ken VatBrémptom Mr and Mrs Garfield Coul sonnnd Gan at Barde than Sunday with Mr Ihd Mn Bruce Miller Vlsllun with Mr and Mrs Jagk Ellis an Sunday wereer Weiland and family of Angus and Mr and Mrs Jack Hhnns and sunny Scarborough Mr andJlm Hizons also visited Mrs HINn In Ivy on Sat urdny Edney and Mr lowerm onda Don Ramsay nndJolm Lowe leads Susleln and Jamleson dellclnus bullet lunch OPEN ll SE Thursday evening JS large number ol parenlralteud ed Em TSA Union open house At this lee parents and guardians had an opportunlly lo exnmlne the work duneby their children In varlous clnssrnaml Also uprlvate lnlervlebv were held helmcnparenu and teach era to discuss prngrcs ol um dents 1135 Bmwnley had vefi UTOPIH It was decided to have dun 18mm oi mficlcs ornmey for Christmas checr boxes or the rink and shubins in the com munity Mm Fred Partridge charter and liie member oi menvfliti wt was presented with an engraved sterling sil ver pin tribute in herviaith int service in the institute ainca it was organized in wilt Mrs John Cnnppeii aim lite mem with Happy bing her avghbirihdny contesti was conducted by Mrs Roy Part ridge Mrs Rix and Mrs Har oldSwitzcr were winnm yuan wmu uvm mrenom Coltee is temporary sllmuI gr known are ave fnur score yearn their minds young bu cause may welcnmed new Ideas Some wellmeaning peoph have iupposed mat hearty langh Indicated shallawnoss That 15 Rreal mistaka If some sah crude would lapgh more theyx would be easier to llva with and win more good There is passl age lnilhe Bible which reads megry duelhgoad like The Navemher meeting ol Crown Hill Womens Institute was held at the home oi Mrs Lorne Handy Wonder Valley The yresidellt Mrs Viola Acon ley was in the chair and 11 mehibera and two vlsltors ans wered the roll call What is your been Mrs Duhsman commented 0n the motto sense Illhumor is sign at healthy mlndJ One of Ihe surest ways in keep the mind healthy lsJo be hospitable to newldeas Some the health nded people we have ev By nvivsmolu WgMEhijp Ingram CROWN HILL Tile motto for the meeting on Agriculture and Canadian In dusiries wasWhen we sow seeds of kindness we never reap regret Roll call was an swcrcd by 14 members naming something manuiactured in Can ada and where Violin selectiom were given by Mrs Page accompanied by Mrs Blake Con stable at the piano Among the items of business discussed was Ihn decision lo support me res olution re oflgrain material purchasing new cqulpmcnl and supplies or the hull and chang ing the dole oi the December meeiing to Dec Slow to use electricin pro perly and snlely was the epic of an address by Mr Pyle ol the regional dlslrlc Hydra of ice at the reifimar October Five students this area were successful in winning prib LuglhthgPouitrxAHClubzoi Canirai Collegiate Father Son banquet was hcidon Mon dny evening at which cash priz es were presented to in win ners Time from lhisarza we re Murray Graham 2nd David Mariing 6th Dnnaid Mani 6th Charlie Jonah 11th and Ivanski mil Churchill curl ing rink gets underway with the men beginning their iirit schedule onihursday evening The ladle will begin their ache dulg meniall iiov 27 By MRS PROSSER Tuesday evenlni Nnv 20 saw 13 tables at cuchrecnlhusflsla out lo upped the Qhurchlll Community Hall Board The an Llne seclhm was in charge of evening First prize for the ladies went In Mrs Keith Cnuus with Mrrr Ken Gould winning tho cunsolalpnMcnl hlgh was Mr lelehey and the consolallon to Ken Sturgenn The hallbonrd3ate grateful In all who helped in make their part les success uan EXAMINER nmAYvNovmnn rm to some people Iricndly ha lumrfollowed win DrDobson answering questions puma Mm by members Mfg Manley thanked Dr 130an Im hls in teresting talk All enhycd the refreshments served by Mrs nlck Mrs Partridge and Mn Hangiy CHURCHILL The regular meeting oi the Ladies Aid and WMS was held Wednesday evening ai the heme nlMri llacher with 14 niem bers and two visitors The president and en Mrs Gnuley Jr to open the meet ing with poem Scripture read responsivelywas immlEphes inns Secretary and Treasurer reports LA and films were iread Roll call was answered with verse from he Bible containing Hie word meverv ance oiierlng was dedienled by Mrs Bruce Edgar An interest ing report was given by the president at the Presbyterlal meeting held in Harrie Pro gram committee Mrs Ed gar and Mrs Bchachlan Today by Mrs Edgar and Im Sticking and Luck by Mrs MeLachlan Next meet ing will be held in the llall and allicers will be elected or the cnming year delicious lunch was served by the como mliiee Mrs Marshall and Mrs Gauley Sr Mrs Haugh Drillla spun lhe weekend with Mr and Mrs DImglo and Mr and Mrs Mooney Mr and Mrs Valkomylb ted few dayarwilh Mr and Mrs 25 Edgar Plclan and Mr and Mn Walkem Snfllha Falls mkgfi Jflfll Marjgrytfifibiflnw Enmi Graham men high Bruce Ed gar low George Jcflray LL AND mus ThEEevwefi eight tabla In play Hie cuchre on Satur lime on wnh Mr and MrsLloyd 110 Ian Pinkerton Robert Holmes Mr and Mn Frank Holmesand Helen Gren lel visited Sunday wilh M11 and Gagley Jr By MES my new Mu Dykman Aime dam Holland 13 visiting her daughter and sownlaw Mr and Mm Link MrLdMMIElUé 11 El an urp 11 Sunday evening with Mnspaend Mr Gauley Jr Degnez apdiJune Mm FL Denna8131 inns spent the weekend at RCAF slaflnn Falcanbrldge visiting Mr an Mrs EoblGraymd tamily Mr aha Mm Charles Ma hall and lam llfiugday BAXTER imxi

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