Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1962, p. 2

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wry mural service was conducted by Rev Wallace McLean Pnllbearerl wen Llayd Kerr Harry Rnwley Cecil Baker In Iler amid ad WInuhnm Humlllun Million Mullah leh my fimllmry mum Kunminth gm tum gtfi piémii mm lav lulall Ill Frlduy Vlnrjnor Eallcm Lnku Onllrlo mlmr Cloudy IWI In mlth ml Inv brld mower lMl mornlnn Hde with mun mind and turning coolnl In allemoonl Purliy cloudy Friday Wlmh HIM becoming unruly 15 lhln Alzamn Tlmn nml IouUlcm Whhu lllvrr n3 um Saul Sh Marlo North Bay and Sudhury Mnlnly Handy and tool with low unllmyl mownumu la dly llrlly tlmld Frldny WIMI mnhwul 20 lodny wast lllrllday Luke Bl Clnlr Lake E110 Nlaxnrn wcslcm Lnku Onlnrla Hullhumn roulonx Wlmlv tor llnmlllnn Toronto Cloudy with sunny periods lodny Turn ing molar will mm or two brlrl Inawllurrlu ll afternoon Partly cloudy Ionlghl Ind Frl day Wind wmcrly Is to 25 today 11th Friday Mk0 Huron Ioullxcxn icon ulnn any London Mnlnly cloudy windy Ind cooler wllh lCJIlllrM Inowllurrlc nr mow aqunllu lodny Vnrlnbla claudl non lnnlxhl nml Friday Winds Lmrthwul 20 May Frl gym um 5mm An Intense dorm centre In hu Hudson Bay area IUII controls the weather over much of Enxlurn Cumin Cod nlr mavlnu ncruu hu Gm Laku Ind tth will bring Ill and la mm mlla pcll Mnlnly cloudy mu cooler 11 omcnsl or man the pm Inca ludnyv Not much than umlcd Friday He was member 01 St Jnmu Unlmi Church Slmud member the Board ol Trusmu and sang In the choir Mammy yearn in was keenly lnlcmbcd In hanbnll nnd horkcy Born In Innisfll Township Mr Euhben ms the son of the Inn John Hubbcrt and Emily 21 R11 Huhhm and he Innmed on bncenlnn ll lnnlsfll Townlhlp Mr Rubber wal prisidcmfiof Slmud Telnphone Company for 12yemjL Illves aid friends attendfig um luneral mm Toronto llde Glen and Severn Bndie ll llUBflEM Moral lervlce or Wllllam James Harrell Hubben 72ol Slmud who dled recently at Royal Vicimln Hospital was held mm Jenwk Fumral Home on Nov 15 Burial wu 52 Jam nued Church Stmud Flower were xlccelved 1mm amployeu of The Dominion £8011 Sexvino Tamio and rel ves and friends attending um lug 63m mm Besides hII wife he farmer Olive Kerr Elmvnle he is lurvived by two brothers Glen of Moose Jaw 585k and Ralph of Toronto slslcr Mm JDhnHmrls Gwendolyn Man 14 mi was member 01 the Uni ted church and the Ulster Mas 0an Lodge In Taranlo tummy Her was born at Severn Bridge 911 June 19 1909 the son of Harvey Miller and the ar mer Margaret Myrtle Backwell He lived at Severn Bridge or 25 year The last 28 years henllvcd In Toronto Funeral servlce for Ros Ven uon Miller who died In Toronto was held James Lynn Fun ernl Home Elmvnle Burial wax in Cemefary Warden andMrs Jack Mc Donald greet nelghhoflnngnr dena ram other counties R085 VERNON MILLER WEATHER asuuususuuau III Funeral Icrvlce wnl conducl ed by Llahlhoume Mrs lunchnn £11 wldnw cl Wllllam John Rlnchart wha pre dcccascd her In 1942 wan burn Enllnnd In 1890 the daugh ter 01 the Isle Elizabeth and Ablnhnm Morgan She mm In Canada as young girl and llvzd In Funeral servlc or Mu Ag nes Rlnelzart who dlcd in Oak nwn General Hospital Novemlr er WII held Sleckley Fun eral Home In Banla on Nov ember Io Pall bearers wzre Lorne Shel Iwell Roy Hnwen Bruce Dun can Arthur Glass Frank Mum berson and Harry Thompson all of Cookmown CALL ron amxurv AND senvxce JADENNS IRAWILSON CLARENCECUMMING Funeral service wnconduc led by Rev Davin of Cook town United Church Interment wa he Allislan Unlon Came His mother as Mrs Wright of Alflston Stile are Mann Anderson Jhmnw Mm Thomas Cartwright Tor onlq Mn Sadie Leech Thorn ton Mn Cecil McMulklnBar and Mrsames Dgrmott vAmalonEmthm1rrwmi lam or Coohtawn Sydney at 90111an and Joseph 01 Bee on He Is survived by his wife Laura daughter Laudne math er Ive sister and three bm hen Funeral mva or James Wright 74 who died in the Royal Victoria Hospital was held at Hughes Funeral Home lnflCoqkllawn wu hm nun Mary fiubben predeceased hlm Ha survived by son Ru RR Barrie and sister Mn HarveyABertha Cem of Port 0mm Na sisters Mrs arg gercrude Reed and BRADFORD He wus married In Mldhurst In 1913 to Vida Merida Gill wha pridegeased hirgln195 he Simcoe County wardenl banquet hula last night at Trinity Parish Hall From Jail Warden Ind Mru MCDDH and through the work done at the farm SHURGAiN hast provun that cattle should huvo mineral froo choicu at all limos SHURGAIN Essential Mineral for Cattle ha guaranteed an alysis and is priced realistically Romomborl You should nnvor pay more than about $500 per cwt for cattle mlnuml See now for all of your winter Foodlng Naodm AGNES mnmmm JAMES WRIGHT TWIKHTOWN 03 SHURGAIN FEEDS ARE FARM TESTED Clfl DIM Cm ka CIYL Devonlln Cunp Chm Cm DaL Rh Copper Rm Con Ill Dlnllon MID lulflvln VI MD ACTIVI ITOCKI mu hllphom CPR Cm an lml nl Cm Trldln DOWJONII Clllln Paw ggg 11m 5m uc Pam Cdn ll Bk Cam Cdn hum CPR Cm Clmenl cu Ellmic on Em Bell Tr 11x Ablllhl Allan Slul Alumlnlum Pallbearers were three tony Inlaw and hm grandsons Del mar Eumfleld Garnet John mm Howard Drlnkwaler Lu ry Johnstone Murray and Doug las Bumfleld Also survivlnl nie ulna rand chfldren Ind elm matEran Children TORONTO llOCl IXCIMNOI INDEX Inuutrlm up 51 6016 up mm up 12 m7 She Is uurvlved by than dau ghtenand two Inns Mrs Ha ward Dflnkwater Myrtle Tor onlo Mrs Delmar Bumfleld Mnyh Mrs Gama Johnslane Vera both of Oshawa Will lnm LBarrle John Allan at Homepa no and liner Mrs imam Jermay Shanty Bay ion Robert Ewen predeceued Township until 10 year whcnshefmuVédfléTOsfi ald Warden and Mn wl Sell er Yuri County and War derllrand Mrs Ebwerswell TODAYS STOCK PRICES Mo 91 NS Compiled by Flynn Dania 5L Bum Mllflll an Pour Emu ram um mudy Hum myan am mm Gun dun KunMfllm rm film Munu lum oflhnl uni Muah mm Ha mag DI NV 19¢th Club INDUSTRIAL MleG think we all reaflze tax payers that the high standard service we require obvious by costs nmy However there is my in quLity In Ishl real um tax Is basis of paying Im Recently asked the Cham ber Con1mm they would care tn set up tax study com mittee to make recommenda tion because very Important part this touches business And JMustrymAnthehbm posslhla information irl this connection is important ravin Inrea llmn a1 gmnonw 1rde ibirkinmw also remember that form er Premier LaslleFmst Indi cakad metal times here was need sgchn stqdy 1h Canadian Fedefadoyl pf Mayors nndMunicinnlifiex well the Ontario maym m1 reeves have been Jhulllu1u am widow howavgr that calan may will defin ltdy reveal the need im gmve the Municipal Ad rkua we askrlar 0311 and that lnylhe way more direct grant or mad or education th is Malinda on wmmd and doesrftgolva anyflflnz and he is ailmNHEfi MrCgoke mm Mayor Lks Cooke today com mended Premier Robans ac tion yesterday in amlnlln lveman committee ta inquire may omnrMl pmvlncial mun lapel and sclwol board system at taxman think the premml action to study oHhe 95RébdrtsActian Iimnimm lawman nrunsxiu TAX STUDY Moon Com flu Pow emum Raul Bulk Sllldl lhlnlll Sunpmnl Ehlwin In and CI Turban Tum him In PM Ha unxa°cn wnm aw 0mm numam mo Alma 52m mm mm Rock mum on wnm wnuu 0H down 01 bu 115130 m1 two dozen 115115 35111 Am head two dozen 325350 mushroom Ive lb carton 215415 onlonl cook lng bag so lb No 5165 10 1b azm parsley ql 75 DIISHIDShuWSth 115 no pears Flemish Beauty qt fill100 bu 300450 Keil ler bu 135150 BC =Anlnul box Canada mu llncy 550 volumes PEll 76 lb 165175 dallvered 175 135 50 lb 110415 lo lb 1951 N11 lo lb bug wm On 75 lb 140150 dellvered LSD160 lb 00 10 1b uuwn bL washed 115 L75 cauliflower lam male 5175 telery sundnrd cute 115250 beam dozen 500415 lukaflgl ll gbll Awlu Ont cold Marau Mnclnmh bu 2m006 qt 60 cammun mun 11 Sweet mostly 200 hli 875450 Coflllnd 250 Greenan bu 135150 flclous bu 2504507 BC Dall ciaus Canada extr fancy cu lan 500425 been topped bu 110120 hunched dozen mm Bnlsseu sprouts 1le qt 150 265 broccoli ll qt 150115 cabbage Ont wimbnund cum 251 SEW ynwwul InJhe fruit section Mndm toshcnld stanza appleuflrmed to slightly higher with hothouu amnion 1gnleyrzcoakingwonlcnsandr Bmsscls sprouts Much inan to slightly highpr were the main nature of lhe vegetable dlvl muums 10 lb bag Ontario washed marsh stocks were liberally ol tered nnlxumlrgcelpts of highlands were on hand Price 11 nun diam No lancy flown mmmodlflel un lesn otherwise lpedfludb ééhbage steadied alouz with root produce The potato market had good turnover malnly or Maritime IIOIVL TORONTO CmMUM trad lng prevailed today on the Tor om whalesale Ind and VCKE table markets at many buyer and Iabhers were amen IL Lhasa services it will seriously feet every ong us right mm thelowcoat home am by virtue of Main lymenu flth thumb to local undo whose tax MI 13 an important of the operathi cost Mr Cooke said Active Trgding Prévailed Today At Fruit Market NOV 16s 1w eleclléxlzx By giving Mr Pemdn quit claim mungltglithed JiuilllérvauhriathaTWfiflT The quit claim doe no Inclu Iawtogt on Ylfi may Mr Penmnuuldnol be given the claim while sun member ol caundL He would not say whether he will find for cm 111 Ill Dec munlc The egality Ihe sale had been questlaned by Kannelh Dryden New Democraflc Party member or Toronto Woodman at the Inst session of the On lngio Igggslatyre Farr Mm cueluay Council Immediately approved quit claim to Mr Pearson clenrlnz his He lo am Incl purchased lrom tawn ahlp through his muther Earlier Ill yeyr KINGSTON cmEma Pearson of Pittsburgh Mn shlp rulgned at all 91 eclnl coun my gwmu bezln to appan that mange Ind lflm fading under £110 chin Min hasnt begun in Mb and Ive had mocca 1h those who started In the Winter Carnival Beard Gmw lnz leml would 15119 to pin Beard Badge on died mflu now that It mus hm tnkqn lot orcourale or hue men to 1m their Mm 111 fiends and mowers also mgnflfluwllh them pedally they meet out nllawnpeople who have at 3° 13 you ex midwmean wloyuh momma youve for en year badlo Mjhanor at home PERMANENTS SPECIAL temple Reeve Resigns Mifietjngv EVEéfiXGTY SHOPPE mum vahllll an PA H57 complele vash to congratulate nth senior mudents mm North Collegiate who hnd enough raw courage to oblatn permission mm the 5mm 00de and Mr Brydga to produce hairy onlgrawths But it wonderful 0911111 Islpredklal wwuld be to wake upIn the momlng im medlnlely stroke your chin In eager anticipation of feeling it town Just hit more wash Am gq go work my in mraaaiamfi Mnafmclflnnlomdly Ion uu the back uremic 95hmm THE PARKDAlE 2745 Dry 6mm Sherry lry l9 ionlghcl 7m uvmndmkmmshwm Halmar Purl loo Rammbzr WwIl III 1101 unim 11 nan amunom mm Mark will 11 cmmgf Youve never tasted ia=dryisharry=didrylzf as the new HAllMARK 4ng It is also esflmaled hat ap proximately $700000 will he vnllabla or confluuallon of lhe program ln I963 Using thli figure as wide and alluwhfg for possible luture expendllura lncreases ever the next 1v yeam delllled plan of recom mended mud Impmvemenls nu bean completed simcne County Council has up proved llveyear road program that provideanexlbluly In an overall plan Ind spendmg $600000 beluralho and 1962 mm Smutme 501ml Io those women who uy an wlmvbeards lookugiyI they are Jealous because beard County Approves Road Program WINES llMITED 34

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